Shadowhunter: Two twins: A ne...

By Abbigael_Fairchild

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What if Jocelyn had two twins, Clary and Abbigael had a basic life until the meet Jace, Alec and Isabelle l... More

Introduction character!
Chapter ONE
Chapter 13
Chapter 18


391 10 0
By Abbigael_Fairchild

Clary woke up when she heard her phone ring, it was Simon, it made her happy, even though they could no longer trust their dad, their mother who had been kidnapped, Simon was always there like old times, Abby had fallen asleep on the little chair, she must have been drawing and fell into the arms of Morpheus. Abby began to wake up in turn, while Clary answered the phone, Simon completely panicked. They rushed to the control room to see through the windows whether Simon was in front of the church.

-Whats going on? And hello to you. 

-I wonder how long I will last with your arrogance, replied Abbigael, greeting Jace, which, as usual, made him laugh, "All the laughter" thought Abby. 

-And I with your impertinence, he is your friend, it is already ten minutes that he is in front of the door like a carrot, Jace Abby and Clary went towards the door, Jace took out his seraphic dagger. 

-Youre not going to kill Simon, because I know I owe you because you saved my life, but if you try to kill Simon, Ill smash your face. 

-I should try, I could finally see what youre really capable of, without her being able to explain to herself the fact that Jace thinks shes capable of more pleased, little question youll hit me until Im no longer a danger 

-So dead, finished Abby

Or until you, your sister and your friend can leave? 

-Until we could leave, instinctively replied Clary, who was already going out. 

-Until I am dead is not, asked Jace, even if he knew the answer.  

-Yes, replied Abby. You asked me his questions because you intend to kill Simon.

-Protect the earthly and kill the demons it will eventually go in, your friend was followed, and this man who killed my father. 

-You see it as a personal matter.

Clary was in Simons arms, Bi and Jace were still talking when a harsh and stern voice shouted the name of Abbigael Jace beating with the man, and Abbigael and Clary were watching the scene, Clary knew that the lesson Isabelle had given him the day before would be of no use, and Abby did not want to interfere in Jaces life but had instinctively put herself in front of Clary and Simon to protect them. He ended up killing the man.  

-Hes dead, asked Clary, terrifying.    

-Who died, added Simon, who was worse off than Clary. 

-Can you get rid of yourself, so that our friend doesnt think were crazy," asked Abby quickly.

-You know if your sister has drug problems you didnt have to hide it from me, whisper Simon to Clary so Abby wouldnt hear them. 

-Thats who, according to the girls from last night, it cant be your boyfriend, maybe your sisters boyfriend, at least he doesnt really seem to think youre sane, he even thinks youre capable of taking drugs. I have to worry about you taking drugs, Jace was now visible to everyone, he looked like Simon. 

-I dont do drugs. Simon and Clary were small, Simon was a bit ashamed, the way Jace had put the facts did not really show that they were friends since childhood and yet he could not help but think that she takes or could take drugs. They all went back inside the institute. 

Jace took Simons arm and used his stele to mount the institute at Simon, which is not visible to the earthly eye. Simon asks a lot of questions without a tail, or a head Clary took it upon himself to answer slowly. Jace very annoyed by the situation spoke in her beard probably to insult Simon who knows and under other circumstances Abby would have found the situation funny. And Alec arrives in the room very close followed by Izzi, she introduces herself to Simon who is no longer able to look away. While Alec and Jace discuss the fact that there are new earthlings in the institute.

When Alec and Jace return, Abby is the first to speak: 

-Any chances are this famous circle members will attack him again. 

-No, not really, hes not interested enough in them, said Alec. 

-Thank you, that's nice, replied Simon, sarcastically, apparently vexed, but he says no more by habit.

-Simon, you should go home, you will be better off, by his words, no more noise, as if they were waiting for an end, which Abby did not utter. 

-Youre serious, Simon looked destroyed what broke Abbys heart, but she showed nothing.  

-Im very serious, they clearly dont want to spend their days protecting us, she says, pointing the finger at siblings, and in our group Im the only one who knows how to defend myself. 

-So, because I dont know how to defend myself, I have to go home. Be careful, our super Soldat is there. She will save us all, because she knows how to fight.  

-Simon! I dont want to have to choose between my best childhood friend or my twins. 

-Because you would choose Clary.

-Yes! Jace, Alec and Izzi, who before theses words were still talking, ceased to hear the end. And I dont want to have your death on my conscience. If you want to stay its your choice 

-Ill stay, Ill defend myself.

-Youre serious, were all doing it with Simon, since we remember, you cant do it to me, you cant do it to us, Clary had tears in her eyes just like Simon.  Anyway, if Luke never loved us and he pretended all theses years and now hes gone, its because of you. Clary took Simon by the arm and went towards her room; Abby had slightly spread her eyes of pain and resumed her condition from before these words.  

-Theyre together, Izzi asked out of pure curiosity, but Abby saw more than curiosity.  

-No, I dont think so, and thats not the point anyway. Abby was suddenly terrorized she wasnt sure they would live this new world and this war.

-You did well, Hodges had just arrived in the room, Abby could not stand in the same room without feeling in danger.

-If I didnt think it was a good thing, I wouldnt have done it, it doesnt help me know how to find my mother.  

Hodges, Izzi, Jace and sometimes Alec explained to Abby everything they know, Hodges being a witness began: 

-It was about twenty years ago, a man named Valentin Morgenstern, who at the time was your age, just like your mother, me and almost everyone else, created a group of people ready to make the world a better place for the earthly. He thought we should use the Mortal Cup to make new shadow hunters... 

-We spank them drinking in the Cup like Jonathan Shadowhunter first, completed Jace. 

"Exactly, and then with time his ambitions changed, he wanted to kill all the dark creatures, steal their powers, we continued to follow her people had never seen her madness before your mother. 

-Or is she the only one who has accepted to see the truth, and besides you and my mother, the other members have become.

-For those the Clave has caught, they are all in prison, Hodges is the exception, replied Alec, Abby the look on Hodges saw that he did not have the agreed area.   

There are a lot of rumours that Valentine was experimenting with the blood of different creatures, but nothing has ever been proven. He was getting crazier and crazier, and I couldnt tell you when Jocelyn realized that. He had planned an attack during the chords. 

-The purpose of these agreements is to create peace between the dark creatures and the Shadowhunter's, Isabelle said in preparation for Abbys questioning. 

-Absolutely, he had planned to attack, the perfect plan, he could slaughter creatures, and steal the cup that was on display for the occasion." But your mother had, as soon as she understood and heard the plan, transmitted it to the Clave and creatures powerful and strong enough to change the dowry. It was a terrible battle, but Valentine eventually lost.

-And what had he become?

-He perished in a fire. 

-The perfect ending. 

-What do you mean, Izzi didnt understand what he meant.  

-Dead in a fire, that means, technically even though we found his bones, we have no evidence that hes really dead. And for my mother, what the Clave believed before you knew the truth.  

-That she had committed suicide, replied Hodges, with a false look of sadness. 

-You see, if she could make you believe that what would tell you that Valentine is really dead, bones cant be too hard to find when youre a psychopath who wants to destroy everything, and how many members of the circle the enclave has never found. Nobody was talking, it looked like Abbigael had brainwashed them. Well, since you didnt add anything, Im going to find my sister and my best friend who are mat with because Im trying to protect them from a world that none of the three of us understand. 

-So, you dont care about this war, asked Alec furiously. 

-First of all, its not some 18-year-old girl who doesnt know anything who would save the world. 

-You had the area of knowing everything there now, in saying that the Clave does not know how to do their Job, Alec and Abby had their eyes planted in each others.

-Alec! said Jace and Isabelle.

-Secondly, I have no intention of playing the hero, the heroes spend their lives suffering and sacrificing themselves without any thanks at the end if they are still alive while the wicked and warm, the villain fights for what is right or not, He dies, and no one remembers him. So yes, Id rather be a living villain than a forgotten hero. In her words, Abby left the room. No more noise in the room, all the other occupants of the institute who were working had stopped doing everything to listen to them. 

She rushed to her room, not knowing if she was angry, sad hurt or disappointed. What her sister had just said had hurt her so much, she kept turning the conversation in her head while circling in her room repeatedly. She had been doing this for a few minutes, she stopped when she realized she was almost running.  She dressed herself, trying to calm down. If one day you are very, too angry, count on your fingers, take three big inspirations, walk as long as you need, pinch yourself, find something funny to say about the de-dramatized situation through laughter, says out loud who gets you angry whether youre alone or not or moving do exercises. Find the thing that suits you the most and do it whenever you need to calm down. Luke told her that when she was angry in class, the teacher had discriminated, she had responded to a boy in her class who was screwing with her, but she had been punished by the teacher.

Thinking back on it always helped her calm down, but not this time, this time she was convinced she was the reason her dad left. Dressed to be able to train, a black cyclist with a black bra and a bottle of water, she went to the training room, on the way she crossed, in her eyes, too many people, they all looked at her as if she had blue skin, they talked, whispered things sometimes not gently enough and Abbigael heard them.  

Arriving in the room Abbigael took strips of cloth put on his two hands, and began to clap in the striking bag, stronger, faster. The more she hit, the more she sweated, the more she forgot, but she thought. One, two, five, ten minutes passed and then 20, an hour she was training, her body was on fire. Jace entered the room, he remained, leaning against the door for a few minutes to watch her pounding the bag with rage. He walked into the room and took something to fight with, Abby pretended he wasnt there and kept on knocking.  

-Come and fight me, Jace called to him, he could not speak to her other people had left the room, it will be more fun than typing a bag that does not move.

-No, said Abby, and why dont you want to train with your brothers and sisters or alone why me?

-They control their anger too much; they keep it in themselves.

-So, I cant control myself, but they can, nice, thank you. Abby was starting to cry. 

-And I think the fact that they keep it for themselves in a little box they dont know about is going to destroy them. 

Abby had started to leave the room, she stopped, Jace was a little meter away, she sent him her foot, he arrives at the height of Jaces shoulders due to their size difference, he caught him. It was followed by a long fight, accelerating the blows, slowing down. Jace had left her free for the wounds, he told her that he would apply a healing rune after, she had first hesitated and then stopped holding back. Jace always avoided his blows, which upset Abbigael even more. 

-How do you do it? asked Abby, irritated by the situation. 

-To stop all your shots, this question surprised him, he knew that Abby was not the type to reveal herself so quickly. 

-I am not going to say that I am better than you in combat, or that you are better, but you have countered every one of my blows, she spit, after a few seconds to calm down a little, she resumed, how you manage everything. 

-Dealing with what, this world, Abby nodded affirmatively, she was ashamed to ask the question, I was born in this world, and I lived there all my life, I manage, as you say, out of habit. 

-But sometimes you must break habits, they are not always good. On these words she left the room with tears in her eyes the day had been long, and she wanted to sleep.

Simon and Clary were in the room that the Shadowhunter had designated for her before she even woke up. Clary took it upon herself to explain the situation in the calmest manner to Simon. Starting with the kidnapping of his mother, the Pandemonium attack with the shadow hunters, then the flight. Then she went on with the demon that looked like Doth who attacked her, and Isabelle had come to her rescue by killing the demon with a whip. Simon lost a bit of the thread when Clary explained to him that he could no longer trust Luke and did not understand a word of the war between the circle and the dark creatures. Simon offered to watch a movie, Spider-Man, so that they could calm down. As usual, Simon fell asleep during the movie.

Published the : 7th September 2022

Word: 2511

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