A lost love

By luton1983

681 34 0

Two young people, seperated by destiny. Will they find each other again? More

Introducing everything


19 2 0
By luton1983

Caitlin, flanked by her security staff, came down the stairs. Barry's dad went up to her

"What kind of sick joke is this? What are you playing at?"

"Me? I'm not doing anything. I'm just embracing who I really am"

"You? As a princess? Don't make me laugh"

"I'm sorry that you feel this way. But this is me, and if you don't like it, that's not my fault"

"Is this a joke?"

"Lower your voice. I don't like being talked to like this. And you have done enough talking to me like this"

"How dare you?"

"No. How dare you. I have been giving you respect from day one, but yet when you thought that I was nothing, you treated me like dirt on your shoe. And now today, when you know who I am, you are still treating me like rubbish. But now, you have no more right"


"You'll realise in a bit. Now excuse me. I have stuff to do"

Caitlin made her way to the stage, flanked by her security 

"Hello. This must be quite a shock to you all, as I don't think that any of you expected this. But yes, I'm a princess. My family is royalty. I'm descended from the valarium line, which means that I'm senior to most of you. I might be a princess, but my dad was a king. Our standing within royalty is quite high. I'm senior royalty, higher then most of you. But my dad saw how out of touch royalty was from normal people. He wanted a normal life for his family. He taught me how to survive in this cruel world without having family wealth. That's why he did what he did. So that I could grow up as a normal person and not be spoilt, like the rest of the royals. But in doing so, he learnt how to survive himself. So I'm very grateful to him for giving me the opportunity. It wasn't always easy, but we did it. So thank you dad, for everything. But looking at you all, you are so out of touch on reality. You have no idea how to survive in the real world. This is exactly what my dad didn't want for me. And I'm glad that I didn't turn out like this. I'm sorry if my words have hurt anyone, but it's the truth and I can't be sorry for that"

Caitlin walked off, and began to talk to some people, when she saw Barry approaching. She quickly excused herself and went to him

"Caitlin, what is this?"

"Barry, I'm sorry for lying, but I had a reason"

"Which was?"

"I wanted someone to love me for me. Not for my title"

"Do you really believe that that would happen?"

"Yes. I would never have been sure if he loved me for me, or my money and privelages. This is something my dad always warned me about"

"So this is why you lied and hid who you truly were?"

"Partly, but my dad was determined to make sure that I had a regular life. That's why he left the monarchy. To give us all some normality. That's something that I'll always be grateful for. I've learnt what it takes to survive in the real world. But can the people in this room say the same? Royals are so out of touch with everything. Plus, royalty is meant to make things easier for the common people. But nothing has changed. But I'm going to change all that"

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. But something has to change"

Just then, they were all instructed that the food was ready. Caitlin sat down next to Barry, and began to eat

"Barry, how do you lot eat all of this?"

"This is what I've grown up eating"

"Exactly. How can you eat this? At least when I was poor, I ate normal food. I can't eat this"

"What are you going to do?"


Caitlin grabbed her mobile, and placed an order for pizza and chips. As soon as her food was delivered, Caitlin rose up and went to the next table and sat down and began to eat. Soon Barry joined her

"Why are you here all by yourself?"

"Well, I'm eating normal food and like your dad said, I wouldn't want to embarrass any of you"

Caitlin passed Barry some pizza, and urged him to eat it

"Try some normal food"

Caitlin walked up to Barry's dad

"You must be most shocked out of everyone, as you have always hated me, and never thought that I was good enough for your son. And you have always insulted me. But look at how the tables have turned. I'm a royal too, and a senior one at that too. I'm more senior then you, and I can have you punished for what you said and did to me. But I won't. Because I've always been told to respect my elders, no matter what. You should be thankful to my parents that I'm letting you go, even after everything. Oh, and I can eat everything all you rich people eat. Just because I wasn't brought up on it, doesn't mean anything. Your so narrow minded. Oh and by the way, you want a princess for Barry, he's welcome to one. I don't care anymore. I meant what I said, me and him are through"

Duff, duff, duff. As always, feedback appreciated 

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