Mickey/Ian One-Shots

By Writing166

48K 469 55

Just one shots of Mickey and Ian on shameless More

Mandys Bestfriend
He Escaped?
Fucking Perv
Im Not Going Anywhere
The Bar
Geriatric ViagroidοΏΌοΏΌ
You Knew?
Fuck I missed you
Damn right Milkovich
One Hug
"I said thanks asshole"
Im here
Fuck I missed you P2
Im here P2
What a way to meet P1
What a way to meet P2
Switching Rooms
"I want the gun back Mickey"
Never in a Million Years


991 14 0
By Writing166

Words: 2351

Rundown: Ian and Mickey live in a world where soulmates can feel the other persons feeling emotionally and physically when they turn 6


It started when Ian hit his 6th birthday he was sitting in his room throwing a ball up and down when he felt a strong punch in the face

He had never been hit like this before so it was a whole new kind of pain and he rushed downstairs half excited but in pain, he had been told since he was younger about the whole soulmate thing but this definitely wasn't how he wanted to first feel it

"Fiona! Fiona! Guess what!"

"Ian you alright?"

"Yeah I just felt my soulmate!"

"Why are you holding your face are you alright?"

"Sort of I guess I got hit in the face"

"Oh no! I'll get you ice"

Later on that day Ian was in his room playing with his ball again when he felt something else

Their was a wave of heat in him like worry or as if he was scared he got up to the side of his bed and hugged his legs tight

Eventually it passed and he felt really tired and fell asleep

Throughout the next months Ian was constantly getting hit and kicked or just small pains every now and then but he thought nothing of it, maybe his soulmate was just clumsy

The next week he tasted something with a horrible flavour it burned slightly and made him cough, the same flavour repeated multiple times until he started feeling dizzy and ended up going to sleep again

4 years had passed since then making him 15 and Ian had started to get used to the constant hits and falls which now at this age was becoming concerning as either his soulmate has a really bad falling problem or some other even worse problems going on

He hated the fact that he didn't even know who his soulmate is let alone not be able to do anything about his soulmates constant injuries

The only slight good thing on his side was that if you are feeling some type of pain from your soulmates side it only last for about 1 minute before it goes away, whereas if you get hit you feel it for a normal amount of time

Around this time Ian had started feeling other emotions like heat, a rage that would often come on so strong it made him want to beat someone half to death all he saw was blank and often Ian would go slightly crazy and hit walls and throw stuff around the room for no apparent reason

One other feeling he had which made it so much more confusing was sexual attraction he would find himself getting turned on for no reason then angry for also no reason this seemed to happen a lot as it would be very enjoyable one moment and the next anger

Another 5 years go by and he's in high school, this year Ian excepted himself for being gay but for obvious reasons he wouldn't go around bragging about it

For the last year the most often emotion was numb and rage he couldn't remember the last time he had felt happiness from his soulmate and that exact thought made him sad

The punches got worse and the numbness went on for hours after every hit, he constantly tasted cigarettes and alcohol which wasn't much of a problem since Ian didn't mind smoking nor the taste

One day he was in class listening to a boring science lecture and he saw this other boy walk in, his hair was black and messy, his eyes were blue and his clothes were all baggy and he had a lot of holes in his shirt in it yet he wore it so well in his opinion. He had recognised this boy from his younger school he had asked him for a pencil and the boy just threatened him which scared him off at the time

Right now he was looking at him and thought shit he couldn't believe he didn't realise how hot the guy was

"Look who finally decided to show up for a leason, Milkovich"

"Bite me"

He watched as the boy scanned the room a bit before picking the only seat available which was next to Ian


Ian spat out eventually he was so tongue tied that he couldn't speak before

"Fuck off"

Somehow Ian found himself blushing even though he had just been told off

He watched as the boy next to him rubbed his face and shook his head a bit before scribbling random shit on his paper clearly avoiding the lesson

Ian could only stare at him for the whole lesson before he saw the boy look his way then gave him a death stare making him look away

He felt slight anger as soon as the boy looked at him but shook it off

Later in the day he was walking through the back quad with Lip talking about the next boring math equations that he didn't understand when he felt the same rage come up in him like it had multiple times

He started walking quicker when he saw two boys fighting it was the same boy from the science lesson and he was in a fight with some other kid Ian didn't know the name off

"Mickey for fuck sake it's not that big of a deal!"

He heard Mandy yell he knows Mandy as he's friends with her they always hang around each other bitching about their sibling and stuff

Hearing the name Mickey rung a bell as it was Mandy's brother clearly the guy he was crushing hard on was Mandy's brother

Not paying attention to that and still feeling the rage he saw Mickey get hit in the face by the other boy and Ian immediately felt it he cupped his face but it went away soon

He didn't even think for a second before a caught up to the guy that hit Mickey as Mickey punched the other guy hard in the throat

The other guy got up and before Ian could think he punched him hard in the face

Everyone started watching Ian as they wouldn't have expected that from him to others he was always the quiet kid sitting in the back of the room with only two friends that being his brother and Mandy

Mickey glared at him once again before Ian backed off a bit and continuing to watch his anger had worn off a bit and he just felt like he wanted to go home

He watched as Mickey walked off and when everyone had left he walked after Mickey he found him under the bleachers in the school and caught up to him

"Hey you ok"

"Yes I'm fucking ok I didn't need your help"

"I know sorry about that"

"You don't even know the story why the fuck did you jump in for?"

"I'm not sure I just felt angry and he was there"

Mickey rolled his eyes and lit up a cigarette

Ian always had a small ice pack in his bag for when his soulmate got hit so he can use it so he unzipped his bag and got it out gesturing for Mickey to take it

"The fucks that for"

"For your head I saw he hit you"

"Why would you carry a random ass ice pack in your bag"

"My soulmates constantly getting hit ice helps, I mean I know it doesn't last long on my side but still"

"Thanks I guess"

Mickey took it and rested his head against a pole behind him

He reached his cigarette towards Ian and he took it, he could already taste it apparently his soulmate was off smoking somewhere but he still liked to smoke


Mickey got out another one and started to light it while covering the end of the cigarette with his other hand the slight breeze wasn't in his favour and he ended up burning his palm slightly



They both hissed at the same time before grabbing their same hand they both looked at their hand for a second before snapping their heads around to look at each other

"What the fuck"

"Holy shit"

Throughout the months Mickey and Ian became what Ian would call friends Mickey never liked to get close or anything and seeing how Mickey was with other people compared to Ian made him feel slightly special

Every time Ian felt a hit or sadness or anger he would always message Mickey to see if he was alright

This time however was the worst so far Ian was just laying in bed when he felt the worst punch of his life almost making him blackout, then a strong bump on the back from what he could only guess was Mickey falling to the floor what happened next was the worst pain Ian had felt yet he felt a very strong pressure on his leg and then a snap

Things went fuzzy and he passed out only to wake up a minute later he felt fine now and grabbed a crowbar and rushed to mickeys house bringing Vs first aid kit which had bandages and big bandaids

He's never ran so fast in his life and when he got there he saw Mickeys dad walking out of the house with a slight smug smile on his face as he got into his shitty car and drove off

Ian ran inside to see Mickey passed out of the floor and his leg was bent in clearly broken with blood dripping down his head

He ran up to him and tapped his shoulders, when that didn't work he shook Mickey harder and he finally woke up

"The hell"

Mickey sat up further against the wall and rubbed his head a bit then looked at his fingers and saw blood

"Shit what happened, Ian?"

He looked up seeing Ian there almost in tears because he was so worried and was so confused

"Fuck Mickey! Exactly my question!"

Mickey started to try and stand up but he only lifted one leg before he stopped


"Can you move your leg Mick?"

Ian asked frantically

"Um I don't think so"

Mickey looked tired like he was going to sleep but Ian wouldn't let him

"Hey! Your not going to sleep alright keep your eyes open please I'm calling an ambulance"

"I don't need a fucking ambulance Gallagher that shit cost too much"

"It's alright I know people"

He called them and told them the address before hanging up

"Ok they told me to treat the wound on your head"

He began rummaging through the stuff in the med kit not knowing what to do

"How the fuck do you treat a wound!"

"Jesus calm down Gallagher what are you so worried about"

"The fact that I felt your leg snap in half is a pretty good explanation I'd say and the fact that it's numb doesn't help! And your head is bleeding a lot!"

"You don't have to get so worked up about it, do you have a tissue though the bloods getting in my eye"

"Fuck I think so"

Ian looked through it again and found some regular bandages and started dabbing them on his head before holding them there

Mickey reached up to hold them there himself but Ian didn't take his hand off

Dropped his arm and leaned his head back sighing

"I think I may have pissed off my dad"

He huffed out laughing a bit

"That's not funny Mickey! What the fuck did you do to piss him off this much"

"I accidentally let it slip that my soulmate was a boy, he didn't like that too much"


Ian was still focusing on trying to stop the bleeding when he felt a hand on his arm

"I'm alright ok? You don't have to freak the fuck out"

He let his hand slide back off and lent away next to him for his pack of smokes that had clearly fallen away from him and he got them

"Sit the ambo might take a while"

He passed one to Ian and took one for himself lighting it and Ian leaned it to get it at the same time they both lit them and sat there

Ian couldn't stop looking at Mickey to make sure he didn't pass out and Mickey was just staring at the ceiling

"I'm not going to pass out Ian you can stop staring"

"Not gonna happen"

Mickey sighed again and a few moments later the paramedics came and took Mickey away

Ian following them to the hospital by taking the el and got there half an hour later

He knew the room that Mickey would be in because his family was friends with someone who got them in for free

"Is he awake?"

"Nope he's sleeping right now but you can still go in if you want keep him company he'll probably wake up soon"

Ian nodded and went in sitting next to him in the seat

Mickey was on his side with his leg in a pathetic cast and stitches on his head

Ian was analysing him and how beautiful he looked even while sleeping

Ian thought he probably shouldn't but reached out and held his hand

Mickey rustled a bit in his sleep before opening his eyes slightly and closing them again

"How come every time I open my eyes your right there"

Mickey groaned a bit as he felt his leg and head and Ian felt it as well

"Just lucky I guess"

Mickey laughed a breath and closed his eyes again keeping his hand there

It surprised Ian that he didn't let go of his hand or tell him to fuck off, he didn't say anything he just kept his hand their and smiled a bit

Mickey felt the happiness and opened his eyes again

"What are you so damn happy for"

"Shit I forgot about that"

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