evergreen ↠ harry styles ✓

Od hesasnowflake

46.7K 1.8K 6.3K

[Neither of them promised forever, yet it hurt all the same.] River Hamilton cannot afford to fall for just a... Více



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Od hesasnowflake

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"You're the cruellest woman I have ever had the privilege to know."

The words fell from Mila Forbes's mouth the moment she stopped before River. Wind blew on her black hair, thick as her eyebrows, eyes the same shade of darkness. Brown skin glowed beneath Mila's deep red gown, held on by straps on her shoulders. As River knew her best friend to be, the fierce U shape of her dress revealed her chest, the cut of the material high up to the middle of her right thigh.

Still, the thing that drew all attention from the magnificent woman standing there, was the rock situated on Mila's left ring finger.

For it was genuinely a rock. Blinding enough to provide sight to stumbling feet in the shadows. Emerald cut diamond and large enough to cover the space between the start of Mila's finger to her first knuckle.

"Jesus Christ," River chuckled as she held her best friend's hand in both of hers. The light sparkled off of the ring as River turned it from side to side. Small, yet the clearest diamonds she's ever seen, sparkled on the band of the jewellery. The rock itself was encrusted by similar, smaller ones.

"Weighs a ton, too," Mila joked and wiggled her fingers in River's grip. It made the Hamilton woman chuckle once more and she could barely take her eyes off of the ring. "I didn't know what to expect but I'm glad for it."

"If you ever need to make a run for it, I suppose this beauty would last you your life," she responded, and let go of Mila's hand. They shared a laugh, though both of them knew divorce was not an option. Not for any other reason than it being looked down upon.

"Aaliyah said the same thing," Mila mentioned, her head in the direction of one of the tables. River couldn't see until it was pointed out to her—there, somewhere in the sea of people, Aaliyah spoke to someone, wearing her emerald green dress. No doubt spinning heads as usual. "She needed a drink right after. Said she needed to distance herself before she found herself wanting to marry for the sole reason of getting engaged."

Sounded like Aaliyah. Ever since River came to know her best friend, she knew Aaliyah never yearned for marriage. She didn't care for love. No one broke her heart. No one in her family put her through trauma. If anything, she'd been the only one out of their little trio of a friend group who had the easiest childhood, and smoothest transition into adulthood.

All Aaliyah wanted was to travel the world. To learn. To see and do everything she possibly could before old age crept up on her. That sense of sureness in one's-self, made River look up to her friend more than anyone else. To have a friend like Aaliyah was a blessing, for she put River in her place when she needed it—and even when she didn't.

River's thoughts travelled far before they retreated, and she asked, "Now, why am I so cruel? What have I done to you?"

The question made Mila laugh and smooth a hand down River's exposed shoulder in comfort. The warm touch of Mila's hand sent a shiver down her spine. When did it get so chilly?

"More like what did that man do to you?" she wondered and turned this way and that, in pursuit of whoever she looked for. Her attention divided, Mila said, "I saw you linking him up with Juliette McAllister."

The realisation made River laugh.

"That man is Harry Styles," she said. Mila's head shot back to River's direction. The group chat may or may not have received the update on what was currently going on with said man. While Aaliyah agreed that River was a princess for drinking with a straw, she cursed the man for talking behind River's back like she wasn't partially the reason he had a job. Mila simply detested him.

"Say no more," she grunted and turned as the waiter walked by, then lifted two flutes of champagne off of the tray. Keeping hold of one, she passed the other one to River and she took it gladly. "Actually, do explain why you're setting him up with Juliette."

Exhaling deeply, River was about to say it was her brother's idea but her other brother, the eldest, took his place on the stairs. A microphone in his hand to intensify the sound of his voice as he greeted the guests.

"If we could please find my dear sister in the crowd..." he visibly turned his head from side to side to find River. Dorian's voice faltered, then he spoke again as people all around looked for her. "...please let's have her teleported to my side."

The crowd laughed. If not because they were genuinely entertained, then because they had to give some form of reaction. River smiled as she weaved her way through the tables, Mila now behind her or hopefully on her own way to her dedicated table.

Dorian continued on speaking about the evening, and how marvellous everything looked. He paid great attention to crediting River as she picked up the front of her gown and made her way up the stairs. Applause sounded as she made it to the top, Dorian's voice now all too clear and loud, Alden's amused grin too in her face. She simply stuck her tongue out at him while her back faced the crowd, then turned and put on an award-winning smile.

"Thank you, everyone," she smiled as she took over Dorian's spot behind the microphone. Cool wind ran down her back, her arms. Caused the hair she turned into a bun to want to fly all over the place. A lone strand escaped and she seamlessly reached up to tuck it behind her ear. "It's great to see so many familiar faces here tonight. I know our grandmother would be most pleased to know our community continues to work together to honour her name."

Third great-grandmother. Though, River doubted anyone cared for the specifics, so she kept her speeches as sweet and vague as possible.

"As I'm sure everyone is aware, our brother, Jax, can't be here on this occasion but he promised to make up for it next year," River announced as her eyes danced over the crowd. "Travelling the world before settling into business is something Grandmother would've encouraged. See the world. Learn all you can. I've heard the chants many'a'times," River grinned as the audience gave her a light chuckle. The closer tables were almost to the steps. That's where the Hamiltons usually sat—two of them already there. Kaia and Jade.

And Harry.

Alden insisted on putting him on their table, even though Mila and Aaliyah were never allowed up there. It pissed River off slightly but she got over it when her mind was needed elsewhere, on much more important matters.

"Some of you may know that our family's had quite a week this week," she smiled, meeting Jade's eyes in the crowd. Kaia bumped in River's line of vision—then Harry. He sat there with his head held high. Shoulders blocked. Spine straight. In that singular moment, River couldn't tell if he was intrigued or bored. "With that in mind, it would only be right if I passed the honour of officiating tonight's fundraiser to my second eldest brother, Alden."

Before the microphone, Alden went into a little story that broke the hearts of everyone in the audience. He spoke about the importance of Adelaide Aid, and how it's something that is continuously changing the world as they know it. Alden mentioned the impact he hopes they'll achieve for many years to come so that his children will get to grow up and experience the good of what their ancestors set out to do.

With a face like Alden Hamilton's, it was difficult for the women around the circle tables not to shed a tear. Especially when he called Jade to the stairs and together, they announced the pregnancy. Jade looked absolutely stunning in her blood red, velvet dress. A heart-shaped décolletage adorned her chest, her neck sparkling under her diamond necklace as the lights hit each pebble, matching studs in her earlobes. Her white faux fur stole being the perfect contrast against Alden's navy suit.

Dorian finished off the speech with some overall statistics to prove to those in attendance that their contributions didn't go to the yearly Hamilton vacation. Each accomplishment rewarded with a round of applause, some 'wohoo's' that made River scrunch her nose.

After what felt like forever, Dorian extended his arm and allowed River to walk down the steps with his help. Not once did her brother comment on the fact that she shouldn't be wearing such shoes if she can't walk in them, though she wasn't sure why she expected to hear that comment.


River knew exactly why she expected the comment, and it had everything to do with the stare of the man at their family table. For those green eyes burned into River's skin until they left a literal hole behind, gaping and intrusive. No matter how much she tried to avoid it—and him—she couldn't shake the feeling of his judgement.

Which was new. River was used to people's attention, their honest words and opinions. It made her question why Harry would be different, especially when she didn't know him, and he had no real impact on her life, nor would he ever get the chance.

"That was awful," Jade grunted into her glass of sparkling water and chugged it down in three large gulps. When she finished, she reached for the one to her right—happened to be Dorian's glass—and she inhaled that, too. River watched with amusement, the grin on her lips got wider with every second that passed. "That was bloody fucking awful."

River ran her tongue over her teeth as she chuckled, breathy, and reached for her own glass. This one filled with bubbling, crisp champagne.

"You did great, darling," Alden reassured her and leaned over as his arm rested behind Jade's chair. Unable to tear her gaze from them, River saw as her brother kissed Jade's cheek once, twice, three times, only for the woman to remain unaffected, eyes wide.

Prior to this occasion, Jade had never been asked to stand beside any of them like this. Sure, Jade and Alden had attended events together, but nowhere that required such a thing from her. For the woman couldn't deal with attention like tonight. The fact that Alden dragged her up there automatically earned him an ass whooping as soon as they got home, River was sure.

"So, Harry," River sighed to fight the wicked grin itching her lips. She gently curled her right hand inwards, closer to her chest, the glass still in her grasp. Left arm cradled to her stomach and rested below her elbow to keep the flute in her hand steady. "Where's Juliette?"

"Hold on—Juliette?" Dorian leaned forward. River cast a glance in his direction to see him keeping a protective hand on Kaia's crossed leg. The woman looked stunning tonight in her black dress. Its high, puffed shoulders gave her an elegance River absolutely adored, the pearls around Kaia's neck the perfect match to her earrings. It seemed tonight's style of hair was low buns, for Kaia also rocked the same look—except for the black bow fastened around it.

"Oh wait—I left you with Juliette but perhaps she introduced you to Charlotte Clay?"

A murderous smile winked back at River as Harry—once more, seated across from her—cleared his throat. "Charlotte is lovely."

No howling. No howling. No howling.

River Adelaide Hamilton, you are a classy lady.

But it was so difficult, for River knew Harry hated every second he had to spend with either of the women. See, both Juliette and Charlotte had reputations that followed them like a shadow. River had nothing against them, and they were civil when presented with the opportunity to socialise. Though, perhaps it would be the farthest thing from the truth if River said she didn't agree with some things.

It turned out Harry was the same.

"Well, I certainly hope she was nothing less than hospitable," she smiled.

"Come on, Riv," Alden called. "I thought you'd actually do something nice for Harry."

She didn't want to say she did do something nice for him. Invited him. Put him on their table. Secured him some options to pick from. What else did Alden want from her?

Thankfully, she was saved by the waiters as they came around and served them. Somewhere to the side, the live band began to play, and just like that, the perfect evening came to life.

Until, of course, River was approached.

Charlie Radcliffe stood by the Hamilton table while River finished up her dessert. Even though she knew he was there, she didn't look up. Dread filled her at the upcoming rejection she had to figure out. As usual, though, she wasn't fast enough.

"River," he called her name.

She moved her head up, eyes locked to Harry's for a second, then she turned. In the middle of her last swallow of pie, she mustered up a smile, hopefully convincing enough to seem anything but bothered.

"Charlie, is there anything we can do for you?" she asked.

"I wanted to ask you for a dance," his voice came out almost flat which was a complete opposite to the forced smile on his face. Charlie was handsome but that grin—he needed to work on it. To be taken more seriously when lying? Definitely. "This is your favourite, is it not?" he inclined his head, now true sparkles brightened his eyes.

Something they agreed on was music. Perhaps the only thing.

Neither of them was interested in an arranged marriage. The same couldn't be said for their parents.

"It is, indeed," she confirmed with a small nod.

Without a glance around the table, River pulled the napkin from her lap and placed it on the table. Charlie already held out his hand to escort her out of the sea of tables, and River slid her own into his grasp. The familiar grip, warmth, and sensation made her feel safe in the same way holding her brothers' hands made her feel.

Amidst the attention of those in attendance, River focused her own on the man surrounding her. Body. Spirit. In every way. Charlie was all she could smell—his intense cologne that made her sneeze the first time they had been introduced. The memory brought an amused smile to her face and her eyes just so happened to meet his.

"You're stunning," he said as if in awe of her beauty. The compliment made her chuckle, breathless and slightly uncomfortable. Charlie looked past her which was easy for him, given the height difference. "And," he sighed whilst he adjusted his hold around her waist, the other hand tightening around hers. "It seems I'm not the only one to believe so."

River glanced up at him, at the perfectly sculpted facial structure of his that had ladies swooning before his feet. The golden skin that appeared smoother than her own. The rosy lips that felt as soft as cushions. Those bright brown eyes of his averted and reached downward to meet River's awaiting gaze.

"Who is he?"

Confused, River tilted her head only to give her jawline some definition. Ever so gently, she raised both of her eyebrows and her lips parted at the same time.

"Who is who, Charlie?" she wondered, feeling a little lost in understanding the man's question.

He mirrored her as he tilted his head. "The guy in all black. Between Alden and Kaia."

River looked back on instinct, and her eyes immediately fell on Harry. Something strange sat on the man's features, something unexplainable as he kept his stare focused on River. He didn't falter until she looked away—and after that, she didn't know if he still watched her.

"Him?" she laughed, head falling back delicately to expose the bareness of her throat. River grasped onto Charlie as she cackled then steadied herself once more. "He is no one," she said, and shrugged as the hand she rested on Charlie's shoulder snuck upwards and tugged on the collar of his suit.

"You're certain?" he questioned—accused, River. For a moment, as they swayed, she almost stalled. Who did Charlie Radcliffe think himself to be? What made him think he had the right to question River on such matters?

"What reason do I have to lie about it?" she responded with a question herself. This time, they did stop their dancing.

Charlie had no chance to respond. Though his mouth opened to form his answer, his voice never followed. Instead, the sound of another came from behind River. With that, the gust of wind that carried a hint of tobacco, notes of vanilla and cacao, dried fruits and woody notes.

"River—I'd like a word?"

She wanted to be funny, and actually give him a word. Then she got rid of the idea because she reminded herself of the way he made fun of her with whoever he chatted to at the Clubhouse, and her stomach folded into a knot.

"Excuse me for a moment, Charlie," she smiled at him then stepped away and around Harry to put some distance between herself, and both of the men.

River readjusted her face. The mood she found herself in. Tightness pulled on her chest as she fought the defensiveness she felt toward Harry. She needed to reject him but without him feeling satisfied by her obvious annoyance.

She whirled around and faced his emotionless expression. How was it even possible? The thought didn't escape her, even as she smiled and asked, "What can I do for you?"

"Introduce me to Aaliyah Lowell."

Unable to control herself, River burst out in loud laughter. Heads turned towards her, some with curiosity in their faces, others with a smile as they beheld her in the company of yet another fine man.

Harry remained silent. No reaction to him, whatsoever.

River stilled. "You're serious."

"You thought I was joking?" he asked.

"Do you even know who Aaliyah Lowell is?"

Harry's lips twitched until he fought the smile away. His eyes betrayed him—River saw it even in the poor night light. "I wouldn't have asked to be introduced if I did."

Someone had set him up. Someone being Alden. River knew it was her brother because Alden didn't like how River played. He especially didn't enjoy that his friend didn't get to meet women who he could actually have a nice time with. So, he put Aaliyah in the equation and sent it towards River, only to get a reaction.

Sibling rivalry. It could get nasty, especially between Hamiltons.


"I'm sorry?" he furrowed his brows. The first sort of emotion he showed. River found it fascinating. The ease with which he kept himself in control. Perhaps working where he did, it was a necessary skill. On some levels, River could certainly relate.

"The answer is no," she repeated, her arms crossed over her chest. A defensive stance.

"No?" he echoed.

"No," she confirmed.

"And why not?"

River chuckled at the challenge in his voice, in his eyes. She found they communicated rather well through their continued stare off. She held onto his gaze as she asked, "Besides the fact that you're not her type?"

"Let's let her decide that, hm?"

Once more, River chuckled. "My answer remains the same."

"There seemed to be no issues with Juliette and Charlotte," he mentioned, keeping his hands tucked in the pockets of his trousers. Their outfits matched in a way that birthed irritation within River. Of course, he couldn't have planned it but the idea made her want to change immediately.

"Juliette and Charlotte are merely acquaintances of mine. I didn't mind introducing them."

What that response told Harry about her remained a secret. If he figured anything out, he didn't show it. Parts of River didn't want to know—or why she even cared if he put two and two together.

"Did my brother send you on a mission?" she couldn't help but ask. Harry's silence spoke loud enough. For a second, River appreciated the loyalty he showed as he refused to rat Alden out. "Tell him to mind his own business."

With that, River walked past him and away from Charlie, who no doubt decided River was a liar. For her to say Harry was no one to entertaining his request at speaking to her, only to mildly storm off after, even she couldn't deny that her poor deflection from earlier was the farthest thing from the truth.

"Shit," she hissed when she stepped on the front of her dress so she bunched it up in her fist and carried onwards.

"Your grandmother is turning in her grave."

Before her stood Aaliyah with a grin wide enough to cover her entire face. River snorted and almost went to drag a hand down her face until she remembered the makeup caked on there.

"Let her get some exercise in," she shrugged to show she truly did not care. With a quick glance over her best friend, River found Aaliyah intact and perfect. From up-close, her dress brought envy to life as it curved to her body, the long slit up her thigh the perfect level of sexiness and elegance. "Is there something I can do for you? Did they not get your meal right again?"

Aaliyah chuckled. "No, my meal was fine. Everything's great," she confirmed. "I'm here to ask about you," as she addressed River, she pointed a finger at her, nearly poked her in the chest with it. "You seem out of it."

Out of it? Yeah. River could agree with that statement. The only fundraiser gala to bring out the unrested animal in her had to be Adelaide Aid Gala. Pure pressure settled deep within her bones whenever the annual event came around because upholding the family name could be overwhelming—and it never got easier, nor would it ever become so.

"I have a lot on my mind, that's all," she responded and reached out a hand to smoothen down on Aaliyah's exposed arm. The green dress she wore moulded to her curves like it was made specifically for her. The thought made her think of Harry, and his random request. Aaliyah arched an eyebrow at her reaction, and River answered with a sigh. "Harry wants to be introduced."

As expected, Aaliyah laughed softly. "I hope you defused that bomb."

"He had no chance to get through me," River reassured. "Though," she shrugged. "If you wanted to get to know him, I wouldn't be against it."

"I don't but thanks for considering it."

River nodded, somewhat relieved. "He is nice to look at. Well, that is when he is not out of his comfort zone."

"Oh?" Aaliyah teased, and nudged River's arm with her elbow. Aaliyah came to stand beside River, her long, dark blonde hair brushing River's exposed side, and now they both watched the sea of people before them. "What is he doing here, anyway?"


"Your brother never fails to amaze me," Aaliyah commented. "He is so persistent. Very annoying quality—especially in a Hamilton."

River looked at her friend with a death stare but smiled, anyway. No lies in the mix. Persistency was what made the Hamiltons successful. Without that they wouldn't be where they were.

"Anyway—if he ever finds out you are... you," River rolled her eyes at her strange wording, and laughed. "Brace yourself. I've introduced him to Juliette McAllister and Charlotte Clay."

The groan that erupted from Aaliyah's throat made River chuckle once more and pat her friend's shoulder in comfort.

While their conversation didn't explore River's frustration, she felt much more composed once they both retreated to their tables. Surprisingly, River's table was only filled with her family—Harry missing. Her hand remained on the back of her chair as she pulled it out when her eyes fell upon her brother's, and Alden spoke like she asked a question.

"Harry had to go," he informed River, and she could only nod. Where Harry went, and what he did, did not concern her. "But he said to thank you for arranging him to be here, and for introducing him to Juliette and Charlotte."

River hummed as she sat and asked, "He did?"

The only confirmation her brother gave was a nod, and the conversation ended there. Somehow, the idea of Harry being grateful for all of this threw River off. Perhaps the last thing she expected was for him to thank her, not just because it was her but also because people didn't usually show any gratitude towards something as meaningless as being invited last minute or being shoved to socialise with people who no one wanted to interact with.

Much like with everything else that had any relevance to Harry, this also left River bothered. It kept him on her mind for the remainder of the night. And if there had to be one thing she wanted to erase from there, it was him. 

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