RWBY Cast Watch The Ruby Mult...

By Iwritethingsnstuff

20.6K 179 158

When team WBY and JNPR wake in under ground bunker run by a plush rabbit named Plushtrap and told to watch th... More

Operation Roseverse
Rubies Army
Prank Caller Rose
Deus Vult
Ruby Discovers
Kill Contract
Origin Of The Slender Rose
Risk Factions
Ideas And Shit
Origin Of The Slender Rose Final
Exploring The Base
Hoi4 MP In A Nutshell
Hell Bent for Whiskey
The White Death

The Grimm Slayer

2.1K 17 31
By Iwritethingsnstuff

"So your telling me that you Kidnaped us and then took us to a secret scientific laboratory so a plush rabbit can force us to watch different  universes of my niece?" Asked a still very confused Qrow .

"In Short yes that is basically what we have done" Jacob responded like is a was a normal thing. (Which it was when your working for Plush trap)    

"Hmmm Kidnapped by universal Empire and force to watch Different universal so a plushie can study us like lab rats al while a clone of me is currently doing my job as we speak, i must say this has never happened to me before" Ozpin said ignoring the (What the fuck??) faces by everyone else around him.

"Right then" Jacob said through the speaker "If that's all you have to say please take a seat" He said as 4 claws came through and placed down more chairs before drilling them in.

The 4 then went over to the chairs as Winter whispered to Ironwood "Sir with all do respect should we really be listing to this man."

Ironwood sighed then whispered back  "To tell you the truth Winter i don't trust this man with any bone in my body but i would rather not piss of this *British Empire*, As theirs no doubt in my mind they could Destroy us all if they really wanted to.

Winter then simply nodded as they took their seats as Yang spoke "So Jacob what are we watching this time."

"This time going to be watching a version of Ruby that strikes fear into the hearts of all Grimm" Jacob responded causing the Audience to stare in shock.

"Wait your telling me that There is a Version of Ruby that even the Grimm fear" Jaune said in shock.

"Yes the Grimm are absolutely terrified of her". Jacob said 

"But how can that dolt be so terrifying??" Weiss asked 

"Well lets find out." Jacob said through the speaker as the guard activated the universe player.

The scene opened to show a big laboratory in the deserts of Vacuo Before cutting to show Ruby in  green marine armour walking through a Destroyed hallway with alarms blaring and blood all over it.

The audience were both shocked  confused impressed , confused on why there was a lab in the middle of the desert and shocked at the blood shed that must have happened in their and impressed by how bad ass Ruby looked.

"Good lord have mercy that's Ruby she looks like a fucking bad ass" Jaune said looking at this version of Ruby.

"I need that Armor." Nora said 

"No you don't." Ren replied   

"Awww but Renny ill be unstoppable. "Nora said raising a fist to the air

"Yes that's the problem." ren simply said as Nora sulked

It changed to show Ruby firing a plasma rifle a group of Grimm as explosion went of beside her as a Beowulf  charged trying to swipe her but she Grabbed its arm and slammed it the ground before pulling out a Double  barrel shotgun and blowing its brains out.

"Badass." Yang said with stars in her eyes

"Simple but effective." Ozpins said

"Well you know what they say oz the shotgun is Mans best friend and the Grimm's worst enemy." Qrow said taking a drink from his flask

"Wait i though Huntsman are the Grimm's worst enemy." Pyrrha Asked 

"well usually they are however for reasons unknow for the last 2 years more Grimm have died due to Shotguns then Huntsman." Ironwood said to the Surprise of the student's

"Wait if that's true then why the fuck are we even training to become Huntsman." Yang asked 

"Emmm Reasons." Ozpin said sweating a little"  

Yang gave him a funny look but then turned back to the viewing. 

Ruby then turned to the other Grimm in the room Dodging a fireball thrown by a Beowolf  and Geist Which charged at her with mighty screech leaving a scratch mark on her Armor .

"Hold up hold up hold up hold up" Jaune asked in shock "did everyone else see that."

"You mean the Fireball thrown by a bloody Beowolf yes jaune we all saw." Weiss said also in shock 

Before any one could ask any questions Jacob went on to the speaker to answer it for them "In this universe there 2 types of Grimm normal Grimm or your Grimm and Hell Grimm, Now Hell Grimm usually have abilities that are in that certain species whether it be" As he speak the screen goes white and a silhouette of a Beowolf is seen World of Remnant style. 

"Grimm that can throw fireballs hotter then the surface of the sun." 

*A Beowolf throws a fire ball at a huntsman burning through his aura as he drops to the floor with a hole in his chest.*

"Ones that that smash through walls and destroy almost most armoured vehicle." 

* a Rhino Grimm Smashed through the mantel Walls sending Debris and bodies flying.*

"One with the ability to teleport a spawn other Grimm."

*A Wendigo go teleports away from enemy fire before spawning a Beowolf  in a quick gust of fire.*

"And ones with ability to cause great destruction to any enemy army." 

*A Cyclops Grimm throws a green fireball at an atlas soldier before doing a ground pound on some Atlesian knights before finally crushing a huntress's skull with ease.*

As Jacob  finished speaking he looked at the Audience who all had looks of Fear in their eyes.

"BLOODY HELL." Ren uncharacteristically Screamed 

"HOW THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED BEAT THAT." Yang screamed in fear 

"Simple firecracker we cant." Qrow said to shock of everyone expect Ozpin 

"Leave it to the drunk to immediately give up." Winter said glaring at him

"Listen Ice queen humanity and faunus are having a hard time fighting the regular you know the ones who cant throw fireballs out there hands teleport and smash through paladins like you would a pile of rotten wood So let me ask you Winter if these demonic little shits were to invade us how the fuck are we going to be able to fight back." Qrow said taking drink from his flask while winter sat speechless

"I don't know but we will find a way." Ironwood said already thinking of counter measures in case these Hell Grimm were to ever invade

While everyone was talking about how to fight back Ozpin simply took a sip from his coffee cup and said "I think everywhere is looking at it wrong." causing everyone to look at him 

"Ozpin what the hell do you mean ." Ironwood said with a glare

Ozpin mealy took sip from his mug *again*and asked Jacob "These things are a lot stronger then normal Grimm yes?"

Jacob then responded "Yes."

"and they have ability to destroy are world with no trouble I'm a right??" Ozpin again asked

"Yes" was all Jacob responded

"Professor Ozpin what point are you trying to make here?" Blake asked

"Well if these Grimm are as powerful as Jacob says how strong must this version of Ruby be For all the Grimm to fear her." Ozpin said

This shut everyone up and made them start thinking 

"He's right if there that strong This version of Ruby must be a absolute killing machine." Jaune said

" Ruby as out only line of defence." Weiss said "Well were fucked."

"Oh come on ice queen Ruby seems to be holding her own very well all things considering." Yang said

Weiss was about to respond when Jacob spoke through the speaker again "Okay is cool that you lot are discussing this but can we please get back the viewing."  

The audience nodded

"Right lets get on with it then" Jacob said as the screen went back to the viewing

 It changed back to the hallway showing  the right shoulder of Ruby's Armor with a scratch mark from the Geist Grimm however Ruby did not seem to give a damn as she simply put 2 new rounds into her double barrel shotgun

"Damn she is such a fucking badass." Yang said

"We know yang you already said." Blake said 

"Because its the truth Blake." Yang replied

"Well she only killed one Grimm besides its not like she going to have a gun fight with an Apathy Grimm with a jetpack with rockets on it."

What happened was Ruby having a gun fight with an Apathy with a jet pack with rockets as the two fired at each other dodge the others attacks Before the Apathy  Grimm screech and fired another 2 rockets at some barrels which exploded near her but only damaging her Armor. 

This part of the viewing lead to a very salty Weiss and very smug Yang

"You were saying Weiss." Yang asked

"Not a God damn word Yang." Weiss spat back

"Wait why is she using a shotgun at long range." Pyrrha asked

"Because she's a badass that's why." Nora said as the guards next to her simply nodded in approval

The adults however were focusing more on the Grimm.

"Oh so now they can operate technology as if we weren't fucked enough." Qrow throwing his hands in the air

"emm Ironwood sir i might be wrong here but doesn't that look like the jet pack technology dr Dan was working on." Winter asked

the other 3 Adults took a closer look at the jet pack only to realise.

"It is!!!" Ironwood said shocked

"James you don't think dan is testing it on Grimm do you." Ozpin said

"If he wants to keep his job he better not be ill cheak it out when we get back." Ironwood said horrified and pissed the possibility   

It back to the Hallway Ruby was walking through as She passed a room full of highly Advanced Technology that had been Destroyed When the Hell Grimm attack. 

"What is this a place some of the technology here far beyond what Atlas is able to produce." Ironwood said

"And yet it seemingly did little to save them." Ozpin said

"And to make matters worse it seems these Grimm Basterds also know how to operate it." Qrow said 

"Well that's it were fucked  its been nice knowing you all." Winter said hands on her face






"Man can you be a little bit more cheery your depressing the fuck out of me." one of the guards said

"Yeah come on Guys i mean look at Ruby She's kicking ass." Yang said pumping her fist on into the air

"Yang she's only killed 1 Grimm so far." Weiss 

"Better then 0." Yang said causing Weiss to just sigh

It cuts to massive Room as Ruby whacks a Beowolf out the the way with her Shotgun Before jumping out of the way from a nevermore firing feathers and  purple ball from its beak which explodes behind her. Awhile massive number of Beowolf are both wanting to attack but also scared out of their mind to do so (Which is understandable).

"A FUCKING NEVEMORE." Ironwood screamed

"As if there weren't strong now the can shoot fucking balls of flame from the beaks fuck." Jaune said

"Well look on the Brightside we could use to help in a barbeque." Nora said 

"Nora where would find a hell Nevermore to do a barbeque." Blake asked

"I know a guy."Nora replied

"Okay Nora i just have to ask what the actual fuck is wrong with you." Jaune asked

"I don't know." Nora said

"Ren??" jaune said

"Don't bother Jaune for the sake of your sanity just don't bother." Ren said

"emmm Okay." Jaune said

"Are just going to ignore the the disrespect Ruby just gave to that Beowolf." Yang asked





"that was pretty Disrespectful not going to lie." Qrow said

Ruby landed on a Beowolf who tried to claw at her only to be shot in the face By her Shotgun However she turned around to do see a Cyclops Grimm who swiped her with its bone plating which it used as claws as Beowolf looked on from above's.


"I could beat it." Nora said

"NO THE FUCK YOU COULDNT." Jaune yelled at her

"Wanna bet." Nora said back with a smug Grin


"Your on." Nora said

"It used its usually defensive Armor as an offensive weapon Impressive." Ozpin said

"If by Impressive you mean absolutely terrifying then you would be corrected." Blake said

It then changed back the Hallway as Ruby's Armor had a scratched in the mid section from the cyclops but again like the badass she is she did not care in the slightest as a door at the end of  the Hallway opened to revel The Outside during a thunder storm Ruby Dashed out and jump down landing with a hard thump.

"Ill say it again Fucking Badass." Yang said

"She just Jumps of a cliff with zero hesitation I must say impressive." Ozpin said

"This version of Ruby must Zero fear of anything." Qrow said

"Or she's just crazy." Winter responded

"Id say a little bit of both." Ironwood said

As Ruby stood Back up she saw What she had been searching for as a what looked like rocket launcher is seen charging up to reveal Nuckelavee With cybernetic implants and its left arm replaced as both the humanoid part and the horse part Roared and at Ruby as she charged towards it and Beowolfs started to appear ready to join the the fight and Try to Kill the Grimm slayer.  

"HOLY SHIT!" Weiss screamed



"Well it dose seem that these Grimm will do anything to Kill this version of Ruby if that means sacrificing their body parts then so be it." Ozpin said

"Well they don't call her The Grimm slayer for nothing." Jacob said through the speaker

"Wait what happened to all those Grimm Back there then." Weiss said Still not Convinced

"Well their most likely All dead." Jacob said through the Speaker 

"But she was outnumbers like 10 to 1." Weiss said

"Doesn't matter when your The Grimm slayer." Jacob Responded

Meanwhile Ren and Nora were having Flashbacks of there village being attack And the  Nuckelavee But were snapped back to Reality when a guard Clicked his fingers in front of their faces.  

"Hey you two Alright." he asked

"Emm yeah we kind of just got lost in thought." Ren said With Nora giving the thumbs up  

"Well if your sure." the Guard said before going back to his spot 

"So what's on next." Yang Asked

"Next we will be watching the Worst thing to ever happened in Ruby's life." Jacob Responded   

Hi guys its been a long time since a wrote a chapter for this story like a real long time but im back and i really hope you've enjoyed this chapter but like always if you see anything i could improve on please let me know and as always have a nice day and be safe good bye and see you next chapter  

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