👁 Seek + Child!Reader 📖

757 22 78

Requested by; angelbvnnyy

Reread (for errors); YES

i didnt want to put it as "x Child" cause it sounds weird to me BARF!!! anyways here is food for my Doors fans 🚪


      "Y/N, you've got to pick up the pace," your father told you. You were little, probably no more than five. Your little legs couldn't keep up with your father's long ones. You looked around, looking for your mother.

      It was useless however. All you remember is the lights flickering and you hearing this sound. Your father quickly hid you and himself in a closet, but you failed to hear your mother ever making it into one.

      You pipped up and hurried up beside your dad as his grip wouldn't loosen. He looked sad, but also determined. Being innocent, you asked, "Daddy! Where's Mommy?"

      He stayed silent. His grip only tightened and his jaw clinched a bit. You didn't notice the stress the question caused. Being naive, you continued, "Daddy! Mommy has my juice! I'm thirsty!"

      It didn't take much for him snap at you. Right before you enter the next room, he turned around and harshly pulled you towards his angered and grief stricken face, "Quit being a little brat! Mommy isn't coming for us, your juice is gone, and you might be the next to die!"

      You never heard such a tone like that from your father before. He looked at you with a mix of hatred while he was at it. Being five, you began to sniffle and let out little sobs, but your father shut you up with a small slap to the cheek.

      "Quit crying. We have to get out of this place. If you cry I'm leaving you," he threatened. You tried your best not to do it, but you let your little emotions get the best of you. You let out little sobs, tears and snot start to dribble down your face, and your father got angry.

      Harshly grabbing you, he entered the next room. There was a locked door at the end, but a door to the right was unlocked and he quickly entered. It was a huge and elegant room. This was clearly meant for someone willing to pay the extra dollars.

      Your father sat you on the bed and walked away, tearing up into the desk that was sitting against the wall. He grabbed the key he was looking for a began to leave without you. You tried to get up and follow up, but he turned around a snapped at you.

      "Get back on that bed! You stay here! Go... Go take your nap!" he harshly yelled at you. You sobbed again but turned around and did as told. The last thing he did was help you up back on the bed and slam the door close as he left.

      You could hear his footsteps leave, then the door being unlocked, then his footsteps leave further away. After that, you didn't hear him again. You waited for a bit, hoping he'd change his mind and come back to get you.

      You waited for a while. As you waited, you dried your face with your shirt, used the blanket as a snot rag, and got comfy in said snot blanket as it got chilly. Thunder would make you jump, but you eventually got used to it. It reminded you a lot of the storms back home.

      Home. You were missing home. You missed your stuffed teddy, you missed your favorite blanket, you even missed your pet rock. Things were going so good. It was suppose to be a fun roadtrip. Now you have no family. You waited for your Mommy to come in with your teddy and kiss you goodnight.

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