Stories Weave From The Bruise...

By AusreeBonkilmer

91 1 0

A bundle of short stories that I've written. Revolves on fiction, fairytale, random stories, daily scenes, hu... More

Lily and Lily Pad
The Seven Butterflies
Prince Sivlorstein 2 🪞
City Rain
Heart Lacking
The Bench
Conversation with a Mirror and a Girl
The Kindly Offer 🪞

Prince Sivlorstein 1 🪞

10 1 0
By AusreeBonkilmer

Just across a big valley lies the Kingdom of Flomaulrad. The kingdom is full of bountiful crops, soldiers, lands and hectares of farms. Each day, the people live a simple daily life. Almost everyone of them live everyday without begging for food or money. Well -- almost everyone because within the castle halls, a proclamation of a long time ago should be followed by the current King Gregor.

King Gregor is nearing his ruling end and he worried about his other sons if that time will come when the eldest of them step in to his throne. It was in the rules of a kingdom that a prince shall be independent if ever the eldest prince will become king -- in other words; those who are not crowned princes will step down at being a prince and live among the local folks if ever the eldest prince will inherit the throne. And so he worries that his three sons might beg in the street.

Thankfully King Gregor's eldest son, Prince Justinius promised his father to give each of his brothers one sack of gold for their expenses to live amongst the people. That sounded quite all right, indeed, but King Gregor worried that his sons may not blend well with the local people and have the possibility to gamble the gold coins.

"It's my own fault. I spoiled them at being royalty. I should have let them taste the simple life. Now, they're the ones whom gonna suffer for my own softness in the past." the King bitterly thought.

"Oh...I hope you'll guide them, Elíiseth." whispered the King to the wind as he look at a portrait of a lady inside his necklace. The portrait of his once beloved Queen Elíiseth whom now gone, his heart still longed for her.

Meanwhile, inside the palace, those two princes had just finished their meal and was resting in their marvel hall beside the fireplace.

"I am glad our brother Justin is the one to be King . . . because I have no idea how to act like one haha." says Prince Sivlorstein, the youngest.

"Brother, you have no idea, haven't you?" smirk the second eldest, Prince Sítreqor.

Prince Sivlorstein smile slowly turns into a confused frown as he asked, "No idea to what?"

"My, my, brother. This is what you will miss when you don't listen to your teachers." says Prince Sítreqor

"What is it‽ Spit it out already." ordered the impatient Prince Sivlorstein.

"The moment our eldest brother become King is the moment you will lose that golden crown of yours in your head and also your authority as prince."state Prince Sítreqor.

"What‽ But I'm only 14, I have nowhere else to go. Where would you go, brother? What would you do?" ask Prince Sivlorstein, shocked and nervous at what may happen to him.

"I've had it all plan out already.
I will become the baker's assistant for a while to earn money and maybe what will happen soon will happen."told Prince Sítreqor.

"Now, what would you do?"asked Prince Sítreqor to his worried brother.

"For now, I have no idea . . . . . .
except perhaps . . . . . . truly that's the only thing I must do. . . . . and I am quite a prince charming.
Brother, I am gonna find a nobleman's daughter and marry her. "says Prince Sivlorstein with confidence about his marvelous idea.

"Pfft. Good luck with that."judged Prince Sítreqor,"Remember that you're only 14, you can't be married yet 'till 4 or 5 years unlike me who's now at my mature age. You can ask Justin. I'm sure he will help. "advised Prince Sítreqor as he stand and walk away from his chair,"Don't worry too much, little brother. You should go to sleep."

Prince Sítreqor went to his sleeping chambers while Prince Sivlorstein was left in the fireplace of the hall, worrying at the news he'd just known.

"I should consult Justin. He can't let me go without having anything. I should consult him. And also I should talk to father.
For now, I should sleep. Yes, I needed sleep."he thought to himself.

But he hasn't slept. He paced back and forth in front of the fireplace until the fire died out. A servant tried to put another log onto the fireplace when Prince Sivlorstein realized something.

He should go to sleep.

〜 〜

The next morning, he was off to a place he plan to go. He ride upon his black horse and passed the guards at the palace entrance. They bowed at him. A courtesy that will soon be taken away from him.

"No, I shall not be brought to the lowest. I was born as a prince and it's quite more rightful if I shall die as something higher in rank. "he declared in his thoughts.


The black horse stop at a golden-grey mansion. A tree blossoms near its silver gate.

"Silver. Might've been the right destiny for me." he said as he look at the gate.

A snout man with a mustache swung open the gate for him.
"What may we of service to you, your highness?" asked the man.

"Are you perhaps the butler of the nobleman Mr. Westichultre? I'm here to see him and his daughter." ask Prince Sivlorstein with an ardour of confidence.

"I am only a mere servant of the family.
And I'm afraid the nobleman isn't here yet. He went on a trip to visit a deary fellow. But his daughter Madam Beatrice is in the garden, reading." the man stated.

"Oh, what an unfortunate turn that he's not here. But may I please meet the mademoiselle? I would like to speak a word." Prince Sivlorstein requested.

"Do come in, your highness. I shall go and tell the Lady." says the servant man.

Another servant arrived and fetch the horse for the young prince while Prince Sivlorstein waits near the front gate.
A minute passed by when the servant man arrived back from what it's bid.

"Madam Beatrice has approved to talk to you in the garden. Please come this way, Sire." the servant man said as he lead the way for the prince.

They arrived at a garden nook decorated with golden flowers. The nook was a circular shape, has three heaven steps in its front to walk upon, a little terrace gatekeep the nook's surrounding side.
A young lady was sitting at a wall chair with her back upon them. She has a bright strawberry blonde hair tied up in a tidy way, embedded in her hair are little trinkets of silver and golden roses.

"The Prince Sivlorstein is here, Madam."introduced the servant man.

"Leave us, Pelios. Thank you." ordered the lady.

Pelios, the servant man resigned away from them both. The lady turned herself around and meet the young prince's gaze. Her face, though beautiful, embody quite a few years older than the young prince. Prince Sivlorstein look up at her beautiful face, quite stricken with her lovely tantalizing blue eyes.

"Thank you for your visit. What may I be of service to you, youngest Prince?" questioned the lady Beatrice as she bows at the young prince.

Prince Sivlorstein kneel before her and said, "Your beauty is a wonder, dear Miss. When I saw you at the ball a year ago, I couldn't help myself and wonder for your presence from time to time. And so with my courage that had just came to me this year, I am here at your presence asking if I may be allowed to court her ladyship. "

"Quite a nice speech. " complimented Prince Sivlorstein to himself in his mind.

"When you saw me a year ago at that ball, you might not notice my presence with another gentleman. " stated Lady Beatrice.

Prince Sivlorstein stand up from his kneeling and look at the lady's eyes.

"I already have a lover."the lady Beatrice blurted out.

"I beg your forgiveness, dear madam. I do not know. I have no intention on getting between you and your lover."apologizes the young prince.

" 'Tis all right." she said as she step down from her place to join the young prince below the nook. She was a little bit taller than the prince so the prince tried to held his head higher.

"Come and walk with me at the garden, my soon to be brother-in-law." Beatrice said as she smiled brightly.

Prince Sivlorstein was shocked that he forgot his formality and said,"Wha-- Who-- I mean how? Who is it? Is it brother Justin?"

"My my a prince talking informally with the lady... " teased the Lady Beatrice as they walk upon the garden path.

"Oh. I'm sorry, madam-- "

"I'm just teasing with you. You can talk informally with me. Afterall, Reg's younger brother is also mine."said Beatrice.

"Reg? Is it brother Sítreqor?"the prince asked.

Beatrice nodded, still wearing that same bright smile.

"We have been seeing each other for years now, 4 years.
Sítreqor told me two years ago that he had found out that he will lose his rank as a prince. So, we made a plan together. "she pauses as a butterfly flap its wings beside them.

"Of course, you might think it will be easy as to just marry me for him to not beg on the streets. But Reg doesn't want to let my father think he only marries me for money. So he befriended the Baker until the Baker grew fond of him and ask Reg to work at his bakeshop if ever 'he'll get tossed off by the royals'. It was fortunate too that the Baker has no heir of his own, so, he promised Reg to take over the business. In short, he will become a baker. As for me, I am ready to be his wife whatever he might become." told Beatrice.

"Whoa. So many happenings. While all I did all those years was what?"rhetorically ask Prince Sivlorstein partly to the lady and mostly to himself.

"I soon predicted that you might court someone but I never thought it would be me. Reg told me that that might be your solution to it. " - Lady Beatrice.

"Sítreqor. . . .
Why didn't he warned me?" asked Prince Sivlorstein.

"He, in his own indirect way, might've warn you but you probably didn't notice. There's also something I need to warn you though. . ." - Lady Beatrice

"What is it, Miss?" asked the young prince.

"Everyone in town knows that you princes will lose your titles soon. And so if you court some nobleman's daughters, they might reject you. Or worse they might not let you in their houses."said Beatrice honestly.

"What?!!"the prince thought.

* * * ʃƪ * * *

The young prince left with his black horse after he talked with the Lady Beatrice or what he just known as his soon to be sister- in-law. He look at a piece of paper in his hand. Then with a determined look on his face, he rode away.

"Uncle Frederick..."Prince Sivlorstein mumbled to himself.

The mane of his horse waves on with the wind. He didn't wear any covering on his head and so he felt the breeze slapping at his face. Still, he ride on to the woods.

"He lives in there. . . .?"he said to himself as he stopped his horse at the path that slices between the woods and the town.

His black horse walk slowly inside the house of trees. The deeper they go, the quieter and darker the place seem to be.

"Is there really someone who lives here? But no fear! Walked on, Xeir."he said talking to himself and his horse.

"Caw Caaw Caaaw"called a nearby crow somewhere.

Just when Prince Sivlorstein was about to turn around to the path back town, he saw ahead of him a bright ray of sunlight shimmering at a still lake.
They went closer at it and he came down from his horse.
He was not thirsty at all but Xeir, his horse seems to be so he let him drink the lake water.

"Fascinating. . . ."he said as he look around the place.

The place twinkled at the sun's light. Trees in bulk sizes surrounds the other side of the lake and a chiming sound can be heard inside the lake's waters.

"What could be down below? "he thought in curiosity as he gaze down the lake.

"Don't get too close, boy. You might get drown inside her."a voice suddenly spoke.

"Who are you?"he asked at the bulk trees in front of him.

"I'm here at your back, blind boy."said the husky voice.

The prince turn around and saw a man holding a pile of wood in his hands. He has broad shoulders and taller than the young prince, has an untidy short beard, and wore bamboo-textured clothes.

"If I were you lost boy, I will go to this path. Ahead of it, you'll find the joyous town. Now, I best be on my way, lost boy. "the man suggested.

"No--wait. Do you know anyone named Frederick, perhaps?" the young prince asked the stranger.

The stranger seemed to stir at the call of the name, for a while his eyes flickered in familiarity of it then he answered coldly, "No, I don't know anyone with that name."

"Oh. Well, thank you for your time anyway peasa-- I mean common folk."the young prince said as he rode once again at his noble stead.
He was about to ride back home when he realize that the woodcutter he just talked to might've been his uncle.

So again, heyahh!!

He found the woodcutter walking deeper into the forest.
"Hop on, Uncle Frederick."he said, hoping the man is really his uncle.

"I told you, kid. I do not know anyone with that name."says the woodcutter.

"Fine, then. Can I just give you a lift? A ride to your home with my horse."offered Prince Sivlorstein.

The man seems to get annoyed at this prince attention but he just nodded and rode on the horse.

"Where to?"asked the prince.

"Just go straight to that path."directed the woodcutter as he point to his left side.

~ ~

They soon arrived at a little cottage filled with flowers and bushes. Though trees surround the area, birds avoid the place because it is live on by a human.

"So, this is your place uncle."said Prince Sivlorstein as he comes down at his horse, Xeir.

"For the last time, I am not your uncle. And thank you for the lift but you best be on your way. It is not safe here at dark especially to a royal highness like you."said the woodcutter.

"Royal Highness? That title wouldn't be with me anymore." - Prince Sivlorstein

The presence of silence fell among them for a while. .

"Hmmm. . . .the declaration, is it?"asked the woodcutter as he put the pile of wood at the side of his front door.

"Yes. Which is why you must help me. You are Uncle Frederick, am I right? They said he's the only one who lives in these creepy forest."asked the prince.

The woodcutter thought to himself,"Is this your answer, Elíiseth?"

The woodcutter observe the prince from head to toe and said,"I cannot help you with your royalty problems, lad. I can only teach you wood cutting, familiarizing the woods, and hunting birds."

"I have no other choice so . . let the lesson commence, teach me then. It's not that hard."accepted Prince Sivlorstein.

~ ʃƪ ~

The young prince work from morning to noon and noon to dusk. He felt sweats for the first time. He labored under the sun. He was almost hit by an axe he's holding. Days went on and for him he felt that three days feel like a year. He was exhausted and tired and started to get lazy.

"I had found out that it was quite hard especially for my delicate arms to be a woodcutter.."spoke Prince Sivlorstein to a couple of fluttering butterflies,"I am not meant for such work. What can you suggest perhaps? Should I go back to the palace? My rightful place."

"Have you been out of your mind, boy?"asked Frederick, the woodcutter.

Prince Sivlorstein turn his head at the being near him and said,"As I had always said now for days, my name is Sivlorstein. Not boy or kid."

"Alright. . .Stein."-Fred

"And please Uncle Frederick, do not deny your royal background. It is obvious that you are Uncle Frederick."said the tired prince,"You're obviously wearing a crown necklace that says Prince Frederick. And even your axes has name prints in them. I am just tired to all of this."

"Well, ki-- I mean Stein. .if you're tired then it might be nice of you to go home in your comfortable chambers."suggest Uncle Frederick.

"I can't. I don't have any solutions where to go after . . .after they will uncrown me," worries the prince. "Besides, there must be another way."

The former Prince Frederick thought hard for a moment. He wanted to help his nephew and also he badly wanted solitude for himself which was interrupted by the young prince. No, there was no other way now except perhaps for the truth that he only believes, a truth denied by normal eyes.

He tap his nephew's shoulder and said, "Why don't we go for a hunt this time? I'll show you how."

And so, Frederick take the young prince with him. Arrows on each of their shoulders and a bow on each their hands. They arrive at a still lake with a huge tree opposite them.
Prince Sivlorstein recognized the lake as the place where they both first meet.

"This is the other part of the forest but the same lake where we first meet. The lake goes wherever it wanted to. It stop by on any part of the forest." explained Frederick, "And wherever it went, birds and animals always follows. They need to fill their thirst. So, us shall hide behind this tree and this bush."

"It's an enchanted lake? That can't be true. " said Prince Sivlorstein.

Frederick felt stung at those words so he said irritatingly, "If you don't believe it, then don't. Be quiet now."

They hid behind the tree and bushes when a rustling noise were approaching up ahead. And out walked, a traveling forest deer. Prince Sivlorstein ready his aim when Frederick motion him to stop and fall back.

"Why?" whispered the young prince.

"It is no deer." answered his uncle. They watch as the deer took a sip of the lake water and how its body transform into a transparent flowing water like the lake itself but in a form of a lady. The deer figure dissolve into the lake. Uncle Frederick walk away from his hiding place, kneel down near the lake and spoke, "Elíiseth..."

"He must be out of his mind. Why is he calling mother's name?" thought Prince Sivlorstein.

A flowy lady figure of water sprouted from the lake. Its eyes look blankly to the direction of north.

"Elíiseth? Could that may be you at last?"- Uncle Frederick

The figure didn't stir. Prince Sivlorstein was stunned at the happenings in front of him. He went closer to the lake. The water figure turn towards the young prince. Its eyes were white as diamond, its mouth were as thin as a strand of hair. It opened its mouth and somehow spoken something they both can't hear. There was no sound except for the running of water as it flows on.

"Talk to her, Stein. She listens to you."whispered Uncle Frederick.

Prince Sivlorstein stuttered," a-are you-u..?"

Despite looking expressionless, the water figure seem to smile as she went closer and closer to Prince Sivlorstein. The young prince tries to back away but stop himself shortly.

"My boy..."a gentle voice echoed around in each of his ears.

The young prince was still confused, "M-Mother? H-How?"he paused,"You died. . .a long time ago. When I was only four."

"There are some things unexplainable, my child."the gentle voice once spoke as the water figure embraces the young prince,"For now, you are at my home realm."

Prince Stein look around, he was no longer in the forest. He was in a place of flowing waters, flying flowers, and fluttering liquid butterflies. Uncle Frederick was nowhere to be found. There were many other water figures just like his mother or what look like his mother. He let go of her embrace and asked,"What is this place?"

"The home of us other creatures. The other realm of the earth. The hidden Kingdom of Lahronia."introduced his mother to him,"We had remain this world hidden. We work on things with the help of the wind. We help the earth as much as we can."

"W-Wa-Wait. Is this perhaps a dream? Did I hit my head or something?"ask the amazed prince.

His mother smiled and said,"Your father also didn't believe. I didn't try to convince him because I think it's best if this place stay hidden. We stay hidden."she paused,"Your uncle on the other hand, wouldn't stop believing that everything here is real. That the lake is enchanted. He always kneel near the lake to asked for answers. It is of course not right for a mortal to know this place."

"So, it is not right also for me. .?"curiously asked Prince Silverstein.

"No, it is right for you. You and your brothers are part Lahronians."she smiled,"Your home is between both realms. You are a prince in both."

"Oh."was the only word he can utter back.

Prince Sivlorstein analyze and thought for a moment about his fate and his life.

"This might be the answer to me being put down to the throne. I can be prince here."the young prince thought.

"It sounds marvelous, mother. Can I stay here for a while? I want to know more about your home realm."Prince Stein said.

The water figure smiled,"Of course, my darling son. My home is your home."

〜 〜

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