evergreen ↠ harry styles ✓

Galing kay hesasnowflake

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[Neither of them promised forever, yet it hurt all the same.] River Hamilton cannot afford to fall for just a... Higit pa



1.3K 53 47
Galing kay hesasnowflake

+ + +


To no one's surprise, London saw rain that evening.

River sat in the back of her car while Anthony, her driver, went into great detail about what they did for his little son's third birthday. It broke River's heart to miss the gathering but she spent the week in Milan, in the front row of Versace's latest fashion show. The pristine white dress she wore beneath her long white coat was a piece from the runway she fell in love with immediately.

Though, as she followed the raindrops slide down the blackened windows of her Rolls Royce, she wondered if wearing such a bright colour was a good idea.

"Is your family inside already?" Tony asked when he parked. Their eyes met in the rear-view mirror.

River looked down at her phone as she said, "Let me check," then continued to look for the app on her phone that allowed her to spy on her siblings' whereabouts. Always intent on keeping track of them like a mother, she grinned when their locations updated, all two of her brothers and their significant others grouped in one little circle. "Yes. They're here. Which is a surprise, isn't it?"

Tony smiled and nodded in agreement. "Will you be needing a ride home, or are you staying the night?"

"Ride home, please," she said as she made her decision. River didn't know at first but given how the rain was only going to get worse, she wanted to be in her own bed tonight. "I will text you in advance."

"Please do," he gave her a knowing look. The unsaid remained between them for a moment or two, simply communicated in their glances. River had the tendency to find some alternative ways around getting home if the night extended into later hours, for she felt guilty when having to drag Tony out. Granted, the man got paid to do just that but River couldn't help it.

After a quick goodbye, and Tony wishing her a good time, River was out of the car and in the lobby of the hotel. Walking through, she was greeted by name and she'd done the same. Owning hotels came with such pleasantries.

The dread she thought would overwhelm her had been taken over by joy at the sight of familiar faces. Dorian's, first and foremost. The grin on his face stretched wide, reaching the corners of his ever-green eyes. He was out of his chair before anyone else to embrace his sister, and the gesture never failed to calm River's racing heart. Dorian, out of everyone, had always been the softest. The cold exterior he presented crumbled to pieces around River.

"New perfume?" she joked after they pulled apart and she assessed the black turtleneck fitted to his chest, the dark shade of his grey trousers. The contrast of his clothes to what Kaia wore—a white silk dress that scrunched up on her thighs, tight and fitting, with loose, long-sleeved arms—made for the perfect match.

"Kaia's new obsession," he laughed and made way for River to sit down on the empty chair. Dorian to her left, Jade to her right in a magnificent deep sea blue dress. Kaia to her left diagonally, Alden to the right and Harry—right across from her.


The golden lights in the restaurant felt nostalgic and it put River at ease. Tall columns supported the entry way to her left, plants in the corner fanning wide and thick. Soft patter of rain sounded from above her, hitting the glass roof in a rapid rhythm that not even the gentle music could block out.

The diamonds on her fingers reflected the glint of the chandelier above them, drove attention to the family signet ring on her left pointer. "What are we having, then?"

"The usual," Alden replied to which she only hummed in response. That didn't mean she couldn't take a look, right?

"What's the usual?" Harry asked. River glanced up from her menu at the sound of the question. Since she sat down, she made sure to never avert her gaze across the table. A few words from his mouth were enough to change that.

While Alden began to list off the things that were on the five-course meal, River subtly looked over the man before her. Perhaps shock settled in the pit of her stomach as an initial reaction. For she expected something else, the navy suit and white shirt Harry wore surprised her. The clean-shaven face allowed for his features to seem more boyish than he appeared at the Hamilton Clubhouse. Some sort of hair product tamed those soft curls she remembered from earlier today, a middle parting added.

Why did River expect him to stand out? A preconceived notion, her inner thoughts explained. And maybe that was correct. Maybe she did make a judgement call, one that didn't favour Harry at all.

Uncertain on how this made her feel, River cleared her throat and reached forward to have a sip of wine. In the meantime, as conversations evolved, waiters came around with appetisers and the drinks. As usual, River fell into the pace with ease. Her voice seemed to stand out as she began to explain her plans for this coming weekend, all of which revolved around the fundraiser gala.

"Mila should be back home by tomorrow midday," she responded when Kaia asked about the woman's whereabouts. Marrying into the family, nevermind to the eldest sibling, meant becoming a living, breathing source of update centre. Know of everyone and everything to never be caught off guard. "Although, now that she is engaged, I'm certain she will be much too deep in daydreaming about her party."

"Alfie proposed?" Dorian asked with a slight shock in his tone. "It was about time, I'd say, but I'm surprised he'd done it."

"Why did no one have any faith in the man?" Jade groaned, cutting up the roasted duck on her plate.

River laughed, and said, "He is not the sharpest tool in the box, I suppose," while Jade chewed on her food and shook her head like she disapproved. "He is the youngest of his family, which is no excuse, but my God, he creates a bad reputation for last-borns."

A round of chuckles followed her statement, and it made her chest puff. Any reaction of the sort made her smile. She liked being a positive source in people's lives, and she took great pride in achieving just that, any and every form she could muster.

To have Harry frown at her from across the table was off-putting, and not needed. She didn't want to spend time thinking about it, but she noted the weight of his stare as it settled into her skin, the judgement in his posture, the unsaid words that must've been on the tip of his tongue. 

"Which fundraiser is it this weekend?" Kaia asked. "I know you have a few coming up this month."

River nodded amidst her sip of wine. As she placed the glass on the table, she caught Harry's curious gaze. While it lasted no longer than a second, it came at her as hard as a punch to the stomach. Annoyingly, she couldn't place a finger on any of it.

It was Kaia, who spoke again, informing Harry. "Oh, Harry—you don't know. River sits on quite a few boards—they all do," she nodded her head toward Dorian and Alden. "No one ever talks about it, I suppose it's their way of not wanting to inflate their egos, but that's why they have me. And Jade."

The two women shared a look and grinned at each other. River and her brothers also shared a look. One that told more than words could've attempted. Let it be known that the Hamiltons did a lot of good, sure, but when so directly spoken out, it felt forced.

"Anyway," Kaia went on, sticking her fork into her food. "With her being a board member and whatnot, she often organises fundraisers for some of the charities. They just so happen to take place back-to-back, so the next few weeks are going to be exciting."

"It's London this weekend. Cardiff next. London again after," River answered to take the light off of the main topic. For her to hear the good she did in this sense felt awkward. Not once in her life did she stand to get praised for her work. To do so would go against everything she believed herself to be.

Surprise piled onto surprise when Harry asked, "What fundraiser is it?"

"Adelaide Aid this weekend," River responded with newfound confidence. If Harry felt any judgement in that moment, River couldn't tell. For one, she tried to not get lost in the fact that they held proper eye contact for the first time since the dinner had begun, and it was slightly intimidating. With the softest clear of her throat, she added, "It's one of our own charities, actually."

"Yes, I know," Harry said. Oh. "I didn't know you had a hand in that."

The little hum that escaped River's throat and the smile that pulled on her lips were nothing short of fake. The condescending attitude came rushing back, and it radiated off of Harry in waves, all of which slammed into River with great efficiency. She might've imagined the way he emphasised the part where he addressed her but the chances of that were lower than anything.

It took a second for River to mentally shrug off the interaction. 

"And I am expecting to see both of you there," River continued as she looked at each of her brothers equally long. "You missed the last one," she said, serious about the statement. The fact that everyone in the family happened to be busy on the day of the fundraiser, which also happened to be their third great-grandmother's birthday, bothered River.

Birthdays were sacred. Even their ever-busy parents made sure to appear on those days. Except, of course, last year when River was the only one of the latest Hamilton generation to be present.

"Of course, Riv," Alden nodded with a look in his eyes that promised he wouldn't dip out on his word. His racing schedule was out of this world, and River never blamed her brother for his work. What she did do, was contact his team and his boss, and figure it out for herself whether her brother would be joining the gala or not.

"We'll be there," Dorian said, just as committed to it.

Relief settled on River after that. The sort where she didn't care who stared her down at the dinner table. Spoiler: it was Harry. What felt like every one of her movements scrutinised by him, surely a nudge to get a reaction from her, made River all the more determined to hold her tongue and ignore him.

Physically, she tightened her muscles as if it would aid her in this quest of putting out his fires. The fires he sent beneath her skin with every breath he took. Just how much influence did he have over her? After all of two encounters. One of which was more like a spat, while the other was him making fun of her about the straw situation.

None of it made sense, but that was fine. River didn't need to concern herself with him or his presence because she wasn't here for him. No. Tonight was all about Alden's win, and Jade's pregnancy. A topic which quickly took over after the verbal commitments of the brothers attending the fundraiser.

All sorts of questions sparked during dinner. Plans for how the baby shower would go, who would plan it—River raised her hand and almost fell out of her chair as she volunteered—, and whether the gender would stay a secret or something the soon-to-be parents wanted to know.

Thankfully, the conversation included none of the men around the table as they indulged in their own discussion. River knew her brothers well enough to think up their potential responses and that was plenty for her to keep it all between the ladies.

Until, of course, Alden butted in. Though, he very clearly had different plans as he addressed River, "Put Harry on the guest list for Adelaide Aid Gala."

"Please, little sister of mine. Thank you so much," she said, taking the mick out of him for the way he practically ordered her to do something. If it had been about anyone else, River wouldn't have batted an eyelash as she'd have made a note of it on her phone. But it wasn't anyone else—it was Harry in question.

The brooding bastard deserved to be anywhere but at the gala closest to River's heart.

"Please add Harry to the guest list for Adelaide Aid Gala," he repeated with amusement swirling in his brown eyes. The twin of her own. "Thank you, my favourite sister."

River's smile widened. Head tilted. "I'm your only sister, you fool."

Alden winked at her. "That's why you're my favourite."

"Whatever," River rolled her eyes. They soon wandered over to the man before her, then back to her brother. "Is there a reason I am to extend the list after the advised seventy-two-hour notice period has passed, and if so, could you kindly explain it to me?"

"Simple," Alden leaned back in his chair with his glass of white wine in hand. "Harry needs to find himself an eligible lady, and what better place to do that than our gala? Plenty women to choose from."

It took everything for River not to burst out in laughter. While the sound she swallowed, the grin broke her face. It widened—and she looked insane. Teeth showed. Cheeks pointed.

"My God, you look terrifying," Kaia mumbled around her bite of cake. "Wipe that grin off your face."

"I just—" she didn't know what to say. Make fun of it? That'd surely embarrass Harry but her brother would shrug it off. While River could be petty and hit way below the belt, she didn't feel like pulling that side of her forward. "Sure," she exhaled and slumped back in her chair lightly. River turned her attention from her brother to the man across from her. "What's your surname?"

"Styles," he said, and River nodded. Unexpected. Harry Styles. It had a nice ring to it, she supposed, and it could attract women.

River gasped internally as a plan formulated in her brain.

"I know just the ladies for you to... sample," she phrased, allowing her amusement to filter through not only her voice but her entire demeanour. Whilst the last thing she wanted was to deal with the man before her, she couldn't help but leap with the opportunity of making his life slightly more interesting.

+ + +

River couldn't recall the last time she had so much excitement building in the pit of her stomach. Not this sort of excitement, anyway.

The weekend came at a fast pace at her, and it meant the Adelaide Aid Gala stood only hours away. Of course, those hours were spent on makeup, and hair. River's dress for the occasion had to be one of the many her fabulous Hamilton grandmothers left behind.

This particular dress was black and strapless. Long enough to reach the floor. The inside held white designs that could only be seen from a certain angle. After many trials and error, she came across this piece and it fit her like it had been made for her. In some ways, it could've been. Especially after the slight alteration she had done to it, purely because of a previous incident where the piece got damaged. 

Heels clicked against the polished tile floors of the Lincoln Hamilton Hall. While River's father could be deemed the Head of the Family, with him being the eldest of his siblings, River's grandfather very much stayed involved in things. Almost in his eighties and he worked like he was River's age, keeping this building up to date with life. If the Hamiltons had one thing, it was passion. It seemed it would never die out.

This very building held many memories, some of which were the reason for the Adelaide Aid Gala to take place here every year. River enjoyed walking its halls alone both when it remained unoccupied and when it bustled with people. Earlier today she walked around in the sun, and admired the art hung on the walls. The portraits of her great-grandparents. No doubt her own frame would hang there in the future. As soon as she got here tonight, dressed to impress as always, she did her rounds once more. To hear the sound of others around her, to see the hallways lit, gave her an unexplainable feeling.

Would she get to marry here?

The thought loved to intercept her otherwise tamed ideas.

If not married, perhaps the celebrations could be held here afterwards.

Her chest expanded with a long exhale and she smiled to herself. If she ever found someone lucky enough to love, she would make sure this place took some form of part in her big day.

"Excuse me, I—"

River jumped out of her skin at the sudden voice from behind her. A rapid rhythm of her heart reminded her of its existence. The cold touch of her palm flat against her exposed chest—save for the gold diamond necklace sitting just above her collarbones. A family heirloom of sorts she received for her eighteenth birthday.

The jump wasn't the only reaction the sound drove from her. No, she let out a little squeal as she turned around and faced...


A dip of his chin had been all he intended to do in a form of greeting for he'd gone right into whatever he was going to say moments before. "I only wanted to find the backdoor to the garden. That's where the dinner is, right?"

"Correct," she replied. "I was headed there myself."

He nodded. River stood there like his perfect reflection. Neither of them moved which started to become as uncomfortable as his wandering eyes on her. Prickling sensation crawled down the length of her neck, the area felt all too exposed now with her hair pulled into a low, slick bun. Much like every time they encountered each other, River felt it becoming harder to breathe. Her skin burning. Muscles now much too tense.

No one decked in a black suit and similar shirt should've had this effect on her. No less Harry Styles. The man she met three times—four, counting tonight.

"Alright, follow me," she said when she found her voice. It echoed through the hallway like Harry's voice carried. Another dip of his chin confirmed what River thought—he felt out of place. She recalled faintly when he mentioned the only event he was fine to attend were Alden's races. River mocked him then but now she pitied him.

River's high heels clicked when Harry's shoes made no sound. Harry's shoes clicked when River's high heels made no sound. Somehow, their steps were matched to fill every bit of silence between them.

Where River expected to want to run for the hills to get away from Harry, it turned out he wasn't half as bad when he remained quiet.

The staff on the doors opened the large gold rimmed handles, and River gave them each a grateful smile. The chill air of the evening ran down her exposed skin. Chatter of the guests immediately buying her attention. From the top of the stairs, she saw the many round tables decorated with the finest tablecloth, glasses, plates, cutlery—all perfect. Guests sat around if they weren't standing. Lights brightened the slowly darkening evening both from the building behind River, and the small spotlights installed in the ground, the lights arching over them.

With the gentle turn of her head, she saw Harry stare ahead of him with his mouth slightly agape. Shock. In all kinds of colours. Something about the way the light hit him made her heart want to act up—but then he looked at her and he frowned. River's own stare had become harder.

"I kept my word," she said to break the ever-growing silence between them. Harry shifted on his feet. One of his hands reached upwards as if it wanted to brush through his hair but he couldn't as it was styled to perfection.

River sighed as she tore her gaze from his face. Then she spotted the first poor woman she listed in her mind. "Your first chosen lady of the night—Juliette McAllister."

Harry gulped as he turned to her with his body. "I'm sorry?"

"Enjoy, darling," she winked at him, then slowly made her way down the steps and into the sea of people she was going to entertain for the long night ahead of her. 

+ + +

Hello, and Happy Friday!

Don't Worry Darling release day. I'm unwell. Jack Chambers, you're so hot, and you've done nothing wrong honey. I love you. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I almost forgot to update bc of Jack. 

See you next week. 

Love, B. x

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