My Little Pony meets Rainbow...

بواسطة ARandomCasualPerson

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After the events of MLP meets RQ, the steves and ponies have united. However, villains of the past want to ta... المزيد

The Mysterious Creature
What Does The First Curse Know?
Reality Is Being Shifted
The Battle Of Canterlot
An Old Foe
What Happened To Applejack?
A Doctor Joins The Fight?
Backgrounds Of Doctor Whooves
Multiple Problems At Large
What Are The Daleks Doing Here?
Doctor Who: Daleks In Steve Legends
Fighting The Infection
Dread's Return
Sombra's Demonic Modification
The Upcoming Battles
Nothing Is Ever Easy
Time Steve's Last Resort
Can Time Steve Be Saved?
Doctor Who - Let's Save Some Steves
Discord's Worst Dread
Truly Letting Go
Worried, But Prepared
The Demon Steve's Last Stronghold
Dread Steve's Last Stand
Doctor Whooves' Origin
Completing The Loop
After The Battle (Summary)
Trying To Enjoy Hearth's Warming
The One Behind It All Is...
Extraterrestrial Steves
Freeing Discord
Hypno Steve's Return
Doctor Who - Going Into Parallel Worlds
Doctor Who - Voidbound
The Great Betrayal

Professor Red's New Weapon Is A WHAT!?

31 3 1
بواسطة ARandomCasualPerson

"When is Professor Red coming with his machines!?" Elemental Steve yelled.

Woopf woopf woopf woopf woofp woopf wopf wopf wopf wopf wpf wpf wpf!"

A blurry blue rectangle comes flying past whilst spinning, straight into the charging demons. As the spinning blue object makes contact with the ground, it creates a shockwave that sends the whole charging wave of Demon Steves into the air, all turning into smoke when they touch the ground. The blue object continues sliding down the path before slowing coming to a stop infront of the bridge, the one that looks most direct at the doors of the Town Hall. It is the TARDIS, which the Doctor opens the doors, closing them once he's out.

"So, where are the demons, or have they all ran away?"

"You literally just... flew into them and... well, they're just gone," Sabre stuttered, both surprised and relieved. He, Time Steve, Elemental Steve walks over to the Doctor, who is on the bridge.

"Well alright, how many more are there going to be? A battalion, an army or what?" The Doctor asked.

"A lot, just... a lot, is all I can tell you, and they are able to warp reality if you let them," Time Steve replied.

"I know that, and that's rather dangerous," The Doctor responded.

"More waves are expected... and there they are," Time Steve replied, looking ahead as more Demon Steves start charging towards them.

"Oh... it's a shame for them the TARDIS is blocking their way," The Doctor smirked.

"They will just walk- Around..." The Demon Steves try to walk around while Sabre was yelling, he notices there must be some force field around the TARDIS. The force field happens to be large enough to block the whole route on the bridge. However, there is two other bridges the demons have completely overran and are approaching the bridge Sabre, Time Steve, Elemental Steve and the Doctor are on. The Doctor grabs out his sonic screwdriver and keeps the demons from getting closer. Meanwhile, arrows from the Colourless and Royal Guards that are on the roof are still shooting arrows at the demons.

"They aren't the smartest of enemies. If I were them, I'd be warping reality non-stop as you say they have that capability in them," Said the Doctor. Sabre, Time Steve and Elemental Steve walks forward. Sabre uses the staff to summon lightning on the Demon Steves while the brothers summon lightning as they naturally have the ability.

"Wow, you three are putting me to shame," The Doctor chuckled lightly as he steps forward, still aiming his sonic screwdriver at the Demon Steves.

"Stay back- Ah ah ah- Bad boys- No reality warping for you," The Doctor smirked as he, Sabre, Time Steve and Elemental Steve continues moving forward, summoning that lightning.

"I was expecting them to fight a bit better."

"This is not the part where we complain!" Elemental Steve yelled, striking 3 more Demon Steves with lightning.

"Demon Steves aren't smart and have no conscience," Time Steve responded to the Doctor.

"I would tell you there's something else that has no conscience- I rather not talk about them. They are the worst thing in all creation- Oh really!? Not right now come on!" The sonic screwdriver malfunctions and the force field being created by it collapses. The 4 have been surrounded. But then came a bright blue beam hit and destroys several Demon Steves. For a moment, the Doctor's heart skipped a beat. He thought that was something else, but he can see the source of that beam is coming from a light pink unicorn from a roof. Dark grey clouds began to form and began to strike lightning, creating more holes in the ranks of demons. Then lastly came another beam, this time being purple and not that bright blue. It is the rest of the mane 6, Spike and Starlight.

"Death to the demons!" Rarity roared as she ran up to a Demon Steve and impaled one with her horn, which is glowing blue. Rarity's magical aura is of a similar colour to Starlight's, but has more blue in the middle, and the colouring is more saturated. Fluttershy gives a Demon Steve the stare, distracting it, letting Rainbow Dash swoop in to get a good hit to it's head. Pinkie Pie fires TNT blocks out of her party canon, exploding many more demons. Twilight hovers up and shoots several powerful purple beams of magic, destroying more demons than her friends put together. She doesn't stop until every last Demon Steve is gone, which she then hovers down whilst panting.

"Doctor, is that you?" Fluttershy shook whilst stepping forward. He nodded.

"I would say how you doing, but the more appropriate question is... how you coping?" He replied.

"What have you come here for?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Got told by myself to go back here, with barely any context," The Doctor replied.

"Twilight you okay?" Sabre asked, running to the purple alicorn.


"You need to conserve your energy Twilight. Dark went all out and was left breathless and then we faced another assault of demons."

"I hate them demons so much... after just only a few months one thing is sorted, they come along... I- I feel like a failure that I can't stop things like this..." Twilight sighed, looking to the ground.

"You're not a failure Twilight! You try your hardest in any situation!" Spike couldn't believe that Twilight would call herself a failure.

"Nopony could foresee this coming. Trying to expect the unexpected all the time is just impossible- We held Canterlot, and- And not just that, all of Equestria is on high alert of the situation because of you," Starlight firmly tried to Twilight.

"I... feel like I should've done more..."

"We all feel like that when we see many of us fall. When we see things like this, we're quick to blame ourselves. But in this situation, we've done all we could've done. In this fight, we're all fighting as one. In battles, there will be those who won't make it, but each fighter is a volunteer. It isn't about the sword, it is about the one and the shield, the safety for what lays behind while they move forward, to protect what they stand for-"

"I reeeeally like the motivating speech here Sabre but there's A WHOLE WAVE OF ARMOURED DEMONS!" Time Steve screamed, trying to use his lightning against the Demon Steves, but it has no effect.
(North of the Town Hall)

"There we go, another wave gone," Said Light Steve as he impales the last Demon Steve with his spear, destroying the demon.

"Good job everybody, coordination is much better," Shining Armour commended.

"Do we push up? These demons aren't as powerful as the ones in Canterlot," Dark Steve asked.

"No, hold positions," Shining Armour firmly replied.

"The longer we just hold, the further we'll be pushed back to the Town Hall. I say we move up, we'll have support from the bows above us. We'll also get more open field which will give more opportunities to use ranged attacks," Light Steve countermanded Shining Armour.

"However Shining, you know Equestria inside out. I say you call the shots," Light Steve made a u-turn on his countermand.

"Now you put it that way... right- Everyone! March on! Push the demons back!" Shining Armour yells as he agrees with Light Steve. Ahead, more Demon Steves starts spawning. Light Steve, Dark Steve, Shining Armour and some Colourless and Royal Guards take position between 2 houses.

The house to the left of them has the same structure as most houses in Ponyville, pale light yellow walls with honey brown battens made of wood which keeps the walls in shape. The right side of that house is triangle-shaped, made of common yellow hay material. On top of the roof is a small box shape, a batten going above and below the window. That small box there also has the triangle roof. In the centre, that part goes up in a cuboid shape, with many battens to keep it balanced and upright, and has the triangle roof. There is also a house that is connected to that house and the one to it's left if you're viewing it from the front, or to the right if you're viewing it from the back. This makes that house a terraced building.

The house design to the right is less common. The shape of it is more cylinder and is bright pink instead of the usual pale light yellow on most houses. The roof is a dome shape and uses darker coloured hay. There is a smaller cylinder-like part that is connected to the main part of the building and uses the same dome roof design, except it is smaller. Between them is a small dark grassy field, where a regular sized house is, surrounded by grass, with the only object near it being a tree.

"They're on the field! Range attacks! RANGE ATTACKS! GO GO GO GO!" Light Steve screams on repeat whilst summoning fireball after fireball. The Colourless Guards do the same while Shining Armour and Royal Guards that are unicorns use their magic.
(Back down to the south of the Town Hall)

The demons have the bridge surrounded, the one where the TARDIS is near by. The Doctor couldn't open the doors in time and had to get out of the way before he got mauled by Demon Steves.

"How long can that hold?" Time Steve asked the Doctor.

"If they keep doing what they're doing, not long. If that TARDIS goes, I'm trapped in this moment of time. We need that TARDIS out of there immediately- I can't do anything as my screwdriver decided to just play up on me- I'm powerless at the moment basically," The Doctor replied as the look of concern across his face grew and grew. He even saw a Demon Steve put their hand through the TARDIS force field for a brief moment. But then, with the combined strength of Twilight, Rarity and Starlight using their magic as well as Rainbow Dash lifting it with her forehooves, they move the TARDIS up away from the Demon Steves and over to the Town Hall, in front of the entrance, which faces north. Out of nowhere, Professor Red bursts open the Town Hall doors. He used a portal that took him to inside the Town Hall.

"Sorry I'm late- Had to deal with a few demons back in the overworld," Professor Red panted as he made his apology.

"Is this weapon of yours ready!? We're about to be overrun!" Sabre exclaimed.

"Drone Red Steve isn't here, but his creation is, and it's about to do it's thing, just got to wait a few seconds. I'm gonna silently teleport this thing behind the demons," Professor Red replied as he walks back into the Town Hall building, closing the doors behind him.

Right as the Demon Steves were about to just swarm and overwhelm everyone, they just stopped. Then a massive creature shows up, the same one Sabre and Rainbow Dash saw at the CMC clubhouse. Everypony gasps as the creature walks towards the mane 6 that are there. They thought they defeated him in Canterlot. Meanwhile, the Doctor is focused on getting his screwdriver adjusted to the universe he's in. As for the creature, it glares and growls, more directly at...

"Twilight Sparkle..."

"Storm King..." Twilight growled back with a clenched frown on her face.

"This can't be possible..." Rarity stuttered.

"We saw you shatter!" Spike exclaimed.

"Eeep..." Fluttershy whimpered. She hasn't been scared for a while, not since Madness Steve was still the main issue at the very least.

"How are you back!? The game mode of this world is hardcore!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"Ah ha ha ha! I've taken the form of a demon to come back from the dead! I also get so much power... delicious scrumptious power! In return, I just have to lead these demons! I'm no longer the Storm King! From now on, you ALL shall call ME... THE DEMON KING!"

"Storm King," Time Steve casually said, intentionally trying to wind up who was once known as the Storm King. The big creature lifts it's hand up to strike Time Steve, but his hands gets trapped in a ball of ice.

"Storm King," Now Elemental Steve joins in.

"OW OW OW OW! MY HAND-" As soon as he got his hand untrapped, he sucks on his hand before quietly growling which turns into a massive deafening roar of anger. The Doctor looks up whilst still trying to sort his sonic screwdriver.

"Can you quiet it down a bit there mate?" The Doctor then looks back to inspect his screwdriver.

PEWF PEWF PEWF! That sound definitely caught the Doctor's attention, his body jolting as he heard that sound. Completely white lasers out of completely nowhere comes flying by and completely obliterates any armoured Demon Steve the projectile made contact with, exploding upon impact. The sound definitely didn't sound like magic. Several more of them projectiles began to be fired. Everyone could see whatever it is Professor Red has been working on with the 2 of his students, it is working very well. The Demon King, taken by surprise, claps his hands and teleports away, fleeing from whatever that thing is that's shooting. Meanwhile, those laser projectiles continues being fired until all armoured Demon Steves have been utterly obliterated.

"I never remember magic sounding like that," The Doctor stated with a low tone in his voice. He knows that wasn't just any ordinary sound the laser projectiles made.

"It sounded like-" The Doctor then hears humming vibration sounds. He then sees Professor Red walking over the bridge, who he runs up to whilst yelling.

"Hey you! You- Show me- Show me what that was!" The Doctor looks at a bush that's next to the bridge as it starts shaking, which is on the side he is on. A plunger on the right emerges from the bushes, then a silver coloured plasma gun that looks like a whisk on the left.

"That's not possible, I destroyed them..." Multiple thoughts are going through the Doctor's mind at what he's seeing.

The machine next shows part of the bottom of it, a black bumper. Next, a plane lens reveals itself, the light reflecting through the lens, giving a little tint of yellow surrounded with a black steel object around it, holding onto a stainless metal stick, an eyestalk. The rest of the machine then comes out.

There are 5 red banners with the Red Steve symbol covering it's front and sides, where there are a 8 black bumps, split in half and in formation of a vertical rectangle, with 5 sets of 4 bumps in the formation of verticle rectangles on each side. There is also a grey flap of sorts on the back of the machine. It has a black neck, with gaps going around it like a circle. Lastly, the eyestalk sits on a red dome head, with fairly small lightbulbs on either side on the head. Also, between the eyestalk and the small lightbulbs on each side has the Red Steve symbol as well. The machine turns it's dome head, it's eyestalk now directly pointing in the direction of the Doctor. It then turns it's whole body in the same direction the eyestalk is facing. Both the Doctor and the machine exchange the filthiest of looks at each other.

"Oh- Them things Doctor Whooves was talking aboutjust it looks different to the one in the picture," Time Steve thought to himself.

"Doctor, you okay?" Sabre asked. The Doctor ignores Sabre and he walks up to the machine.

"What are you doing here?"

"I AM YOUR SERVANT," The machine replied, the 2 lightbulbs on it's dome head flashing for each syllable. The Doctor turns around and puts his forehead in the palm of his right hand before turning back around, then looks back at the machine.

"Really- Whatever game you're playing at, it won't work."


"To destroy the Demon Steves, or to destroy all other life forms that aren't Dalek?"


"Oh right, you haven't seen them! These things here are our new Redstone Mechs!" Professor Red proudly proclaimed to the Doctor, standing beside the supposed creation of his students. The Doctor again puts his head on his right hand.

"This is gonna end up like the situation Churchill was in if I don't do something..."

"Now, let's go over their objectives," Professor Red said as he turns to look at the machine.

"What must we do to the Demon Steves?"

"THEY MUST BE EXTERMINATED." The small lightbulbs on the red dome head flashes for each syllable in the machine's reply.

"Wow, these students show a lot of promise," Sabre said with an impressed tone in his voice.

"These new mechs will destroy them demons-"

"And every other life form," The Doctor sternly said, interrupting Professor Red.

"They are the solution to these demons- Professor Red, I am with you," Twilight stated firmly. She fully supports Professor Red's new weapon. This new weapon brings hope. The new weapon can and will stop the crisis caused by the Demon Steves, finally.

"And now where were we- Ah yes... and what is your objective?" Professor Red asked the machine.

Everyone has returned to Twilight's castle, which is currently acting as a base of operations. They aren't in the main room, where there's the 6 chairs with each of the mane 6's cutie marks on them. They are in the room as you come in through the gold door entrance that has a light purple crystal doorframe. On the other end of the room is a gold table, with many seats made of gold frames and violet cushions. There were originally 6 of these seats, but Twilight requested more of the seats to be built. Sometimes all of the mane 6 with other ponies had meetings with the chromatic leaders.

"So what is it about these mechs you have an issue with Doctor?" Twilight asked.

"First off, they're called Daleks," The Doctor sharply responded back, looking at the alicorn with a blank, but serious expression on his face.

"Whatever they're called- Even if they weren't on our side, it's one on- How many of us are here? There's only just one of them." Sabre counts everyone that's here. Himself, Time Steve, Light Steve, Dark Steve, Elemental Steve, Professor Red, the mane 6 except Applejack, Starlight, Spike and the Doctor. Light Steve and Shining Armour meanwhile are discussing their next moves against the Demon Steves, away from everyone else that's around the gold table.

"Just one? Oh ho ho ho- No... no," The Doctor sarcastically chuckled.

"If we let them get started, they'll appear in their millions. They've most likely been here for months, just biding their time."

"My students made them!" Professor Red protested, walking to the Doctor.

"Why have you got... a salmon, on your head?" The Doctor slowly asked.

"Science." Knowing Professor Red won't answer with a sane reply, the Doctor turns back to facing everyone else that's at the gold table.

"The Daleks are my oldest, and deadliest enemy. You, cannot trust them."

"I believe you Doctor," Pinkie Pie bounces over to the Doctor.

"I read Doctor Who comics!"

"Comics!? Of me!?" The Doctor said with a surprised expression on his face.

"Not just you, but the other yous!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. The Doctor is currently just processing what the pink earth pony said to him. He never knew he was famous enough to have a comic based on him outside his home universe.

"But only I have them," Pinkie Pie quickly added. Then, the red mech comes through the open door. It turns it's dome head, then it's whole body, towards Professor Red. It began moving over to the Red Steve in a lab coat.

"WOULD YOU CARE FOR SOME SALMON?" The mech asked, the lights on it's head flashing for each syllable.

"Yes! And I'd like them raw!" Professor Red demanded.

"I OBEY," The mech answered back. The Doctor glares at the mech. The eyestalk is looking back at him. The mech then turns around and exits the castle, with the eyestalk still looking at the Doctor until it had left the castle completely. The Doctor thinks hard, on how he could prove to everyone else that these 'mechs' can't be trusted. Then an idea comes to his mind. This pony Sabre and Time Steve were talking about earlier sounds a lot like him.

"Where is Doctor Whooves?" The Doctor asked the group.

That's the third franchise I kept as a surprise :)

Anyway, got to give credits- Doctor Who related characters belongs to the BBC.

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