The Tale of Timus : Book 1, t...

By Timxwrite

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{continues}This is tale that follows an well respected, adventurous and reasonable young man who. Has always... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

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By Timxwrite

In the tavern of "whole party" there worked an respectful , reasonable and young man who was only bar tender. Who only waiters to the most who needed and asked who asked him respectfully, kindly and just plan good manners. He bore light brown hair, fair skin and bore light blue eyes.

He was named Timûs, he only 21, worked from evening to ten-thirty shifts. He was well liked all round the tavern. He would get orders like "Timûs brings us company another ale, ya" and others "bring us some lager to the table, Timûs" and many more. He would be as careful, nimble and quick as he could be. Without dropping, occasionally few times he would spill the ale on the borad he served, but, that was here or there.

The tavern was filled with wooden work of fine oak and oiled to perfection. The tables were thick as wooden plank. The windows were square shape, save for the door and the chairs. An couple of small fires could be lit around the tavern. The Tavern was in village, village, was named light wooden village.

Timûs, was the only human waiter there. His boss, an tall old Gnome who wore an tunic with brown clothing, his skin was of green with couple of scars. He bore grey boots, grey as a cloud. As well, pad, for orders that came in.

His name was gamble the right. "Ah..young lad. Would you take this to tabl—" the Gnome was cut short by orders in the kitchen.

"Oh'l dam it all, here lad, take the note I wrote". On the note it wrote, gnome language "two red brew's" then Timûs knew what the order was, then, quickly but knowing what order was, Timûs then ran to kitchen ordering dock.

As he placed it he then shouted out the order "TWO RED BREW'S" as he shouted out the orders, the Gnome, who was closed to the dock gurgled in knowingly that he was in rush. "ALRIGHTY, TWO REDS COMING UP" as the gnome gurgled, this gnome was, Hamper, younger and more rounded. He had an gurgling voice then the other gnome. But he was reasonably and understanding.

As hamper sloshed the brew out of barle, it came out as like of spilt blood, but, it had a feature to it like an ale.

Then, came up an figure right next to Timûs. That figure was pale green. That figure was Gamble . "Where is that fool Hamper, HAMPER"

"Coming, dam it" replying the younger Gnome. "There orders waiting, can your cookers work any fa-"
"We are busting are sweat and tears, doing what we can, dam it" retorted Hamper.

"We do ha-" then Timûs was cut of by Gamble "ye, ye, back log?. We been through this". Satiated Gamble. As Gamble was yelling out orders and telling Hamper to keep up his standards. Timûs was only tapping his finger on the table dock, lessoning and waiting for Gamble to tell him what to do. Then, Gamble, stifled up and composed him self, then, an sigh of annoyance. "Lad, what's the time?" asked the Gnome .
"Five past 11" replied Timûs
Then the Gnome relies that Timûs worked overtime and then gave the young human an two per cent of his pay. Timûs took the money and then said his thanks, then, Gnome sent him off.


As when Timûs was packing up his shift he then realize that on his slot there was an note, then, Timûs looked at it and it was not ordinary note. It was white with a wax's sticker that had symbol of an stick and it was green wax, Timûs never had note or let alone an mail as white as this note was. It wrote the following

" Dear master Timûs, i am writing this note to meet me at your house this evening, soon as possible. I let your boss know, to come and see me. If he let you work over time, please, come quick. My name isn't important now. Trust my signature. SD
P.S Its not safe here"

Timûs read it, then, realized the note was for him. Feeling anything but decently, he felt bit confused and scared. "Uhhh..." he muttered to himself. Then, he grabbed his little cross bow that he brought, his trusty walking stick and his cloak. Then opened the door to the cool night air, as then Timûs briskly walked to his lodging the night seemed a bit off. No birds chirping an song, no dogs wolfing and no cats prowling to hunt for some game. Only save few crows than usual and the wind blowing, "mmm something is definitely off of this evening" Timûs thought as he briskly walked. Then, as he approached his wooden house, he saw, to him, an strange shade figure in the house. As Timûs grabbed his crossbow, anticipated the figure to attack and as he turned the nob. Timûs pushed it open, the figure standing there still as not startled and then Timûs shouted.

"WHO ARE YOU? SHOW YOUR SELF" as Timûs shouted, his finger was crawling to the  trigger, as was close enough, the figure spoke

"Do not fear me" replied the figure with a voice of an old man whom seen and been through things. The figure bore a fabric hat that reached down to his back as well bore an black fabric coat. He wore grey with light green fabric clothing of choice and his cape was black.

"I am very sorry for this unexpected timing" replied the voice as it turned to face Timûs. Timûs, still his cross bow drawn, he felt his hand go down as if he wasn't in trouble. "It is wise to be on your wits, just like your farther" replied the figure.
"Who are you? And how do you know my farther?" wondered Timûs.

Then the old figure looked at Timûs and nodded. "Well I am the Druid Sandor"
"For how I knew your farther, thats to be told later" then he sat down on one of Timûs chairs. Timûs wonder if any catering was in order.

"Anything to eat, drink or have?" Asked Timûs. Then the Druid shook his head.

"We have much to discuss tonight" as then Druid asked that, ignoring the question , he then looked out side. Looking for anything that would be threat. There wasn't anything out in the dark. Save for the trees and light were lit. Then the Druid turned to Timûs, then breathed out and then grabbed is stick that was laying on the chair. " I will admit my timing was quite unexpected" as the druid said that Timûs nodded and then accepted that.

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