By LAMarvel3000

31.4K 1.7K 505

𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐎𝐂 "𝐍𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰" -𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑴... More

14. 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘
17. 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘
19. 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘
22. 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘
24. 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘


1.6K 64 8
By LAMarvel3000


"Ainsley! Come on, we're gonna be late!" She hears her mom call from down the hall. Finishing up her makeup she rolls her eyes in annoyance. Today was graduation and the last thing Ainsley wanted or needed was her mother and stepfather ruining the day. They always did. From a very young age it was always Ainsley and her mom, until Frank came onto the scene. He was truly awful, he treated Maria, her mother like shit. They were always fighting and arguing, making it difficult to understand why the pair were even together. And much to Ainsley's dismay her mother always sided with Frank.

"I told you mom I'm not going!" She retorts finally, gathering all she needs from graduation.

"What do you mean you're not going?" Maria quizzes as she waits for her daughter to come downstairs.

"I've already told you, I'm going to graduation with Jacob and his family."

"Ugh, I really don't understand why you spend all your time with that boy and harass his family."

"I'm not harassing them, it was Mr and Mrs Barber's idea to ride with them." Shaking her head with disapproval, Maria turns on her heels storming down the long hallway to the kitchen where Frank was fixing himself a drink.

"Frank, have you heard this! Have you heard what our daughter is doing!"

"El no es mi padre!"
"He is not my father!"
Ainsley argues from behind as she follows into the kitchen.

"Ainsley that's enough! You know I don't like you speaking Spanish around Frank! He doesn't understand!"

"Bueno, por fin podré hablar con mi madre sin que él se entrometa!"
"Good, finally get to talk to my mother without him butting in!"

"How many times do we have to go over this... Frank raised you!"

"Not by choice and anyways it's not like he even really wants to go to my highschool graduation!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Frank has done nothing but support and look after you."

"Next joke" Ainsley mumbles, rolling her eyes as she relives the same argument with her mom again. Anytime they got into any disagreement about Frank she'd throw it back in her face.

"You're old enough to still be grounded young lady. Don't you speak to your mother that way!"

"You're not my dad and never will be! Don't bother turning up to graduation! I swear the minute I can get to college the better!" turning, Ainsley grabs her cell and bag, exiting the house without a second to spare. Rumerging in her bag she grabs her keys to the Ford dodge she got on her 16th birthday 2 years ago. Starting the engine it gives a mighty roar as she uses the manual stick shift to put it into gear and speeds off.

20 minutes passes and soon Ainsley is pulling up outside the Barber's house.

"Ainz babe I got your text... what's happened?" Jacob greets her from outside pecking her cheek sweetly.

"Fucking Frank thinking he's my dad and can tell me what to do... I mean who does that man think he is? He's not my father and never will be!" Squeezing her shoulder Jacob pulls her in for a hug, trying to comfort his girlfriend. "I know how hard it is for you."

"No you don't Jacob! You have a dad. I don't. He died when I was three years old and I can't even remember him. Do you know how shitty that is?"

"C'mere" he nods, reaching his arms out. Accepting she wraps herself around him, deeply inhaling his intoxicating scent that both Barber men were guilty of. "It's okay... Look, you can stay here this summer, I've already spoken to mom and dad and they've agreed."

"I love you."

"Love you more." Leaning in he kisses her nose softly, helping her grab what she needs to take inside. They'd agreed after graduation to go back to her house and pack a bag of her essentials and what she'll need this summer before college in the fall. They were yet to open their acceptance letters. Both agreed to open them after graduation to see where they'd be off to.

For years they'd dreamed about going to Harvard university together and starting their perfect 'Boston life'. It was only a few more hours until their fate would be reveleaved.

* * *

"Ladies and gentlemen, thanks and welcome to the graduation ceremony of the class of 2018!" Hearing all the parents and students cheer, it roars across the field, everyone's energy beaming.

Ainsley by default has her defenses up, scanning the crowds to ensure her mother and step-father have not shown up. Sighing in relief she's happy to see that they have actually listened. Continuing to scan the crowd she spots Andy and Laurie. Both spotting her Laurie gives a wave, blowing a kiss, Andy giving a wink.

From the moment Ainsley and Jacob met on their first day at high school they were inseparable. It wasn't until Jacobs 16th birthday that the pair finally admitted their feelings for each other.

"All rise as we welcome our 2018 graduates!" The principle of the school beams, welcoming the students to form an orderly line. The guests all cheer giving a standing ovation as they students all make their way to the stage. After a few moments and everyone is settled The principle begins one by one announcing the students on onto the stage to accept their diplomas.

"Jacob Barber!" Laurie and Andy stand as their son accepts his diploma on stage, shaking the hands with the principal and other members of faculty. It continues on and on until finally it's Ainsley's turn. Things hadn't been easy for her during high school, there were many members of the school faculty who didn't like Ainsley, well more her attitude. She was always very strong minded and would never be walked over, whether from fellow students or others.

"Ainsley Garcia!" The principle finally speaks, Ainsley sighing in relief knowing that she has definitely made it. Laurie and Andy stand again, congratulating their son's girlfriend. As she walks onto the stage she accepts her diploma, the principal learning in slightly.

"Well done kid, I'm proud of you. Now go make something of yourself."

"Thanks sir... for everything."

Walking proud she shakes the hands of members of the faculty who actively wanted her to fail, smiling smugly at them knowing she beat the system. Principal Webber was the only real person apart from herself that believed she could make it through and go on to better things. As the rest of the rewards ceremony continues Ainsley sits there in content, desperate to know what her future holds.

"And finally we have Josh Steventon." They all clap and cheer for the last time as the final student makes it onto the stage. Typically graduation goes in alphabetical order but due to Josh's tendencies to cause trouble they decided to leave him until last, convinced he would be less likely to make a scene.

"No funny business Josh." Principal Webber warns as he shakes his hand using the other to hand over the scroll. Accepting and giving his cheeky grin he heads over to the faculty. Turning to the crowd for a second he winks, that's when the students knew Josh wasn't going quietly.

"Jake you think he's gonna do it?" Ainsley leans into her boyfriend trying to whisper as discreetly as possible.

"It's Josh... What do you think?" He laughs, his shoulders jerking up and down as he laughs with folded arms.

"I've seen his ass 4 times this year."

"Make that 5"

Josh begins making his way to the end of the stage but just before he goes to step down he turns to our Principal. "I'm sorry sir but it wouldn't be a true class of 2018 event if I didn't do this!" Turning to face away from the crowd, he bends over quickly pulling up his robe mooning the whole year group and all the guests. Everyone erupts in laughter, a few grabbing their cell phones to capture this moment.

"Mr Steventon!" One of the teachers gasps in horror as Josh twists around so he can give all his teachers a clear view of his ass and also a glimpse of his low hanging ball sack. Couch Walton is on stage in seconds, grabbing Josh by his ear, squealing in pain like a baby Josh drops his robe and is quickly escorted off stage and back into the school.

"Right settle down, the commotion is over!" One of the teachers shouts as they try to get us all to settle again.

After 10 minutes of getting everyone settled and Josh is now banned from the rest of the ceremony the Principal continues the presentation.

"And now we stand for our national anthem." Everyone raises to their feet, the band gets into position and the class valedictorian walks onto the stage, to lead us through the anthem then deliver her speech.

"O say, can you see
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hail'd
At the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars
Through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watch'd
Were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare
The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night
That our flag was still there
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free
And the home of the brave?"

As the class sings the last line to the anthem a loud foghorn can be heard blaring closer to where the ceremony is being held. Everyone is quick to turn looking for the source of the sound. Hurtling towards the stage and seating area, the school mascot on a quad bike, blaring the horn as they shoot confetti cannons off. Before anyone can do anything the mascot disappears.

"What else can go wrong?" one of the girls leans over to Ainsley and Jacob. "You both still coming to the party tomorrow night?" Ashley asks the couple.

"Try stop us." Ainsley laughs, giving Jacob a look.

"Hey, what's that look for?"

"You know why. Don't get too drunk this time and have to get your mom and dad to come get us early."

"That was one time, Ainz."

"Yeah and I got the blame for it. Your mom was off with me for weeks."

"Mom loves you." Both looking behind they see Laurie and Andy looking in their direction, giving a quick smile and wave they both turn back to give their attention to the stage.

"Hello and welcome. For those who don't know me, I am Meredith, this class's valedictorian." Subconsciously Ainsley and a few of the others all roll their eyes in annoyance. Meredith was a lovely girl but she never really knew how to fit in and always rubbed people up the wrong way. Especially Ainsley.

"It was not so long ago when I dared to dream, and not so long ago, when I dared to take the first essential steps towards the fulfilment of my elementary education. Today, together with my class mates, celebrate our success after all these years of hardship, struggle and perseverance. We reminisce about the challenges that stood before us, and we savour the victories that came upon our hands."

And right on queue the mascot reappears. Out of nowhere they ran onto the stage, getting straight up to Meredith and pieing her in the face. Everyone gasps in shock, trying to hold back the laughter. Ainsley and her friendship group are one of the first ones to lose it. Howling with laughter, tears coming down their faces.

The official graduation was over. Principal Webber was quick to catch and reprimand the mascot and put a swift end to the graduation of the class of 2018.

* * * ♡-Ainsley-♡ * * *

Taking a deep breath I hold onto it for a few seconds longer, closing my eyes I exhale. "Together?" I ask my boyfriend as we both hold the envelopes which dictate our whole future.

"Together." Looking to one another for reassurance when both look back to our letters, wasting no more time in ripping them open. Frantically I scan my letter, as does Jacob.

"So?" Andy's voice breaks the deadly silence, desperate to know our fates.

"I got in..." Jacob murmurs. "I fucking got in!" He beams jumping up from his seated position hugging his parents dearly. After a few minutes they all calm themselves, looking to me to see my answer. Tears have misted my eyes and I remain fixed in place looking at my letter.

"Aw babe, I'm so sorry, it's okay, maybe you'll get into your second choice." Jacob begins, sitting back next to me, his arm over my shoulder, hugging me from the side. Leaning over he goes to read over my shoulder.

"Holy shit Ainz! You got in!" Smiling, he squeezes me tight into his side. "You fucking did it babe." Nodding timidly I wipe the stray tears from my eyes.

"I did it..." I whisper more to myself than anyone.

I did it... I got into Harvard fucking university to study law! All those teachers who told me I'd amount to nothing... I proved them wrong. I proved my parents wrong. I am somebody. I'm going to be a lawyer.

a/n: so here it is... a glimpse into Ainsley & Jacobs beginning.

I'm not too sure how frequently I'll be updating this story as I'm going to try work on my other wattpad at the same time... but please as always bare with me please 🥰

Thanks to everyone who continues to support my writing it means the world! 💕

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