a lot of hearts for one mutan...

By Starlight160

22.1K 455 112

Everyone falls in love with Leo except Baxterfly,the kraang and purple dragons More

Chapter 2: You cant die on me Leo!
Chapter 3: A new girl?!
Chapter 4: kisses for rewards
Chapter 5: Leo and Raph smut
Chapter 6: The master and his sex slave
Chapter 7: Leo's first rape
Chapter 8: Raph and Leo secretly together?!?!
Chapter 9: You cant get away from me now can you?
Chapter 10: Are you ready for me fearless?
Chapter 11: Smut :3
Chapter 12: Starlight's defeat
Chapter 13: Raph v.s Slash
Chapter 14: Bitchy Donnie
Chapter 15: Baking Cakes
New Story!
Chapter 16: Bonded
Chapter 17: Sensei is back
Chapter 18: Old enemy new little brother
Chapter 19: No...
Chapter 20: Keeping an eye
Chapter 21: Old friend
Chapter 22: It's too late
Story title (not chapter)

Chapter one: Jealousy people and mutants everywhere

1.7K 31 3
By Starlight160

Raph's pov
I know Everyone's secret and they know mine too we fell in love with Leo but I love him more than they do Leo doesnt even know we fell in love with him I love his smile his cute face when he's watching Space Heros I walked out of my room
It was morning I saw him Leo walked to the kitchen with Mikey and Donnie beside him I growled I walked to kitchen "Morning Guys Well good morning Leo" I said We only pretend to act nice to each other when Leo's gone the real fight
I sat next Leo I could tell they are jealous then Casey came in "Morning Leo oh yeah! Leo wanna go patroling tonight just the two of us?" Casey asked Leo was going to answer when "Sorry Casey we are going patroling tonight right Leo?" Mikey said
"Well yeah but-" He was cutted "So bye bye go along" Donnie said and pushing Casey to the exit

Night time

"Guys time to go patroling!" Leo yelled 'his sweet cute voice always get me I just want to push him against the wall and fu-' I was cutted someone knock on my door I opened it it was Leo "Lets go Raph!" He said with smile "I give a sec" I said he left
I felt my heart is melting I open the door I saw Leo with Mikey and Mikey is flirting with him but Leo doesnt know he was flirting with him Leo laughed I glared at Mikey I walked out "I'm ready!" I yelled Mikey fell he glared at me Donnie open his door we went out

The awesome Time skip

We saw the purple dragon on the street we went to them I punch one of them on the face Leo kicked one of them on the head
Donnie smack one of them on the chest with his bo staff Mikey blah blah blah you know use his nun chunks on the guy
We climbed the building Leo is on the top I'm 2nd Donnie is the 3rd Mikey is the last

Leo's pov
I saw something it was Tiger Claw? I bent down to see clearly who is it I realize we're on top of the foot base

Dun-dun DUN!!!! Sorry Clifhanger if you have ideas please give some pretty please!

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