Tempest | Alchemy Of Souls [S...

By Scar_lett_Letter

25.5K 955 107

"Tell me," She whispers. "Does your heart still long for her?" "Yes." The Shadow Assassin, Nak Su has met an... More

༻Part 1༺
Chapter 0
Chapter 1: I Heard A Rumor
Chapter 2: Alias
Chapter 3: Poison
Chapter 4: Crown Prince
Chapter 6: Green-Eyed
Chapter 7: Longing
Chapter 8: Cold
Chapter 9: Embrace
Chapter 10: Unseen
Chapter 11: Mind Over Heart
Chapter 12: Heart Over Mind
Chapter 13: Lady Chung
Chapter 14: Divulge
Chapter 15: Listen To Your Heart Once More
Chapter 16: Behind
Chapter 17: Jin Bu Yeon
Chapter 18: Barrier
Chapter 19: Blind But Always Seeing
Chapter 20: A Shadow In the Sunlight
༻Part 2༺

Chapter 5: Conundrum

995 43 6
By Scar_lett_Letter


White smoke like clouds leaves his mouth, his hands weary but determined as he draws his sword for the final time. The sunlight gleams on the steel, casting a bright light that reflects in his little sister's wide eyes. She blinks, momentarily overwhelmed, before fixing her gaze back on him with curiosity. Taking a deep breath, he steadies his trembling sword with his left hand, guiding it with a blue aura dancing around it.

Stepping back and turning, he releases the rope his sister was holding, allowing it to swing in his direction. The sandbag attached to the end appears menacing as it hurtles towards him at speed. With focus, he cuts through it, slicing it in half and sending dirt particles scattering in the wind. A sense of pride washes over him briefly before he remembers his sister's presence. Concerned that the debris may have reached her, he turns to find her staring back with astonishment, her mouth agape.

In that moment, the dirt on her face or the taste of it mattered little. What truly resonated with her was her brother's achievement.

He had indeed mastered Ryusu.

She jumped up and clapped her hands in excitement.

"Brother!" She exclaimed finally spitting the dirt and running up to him with arms wide open.

Her brother laughed before wiping some of the dirt off her face. "Look for father, he is tending the tree with mo- her."

She nods her head before running up to her parents exclaiming to them what her brother had accomplished. Her voice was so loud, it startled both of them. Her father stopped looking at the tree before turning to face her, embracing the girl in his arms as the mother laughed.

"Let us see then, what my Na Moo had mastered." The mother said.

She glanced back at her brother, seeing a brief grimace that swiftly transformed into a smile after he shook his head. The smile didn't reach his eyes, leaving her with a lingering sense that something was wrong.

Growing older, she often pondered over that memory, questioning if it was more likely a false memory.

Why would her brother make such a face?

She could not answer her question now as the only person who could do so was her brother.

They were living as peacefully as one can be. It never made sense to her how all of a sudden, she would lose them in one night. She had hoped it was all a dream, a nightmare that she would wake up to, but seeing the aftermath the morning after, she knew they were all gone.

The Seo family has the light of lantern that shows whose life has expired, the Soo Family had their respective plants.

The girl walks around the fortress aimlessly. When her brother had fallen to the ground, fire erupted out of nowhere, the woods catching on and burning his whole garden. To the side, the hibiscus flower that her mother once breathed began to dry up.

"Come dear," A soft voice spoke to her from behind. "Let us fix everything that was broken."

The night her family was killed by the four families of Daeho, she was taken in by Chung Yi Seul, the greatest swordswoman of Daeho. With the Lady's command, the girl's identity had to be hidden, hidden from the world, and she had to use the name 'Chung.'

Could they really fix everything that was broken?

Brought up within the walls of the fortress, she harbored suppressed rage in her heart and a thirst for vengeance in her veins. Excelling in her training, she compelled herself to adapt to the new world and propelled herself forward. By the time her family had faded into memory, she emerged from the fortress as Na Ri.

Regarded as Cheonbugwan's most formidable threat, her targets often seemed to be associated with Cheonbugwan. Speculation suggested a deep-seated animosity towards Gwanju, which held some truth. Yet, in reality, the assassin herself was unsure of the true reason. All those she had slayed were commands of the Lady Chung Yi Seul.

Right now though, she is not Na Ri.

The flower blooms beautifully. Her fingers brush the tips of its petals, soft and delicate. It would only be soon before they dry up again. She breathes in, frustrated.

It had been days since Mu Deok had left with her Young Master. She needed to visit them and see what has been going on. However, she cannot simply leave Songrim without being questioned. Also, it would be suspicious that she would want to visit them.

She may not be Na Ri who always needed the permission of Lady Chung to act, but even as Na Ra, the so-called daughter of the Lady, she still needed permission from those of higher authority.

"A beautiful flower, isn't it?" Master Park Jin asked as he stops beside her, glancing at the flower.

"Yes," she answers with a soft smile. The flowers are indeed beautiful.

Master Park exhales. "I once had an old friend who grew many of these plants."

Na Ra looks up at him. "If I'm not mistaken, she is the wife of Hyo Gong, Lady Soo of the Eodum fortress, is it?"

He nodded his head, "She is a descendant of Soo Hyun, the blessing of the Silver Flower runs in her veins. The hibiscus flower held her life the moment she breathed on it. Ever since the night she died, the flowers, all around Deaho would erratically dry up now and then. Even if it is still young, it would," He sighs. "It had been so long since her passing but perhaps that was the way of nature's mourning."

She looks back at the flower, she did notice that too. Unlike the brother where his garden was immediately set on fire the moment his last breath was drawn, the mother's hibiscus flowers never withered in an instant. Instead, it dried up ever so slightly, but then it was full of life the next morning.

It gave the girl hope that the mother was alive, but as days went on, she noticed how the hibiscus plant would dry up in an unusual way even when it had been watered and healthy.

His last words struck her when they shouldn't.

"Her only child is gone, the Soo line has been cut, as well as the rare ability only they possess. Such a shame."

The thought has crossed her mind many times, but she never entertained it. She understood the importantance of having someone carry on the blood, emphasized by Chung Yi Seul. As the only remaining heir, she needed to pass on the ability. However, thoughts of marriage were not to be entertained at the present moment.

In the same manner as she always did when confronted with the idea, she closed the door on those thoughts.

After concluding her conversation with Master Park Jin, she wandered the streets aimlessly, her mind constructing an escape plan. Pausing, she released a sigh, certain she had left Jeonjingak alone. Yet, footsteps behind her halted as she did. Eyes forward, she turned to the corner disappearing from the crowd.

Soon, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed, as if someone was attempting to catch up. Inside the house, a man emerges, scanning the area for any signs of her presence.

With a firm push, she closed and locked the door, causing the man to face her directly. Observing him closely, she noted his peculiar demeanor—labored breathing, trembling body, and tightly-clad attire.

"Who are you?" Her voice threatened as she raised an eyebrow. "Why are you following me?"

He did not respond. Instead, he raised his head to look at her. Her eyes widened slightly as she stares back at the black abyss.

A soul shifter.

Judging by his uniform, the mage was from Cheonbugwan. She frowned, it was clear now that Jin Mu is somewhat involved in all these. It seemed more than mere coincidence that whenever a soul shifter incident happens, it either originated from Cheonbugwan or his name was involved in the situation.

She would not be surprised. After all, Mu Deok had admitted to having him as her master.

"Just..." the mage breathed out. "I need a soul, I need to go back to my family... my daughter... I... and I can sense such great energy within you."

She looks at him in disgust as her hand found its way to the lock. She tries to open it only for it to jiggle slightly. With a frown, she turns to look at it.

It was stuck.

"Such a renowned city and yet they can't even manage a decent lock," she muttered in frustration.

The man ultimately yells, unable to control himself as Na Ra leaps to the side, dodging him. She can't escape the house and she would surely not scream for help. She has her sword, but it would leave a mark if she kills him, she needed to stay low at the moment. Songrim must not know that she is within the city.

The man smiles and his eyes twitch, his face growing dim, veins darkening. He draws out a sword before finally running up to her.

Na Ra grasps the edge of the table and hurls it towards the mage. The table splinters in half as he slices through it effortlessly. Examining the house quickly, she notes the door on the far left is stuck, leaving a closed window as her only means of escape in the corner behind the man.

With a shriek, he lunges towards her once more, prompting her to sigh in resignation. Raising both hands, she conjures a small barrier of blue energy between them, deflecting his attack. One remarkable trait of soul shifters is their sudden surge of strength, bordering on inhuman. She grunts as her back collides with the wall. His teeth were gritting, she could tell it would only be seconds before he is completely gone.

From where she is, she observes the man relentlessly striking the barrier with his blade, consumed by his frenzied state. His actions devoid of coherent thought, he was completely lost in the moment.

There was no point trying to save him, it's better he meet his end now.

She had no choice.

Summoning the sword into her hand, she swiftly draws it out and dodges his strike, advancing to deliver a slash to his abdomen. The sound of his struggle for breath and the metallic echo against the ground reverberate in her ears as she pivots to confront him. His hands clutch his chest, striking it repeatedly.

She had never hurt a soul shifter before and she was fascinated to see what would happen.

A loud thud draws her attention to the door, but she quickly shifts her gaze back to the man who continues to gasp for air.

With one more push, it burst open. Mages of Songrim enter to see the horrific sight. The petrified mage lay still on the floor, the window wide open.

Seo Yul strides to the window, scanning the surroundings anyone who could be seen, finding none. However, a familiar scent catches his attention. Spotting a torn fabric snagged on the broken nail of the window lock, he retrieves it, examining it closely.

"Take a look at this," Na Moo calls out to the other mages, drawing their attention to the petrified man. As they gather around the petrified figure, expressions of confusion pass between them. Not only is the man petrified, but green moss is also beginning to cover upon his body.

It hit him, the familiar scent.

Seo Yul walked towards the stone body and pulled off its clothing. There it was, the lily flower right above his chest.


"With the news of Nak Su's death, I am not surprised that Na Ri is here," Cho Yeon said as she and Na Ra walks side by side.

The dead body had just been discovered earlier this morning and news of it spread like wildfire across the streets. Everyone was on high alert and most people even started decorating their front door steps with Lily flowers, believing it would make Na Ri, a proclaimed heartless assassin, show mercy upon them that use her flower.

The very assassin is walking in their streets and she laughs at their pathetic assumptions.

"Hm, Na Ra?" Cho Yeon called. She turned towards her as Cho Yeon looks at her in puzzlement, "Are you perhaps afraid Na Ri would hurt you as well?"

She blinks, "Sorry?"

"The lily flower," Cho Yeon pointed at the embroidered pattern on her garment.

Na Ra gazes down at her attire, the distinct lily flower emblem catching her eye. Back home, most of her clothing bore the flower, sewn by Lady Chung.

Na Ri, a lily flower.

In her current guise as Na Ra, she glances sideways, mindful of her surroundings. She hadn't had the chance to change her clothes after her escape, encountering Cho Yeon unexpectedly.

"No," Na Ra laughed lightly. "I didn't know it held such meaning when I bought it."

Cho Yeon nods in understanding as they continue walking, stopping outside the Chwiseonru brothel.

"What business do you have here?" Cho Yeon asked.

"I need to ask Ju Wol something."

"All right then," Cho Yeon said before bidding her goodbye.

Na Ra enters the brothel and before long, she stumbled upon someone who she was sure should not be there.

"Hey? Jang Uk?" Na Ra called as he turned to her.

"Oh, it is only you," Jang Uk said before looking around. "Where is Mu Deok? I was told she is here."

"Why would she be here?" She frowns. He shrugged his shoulder leaving her no choice but to follow him. It was then that they found out Mu Deok had drunk too much.

"What? Mu Deok is drunk?" Jang Uk asked.

"She almost got dragged to Cheonbugwan today," Ju Wol said to them. "But fortunately the Crown Prince saved her."

"The Crown Prince?"

"Yes," She smiled. "She did a great job of humoring him. She knows how to flatter too. She drank every glass of alcohol that he offered to her."

"Where is she?" Jang Uk asked her, slightly irritated by the fact.

Ju Wol nodded her head before showing them which room she was staying in before bowing and leaving.

Na Ra opens the door and rushed towards her friend's slumped figure. "Mu Deok, are you all right?"

"Na Ri?" She slurred before averting her gaze over her shoulder and looking at him. "My pupil, you have come for me."

"Yes, I am here for you, Master." Jang Uk said crouching down beside Na Ra.

"I have no control over my body," Mu Deok pouted. "I am also having trouble keeping my head up. This has never happened to me before, no matter how much drink."

"You are no longer a skilled assassin," Jang Uk reminded. "You are just Mu Deok."

Mu Deok tried to say something again before passing out. Jang Uk sighed before looking at Na Ra.


He longed for the serenity of calm waters, a tranquil existence to soothe his soul and quiet his restless spirit.


e wanted to give everything up and live a quiet life, to let go of everything and start with nothing. He wanted the waters to be still. Yet, a persistent disturbance nagged at him, like droplets that refused to cease their fall.

Seo Yul glances up at the rock. "I thought I fell from somewhere high up. But, it seems it was not that high."

"I think I've broken my leg," he groaned, seeking assistance.

"I've seen you use that to summon your bird on several occasions. I'd like to give it a try as well," she remarked. "May I have it?"

Years had slipped by since that moment. How many years exactly? Too many, yet he struggled to let go of the past. Nonetheless, his resolve remained unwavering.

"I came to give it back..." The whistle laid perfectly still on the rock where they first met. His hands were hesitant to let go and he releases a sigh.

The girl who helped him is dead, burned. All those unspoken feelings and unanswered questions should have turned to ashes with her. 

But, his heart couldn't bring itself to release those attachments. He was a coward if one would say, unable to sever ties with her memory. The persistent belief that she is still there, within arm's reach, plagued him.

He looked up at the rock, the girl appears to him with a smile her smile seeming to taunt his reluctance and inability to move forward. As if enjoying the torment she left on him. He looks down in shame and sorrow.

Was that what she wanted? She did want him dead, did she not? And with her last words, it was clear she wished for him to suffer.

A wish that had haunted him ever since that fateful day.

He raised his head back again and sees her standing on the spot. A different woman.

She stares at him.

"Mu Deok!" Dang Gu calls out her name. "She truly is here," He said after he went closer and waved at her. Mu Deok responded though she continued to look at them with a dazed expression, Seo Yul observed her in silence.

"Where is Uk?"

"I told you not to run," Jang Uk's loud complaint fills their ears. The two friends smile as their friend walks over to her. Seo Yul's attention suddenly fell on the other maiden who appeared behind him.

"What is going on?" She asked after seeing the two below the rock. "Why are you here?"

"I would ask the same question," Seo Yul beheld his gaze. Na Ra nodded toward Mu Deok in reply.

"I needed to help Mu Deok," She reasoned glaring at Jang Uk. "Because clearly, her Young Master could not."

"I got there the same time as you," Jang Uk said turning towards his friends before repeating Na Ra's original question.

"We could not find you two at Sari Village," Dang Gu answered. "So we came here to look just in case. Ju Wol was right. You are here," He turned to Mu Deok. "Mu Deok, have you been well?"

"Yes," She replied. She took a step forward making her footing unbalanced and slipping from her standing. Jang Uk rushed to her but Seo Yul was at the receiving end. He quickly wrapped his arm around her to prevent her from falling.

Jang Uk stopped for a moment. He retrieved his raised arms before clearing his throat.

"Look at you, Mu Deok," Dang Gu smiled. "You must be really happy to see him."

"She is drunk," Seo Yul pointed out.

"Did she drink?"

"Yes, she did," Na Ra said. "Help her climb back up, we need to let her rest."

Slowly, Seo Yul assisted Mu Deok to her feet, following behind Jang Uk who led the way. Their astonishment was palpable upon reaching the quaint yet cozy little hut. Taking a seat to rest, Jang Uk informed them about things that had happened.

"I did not know there was a place like this in Danhyanggok," Seo Yul said looking around.

"You knew about Danhyanggok?"

Dang Gu nodded his head and answered for him. "He used to come here often in the past. He got in trouble for sneaking out all the time. He was crazy about birds."

He continued to turn to Seo Yul. "Why would you come here all by yourself? You even broke your leg here."

"Because I missed them," The soft caress on Mu Deok's arm suddenly stopped making the maid open her eyes. She glanced up at Na Ra who had halted her movements, staring into deep nothing.

"The broken leg did not bother me," She furrowed her eyebrows at Seo Yul's words. "And I was not scared to get scolded. I liked them a lot."

"He is way too fond of birds," Dang Gu commented before taking a sip of the tea. "Also, what kind of tea is this? It smells nice."

"Did you drink that?" Jang Uk's eyes widened. Na Ra looked at him as Dang Gu loudly takes another sip of the tea.

"Yes. Why? Is it good for you?"

Jang Uk seemed hesitant but nodded his head, "Of course, It was made with a medicinal herb that can only be found in Danhyanggok."

"Really?" Seo Yul asked as he took a smell.

"Yul, have some," Dang Gu offered already filling his cup.

"But what's in..." Na Ra voiced out before receiving a look from Jang Uk. "Fine, go ahead," She nodded though confused about why he was acting strangely.

"It smells nice," Seo Yul said.

"Yes, I know," Jang Uk laughed.

Na Ra felt a movement beside her as Mu Deok sits up. "That is chaste tea." She raised her hand and pointed at the pot.

"What? Chives tea?"

"Chaste?" Na Ra whispered before looking at Jang Uk.

"You will all lose you..." Na Ra quickly threw a blanket over her friend after meeting Jang Uk's knowing glance.

"Is this made with chives?" Dang Gu continued to ask.

"Well, It was made with a lot of ingredients. Drink up," Jang Uk continued to encourage them. However, Seo Yul quickly realized something was wrong, immediately puts down his cup of tea.


Seo Yul found himself wandering aimlessly, the tea forgotten, and Dang Gu resting nearby. Stopping by a small pool, he noticed her gazing up at the sky, triggering a fleeting memory to flash before his eyes.

The young girl and boy would play in that same place.

He remembered how he would always approach her, her back towards him as her shoulders rise slowly and then down. She looked so calm. Her white cotton garments flowing with the winds had  always stirred a flutter in his stomach.

Now, as he glanced up at the unfamiliar maiden standing in the place where the young girl once stood, a gentle warmth enveloped him at the sight of her tranquility. In Songrim, her back was always so tense and guarded and, but here, her relaxed stance beckoned him to draw closer. Although he had no particular reason to stand beside her, he found himself instinctively moving towards her.

He stood just beside, the same place he would be when he was younger. She gives him a side glance before looking at their reflection below.

"This is a lovely view," She says.

"Our reflection or the waters?" He asked.

"Everything in the waters," She throws him a small smirk. "What I mean is for you to decide."

He scoffs playfully, caught off guard by her unexpected banter. She was always so civil with him, unlike her playful exchanges with Jang Uk. Witnessing her engage in a playful argument with Dang Gu and Cho Yeon had stirred a peculiar desire within him; he longed to experience her lighthearted side directed towards him as well.

He watches as she crouches down hovering her hand on a leaf, the scattered small dots of dew begins to gather just above where her hand stays. It follows so slowly as her hand moves down. She lets it drop. The dew hits the peaceful still water.

It creates a ripple.

Seo Yul watched with satisfaction, he had always found solace in watching nature. For a moment it was silent. She stood up and faces him.

"Actually, I lost my way while wandering," she fibs. "I was looking for the way back to Mu Deok but I got distracted. Now that you are here, lead the way."


"Or have you someplace you wish to be?"

"No," he asserts. Without a specific place to go, he was merely strolling to pass the time. "Let's head back."

It was only a simple comment, tinged with flirtation, manages to flush him. While he had encountered his fair share of flirtatious interactions with numerous women who desired his attention, there was something about the way she phrased her words that captured his interest.

"This is a lovely view."

He remembered the girl saying once when he asked why he always caught sight of her there.

"I followed you because I trust you knew where we were going."

"I do," He said. "See, the trees are familiar."

"That is because we kept walking in circles for the past minutes, we've crossed this tree three times."

He glances at the tree she was referring to before looking down bashfully. Hearing her laugh did not help.

"Have I caught you off guard?"

"Yes, so it is your fault."

"Sorry then," she turned to him. "How about we go the opposite direction?"

She was very well aware of where they are, finding satisfaction in witnessing his momentary struggle. She had observed him, he exuded an air of confidence, always appearing sure of his path and actions. However, him stumbling and displaying confusion was a novel experience for her. It should have been a source of enjoyment for her, but...


The smile that graced her face faltered, giving way to a somber expression. It isn't appropriate to find solace in this moment, especially after having recently slain a soul shifter, an act that was now under investigation. She turns away, her eyes growing dim. When she glanced back at him, she noticed his attentive scrutiny of her every movement.

"Let's go," He noticed her change of tone. She tried to keep her smile but she knew he is smart enough to notice. She didn't mind, he is smart enough refrained from probing, respecting her unspoken cues.

As she moved past him, his arms instinctively reached out to hers, she looked at him puzzled and she stares at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked.

Of course, she thought to herself. Would he question the sudden change in her attitude?

Their gazes met, and for a fleeting moment, both found themselves lost in each other's eyes, momentarily forgetting the reason for his action.

"Seo Yul," She whispered his name, forcing herself to break the gaze. It brought him back and he immediately removed his hand, but he glanced at the ripped edge of her sleeves.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to," He said putting his questions aside. She raises an eyebrow but nods nonetheless before walking away.

It was better he would not ask anything.

He released a breath before looking down. Taking the piece of ripped clothing from his pocket.

Was it a coincidence?

Far ahead, Na Ra heard Jang Uk call out Mu Deok's name and joined him.

"Mu Deok," Na Ra called out. Jang Uk nudged her arm before pointing at his maid. She stood before a tree. Na Ra remembered the tree, Nak Su used to climb up there when she was young.

Na Ra had only done so once, indeed the sight was pleasing but she was uncomfortable with how high she was.

"I thought you were sleeping. I looked for you everywhere," Jang Uk approached Mu Deok. "Are you still drunk?"

"I thought I might be able to climb it when I was drunk," She stated. "But it is too tall. I am starting to sober up.

"Is this the tree with the bird's nest on top?"

"Yes, I want to climb up that tree again."

"Did you really climb all the way to the top?"

"I was Nak Su then," Mu Deok said sadly. "The moon from up there looked beautiful. But I can no longer see it with this body."

With that she turned to her two friends, ready to give them a secret. "I ran into one of Danju's men today. He seemed suspicious of me."

Jang Uk caught on. "By any chance, did you give him my Spirit Plaque?"

"I tried to use the Spirit Plaque to go back," She admitted. "But he killed the person whom he thought was me. If I ever happen to get caught by them, do not try to save me."

"Of course. I am too weak to help anyway." Jang Uk nonchalantly replied. "There is nothing your pupil can do for you."

She sighed. "I expected nothing from you," She turned to Na Ra.

"I should say alright. After all, you are one of Cheonbugwan's armies in some way," Na Ra said. "However, I was sent here to get you, I'm not going back until I have done so."

Jang Uk chuckled at her response, before facing his master. "Mu Deok. I may not be able to do much, but I think I can climb that tree."

"There are no branches for you to stand on at the top," Mu Deok said. "You must use your energy to create a foothold. You must master Chisu to do that. You are nowhere near that level."

"I wanted to do nothing," He nodded. "But I feel motivated to climb this tree. You said you want to see the moon from there. I am the only one who can take you up there, so I would like to try. Do you wish to go up there?"

"What are you saying?" Na Ra intervened crossing her arms. "I can take her up there right now."

"Hey," He shot at her. "This is between me and her, Stay five steps away."

She chuckled before nodding her head. "Fine then."

Seeing them, Mu Deok smiled. "Then do me a favor, Uk."

They stopped and looked at her.

"Take me up there."


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