By craftydevvil

21.4K 345 739

a silly little book full of whatever the hell comes to my mind, super fun game full of spooks and mysteries u... More

Break Down the Door (Seek)
πŸ‘ Seek x Figure 😑
Helper in the Dark (Screech)
An Unlikely Ally, or a Trap? (Seek)
πŸ‘ Seek + Child!Reader πŸ“–

πŸ‘ Hide 'N' Seek πŸ‘

2.5K 37 135
By craftydevvil

requested by; SunnyDSoda

Reread (for errors); YES

gonna use the fan design everyone has been using for Hide, basically the one where he has eight limbs and the one eye like Seek

ohhh such a silly guy :3


      Player had just walked in a room when the lights began to flicker. They had just escaped Seek once again a few rooms ago. They were at door ninety-two, they weren't about to lose all that progress.

      Listening out, Player was horrified to hear that Ambush was coming. Rushing over to a closet, they jumped in without thought or a plan.

      Player didn't wait until Ambush was coming closer, so they were waiting for too long. That made the closet resident quite upset.

      As Player tried to wait out Ambush, six limbs started to come into their vision along with a static frame.

      It confused them. What was going on? Then something harshly pushed them out of the closet and to the ground. Right when Ambush rushed in..

      Instantly, Player was given no mercy as they were violently attacked. Their body was slammed against the closet, scaring the creature inside.

      But it wasn't left behind as it was dragged away to probably be used as a tug of war toy between Rush and Ambush.

      After a few moments of silence, the creature inside, Hide, ever so slightly opened the door and looked out as best it could. It was dark, the lights having been shattered. The only thing that was left from Player was a nearly empty lighter.

      Intrigued, Hide quickly reached out and grabbed it. He took it back inside his closet and began to study the foreign device.

      Despite being cooped up in a closet at all times, Hide was very smart. Probably even the smartest in the hotel. But he preferred to hide away rather then socialize.

      Flicking the cap off, Hide flicked the lighter a couple of times before a small glowing flame appeared.

      He was at first terrified of the light, but he calmed and began to study it. The longer he stared, the more his pupil dilated. Maybe it wasn't so bad.

      Then there was a knock on his closet door. Hide rattled around in terror, the light going out as he scrambled around like a cockroach in a cup.

      "Hide, it's me," a gentle yet monotoned voice answered the movements. Hide calmed down as he instantly recognized that voice. It was Seek.

      Opening the door ever so slightly, Hide peeked out and sure enough, there was Seek to greet him. Despite the two practically being twins, Hide was different from Seek.

      While Seek mantained a normal anatomical figure, Hide not so much. Hide was taller than Seek, but not taller than Figure. It was most likely thanks to the three pairs of arms he possessed.

      They were useful that was for sure, but it did make him feel self conscious. He didn't know why the thought of anyone seeing him put such a chill down his spine. There was monsters here much worse than himself.

      He wasn't going to name names, but Figure was pretty ugly.

      Hide didn't particularly like visitors, but Seek was an exception. Most days he was, but it seemed like today was not one of those days.

      Before Seek could say anything else, Hide closed the closet door in his face.

      Turning back to his lighter, Hide gave it a couple of flicks and turned it on. The flame was a little weaker than last time, but it still made his eye dilate at the delicate flame.

      Then there was yet another knock on his door. It made him jump, his lighter going once again. Hide was a bit irritated at the disturbance, but he went and answered the closet door anyway.

      Seek was still out there. He had his arms crossed but he didn't look mad or anything of the sorts. "Can't we just talk for a little bit?" Seek offered, trying to convince his twin.

      Hide stared at Seek for at least a minute. He wasn't much of a talker, and he wasn't much of a social butterfly today. For a second time in a row, Hide shut the closet door in Seek's face.

      Going back to his lighter, he tried flicking it on. Instead, all he got were weak sparks and the disappointment of the lighter being dry.

      Great, that was ruined for him. It only got worse when the closet doors open to reveal Seek still determined to interact with Hide. Hide pushed up against that back of the closet, his pupil shrinking as he glared at Seek.

      "Oh, calm it down will you? You haven't even said 'hi' to me all day!" Seek lightly scolded Hide as he climbed in and closed the door, blocking out the light. Just how Hide liked it, but not entirely. He liked dark closets all to himself. This wasn't to himself.

      While Hide was busy keeping himself above the floor of the closet, he held tightly to that empty lighter with his middle pair of hands.

      Seek took notice as he sat down at the open floor. That is when an idea popped up in his mind.

      "Look, if you let me stay, I'll let you have this," from his goop, a brand new lighter appeared in his hand. "I pick them up whenever I catch that little victim," Seek explained. But Hide wasn't listening, his eye was shimmering at the prize.

      He attempted to snag it, but Seek was quicker and pulled it away. "Not so fast! What was our little promise?" Seek wagged a finger at a pouting Hide.

      Hide weighed his options, but he ultimately wanted the lighter. He could use it later when Seek wasn't annoying him.

      Giving a short and reluctant nod, Hide agreed to let Seek stay. Seek then gladly handed the lighter over, to which Hide gladly took.

      Hide hid it away and lowered himself from off the closet walls so he could somewhat sit with Seek. It was a bit difficult when you have a bunch of limbs to "share the space," but Seek made no complaints when some limbs were slapped against him.

      When Hide finally got comfy, it wasn't exactly pretty. Both were pretty scrunched up, but they enjoyed the snug feeling.

      "See? All you had to do was say hello! I care about you, you know that," Seek stretched his legs over Hide, who looked down in shame. It was true, Seek does care about him, but Hide was always pushing him away in favor of being secluded.

      Seek softened up and placed a hand on Hide's head, "Maybe one of these days I can introduce you to some of the others?" At the mention of that, Hide seemed to flinch away.

      "Come on, they're nice. Well, all except one who is very much annoying..." Seek grumbled as he remembered Screech was problematic.

      "How about I introduce you to Figure instead. It is very well mannered," Seek got a hiss for an answer.

      Understandable, Figure is super handsy when it comes to meeting monsters. Last time Seek had checked, Hide didn't take so kindly the last time he got some unwanted touches from a stranger. That did not end good.

      "How about Ambush? They're always talking about how you push that pest out of closets right into their path," Seek recommended.

      At hearing that someone was talking so highly about him, Hide couldn't held but blush a little and play with their fingers. He had no idea that he meant so much to someone that they would just talk about him as a normal conversation.

      Seek gave a small smirk, "Looks like I have someone to introduce you to." Hide still seemed uneasy about it, but he was comforted with a steady head pat.

      Then there was a knock at the closet door. Hide and Seek looked at each other, confused. Then to both of their horrors, they began speaking.

      "Seek? Are you in there? Come on! You promised to teach me that game called '52 Pick Up!'" Screech stood outside the closet, impatient. Screech was in their more "humanoid" form as they found it rather hard to play games without any hands.

      They annoyed Seek for hours until Seek finally agreed to teach and play a game with them after Player was caught.

      Now that Player was caught, Screech had been looking everywhere for the promise breaker.

      "How about we instead play 'Torture Screech?'" Seek recommended. Sceech knew that game and they didn't like it.

      Screech did attempt to backtrack it and escape, but Seek opened the closet door and snagged them up. Screech could only let out short screams as they were dragged in the closet.

      Then, there was giggles as poor Screech was being tortured by a guy who seeks and a guy who hides.

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