Houston, I have so many probl...

By ywereuborn

40 16 0

Compilation of Science Fiction written works. More

Author's note


3 2 0
By ywereuborn

"The US Department of Defense has released three declassified videos of Unexplained Aerial Phenomena," fhe news reporter's voice that rang through the 5 sides of the building made our head turn to the giant screen.

"The videos had already been leaked in 2007 and 2017. According to the New York Times, a clip from 2004 was filmed by two navy fighter pilots and shows a round object hovering above the water, about 100 miles out into the Pacific Ocean."

An unidentified flying object was shown on the video; they don't look like much of anything. Only fuzzy spheres floating through the sky. The videos show what appear to be a UFO rapidly moving while recorded by infrared cameras. It was one of the gathered evidence that we have found years ago.

"Two other videos filmed in 2015 show objects moving through the air, one of which is spinning-" it was immediately cut off after our spokesperson request for it to mute.

"There are approximately 23,000 military and civilian employees and about 3,000 non-defense support personnel works here in the Pentagon, but not even a single mind can identify what kind of object is that!" Our spokesperson-Sue Gough, cried out; pointing at the news that's still on going.

"Sir." One of the best civilian employee: Naix, raised her hand. "These are Unidentified Flying Objects, Sir. So, the not knowing is the point."

Mr. Sue was quite off guard after hearing her competitive voice. I smirked in my mind.

That's my girl.

"So, what are you trying to say? For us to create confusion, instead of clarity?"

"I didn't mean it by that, Sir." Naix sighed. "No authority ever wants to admit it is powerless to understand something. Neither do scientists yearn for mystification, even us wouldn't release any statements that we're not sure about."

"And how long do you think you'll be able to release legit statements?" Naix remained silent.

When Naix isn't able to talk, I immediately stood up. "Mr. Sue, the military had already confirmed the existence of the clips, but refused to share the evidence more broadly for the research is, still, on going."

His every brows furrowed. "And why's that?"

"It was already seen in the video, it only scratches the surface of research and materials available, but not entirely. Some stated that it might just be a drone, but we, still, don't have enough proof," I stated.

"Can't you release whatever evidence you had already found?"

I shook my head. "No, Mr. Sue. If we release false statements, it-" he cut me off.

"It will only exceptionally grave damage to the National Security of the United States." He nodded before gazing at one of his right hand. "Tell them that the aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as 'unidentified'. We'll be releasing enough information's once we collect enough valid statements."

"Hey, Elizando." Naix followed my steps after I left the meeting.

For an average type of girl, she's really tall. Ranging between 6-7 footer, perhaps. Her eyes were blue and hair is ranging from blonde to almost as white as snow.

"Thanks for saving my butt out there," she thanked me while lightly nudging my shoulder.

I nonchalantly chuckled. "Don't mention it."

"Have you ever tried to guess who's the one operating that aerial phenomena?" She opened up.

I shook my head. "I won't jump into conclusion unless I'm sure, how 'bout you?"

"Ooh! Serious, ey?" She giggled. "I'm guessing it's an alien."

My eye brow raised. "An alien? Impossible."

"Yah! It could be real." She hit my shoulder. "Plus, we're working here in Pentagon. Anything that comes to our mind may be possible."

"Yeah, right."

"Glad you're back. Come here!" The time I step on to the office, Wilson gestures us to come.

He's currently sitting in front of his computer, probably doing some research.

"What is it?" Me and Naix approached him; lightly nearing my face to the screen.

"Do you guys believe in aliens?" I mentally shook my head at his question.


"Yes!" Naix cheerfully exclaimed.

"Check this out." Wilson showed us an article. "In the Northern Hemisphere, the Pleiades star cluster becomes visible to evening observers in October and disappears in April. What month is it now?"

"April," I replied. I don't even know why I suddenly became interested.

"Exactly!" He scrolled. "The UFO was somewhere in North-West. Maybe that's the reason why we encountered it, 'cause it's near the Pleiades cluster and it's about to disappear by now."

"Where's that located, then?" Naix asked.

"Just above the Venus planet." He fixed his glasses. "I wonder if it will be visible tonight."

"What's with the Pleiades star cluster, anyway? What's the connection of it from the aliens?"

"Glad you asked." He snapped his finger in mid air before typing. "I researched about aliens and I found one that seems reliable: the nordic aliens. The Nordic Aliens isn't really well-known today, but some claimed it to be from the planet Venus and later- the Pleiades star cluster."

"What are you pointing -aw!" I winced after Naix slapped my back.

"You still don't get it, don't you?" She shook her head. "What Wilson is trying to say, the UFO that we found in the North-West is same as where the Nordic Alien's home are located," she added, "Could it really be operated by Nordic aliens? After all, they're the closest to our planet."

"There's a possibility," Wilson whispered.

"Hey, Eli. What time will the observatory close?"

"Oh." I looked at my watch. "About 4 hours, why?"

Wilson stood up. "Well, if you want to find more evidence. Then, we must get to the Observatory before the day ends. Remember, this is the last day for the Pleiades to be visible."

Naix and I stared at each other before agreeing.

"I don't see anything," Naix said. Peeking at the giant telescope.

"Wait, I'm doing some research." Wilson browsed on his phone. "Here it is. To find the Pleiades star cluster in the Northern Hemisphere, start by looking in the night sky from October to April, facing South. Next, locate the Orion constellation, which will be about halfway between the horizon and a spot directly above your head."

I signalled Naix that I'll be the one to look. I peeked through the lens and did as it told.

Finally, I saw it.

"It's like a smaller, hazier version of the Big Dipper in the night sky," I explained.

"How long does it take to get to Pleiades from Earth?" Naix asked.

"410 light years. And that's about" -he fished his calculator out before calculating -"3 months. 97 days, to be specific."

"Tell Mr. Sue Gough to ask permission to NASA's Space Shuttle for launching. We'll be exploring Pleiades."

Luckily, we asked for a consent and they immediately agree.

Now, I'm currently at NASA since I'm the one in charge together with Wilson. Naix's at home 'cause she's feeling sick all of a sudden.

"STAGE 1," it alarmed.

"How long before the spaceship be in space?" it wasn't hard for me to whisper since Wilson is just right beside me.

He just shrugged.

"STAGE 2."

The rocket is still being fueled with liquid rocket fuel since the first stage.

"STAGE 3."

For the last stage, the rocket is being filled with solid rocket fuel.













It's a good thing we're wearing earplugs to avoid ear damage from the loud take off.



"How long it has been?" I yawned.

Wilson who's beside me replied, "96 days. They'll be landing for the next 10 minutes."

He clasped his hands. "Can't wait to see aliens!"

I shook my head when I heard my phone ring.

"Hey, baby. How's the launch?" I smiled when I heard Naix's familiar voice.

"It's pretty good." I stared at the giant screen where the astronaut's projection are seen via satellite. "How's the Pentagon?"

I heard her sigh. "Same as always. Busy."

I chuckled when Wilson called me. "I have to go. I'll inform you once I got a new info."

"Sure, baby. By the way, I have a great news that I'll be telling you later. I love you." My heart raced.

"I'll be waiting for that. I love you, too."

I hung up before approaching Wilson. "What is it?"

"Look." He pointed at the big screen.

My eyes literally widen after the rocket land on Venus. But something caught my attention that hitched my breath.

I saw human-like figure in front.

"W-What's that?" I mumbled.

"Nordic Aliens," Wilson uttered. "Dude, they look like. . . Naix."

I can't deny what Wilson have said. It is true, they look exactly like Naix.

"Nordics are perhaps the most human in appearance of all extraterrestrials, and closely resemble people of Scandinavian descent," one of the NASA's employee said.

"They tend to have blonde to reddish hair, blue or green eyes, and stand anywhere from 5-7 feet tall. Some claim that Nordics acts like human to blend in when visiting our planet."

"V-Visit our planet?" I asked.

He nodded. "They can easily pass as Earthlings, and those who have been in contact with this race state that their appearance allows them to freely explore our planet."

Could my girlfriend be an alien? No. . .

"Baby, I miss you so much!" I was greeted with Naix's tight hug when I reached home. She was sleeping, but woken up by me laying beside her.

I just smiled before hugging her back. Later on, she doze up. I was staring at her beauty while she's sleeping. She looks exactly like the Nordic Aliens that we saw. I laid my head right above her chest and felt her heartbeat.

A tears left my eye when I grab the knife from my pocket before stabbing her stomach. Surely killing her.

"I'm so s-sorry," I cried out.

I fished my phone out when it rang. It was a call from Wilson.

"Dude, you wouldn't believe what I'm about to tell you!" he exclaimed.

"What is it?" my voice went hoarsed.

"Nordic aliens looks like humans, but I did some research to know the difference. It says here that Nordic Alien's heart are located in the human's liver-which means, if their heart is right above their chest, it's human."

My tears formed from what I heard when Wilson added,

"By the way, your girlfriend called me earlier telling the news. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'RE GOING TO BE A FATHER!"

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