Chapter 22: It's too late

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Starlight's pov
Behind me was my old friend,Cabbien's a mutant turtle that has light green smooth skin aqua green eyes and black dragon wings and tail "Starlight I-" Cabbien tried to speak but I just glared at him and flew away he chased me "Starlight wait! I can explain what happened!" Cabbien exclaimed "We both know who is the fastest flyer around the multiverse!" I yelled "Starlight but-" I interrupted him "It's too late" I said I flew way faster than him with a blink of an eye I was way far away from him I sighed and shaking "You moron" I whispered sitting at my new location before I knew it Kraang bots started to attack me I started to get away but the pain went back I stop my actions and the kraang took me away to a place I struggled but there's nothing I could do I called out for help.....
But nobody came...
(See what I did there? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Karai's pov
I walked into the throne room I kneel down "Karai" Shredder said "Yes father?" I asked
"Finish him"

I know this is very short and I'm sorry for the big debut I was trying to take a long break I'll try to make more chapters long and stay online :Y

a lot of hearts for one mutant but only one heart will get himOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant