Break Down the Door (Seek)

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requested by; SunnyDSoda

Reread (for errors); YES


      Player quietly slid the unique book from out of its shelf and opened it, flipping through the pages. They eventually landed on a square with a three on it. Perfect! That was the forth number they needed. Now all they needed now was a star.

      Hearing thundering footsteps come closer, Player tiptoed into a corner and hid themselves behind a couch. They were currently on the second floor of the library and if their theory was correct, the last number should be just across the other side of the second floor.

      For now, they had to let the Figure pass. God that thing was nightmare fuel. Thankfully it never ventures to couches to feel behind them. But it's hearing was other worldly.

      From Player's spot, they could see the entrance to the library. It shouldn't of been any importance, right? It was locked, nothing to worry about. Only need to worry about unlocking the door leading out.

      However, it became an issue when something began pounding on the door. Player knew those pounds from anywhere. They would haunt them for the rest of their life if they managed to get out of this hell hole.

      Figure was instantly attracted to the sound and rushed off from the second floor, curious on what it was.

      Not wasting an opportunity like this, Player crawled their way out from behind the couch and tiptoed around the bookshelf, trying to get to the other side. At the sound of wood splintering, Player shot their head to the entrance of the library and froze.

      A black, tar like arm slithered back into the hole it just made in the door. Then it shot back through, widening the damage to the door.

      Figure grabbed onto the appendage as it shot through again, but stopped to feel as it was blind. The owner of the arm let the monster do so, showing no sign of resistance and even turning their hand so Figure could feel the palm.

      It seemed pretty wholesome, but Player remembered that they had to get out of there. They were reminded rather quickly as they watched in horror as Seek tried to squeeze his way through the opening he had made.

      It wasn't enough, so Seek went back to breaking more of the door so he could fit through. Figure stayed by the fellow monster, the sounds having its attention. It showed no signs of helping Seek through though.

      Player knew Seek saw them. So it was only a matter of time before they were caught by two bloodthirsty monsters. Getting to the other books, Player looked around desperately.

      They had almost skipped past one of those unique books, but they quickly caught it and ripped through the pages, looking for that star. Instead, all they got was a useless circle.

      Player tossed the book aside and looked around for another one. But they were left with disappointment and dread.

      Circling over to the railing, Player checked up on what the two monsters were doing.

      Seek was nearly halfway through, but it still wasn't enough to get through. Thankfully, time was being bought as Figure reached a hand over to study Seek's face.

      Seek let Figure do it, pausing his destruction so the monster could get a better mental picture of who was coming in its library. It was very out of character for two monsters out to kill a human.

      Looking over a little, Player was left in shock and disappointment at seeing the last book. It was right beside the door the two monsters were breaking down.

      Player decided that guessing would be quicker then risking their life. Taking what numbers they did have, Player rushed to the lock and began to desperately put in the code, fifth number being a guessing game.

      Behind them, the sound of splintering wood seemed to be getting louder and louder each time Player god the code wrong.

      Player wanted to scream in frustration, but that would lead Figure over, and Player didn't think that Figure would be keen on studying them with a gentle touch like it did with Seek.

      Putting in a nine as the last digit, Player was about to push the green button when they realized something. The door was no longer being pounded on.

      Stopping, Player slowly turned around and felt their heart drop. Seek stood just in front of the railing, eye staring into Player's very soul.

      It was unsettling, they were stuck in a staring match. One was afraid to move while the other was waiting for a move to be made. Player could see the way Seek's fingers twitched at the excitement he was compressing.

      Keeping eye contact with Seek, Player scooted their hand down to that green button right next to the lock. Praying to any god up above, Player took the risk and pushed it down.

      Instantly, the lock unlocked and slipped out of the door, falling to the floor with a clank. But it triggered Seek to start bolting forward.

      Acting fast, Player rushed through the double doors and loudly slammed them right on Seek's face. Hearing him slam right into the door, Player let out a snort and began to laugh at the monster that just tried to kill them.

      Wiping a tear from their eye, Player turned around and tried to walk to the next door, but they bumped into something tall. Something fleshy. Something... oh great.

      Looking up, Player's face dropped the smirk it just had to instead have a look of fear and shock.

      Arms wide and long, fleshy fingers pointed at its victim ready to snatch, and a bit of drool dripping down it's gnarly mouth, Figure stared down at Player. It had a pretty good idea on where they were.

      Player sighed, guess you can't win them all. Before they could accept the fact that they would be chow for some creature that looked like a worm, the double doors behind Player began to violently pound.

      Then a black, tar like fist made it's way through, wood hitting Player's back. Great, now they were gonna be the main course for a dinner date.

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