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Attempting to get away from her life and trying to make a new one, Ashley Morningstar is attending her first... More

New Faces


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Penelope Park was currently getting dressed in her shared dorm. "So, you and Hope, when did that become a thing?"

"There is no me and Hope," Ashley answered from inside the bathroom.

"That's not what it looked like earlier," The Witch pointed out.

"Nothing is happening between us. She has Landon, and I'm merely just a friend," The Nephilim replied. "What about you and Josie?"

"Hasn't been anything there for years," Penelope says. "And like you said, I'm just a friend, and she already has Finch."

"That's not what it looked like this morning," The Nephilim said.

The was a moment of silence before Ashley sighed, "You are totally-"

"Falling for someone that I can't have," The Witch finished.

"I was going to say doomed," The Nephilim chuckled. "But that works too." She walked out of the bathroom and smiled. "How do I look?"

"The same," Penelope shrugged. "Okay, how about me?" She did a spin.

"Bitchy," Ashley smiled.



"Good, the drinks are here," MG said as the Nephilim and Witch were walking up to him. "We were running out."

"These are a special delivery," Penelope smiled as she and Ashley handed the Vampire the drinks.

MG look at both girls suspiciously but shrugged it off and walked away.

The Nephilim looked around in amazement. "Who knew the school can throw pretty decent parties."

The Witch laughed. "Come on, let's go get a drink." She walked away with Ashley trailing behind. "For you." She tried to hand the Nephilim a red solo cup.

"No thanks, I don't drink," Ashley spoke.

Penelope huffed. "Fine, then just hold it and act like you're having fun." She handed the Nephilim the cup.

"Isn't this great?" Isabela said as she walk up to them.

"Drink?" The Witch asked.

"Sure, why not?" The Werewolf grabbed the cup from Penelope. A song played which made her smile. "We have to dance, come on." She tried dragging both girls by the hand, but Ashley pulled away.

"You two go ahead, I want to finish my drink first," She said.

The Witch glared at the Nephilim knowing that she was lying, and just trying to get out of dancing with them. Before she could argue that she didn't want to dance either, Isabela already pulled her to the dance floor.

Off to the side, you could see Ashley laughing at her friend's attempt to dance.

"Looks like you're having fun."

The Nephilim faced her right to see Henry. "I kind of am," She smiled. "Are you?"

"Trying to," He answered.

"You seem nice, so I'll let you on a little secret. Don't drink that, if you do, you'll be telling the truth like crazy." She gestured to his cup. "Penelope and I mixed the drinks with truth weed."

"I wasn't planning on it," Henry admitted. "I'm not much of a drinker."

"Me neither," Ashley said. "I have this." Gesturing to her cup. "Because Penelope told me to just hold it-"

"And act like you're having fun," The Vampire chuckled. "My sister told me the same thing."

"Why don't you drink?" The Nephilim asked.

"Because of my dad," He answered, "You?"

"My mom," She replied.

Henry sighed. "My dad was an alcoholic before he died. He thought I was too girly, so he'd hit me, thinking it'll make me man up. My sister would defend me, and fight back for me when I couldn't. She's the son he wished he had." He faced the Nephilim waiting for her to tell her story.

"My mom would drink until she fell asleep or passed out so she wouldn't have to look at me. I guess that wasn't enough because then she committed suicide," Ashley spoke. "Parents suck."

"There are good ones out there," The Vampire smiled. His eyes wandered to the dance floor where he saw a certain Werewolf.

The Nephilim followed his gaze, a smirk began to form on her face when she found out he was looking at Isabela. "Go get her."

"W- What are you talking about?" He questioned.

She shrugged. "You better go before someone else does," She said before walking away.


"Where's your twin?"

"I have no idea, to be honest," Natalie answered. "Where's yours?"

Lizzie gestured to the other side of the party. "With her girlfriend of course."

"Why aren't you with yours?" The Vampire questioned. "Boyfriend I mean."

The Heretic huffed. "He has a party to host."

"I'm sure he'll drop everything for you," Natalie said.

"He would, and he has," Lizzie admitted. "But I want him to do something for himself, instead of worrying about me."

"You don't have many people to hang out with, so you're bored," The Vampire says.

"I have plenty of people to hang out with," The Heretic replied.

"No, you don't," Natalie stated. "If you did, you should be alone."

"You were alone too before I can over here," Lizzie pointed out.

"Because I choose to be alone," The Vampire admitted.

"So do I," The Heretic smiled.

Natalie sighed, then set her drink down. "Do you want to dance?"

"No, I'm good," Lizzie answered.

"Let me rephrase." The Vampire cleared her throat. "You're dancing with me." She dragged the Heretic by the hand to the dance floor.


Ashley found herself walking toward the Lake. In her sight, she saw a figure sitting at the edge of the dock. The closer she got, the more her smile grew as she realized it was Hope.

"Shouldn't you be at the party?" She questioned.

"Shouldn't you?" The Tribrid replied, looking back at Ashley.

The Nephilim made her way to sit next to Hope. "Fair point, but I asked you first."

The Tribrid sighed. "I couldn't think over the loud music. I need to be somewhere quiet so I came here."

"What's in your mind?" Ashley asked.

Hope looked at the Nephilim. "You."

Ashley was taken back a bit. "I'm flattered, but I don't think you're boyfriend would like that," She nervously laughed.

"No, I meant like what you are... who you are," The Tribrid corrected.

"You have questions and I have answers," The Nephilim said. "So shoot."

"How do I know if you're telling the truth or not?" Hope questioned.

"Have I ever lied to you?" Ashley questioned, which cause the Tribrid to raise an eyebrow. "I mean after you found out about me," She corrected.

"No, that I know of... so far," Hope replied.

The Nephilim signed. "You're going to make me break my number one rule,"

The Tribrid looked at her confused.

"You see this." She gestured to the cup. "Penelope and I had this brilliant idea to put truth weed in all the drinks. And knowing her, she gave me one of those drinks. So, when I drink it-"

"You'll tell the truth," Hope finished.


"Aren't you immune to magic," The Tribrid questioned.

"I think you guys are missing the whole human part of being a Nephilim." She raised the cup to her lips and hesitantly drank it. She made a disgusted face. "How do people drink this stuff? It's awful."

Hope laughed. "You've never drunk before?"

Ashley shook her head. "I swore never to drink because my mom would drink until she passed out, that way she never had to look at me."

The Tribrid's smile soon faded away. "I had no idea, and I just made you drink. I'm so sorry-"

"Calm down," The Nephilim said. "You didn't make me do anything. I did it of my own free will," She reassured. "But if you feel that bad, you can take a drink."

Hope huffed, grabbed the cup, and took a drink.

"How do we know if it worked?" Ashley questioned.

"What's your name?" The Tribrid asked.

"Ashley Chase Morningstar."

Hope raised an eyebrow. "Chase, really?"

"I didn't pick the name, okay?" She defended. "What about yours?"

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson."

The Nephilim busted into laughter. "And you thought mine was bad."

"Okay, we both have bad names," The Tribrid smiled.

Ashley shrugged. "Whatever you say... Andrea." She started to laugh again.

Hope rolled her eyes. "How are we going to do this?"

The Nephilim finally calmed down. "We could take turns asking questions. You go first."

"What's your dad like?"

Ashley sighed. "I don't know anymore," She answered. "When he took me in, he was the best dad ever." She smiled as she went down memory lane.


The carnival was in town. Lucifer and 10-year-old Ashley were having the best time. He found himself in line for cotton candy, after she begged him for some. She smiled as Lucifer gave her sugar.

"Anything else the princess wants?" He chuckled.

Ashley pointed to a teddy bear in a ring toss stand.

Lucifer made his way to stand. "How much?" He asked the man as he point led to the bear, pulling out his wallet.

The carnival worker laughed. "That's not how it works. If you want it, you have to win it."

He put his wallet away. "That shouldn't be a problem."

But it was a problem. After what felt like hours to Ashley, when it was actually minutes, Lucifer couldn't win. Five tries in, and couldn't make one ring around a bottle.

He looked down at his daughter. "You're  getting that bear, I promise."

The worker laughed, as he started counting the money he was getting.

Another five tries later, he still hadn't won, but at least he made two rings around the bottles. Unfortunately, to win you have to make it four times.

Lucifer huffed. "This is ridiculous," Throwing his hands up in the air. "I'm just going to take it." He reached inside the stand and grabbed the bear.

"Sir, you can't just-"

He shut the carnival worker by flashing his red eye. The man was frozen in fear.

Lucifer kneeled to his daughter's height. "Just like I promised."

Ashley grabbed the bear and hugged it. She then gave a tight hug to her dad. "Thank you... for everything."

He was caught by surprise but ended up smiling and giving her a tight hug back.


"But the more I grew up, he started creating distance between us," Ashley said. "Now he just sees me as his one ticket away from ruling Hell." She forced a smile. "What's your dad like?"

"He's what people never thought he'd be," Hope smiled. "They never saw the soft side of him, who was the greatest dad ever, but I'm glad I did. He wanted to be a better dad than his father, and he was."

"That's one thing our dads have in common. Your dad has daddy issues, my father basically invented daddy issues," The Nephilim laughed.


"Woah, slow down," Lizzie said, grabbing Natalie's cup. "You don't want to get wasted."

"Isn't that the point of a party?" The Vampire tried gabbing her cup away from the Heretic.

Lizzie raised the cup high, away from Natalie's reach. "Not if you want a bad hangover tomorrow."

"Just because you're taller doesn't mean you can use that against me," The Vampire said jumping, trying to reach her cup.

"Actually, it does," The Heretic laughed. "Why do you want to get drunk so bad?"

"Because the world's bullshit, everything is bullshit," Natalie answered. "And I want to forget that, even just for a night."

Lizzie sighed. "Come on, let's go find your brother." She tried the pulled the Vampire's hand.

But Natalie pulled away. "No, he can't see me like this, never like this. He hates it when I drink."

"Why?" The Heretic asked.

"Because it reminds him of our dad and Jason," The Vampire answered.

"Who's Jason?" Lizzie questioned.

"My best friend... or he was my best friend. Mine and his dad were both big drinkers. He hated all this stuff, while I used it to escape," Natalie replied.

"Where is he now?"

"He shot himself two years ago. I guess he couldn't handle it... I wished he could've left a letter to say goodbye."

"I'm sorry-"

The Vampire cut Lizzie off by quickly putting her hand over her mouth. "I can't believe I just said all that. I- I didn't mean to. Forget I said anything, I'm sorry."

She quickly left the party to her dorm.


Both Hope and Ashley were having a good time, laughing.

The Tribrid's smile soon died down, "Serious question."

"Shoot," The Nephilim said as she took another drink.

"What happens when you die?"

Ashley sighed. "I don't know... I think I just die. It'll be the end of my chapter," She smiled.

"I thought you'd turn into a full Angel since you're only half right now," Hope said.

"I could," The Nephilim shrugged. "But I don't think that's how it works, so I highly doubt it." She stood up from the ground.

"Where are you going?" The Tribrid asked.

"The mood is depressing," Ashley replied. "So let's change that." She smiled as held out her hand.

"You want to dance?" Hope questioned.

"I don't see why not," The Nephilim shrugged. "The moon is out, the stars are bright, it's perfect."

The Tribrid sat there, thinking for a moment. She stared back and forth between Ashley's eyes and hand before she decided to take it, getting up from the ground. "There's no music."

The Nephilim pulled out her phone, scrolling through her Playlist. She finally was met with the perfect song. Playing it and setting her phone on the floor. "Better?"

Hope nodded, as she placed her hand on the Nephilim's should. Ashley slid her hand on the Tribrid's waist. Then they both intertwined their hands, swaying to the music.

Thoughts kept popping up in Ashley's mind. 'Did Hope always have a beautiful smile? And her eyes... they're gorgeous'. She shook her head to regain focus.

"What's wrong?" Hope questioned.

"Nothing," Ashley smiled.

She was thinking the alcohol must be getting to her, and that's why she was having those thoughts

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