Chapter 16: Bonded

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Raph's pov
"We're done!" Mikey yelled then Leo held a pizza er cake? "What is that?" I asked "A pizza cake" Leo said
"When are we going to eat it?" Mikey said looking foward to eat now "later when sensei gets here" Leo said
"Sensei please get fast!" Mikey prayed "Soooo how's life?" Donnie asked "Good" I said "Awesome!" Mikey yelled "Great" Leo said things got a bit adward since me and Leo are dating "Sooo bye then?" I asked
"Yeah bye" Mikey said "Bye bitches" Donnie said going to his lab Leo and I looked at each other I smirked he blushed quickly as possible I put my hands on his waist he wrapped his arms on my neck we were making out

Mikey's pov
I saw Leo and Raph making out I grabbed Raph's video camera and started videoing them I thought about dirty stuff about if I was the one making out with Leo I felt something growing on my lower plastron
I jumped "OW! OW! I'M HAVING A BONER!!!!" I yelled running to the bathroom

Raph's pov
We stop making out when Mikey yelled that sentence I looked Leo he was blushing I smirked I thought about him on my bed with his legs wide open he was tied into the bed with a cock rin- "CRAP!" I yelled as I got a boner going to the bedroom I closed the door I layed down my bed "fuck!" I hissed from the pain I looked down my lower plastron my cock out of my slit standing tall and proud someone knocked "Raph can I come in?" Leo asked I put a blanket on my lower plastron "Yeah sure" I said while smirking Leo open the door blushing "uhhh" he said closing the door and locking it he sat on my bed I removed the blanket he blushed "you like what you see" I said fuck I cant take it anymore! "touch me Baby~" I said seductively
He nodded he grabbed it gently rubbed it "Ahh~" I moaned he rubbed it faster "Ahh Leo~" I moaned I smirked when I saw his cock out of his slit I sit up "go lay down Baby and let me take the rest~" I said seductively he blushed and layed down I spread his legs I grabbed the rope right from my cabinet and put on him he gasped as I tied him on the bed "Ready Leo?" I asked he nodded

Question should Splinter love Leo or nah?

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