How I Stole Your Mother (Izuk...


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Mitsuki...Bakugo? At least, after a recent event it doesn't seem like Bakugo will be in her legal name anymor... Mehr

Prologue: Show's Over
II: Never Alone
III: To Be A Milf
IV: Volleyballs And Boobs
V: Wall Of The Past
VI: An Amazing Woman
VII: A Rewarding Date
VIII: Changing Viewpoints
IX: Grown Up
X: Pay It Back
11: Second Attempt
12: Online Daters
13: Attractions
14: Reflection
15: The Bridge
16: And The Crossing
17: To Date A MILF
18: No Embarrassment
19: For What's Ahead

I: Promise

8.3K 262 56


An alarm blaring on a nearby nightstand made Mitsuki roll over to her left and slam a hand down over a small console, the woman groaning with her hand drooping down the side of the bed. Her eyes shut tightly and for a few moments she remained prone on her bed before forcing herself to muster up the strength in pushing the covers off and sitting up. She yawned, reaching for the sky as her bones popped and crunched at all the right kinks of her body, Mitsuki hopping off her bed and heading towards the bathroom to prepare for work.

Tuesday, 5:45 AM. The fifth Tuesday in which she has woken up in this apartment all by herself with nobody else around, and many more to come she figures. Mitsuki flipped the light switch on in her bathroom, her hair riled up and messy as per usual when waking up in the morning. Dressed in an black silk nightgown with a large window of her upper cleavage showing she twisted the handle of her shower for the hot water to start flowing through the system. While waiting for the water to heat up she removed her nightgown to expose herself, tossing the thin fabric into an empty hamper right next to the door before feeling the water with her hand to see if it was ready. It was, taking that first step with her right foot into the glass cage and shutting the door behind her, allowing the warmth to soak and bathe her skin.

It really happened yesterday, didn't it. The one event she did not once dream of happening in the past when marrying her former husband, now became a reality. It's funny, when she was younger and she had visions or dreams of her married life Mitsuki always told herself that she would not once consider or even think of the idea of divorcing her loved one. How could she. She was young, imaginative. A teenage girl with her head in the clouds and envisioning this perfect life, of course she wouldn't think about divorce. Nobody wanted to.

A pump from a strawberry pink container dispensed light pink colored shampoo on her hand as she lathered the substance into her hair. Truth be told she's worried about Masaru and how he'll manage to get through with this new life of his. When they first met it was her who chased after him, the idea of being in a relationship with a man involved in the business of fashion was something that caught her attention. Not to mention how much of a cute looking guy he was back then, he wasn't eye candy to the more "normal" standards of good-looks or beauty but the assertiveness of Mitsuki was all too attracted to the timid nature that was Masaru. Even going so far as to make a handful of sex jokes to make him blush and falter under her pressure. Those were good times.

But times change, the woman taking a bar of soap and gliding it over her breasts and body, times change. From the birth of Katsuki all the way up until his death, there were arguments here and there that created the ever growing chasm that led up to the moment of yesterday when they signed the divorce papers. On their wedding day they made a vow that despite any arguments or disagreements they promised to never let each other go and to always look forward to the idea that they will remain together forever. A couple, intertwined at the hands and taken away into the grasp of a perfect love. Cruel how that vision would instead be turned into the dream that she wanted to achieve. Vows turned into granules of sand, forgotten in the dunes of history.

It wasn't just Masaru that Mitsuki felt sorry for, Midoriya was part of her worries too. When he arrived yesterday at her apartment and asked if they did what he was dreading for so long, the look in his eyes and the pain in his voice made her will turn into jelly. She knew what he was thinking when he was given the answer because like she was to him, he is just as special and close to her as any other close relative or friend would be. She helped tend to him whenever his mother was busy with work or other chores needs doing, took care of him like she would with Katsuki. Seeing that once tiny and frail boy with emerald hair and eyes grow into one of the strongest rookie pro heroes in the scene, it amazed her how much of a change he's gone through from the beginning to now. But to see that hurt look in his eyes yesterday when she confirmed the divorce, it broke a piece of her heart.

Done with the lather of shampoo in her hair and plenty of suds over her body Mitsuki stepped back into the main cone of the water, washing away the soap and fragrant smelling shampoo. As of right now she's not certain on how long it's going to take for her to step back into the game of finding love, could be a while, could be longer than that, could even be never depending on what she sees or how she feels. For her marriage it was the concept of one and done, Masaru being the only person she had plans of being married to and nobody else. But it seems that now an opportunity she never thought of having was now open, the name Mitsuki now potentially being tossed back into the bucket for others to have a chance of courting. At 42 years old, she can already smell the hounds of younger guys trying to get in with her, and into her pants. Yeah. Like she's going to allow that to happen.

Once all of the soap and shampoo was cleared away she turned the shower off and pushed open the glass door, stepping out onto a purple rug and reaching for a same colored towel to dry herself off. She ran the towel over her bust, her rump, down to the very tips of her toes and back up over anything that she missed. It doesn't take long for her to adjust her hair, just a quick sweep of a blow dryer is needed since it was naturally messy and short. With the towel wrapped around her body she brushed her teeth, rinsed it out with a good splash of mouthwash and exited from the bathroom with towel still on her.

Aside from the divorce yesterday Mitsuki is beginning to settle into her new way of life, waking up every weekday at 5:45 in the morning to get ready for work at a nearby accounting firm. Luckily for the woman an old friend worked at that office which made it easy and hassle-free for her to get a position as an accountant. Simple job really, sitting in front of a computer for her shift sorting out people's money and ensuring everything is where it should be. At times it was a bit tedious and boring, office jobs aren't exactly the biggest parties on the planet but it was enough for her to get by comfortably. Her work attire consisted of a white button up long sleeve under a black blazer, a pencil skirt that went down to the mid section of her thighs and heels to finish it all off.

First came the matching color red bra and underwear, then the shirt with tight skirt, heels and at last the blazer over the top. She's been through this many days before but now that she was officially divorced and single everything felt so much more bland than it usually felt days or even weeks prior. Not to mention that without the ring on her finger, her left hand just looked so empty and sad as she fixed the collar of her blazer. Looking at the hand in the mirror caused her to pause, sighing at the absence of a ring on her ring finger but swallowing it knowing it's going to be like that for a long time coming. She fixed a crooked kink in her collar and was now fully dressed for work today, exiting from her bedroom to head for her kitchen where a pre-packed lunch kit was stored in her refrigerator.

This was her life now, a newly divorced woman taking a black lunch kit out of the fridge on her way to work. How long is it going to be before she finds the missing puzzle in her new set of a puzzle to make her happy? Is there even a last piece out there waiting for her? Or is she just going to have to accept the fact that the possibility of living the rest of her days out alone is always on the horizon? There was also a small chance that her and Masaru could somehow find their ways back together but, the memories, the arguments, the pain, and the loss. It was too much for either of them to be under the same roof let alone in the same room as each other. Their chance of rekindling was possible but it was the smallest chance of possible there ever would be in the universe.

A golden key on a circular ring lay on the kitchen counter to which Mitsuki snagged, looping the lunch kit around her left shoulder by the strap as she exited her apartment. Door shut, a twist of the key to lock it, and off to the nearest train station for a short train ride to her office job. This was Mitsuki's life moving forward, bland. Dull. Alone. And wondering.




"Mrs. Bakugo?"

"It's just Ms. Utsukushi from now on, Mr. Hiroshi."

"A-Ah right, I am so sorry about that. I-It's going to get some getting used to on my end I apologize about that."

"It's no worry, I'm sure there's plenty of you in the same boat so who am I to get irritated. Is there something you needed?"

"Right right, I was calling to let you know that you can go ahead and go to break. Take an hour if you'd like."

"Break?" Mitsuki asked as she wheeled around in her chair to take a glance at the clock above on her office wall. "But, sir, I still have half an hour left before going to my second break."

"Yeah I know but you got a special visitor who came by plus you've already gotten through majority of the stuff I needed you to get through today anyways so this is okay."

"Special visitor?"

"Look outside your window."

*tap tap tap*

Three taps on the large window pane of Mitsuki's office caused her to rotate back around, this time having a rather odd but new sight for her to see. Floating outside of her window with two bags of fast food in his right hand and a cardboard carrier with two drinks in his left hand was Midoriya, or Deku at the current moment since he was in his hero wear. The man smiled when the woman spotted him outside her window as she herself huffed into a smile, hanging up her office telephone and standing to open the window. She pushed a small section open on it's hinges, Midoriya careful as to not accidentally have any of the items bump into him and knock it out of his hands.


"Hey Auntie, how are you?" He beamed. "I was patrolling earlier and apparently there's a lot of new heroes in my area that are overlapping their sectors, guess I should've checked the systems to see how many were in my area cause there was a lot heh. I was about to switch over to a different sector of the city but I figured I could do with a little break from using my Quirk for so long and seeing as how I was in the area of your job, do you wanna join me? Or, I join you? Or....something, like that."

Mitsuki smirked. "Why do I get the feeling you asked your mom on what times I have my break."

"I didn't actually, at least not this time. The first time was because Mom asked me to drop off that new dish she wanted you to try and I couldn't remember what time that was specifically so I kinda winged it today. Was I right?"

"Early by half an hour."

"Oh, crap. Sorry about that Auntie guess I should've called or something."

"It's okay, my boss is letting me go early anyways, guess that's a perk of you being a pro hero and all." She said. "Where exactly did you plan on having this lunch with me?"

"I mean, I could come inside if you want?" Midoriya shrugged. "Do you have a break room or something?"

"Actually, there is one thing I want from you. I promise it's not too big or crazy but I've always wanted to try it."

"What is it?"

"Can you carry me? I know it sounds corny and cliché but ever since I heard you have a flying Quirk I've ALWAYS wanted to know what it feels to be carried like those women in Western comic books."

"Western comic books." Midoriya chuckled as Blackwhip sprouted from his shoulders and took the food bags with drink carrier into their tendril holds. "I think you would be the last person I'd hear to say something like that Auntie. Sure I don't mind, as long as you trust me to carry you you'll be okay."

"I would certainly hope so, because if you drop me I'm gonna make you thankful that you didn't grow up in the same house as me." Mitsuki leaned out of her window as Midoriya floated a few inches closer, his arms extending out to hold her as she did the same to reach for his neck. The moment her hand looped around him he faltered in the air and her heart popped into her throat for a split second when she felt like she was falling. "IZUKU MIDORIYA."

"Heh, I'm just joking Auntie no worries-"


"Ow! I'm sorry!"

"You IDIOOOOT! Don't scare me like that what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I was just kidding Auntie I'm sorry! I won't play around this next time I promise."

"So help me young man."

This time, Midoriya was true in his statement as he floated close enough to the open window for Mitsuki to comfortably loop her arms around his neck as he looped his right arm around her back. Once she was clinging onto the front of his body he placed his left arm under the pivoting points of her legs and shifted the woman around to now hold her in the bridal carry position. "Eaaaasy now don't, don't drop me."

"I've got you I've got you, it's okay Auntie I'm not gonna let you go. There is gonna be a little bit of speed though since I have to give myself a little boost to Float a little higher. It's not gonna be that big I promise. Uhhhhh, here. We'll go to the building across the street so you can feel what it's like to somewhat fly."

Midoriya rotated himself, floating backwards enough for his feet to be flat against the glass behind him to utilize as a platform. He hugged Mitsuki tightly as she hugged him back to brace for the pushing off of his feet. With a small amount of force, not too big and not too little he pushed away from the building and soared higher at an upwards angle, the wind breezing through their hair with the woman yelping at the feeling of soaring through the sky. Of course, this was on a much MUCH tamer level of speed compared to what Midoriya regularly travels at on a daily basis but seeing Mitsuki smile at the feeling of "flying" made him smile in return. This divorce, it's going to take a lot more than this to help both her and Masaru get past this road bump in their lives but if this helps her little by little, it's worth it considering how much they mean to him.

Higher and higher Midoriya floated due to the height difference between this building and Mitsuki's office building, slowing his speed when they neared the very top. He floated over the rooftop of gravel and pebble before allowing the woman to unloop her arms around him and step down onto the shifting surface beneath her heels. "Huff...Huff, HWOO! Hoh my goodness, you do that every day?"

"On a much higher and faster scale but yeah, that's what I do." Midoriya answered while sitting down with legs crossed, placing their lunches out in front of him. "You okay Auntie?"

"Yeah just, just gimme a second that was a lot more intense than I thought it would be. Whew, wow."

"Heh yeah, Mom had the same reaction whenever she asked me to carry her in flying so you're not the only one. It takes getting used to but it really helps me get to where I need to be in no time."

"I can imagine so, it's no wonder you're at the number two spot fresh out of high school. When the day comes that you're number one Inko and I are gonna walk around the city and show off your little baby pictures of you with the All Might pajamas."

"Augh no Auntie please."

"Hm-hm I'm kidding I'm kidding, those are special." Mitsuki stumbled over to where Midoriya was seated and took her seat beside him on her knees, the man holding his arm out just in case she toppled over from dizziness. "Thank you Izuku. That was fun. You know you could really make a woman's life more eventful and lively if you did that from time to time."

"If it helps you be happy again Auntie I'm all for it. I wouldn't mind."

"Heyyyy wait a second, look at me." Midoriya hummed when he turned to Mitsuki, her right hand going up to his face and squishing the sides of his cheeks. "What have you been eating? You're a little bit chunkier in the face Izuku."

"U-Uh, I'll admit, I haven't really been cooking at home ever since I moved into my apartment." He nervously chuckled. "I mean I have ingredients to make food but with being a hero and all I'm a little too tired by the end of the day so I just order stuff. I work out every day though and my routines are more than enough to burn off the calories of the food I ordered."

"Still, you shouldn't be eating too much junk food you know, bad for your heart and all that stuff. I wouldn't mind teaching you a few recipes if you asked, just let me know."

"Thanks Auntie, I'll definitely come to you if I'm curious about something. Oh by the way uh, I spoke to Uncle earlier today."

"Really?" Mitsuki asked in unraveling her warm white bag of a wrapped up burger with a side of fries. She picked a single fry out and took half of it into her mouth. "How is he?"

"He seemed, okay." Midoirya shrugged. "I mean from what I was able to gather on the surface but it could be different than how he truly feels. He says it was weird when he woke up this morning knowing that he's not married anymore and that things felt....empty."

"Huhhhh, well. Glad I wasn't the only one who felt that way hmph. It's strange really, going twenty plus years as a married couple then to wake up one day and go about your life without a ring on your finger, yeah. I'd say it feels empty too but, this is just the first day. Things will get better for the both of us I'm sure of it."

"I hope so, kinda hurts seeing you two separated after so long, even more so when I sometimes pass by the house where all the memories are at. He's not gonna sell the house, is he?"

"What else is he going to do with all that room Izuku? It's just him living in a house meant for a family, he'll be lonely in there."

"Yeah but I-I could visit him from time to time-"

"Izuku." Mitsuk interrupted Midoriya's speech, taking a hold of his right shoulder and cradling it. "I get it, okay? This is hard for you just as much as it's hard for us, you grew up in that house whenever you weren't in your old apartment, I know how you feel. But also know that sometimes, it's better to let go of something than to hold on and allow it to cause more damage for you. This is the process of healing."

"Huhhh, yeah. I know." He agreed. "Just thought I'd be able to hold on a little longer than at 19 years old but, who am I kidding."

"It's going to be better, I promise. If you say you're going to help me get through this then I'm going to help you too, if you ever need somebody you're always free to come by my apartment and speak if need be. As long as you take me flying of course."

"Hmph, it's not flying Auntie it's floating."

"Eh flying floating who cares, same thing. But, I mean it. If you need somebody to speak to come by whenever."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now then, seeing as how I was partially responsible for your caretaking as you grew up I believe I have the right to know what that little boy who loves Katsudon's life is like now that he's a pro hero. Start talking."


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