The Juniors - The Villains of...

By indroves

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The Juniors are a group of villains who look surprisingly like a family. One day, the aftermath of a mission... More

ONE / "It All Started When..."
TWO / "We Should Settle Then..."
THREE / "Friends... Friendly?"
FOUR / "Student of the Semester"
FIVE / "KUWTSuperVillains"
SIX / "Rulebook"
SEVEN / "Window Shopping"
EIGHT / "Thicc as Thieves"
NINE / "Fingers in Action"
TEN / "Perspectives, Take Two"
ELEVEN / "Dr. Coloss- Er, Colossacon!"
TWELVE / "Puck, Stick... Pucker Up"
FOURTEEN / "Missing Piece"
FIFTEEN / "13, 1, 4, 4, 5, 14, 19"
SIXTEEN / "Totally Not Pointless"
SEVENTEEN / "...Is Bliss "
EIGHTEEN / "Family Reunion"
NINETEEN / "Crossed Wrists"
TWENTY / "New iPhone Update Be Like"
T. ONE / "Solving for X"
T. TWO / "x=5"
T. TWO / "um um um"
T. THREE / "Saturday"
T. FOUR / "Wake Me Up When Saturday Ends"
T. FIVE / "The Villains Of Valley View"
T. SIX / "revelations"
T. SEVEN / "What it's come to"
Guys ignore that

THIRTEEN / "Kind of Like a Cavity"

302 11 10
By indroves

Shoutout to -whveler for putting me on to dv4d. Make him famous, he's hot, can sing, and puts out bangers.


"FUCKING hell, Josie. Quit following me," Jaxon fumed.

I was angry too! He should stop what he's doing at his stupid games.

I stomped up the stairs right behind him, following him down the hall to his room.

"No! We should talk about this. You need to stop using your powers at your games! I thought you said the first time was a fluke. That you lost control in the heat of the moment."

It was clearly a lie. I don't think his game the other week was the first time he's done it. I mean, I go to those stupid hockey games sparingly. I have to admit to their appeal. Knocking people around, seemingly random fights taking place that I only notice once I look up from my phone. It's not exactly on my to-do list to go off to his games. But both times I've gone, he's used his super strength and telekinesis.

"So I can't lose control more than once? It's an adrenaline rush."

"Jaxon, there's a difference between accidentally shoving someone a little too hard and blatantly tapping into your powers!"

"Oh, my Onyx. When did Lawmaker get home? I thought she went out with the policeman."

I squinted my eyes at Jaxon's sarcasm. "Can you take anything seriously for one second?"

"I'm not Justice right now, so I don't need to be some serious person when it comes to using my powers."

There was only one part I heard from that. "Will you shut up! Anybody could be at that door right now. And you're right; you aren't Justice right now. So there's no reason for you to be using your powers — and don't call it an accident because I know your dumbass better than that. I just want to know why you're putting this team at risk of exposure."

"There's no exposure," Jaxon laughed out. He shook his head and turned around to open his bedroom door. He stepped inside and closed the door, saying, "So calm down."

The nerve of him sometimes! How can anyone go by Onyx's orders if Jaxon's actions uproot us and force us out of Texas?

I stopped the door before it fully closed, risking the safety of my slender fingers, because I was about to drop some serious truth bomb.

"Jaxon, how do heroes get recruited? How do some villains become part of the League?" It's obvious he knew the answer by how he crossed his arms and looked away from my eyes.

"Just get out of my room, and close the door. Conversation's over."

"They get scouted when there are power surges. When things get on the internet, you know that. You know it's going to bring them here."

"Look, I know what I'm doing, alright?" Jaxon seethed. He was facing me now and inching forward. When he finally approached, I stared at him with hard eyes until his hand went to my fingers and easily pried them off his door.

"You broke the glass on the rink. Nobody is going to look at that and think nothing of it." I couldn't contain my anger. He was putting this entire team at risk for some high school glory. I can't believe he's this shallow and selfish. Is high school popularity that big of a deal for him?

"What do you want me to say, Josie? Do you want me to be just like you, or something? Having no friends? No sports teams, no clubs, just some average person? I'm not average, Josie, so I shouldn't pretend to be. And neither should you."

I cocked my head. "Are you implying that I should start using my powers?" I asked because it sounded a lot like he was.

"No; your powers are useless."

I dropped my mouth open in shock. How could he call my powers useless? Not only have I helped out countless times on missions, but I could make Josie Junior a member of the National Honor Society with one shift of my eyes if I wanted to!

"What would Renee say about this?" I asked. It was the only thing I could think of. And then I thought about how Jaxon isn't a completely heartless asshole. "What would North say? How would you feel if Jake found out you were Justice?"

He seemed to pause for a moment. But I can never tell when something gets to Jaxon or when he's just really annoyed. He frowned, meaning it was most likely the latter, and finally shut the door in my face.

I huffed out a breath and turned on my heels to walk away. There is no way he's getting away with this. There's no way we make it past this without being detected.


"What's got you in such a funk?" Renee asked when I stepped into the kitchen.

I threw my head back and groaned. This isn't something I'm interested in talking about with her. I didn't want to just outright snitch on Jaxon in case he really was going to think about what I brought up. Maybe my words did sort of resonate with him?

Maybe I'm giving him too much of the benefit of the doubt. This is Justice we're talking about. Someone who is extremely and annoyingly selfish. He's a certified asshole, and I don't even know why I waste my time.

That's why I don't want to bring it up to Lawmaker. I don't need to spend anymore time on him. After our little 'talk' I spent an hour trolling on Twitter, and now I'm hungry.

"I'm hungry," I grumbled on the way to the fridge. I sighed and pulled it open. Wait... did I see something— someone in the corner of my eye?

I turned my head slowly to see Eva Madden sitting at the island with Renee and facing me and the fridge.

"Oh. Uh, hi, Mrs. Madden," I said with a frown. My eyes shifted to Renee as I gave her a look of confusion, my eyebrows raised to the sky.

"How are you, Josie?" the blonde asked.

It took me a moment to ease up. I wasn't used to seeing our neighbors in my kitchen. Amy and Jake sometimes sprawled on my couch or in Jaxon's or my room, sure. And sometimes Amy sat up on the island with me in-between her legs and playing with her soft, bouncy hair— um anyway (that only happened once or twice). So no, I wasn't used to Eva or any of the Maddens being in my kitchen. At least not while I was around.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good. How 'bout—" I paused to chuckle. "How about you?"

"Fine, thanks, darling."

I smiled briefly before settling back on the fridge. "What's the occasion?" I asked rather distractedly. There was finally fruit in this fridge, but I wasn't sure if I wanted an apple from here or Cheetos from my secret stash in the cupboard. Duh. Definitely the latter. I closed the fridge as I waited for a reply from Renee that probably would not be coming.

"I can't have friends over?" Renee asked. Ah yes, her signature of answering questions with questions.

I don't know why she has to do things like that, but she always has. Supposedly it's to make sure she stays in charge, but I don't think anyone's really charging to uphold that mantle these days. Not when this town is what we've been given to work with. So maybe she should quit it.

"Sorry, mom," I replied through my teeth. Sure, I was angry because of her incessant refusal to give straight answers anymore. But that wasn't the only thing pissing me off. No, there were much more concerning matters at hand. "Where the fuck are my Cheetos?"

"Did you try looking in your secret spot?" Renee asked. It was probably the one helpful thing she's said to me since we were stationed here indefinitely.

Behind the cans and the fake cardboard wood slab was the only place they could be, and now they aren't! Of course I looked there because that's the only place it would make sense to look!

That's it, this day is just too much for me. "I'm going out."

"Okay," Renee said easily. I could always count on her for that.

"Amy was studying when I last left. You'll find her upstairs," Eva supplied.

Ah. A genuinely helpful adult. Hard to find these days. But knowing Amy that was most likely a lie, unless Hartley was there. The closest Amy ever got to studying was being peer pressured by Hartley, and when that didn't work, she'd just get Jake to do it for her.

"Thanks so much," I said anyway. "I'll go get my backpack so we can get things done together."

Eva smiled before taking a sip of her— a tea string hung out of her cup— she took a sip of her tea. Makes sense with her being British and all. Even the British villains back at the LOV love that shit. I usually just grab some from McDonald's.


Okay, so I didn't go straight to the Maddens'. I really needed Cheetos, so I grabbed some from the nearest convenience store on my bike. (A bike I 'won' through a digital raffle. Totally didn't use my powers to do that, wink wink).

I hopped off my bike and left it to fall on the fence lining their front yard. I don't think anyone's going to take it (because if anyone was going to take it, it would be a group of villains, and the bike already belongs to them).

My fist was banging on the Maddens' front door. The lights were off again per usual. But it wasn't that unusual since it was around eight-thirty at night and the sky was already black.

"Nobody's home!" I heard from within. It was a guy's voice, but it wasn't Jake or Colby. That leaves Vic. Probably short for Victor or something.

"Uh, I'm just here for Amy," I called back unsurely. If he opens the door, he's a real one. But I kind of have doubts he will. He's a little weird just like his wife, but even she manages to not put me off as much. "We're supposed to be studying together," I easily lied. I only have my black backpack with me because I wanted a bunch of Cheetos. But I guess whatever gets me inside.

The door finally swung open, and I was looking at the short-haired man. He wore a stern look of disapproval mixed with annoyance I think. My lips turned up in a grin. "Hey, Mr. Madden. How's it going?" I asked slowly. "Can I come in?"

"Always, Josie. Whatever gets to distract me from my kids."

I frowned at that but walked inside since he had stepped aside for me. Just when you think something meaningful would be coming out of an adult's mouth.

"Do you need the lights?" he asked. I was surprised by the hospitality but shook my head anyway.

"Nah, it's alright. I'm a lot more used to the dark than someone should be..." I whistled.

He only frowned harder and grunted. Then he was on the couch and leaving me by the door. "You can just go up," he said over his shoulder. I opened my mouth to reply when he cut me off, "Amy! It's for you!" he yelled with his chin pointed up.

Well! I could've done that myself.

Since he already told me I could just head up, that's what I did. Amy can be lazy, so I doubt she'd be heading down here.

I was right. I made it all the way to her mirror-decorated door. There was music pouring out from her bedroom the second I made it to her end of the hallway. So she most likely didn't even hear her dad.

I knocked despite this. Here's to hoping for the best.

"What's up with you?" Amy greeted, wasting no time after pulling open her door. Music flooded my ears.

I felt like frowning only to realize I'd been doing that the whole time. Of course she's right. I sighed and weakly smiled. "Is it that obvious?"

Her brown locks spilled over her shoulder as she tilted her head. "Nah. Something's just always wrong with you."

Hmm. That probably should've offended me. But I don't think anything could bring me down from this high of seeing her at night.


"Jaxon," I huffed out.

Her face remained stoic except for the slight lift of her eyebrows. But then she was pulling me into the room with both hands on just one of my shoulders. I felt her slide my backpack off my arms, and then she set it next to her doorway. Then the brunette deliberately sat me down on her bed. I held my breath as Amy decided to lay down next to me, sandwiching herself between the wall and myself.

"You can lay down," she supplied off-handedly.

I glanced down at her distracted face, her eyes looking at something across the room or something. I shrugged and began to shift one of my legs under the other and then laid down beside her.

"See, that wasn't so hard."

"You have no idea what it's like to be me," I jokingly whined. The smile was still on my face when I rolled onto my side. There was a smirk on her lips, and it took a second for her eyes to find mine from wherever they were focused on behind me in the room.

"I know. It must be exhausting being that pretty all the time."

Oh. Well, then. I guess we aren't ignoring what happened at Jaxon's first hockey game. The way we slipped away from both our families to do absolutely nothing. Ever since then I've wished something had happened. But she's a normal girl and I'm a villain, which means it could never happen. No matter what North says or has said, I know how to control myself.

Well now I've waited too long to reply, and that kind of makes me a hypocrite. I resisted the urge to clear my throat before replying. "Hm. You'd know all about that."

"Really? You think so?"

My frown was just barely contained. I think Amy could be more confident. Ever since Colossacon, it's like she's been slipping away a bit. Not from me, but from herself. Like she was becoming reckless in her own body, if that makes sense. "Obviously. Have you seen yourself? You aren't just fishing for compliments, are you, Ames?"

How could she doubt herself? Does she really not notice the way I look at her? I thought everyone did. Hell, even I do. Even though I try to hide it. Maybe that's a good thing.

It's a miracle we're able to hear each other over the music anyway. Whoever this guy was was dragging his words, but it sounded alright. I think it's hilarious how we have such similar tastes in music.

Maybe I spoke too soon. The lyrics are sort of super depressing..

"I look into your eyes and I can see right through your lies, And it's a terrible disguise, I think we both know who dies here"

"Wh-what?" I heard Amy stutter. She snapped me out of my thoughts, and I blinked once, only to realize I'd been staring at her the whole time.

I smiled out of pure embarrassment (because I can't be cool one-hundred percent of the time, okay!). Her eyes flickered like they do now, openly ever since that hockey game, to my lips and then back at my eyes. She knows by now the effect it has on me, because I always lick my lips whenever I catch her eyes traveling. But still, I can't do what I wanted to do that day. Or for everyday for a while now.

"No, I was just—" I paused to listen to the song again.

"Late in the afternoon, I thought I saw you leave, But you're still next to me"

Sheesh. It wasn't cold in here two seconds ago, but now I was shivering at the relevancy of the lyrics. Ok, time to play that off. I tried to laugh normally, but it came out more like a nervous chuckle. Another fail. Oh well. "Geez, who is this guy? It's kind of depressing, isn't it?"

"Hey, that's my favorite song you're talking about. And it's Bleed Out by David."

What is it with singers thinking they're Beyoncé or Adele? Or Wong. "David? David what?"

"No, d-4-v-d. I think it's just David."

I hummed in response. "I mean, it's not bad."

"You can turn it up," Amy offered. "If you want to get up."

Ugh, why does she insist on doing this? How am I supposed to prove North wrong when she says things like that?

"Too much?" she asked. Surprisingly. Because I definitely wasn't expecting that. I didn't know what to say, so I just kept staring into her eyes. "Yeah, that was too much. This is why Hartley should be here," Amy said while turning on her back and looking up at the ceiling.

"No..." I started, just wanting to get something out for her sake. Wait... I ripped my eyes away from her lips as a frown settled on my face. Why would Hartley have to be here? "Wait, Hartley?" I couldn't help but ask.

I watched a bleak smile slowly pull at her lips. "It sucked for you, but I couldn't not have her around."

Shit. I knew I was super obvious. Of course she could sense my jealousy— no, I don't get jealous. She could sense my... hmm... my... annoyance. Yeah. Well I guess she could sense that, which isn't very surprising at all, but then why did Hartley always have to tag along?

"I'll turn the song up," Amy began, and I realized too late that she'd just not-so-subtly changed the subject. I mean, it's a whole new song now.

She was getting up now, the mattress shifting slightly, and going over to the speaker.

"Like, why, though?" I asked. Because I still wanted to know. So she likes me back, or is at least attracted to me or something. Great, we aren't hiding that anymore, so now I just think I should know. I mean, I get keeping secrets, I'm keeping a pretty big one from her right now. But still. Is that a good enough excuse?

"To what? Regulate conversation?" I joked lightly. I finally sat up on the bed since she was standing by her speakers now anyway. "I don't think we need her anymore. It's not like we're pretending, right? You can be open with me, I—" I need to remember North. I dropped my head and sighed, changing what I was going to say. "I don't mind."

I guess Amy had been still up until I said that, because the volume finally went up. It had to be able to reach downstairs now. "Josie, it's just good to have the leader of the Sunshine Club around. Someone whose influences keeps you from doing what you shouldn't do."

Hm. Ok. So, what does that have to do with me? And since it was such a strain to hear her over the music, I got up and went over to where she was by the speakers. I watched her debate whether or not to fully turn to me, as her eyes were darting all over my face, and only her jaw was pointed towards me.

She also knows me well enough to know that I'm kind of slow. I pointedly held her gaze and lightly and slowly, said, "I'm still pretty confused."

Her eyes squinted slightly, causing me to almost laugh, but then her hand was really close and it was on the back of my neck. Oh. The warmth was immediate, the feeling of two soft and inviting pink lips settling on my own. I was fighting to keep my eyes opened, even seeing how pretty her eyelashes were with her eyes closed like that. Eventually I gave in, because fuck North for once, and my eyes fluttered shut.

I ignored the literal fucking butterflies in my stomach and parted my lips. Amy's lips quickly fit into place, and there we were, two pairs of lips moving in equal sync. My hands reached for her waist, and I pulled her flush up against me. She was so soft. All of her, every piece, and I was feeling it all at once. It made me squeeze my eyes tighter and do the same with her waist.

I went to capture one of her lips in between my own. It was wet just like my own, and I wanted every part of it to myself. I ignored her fingers moving around my neck until they settled just below my jaw and tugged on the bone just below my ears. Fire rushed up my throat, and I could only wonder if she felt my skin heat up as I continued caressing her bottom lip with my own.

Eventually, though, it was getting hard to keep up the act. If Amy was feeling the same way, she wasn't acting like it, but then again I already always wondered if she had lungs of steel. I wanted to stay like this, with her mouth pressed against mine, connecting like it was the secret of life. I'd rather ignore the swelling of my lips and the slight tenderness from pulling and tugging and getting pulled and tugged. But I couldn't. With one final peck, I lifted my head and broke the contact. I was colder now, but I swore I could still feel her.

I didn't expect her to say anything, because I was surely fucking speechless, but she did anyway.

"Hartley has always stopped me from doing that."

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