Justice or Destiny

By zainee72

276K 7.6K 602

"Let go of me...!" she said struggling in his painful grip at her wrists, he pinned at her back. "Then stay... More

Character sketch


618 53 5
By zainee72

I looked around and found almost whole malhotra family was scattered in this huge bedroom. If some of them were at chairs then few were at bed and not to forget remaining sitting around on the carpeted floor.

As my eyes stopped at specific person, I was hit with the most unwelcomed glare. Manik malhotra can never keep his expressions normal when I'm around him. His dangerous dark shade of chocolatey brown eyes always give me those eerie feelings.

I could literally feel burning of his stare. That intensity in those eyes caused me to suck in a deep breath. No matter how hard I try, I could never be able to replicate his hatred. I turned my eyes away from his piercing ones. I couldn't let him see, how uncomfortable he makes me. 

Daddi Jan were sitting, resting her back against headrest of bed. At right side of her there was Rohan and at bottom of the bed Sahil was sitting. Manik was laying, while placing his head in dadi Jan's lap. Two chairs at left side of bed were occupied by their mumms, Mrs Anvi and Mrs Diya. Sameer and Ishan were sitting at floor in the feet of their mothers.

"Oh dear. I was just waiting for you. Come here...!" Dadi jan patted the empty place at her left side. Abruptly I looked back towards Manik who wasn't happy about my sitting arrangements at all but looking at dadi jan's extended hand I moved slowly towards bed.

"How are you sweetheart...!" When I sat dadi jan pulled me into gentle hug. She was the most sophisticated lady, I ever met in my life. Head of the house. All respect her and they listen to her. She loves to be busy in social services and charity works. But at the end she have that personality that force you to keep yourself in limit.

"I'm fine dadi jan..!" I almost whispered while hugging her back. I tried my best to keep myself shrinking as closer to headrest as possible. Still it was first time I was so closer to this devil that even I could smell rich cologne of his shampoo.

Manik malhotra wasn't holding his mobile. It means he knew what he needs to do during family time. His both arms were crossed against his chest, causing the strong and defined muscles to rippled as he moved. His biceps were bulging under half sleeves of his black T-shirt that was sculpting his body perfectly. No doubt he must be a gym boy. Whatever....

"Aanya And maa always talk so much about you. I really wanted to meet you but never got the chance to sit together and have a chit chat.....!"Mrs Diya said as Aanya wrapped her arms around her mother's neck from behind the chair. I smiled in return, like always felt short of words around this family.

"Even yesterday maa was waiting that may be you will come straight here. But she was disappointed when driver dropped you directly at your home....!" Mrs Anvi said while moving her fingers in the soft hairs of her only son, Sameer who was sitting in her feet. Now I could see, why Sameer have very different and attractive shade of brown eyes. He inherited it from his mother.

My eyes moved towards Sameer who was looking at me like he was lost in his own world. As soon he noticed my gaze he just smiled, looking little embarrassed. This boy always behaves so cute.

"So how were the exams...!" This time, it was Sahil who asked the typical question, you can expect from eldest brother of the house. Small giggles escaped from here and there. Sahil glared at all his younger siblings and now all laughed openly.

"Please Sahil bhayya at least leave her. Since yesterday you are asking us all about just studies and exams. You look like a grumpy old teacher instead of our bro....!" Rohan said while resting his head at dadi jan's shoulder. I smiled looking at all of them.

"Exams were good. Thanks for your concern...!" I replied ignoring giggles of Rohan and Aanya. The atmosphere of malhotra mansion was completely opposite from my cold and silent house. So now I could see, how it feels like when you have most loving huge family. No doubt why they come back home as soon as they get any holidays. These people can laugh, sneer and joke about anything and everything. So full of life.

"Ok stop your silly arguments and let me tell you a good news that why Nandni, her father and Abhi came here....!" As Dadi jan said, I felt my heart will jump out of my throat. It was hammering at painfully fast beat.

I wish, I wouldn't have been presented here. All were looking at dadi and me with desperate waiting stares. Manik's eyes were closed and I was sure he wasn't even listening to what Dadi said.

"Within next two weeks Nandni And Abhimanyu getting married....!" When Dadi jan announced the news, to my surprise Manik's eyes opened abruptly. 

First there were few surprised gasps then I listened many congratulations, whistles from Rohan and Aanya. But my eyes were stuck at Manik only, who was now looking at his left side with shocked eyes. When I followed his gaze, they were on Sameer who was looking at me.

My eyes got narrowed in confusion when I saw many unknown emotions in Sameer's most attractive eyes but one thing was really there. Perhaps it was pain, longing, betrayal or may be all of them.

"Congratulations Nandni. I'm really happy. No one might be best life partner than him...!" Sahil's appreciative words brought me back from my utterly confused mess of thoughts.

"Umm. Thanks....!" I whispered looking back towards sahil. I blinked my eyes few times as I saw Sameer stood up. He smiled lazily as he started taking steps back slowly. Then he turned around and left the room. I instantly felt completely failed to think clear. What just happened to him.

My eyes shifted back towards Manik who abruptly removing his head from dadi Jan's lap jumped out of the bed.  To my surprise it was just Manik who left behind him. I looked at every one else but I think no one noticed about two missing persons as they all were already planning of my engagement and wedding.


It's been two days since I saw whole malhotra family. Since that day Sameer and Manik kept flashing through my mind. I didn't understand the reaction I got from both of them.

I dimly registered a faint rumble of thunder in the distance. Aaryan sir and baba decided after 2 days it would be just family gathering for my engagement and then after 5 days of engagement I would marry Abhimanyu with very simple rituals.

Abhi wanted to take me for all the engagement and wedding shopping but I wasn't ready yet. But I knew I had just one more day and I need to buy a reasonable dress and ring for engagement. I knew I couldn't delay anymore.

I quietly exhaled as I tried to relax my mind. Outside rain have started splattering against my window. Baba have night shift so he won't come back tonight. Despite of my comfortable bed, dismal atmosphere made me feel lonely and downhearted. 

I don't know how I will get through this whole marriage thing. I don't want to be unfair with Abhi. He spent his whole life in orphanage. Whole life without his own family. When now he is getting married, I could see hope in his eyes. Abhi is a great, and incredible guy.

In spite of being a full time student and knowing how complicated my life is, still he is ready to take my responsibility. He really liked me. Thinking back though, I had seen the signs, Abhi had given me. It was just me caught up in my own problems that I didn't notice. I wanted to give him everything he deserves. But was I good enough to brighten someone else's life when my own was lacking of it.

As I began to doze, my mind was still stuck at many things. But the last thing on my mind before I drifted into sleep was that I needed to get my head together and figure out when I can go with Abhi for engagement shopping.


Morning came faster than expected. After cleaning, I had breakfast and then took a quick shower. When today morning I got up I received a text message from Aanya. She told me to be ready because someone was coming to pick me up. Why, where what, she didn't tell me.

Exactly around 12 someone rang my doorbell and I came running downstairs. There was one of Malhotra's driver standing at the entrance, talking to baba. Even baba had night shift but still he didn't get any sleep and was busy around for all arrangements.

"Nandni today I got call from Aaryan sir. They asked me to send you with driver so that Someone could help you and Abhimanyu for shopping. And don't forget your credit card.....!" and like that my father was a man of few words. He went back into his room and I went with the driver.

"Are you ready....!" driver asked me, with his usual serious professional tone and I just nodded while slipping in the car.

"Where are we going....?" I asked the driver and to my surprise he answered me.

"I was asked to drive you to the bridal shop....!" driver replied in few simple words, literally making my heart squeezed. Bridal shop. Ufff why Its looking really hard job.

"Who else is there at shop....!" I asked quietly and awkwardly. My heart leaped, pounding harder against my chest.

"I'm not sure dear. Because Manik, Ishan and Sameer three of them almost one hour before left with Abhi. Where they went I don't know.....!" driver told plainly. I tried not to get panicked already when I'm not sure who was coming to decide the dress. But one thing was sure if Aanya didn't come, it would be awkward like hell. My face was getting warm and red already.


As driver dropped me at front of shop, I entered after taking few deep breaths. At reception there was a woman who stood like waiting for someone. As she looked at me, she came ahead.

"Nandni Murthy....??" she asked eagerly, and when I nodded, she gave me a friendly smile. 

"Well my name is Julia. I will be on your service. Your Fiance is already here, trying his clothes.....!" she told me while entering into one private room. I looked over and realised that exactly was happening what I was afraid of.

Ishan and Sameer were standing beside Abhi while third one Mr-creep I mean Manik was sitting at sofa. Where the hell was Aanya. How I'm gonna select a damn dress that too without any girly opinion. As soon Abhi looked towards me, he came ahead.

"Hi....!" he said, walking across the room. He was already wearing black suit looking a perfect groom. He just stood closer, staring down at me and my heart beat slowing down with each second that I couldn't feel it anymore.

"Hello....!" I didn't know how to start the conversation when four pairs of eyes were stuck at me. I could see he have tried many different suits but this one really looking good at him but I won't say it loud when his friends were around.

"Nandni, Julia will help you to select the dresses and if you need my help I'm here. Ok....!" Abhi mumbled in his usual soft voice and Julia smiled nodding her head in approval. I tried my best to avoid looking any one of Malhotra brothers.

"So I will take nandni to see for the dresses and you guys can help him if he decided something....!" Julia asked Abhi and he nodded his head. Then we both excused them and went the joint small room where dresses of every shade were hanging. First typical question she asked me was, what type of dress I want.

"Just simple and must look good at me. That's it....!" I grinned at my most stupid explanation of dress choice. Looking at very confused smile, in my mind I patted my shoulder for being such a unstable confused bride ever.

"Don't worry about it we will try few of them and then ask the boys which one looking good at you. More opinions mean perfect shopping....! Julia tried to brush off the worry from my shoulders, but I think it pushed me into more trouble.

No way I would go out and have a cat-walk at front of them and then ask them 'how I'm looking'. It would've been felt as awkward and stupid as it sounding now. Obviously I'm not friendly with any one of them. Oh God where I got myself stuck. Aanya I won't forgive you for ditching me at this time. 


It was almost half hour I tried many dresses. Few are so revealing, few so much covered into heavy embroidery and stone work and few were in very strange colours that they didn't look good at me. I was sitting at couch and bundle of dresses was spread at the table at front of me.

Then my eyes stopped at one silver gown with delicate embroidery and I felt it touched my heart already. I pointed towards the dress and Julia smiled looking at the dress with impressive gaze.

Helping me to wear that dress she brought me at front of mirror and I was really looking good in it. This dress have everything, what I was looking for. It was hugging my body in most attractive way. Completely enhancing my curves, which I never showed before.

Mostly I wear little loose clothes, typical traditional way shalwar Kameez with duppatta. Because it helps me to be covered from unwanted lustful gazes. Definitely made me feel confident around many weirdos in my college.

"Oh my God. You are looking mouth watering. Your man gonna have tough time at wedding night...!" My eyes ready to fall out of their sockets. Damn I wasn't expecting such openly shameful compliment. Looking at me she placed her index finger under my chin and closed my widely open mouth.

"Ok so it's final. Now when you have decided let's show the dress to your Fiance. Come on....!" Julia pushed me towards the door gesturing me to go. Damn I didn't want any opinion and how I'm gonna make this lady understand. It took me lots of courage to finally walk through the try room and show my dress to Abhi. Oh God it would be so so awkward.

There was complete silence when I came out. My discomfort began to fill me more than I had expected when I saw there was no one except Manik. My heart flipped abruptly and my blood rushed through my body. What the... where are, all others.


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