My Mysterious Billionaire ✓

By thedesididi

397K 13.6K 593

Amayra Williams was another common medico with a lifetime goal of making her late mother's dreams come true... More

Author's Note
1. The Alluring Stranger
2. I have to get... what?
3. The Talk
4. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
5. Left her
7. Friends?
8. Xander
10. Choice
11. In Sickness and in Health
12. Samples
13. Mia?
Chapter 12: Date
Chapter 13: Emotional Havoc
Chapter 14: Truth Unfolds
Chapter 15: Betrayal
Chapter 16: Papa Smith
Chapter 17: Family Reunion
Chapter 18: Insecure
Chapter 19: Grandma
Chapter 20: Jasmine
Chapter 21: First Kiss
Chapter 22: College!
Chapter 23: Marry me, again?
Chapter 24: Xander's First Time
Chapter 25: Pleasure
Chapter 26: Accident
Chapter 27: Kiara
Chapter 28: A complete family

6. Asshole

12.1K 404 18
By thedesididi

A m a y r a

It had been two weeks since I got married and my husband showed no signs of existence. After waiting for a week at the mansion, I decided it's better to fucking move on.

So here I am. Living my life as a medico again in Manchester.

I was taking rounds in the general ward when my phone vibrated.

Mr. Smith: Call me once you are free.

I hurriedly completed my round and moved on to the relatively secluded portion of the hospital. A few seconds of ringing was heard before a deep voice resonated.

"Hey Amayra." Said Mr. Smith.

"Hi dad." I addressed how he once asked me to.

"When will your shift end dear?" He asked.

"By 4 pm?" I answered unsure of what awaits me.

"Very well then. Pack your bags as soon as you reach home. Alexander would be there to take you to your new home. If he asks, tell him your landlord sold this apartment or something like that. Okay?" He trailed.

"Why would Alexander take me home? And when did my landlord sell the apartment?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Just do as I say Amayra. And yeah, if he asks where do you plan to stay, tell him you're going to the hostel." He said.

"What are you planning dad?" I asked.

"Oh I'm an innocent soul. Anyways I'll have to cut the conversation short, I have a meeting now. Talk to you later." He hung up.

What in the world is happening?

I went home and started packing in confusion. Do I have to pack for a few days or does he want me to shift permanently? If its the later case, I guess I'll need more than a couple of hours to pack everything.

Deciding to settle on packing my things for a little over a month, I chucked my clothes, make up, accessories, sanitary items and all my important books. As soon as I finished packing my bags, I heard the door bell ring. Still in my pyjamas I opened the door.

True to Mr. Smith's words, Alexander stood there. Still in his mysterious attire. I raised my eyebrows. Alexander mirrored my expressions. I rolled my eyes and let him in. He got in but never took a seat, despite my constant hospitality.

"Just get whatever the shits you'll need as soon as possible. I want to get home fast." He said.

"Well why in the world are you hurrying me up? I don't remember calling you to rescue me. I am very capable of moving into the hostel on my own." I said zipping my bags.

"You aren't staying at the hostel. I'll have to share my place with you. Unfortunately ofcourse." He said.

"I ain't going anywhere with you Mr. Stranger." I said starightening my hair.

"I bet you don't have an option. Your appartment have already been sabotaged and well your hostel warden has blacklisted you already for God knows what reasons. And if you don't come with me right now, James fucking Smith would deduct your name from the University too." He informed in a single breathe.

Of course its his plan.

I huffed in annoyance but got ready anyhow. Alexander, being the gentleman he is, note the sarcasm, didn't even ask me if I needed help in carrying heavy assed luggages down.

After a lot of hardwork, I was finally settled in his car. He drove to his condo silently and parked his car.

Entering his condo, I was astonished by the neatness. It wasn't extravagant like they practically portray billionaires to have. But it was really really clean. I heard a gentle humming of songs coming from the kitchen. By the sound of it, I could easily guess a woman was in there.

My heart dropped at the possibilities. This is where he declared he already has a girlfriend or that he is already head over heals for her and I took their chance of happiness.

I gulped down and went ahead into the kitchen. There stood a young girl, she looked same age as mine. As soon she felt my gaze, she looked up and displayed a huge smile.

"Finally Alexander Sir brings a girl home! I am so proud of you Boss!" She squealed. She had a heavy accent.

"Shut up Andrea." Alexander groaned behind me.

"Oh how foolish of me. Hi Ma'am, I am Andrea Vincent, Sir's house help. You'll see me cook, clean and doing other house chores daily except Sundays. Pleasant to meet you ma'am." She chirped.

"Hi Andrea. I am Amayra. Nice to meet you too and you have a beautiful smile sweetheart." I said displaying a smile of mine.

"So who is she to you boss?" Andrea asked.

"My wife." Alexander muttered lowly. I felt something in the pit of my stomach at hearing him address me as his wife.

I saw Andrea's face fall a little. Oh please no. Don't be what I think it to be.

"And I didn't even get an invitation?" She said genuinely sad of being deprived of an invitation. Not of him being married or something.

I really wanted her company if I was going to live here and her having feelings for Alexander would not be a pleasant scenario.

"It was on a short notice Andrea. It isn't his fault. But we can go on a shopping spree as a compensation. What do you say?" I tried cheering her up. Not that I was defending him or something.

"Oh I am absolutely up to it. I love the lady boss already!" She chirped.

Alexander rolled his eyes and turned towards, what I suppose it to be, his room. "If you need something, don't you dare disturb me. Andrea will show you your room. Remember my room is absolutely off limits for you." Alexander said without turning.

What a perfect husband he is.

I rolled my eyes and turned back my attention to Andrea. She displayed a sad smile. Atleast it wasn't sympathetic.

"He's an absolute asshole. God knows why you agreed to marry him. Clearly not for love. But may the Almighty give you strength to handle your cold ass husband. Not that I touched or anything. We are talking about his attitude you know." And she continued to ramble while still cooking.

I learnt that it was Andrea's mother initially who worked for Alexander. After her demise, she continued working for Alexander. She knew Alexander for past 12 years and saw nothing more than a cold hearted paygiver in him. She was already married and had a son.

"You know he has been through a hell lot of shits to be the asshole he is now. The mysterious billionaire, as everyone predicts, isn't arrogant or anything like that. He just didn't have a normal childhood like us. He despises his parents and has several mysterious illnesses. I don't know much about him except the fact that he doesn't work, he is allergic to brocolli, bananas and peanuts, he hates talking, he gets horrible nightmares and he is out on Sundays. He always prefers darkness over light. Heck he doesn't even have a light bulb in his room. Its absolutely dark. He asks me to clean his room with disinfectants every day and I actually have to wear PPE kits while I clean his room. I don't know why though. And judging by the look on your face neither do you know." She rambled yet again.

"Thats a bit... Wierd?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"He is a wierdo for a matter of fact. But atleast the pay is good. That's all I need to care about. And yeah, his aunt visits him every month with a shit tone of pills and medicines." She informed.

I just hummed. I guess I'll have to ask Aunt Malisa about it then.

During the days of my stay, Alexander has been nothing but rude prick hole.

Once I knocked on his door to invite him for dinner, he said nothing but banged the door on my fingers. I swear it took every fibre of my body not to break into his room and throw him out of the window. Right from the 36th floor. Oh how pleasant it would look.

The days rolled on and now I had a week off. Alexander, as always, remained in his room. I picked up my phone and dialled the only person who could help me drag his ass out of the room.

"Hey dad." I greeted Mr. Smith in a hushed voice. Making sure Alexander or Andrea didn't hear me.

"Hey Amayra. What's up?" He asked me. Paper rustled on the background indicating he was in his office.

"I wanted to ask for your help." I started.

"Oh is something wrong? Did Alexander do something?" He asked in a single breathe.

"No dad. Alexander remains locked up in his room the entire day. When I try to initiate a conversation, he simply bangs the door at my face. I need your help in getting his ass out of his room. Can you suggest something?" I asked.

James Smith being the cunning old fox he is, suggested me the perfect remedy.

I hung up and then went into the kitchen. I found Andrea cleaning the counter tops after cooking lunch.

"Hey Sweetie. Thank you for cooking for us. You can take the rest of the day off." I said.

"Are you sure Amayra? I haven't cleaned the house yet. Do you think sir won't be angry?" She asked me softly.

"Trust me he won't. Now get out of your appron and go play with your son or give him a sibling or something." I said pushing her out of the kitchen.

She blushed and slapped my shoulder gently but agreed nonetheless.

As soon as I heard the front door click, I smirked at myself. This is gonna be fun.

I took out the speakers from my luggage. God knows why it is here in the first place, and set it up in the living room, only a meter away from Alexander's room.

Pairing my phone with the speakers, I clicked on One Kiss by Dua Lipa.

Adjusting the volume at maximum, I started singing at the top of my voice.

"One kiss is all it takes
Falling in love with me
Possibilities, I look like all you need."

I peeped into the hallway to see if Alexander is coming. And bingo!

He was taking long strides towards the hall. Alexander flaring his nose up is probably the best site to see for me.

" 'cause I'm lost in
The way you move, the way you feel
One kiss is all it takes,
Falling in love with me

And the music was cut off. Apparently, Alexander plugged put the speaker.

"What is your fucking problem?" He seethed.

"Oh I am hungry." I said.

"And what am I supposed to do with that fact?" He asked.

"I don't know. You asked what my problem is and I shared it with you." I shrugged.

"Remind me why am I living with a child again?" He raised one of his eyebrows.

He knows it irked me when someone calls me a child. Especially when I have a hot ass and 22 year old body.

"Cause you're married to me?" I tried maintaining my calmness.

"Don't disturb my peace." As soon as he reached by the middle of the hallway, I blasted the condo with my speakers again. He stormed back and plugged it out once again.

"Can't you behave like an adult for once and be quite?!" He yelled.

"Not untill you promise to join me for lunch in the next 10 minutes." I said shrugging.

"I ain't eating any shit. Not with you." He seethed.

"You don't have an option. I am going to keep disturbing you and our neighbours untill and unless you come and have lunch with me today. I won't eat anything for the next one week and if I die of hunger I swear cops would take your ass into the jail and you definitely can't find even an ounce of your 'peace' out there in the midst of criminals. So better join me now, hubby." I said with a wicked smile. Thank you Papa Smith.

He gritted his teeth and glared at me. "Fine. But you better not crawl on my ass after that." He warned.

"As fine as your ass is, okay. I don't mind." I said happily and hopped off to the dining table.

Serving into two plates, I kept one infront of Alexander while one infront of me. We didn't speak a word. I didn't mind. Atleast he isn't in his den.

"Thank you for joining me for the meal. I hope to see you for the dinner too. And if your cold ass doesn't join me for the dinner, I am going to play songs the entire night right out of your room. So, see you later." I said and hoped my way back into the room.

At the end of the day, I had a victory smile on my face.

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