evergreen ↠ harry styles ✓

By hesasnowflake

46.5K 1.8K 6.3K

[Neither of them promised forever, yet it hurt all the same.] River Hamilton cannot afford to fall for just a... More



1.6K 61 56
By hesasnowflake

+ + +


A big day, indeed, for Alden Hamilton.

Cheering erupted all around River when the red Ferrari flew by them. The sound of the race car caused River's ears to almost burst alongside the loud encouragement of the crowd. Standing down by the garage, almost with the pit crew who were dressed in red, intensified the experience of the race.

River adjusted the white jumper over her shoulders and folded back the sleeve of her blue and white striped shirt. When Alden flew by them with new tires, she cheered him on through the screen as if her brother could hear her or see her at all.

"This has to be one of the most dangerous jobs in the world," Jade sighed beside River. She gave her soon-to-be sister-in-law a one over. Light grey high-waisted trousers secured to her waist with a thin, brown belt. A white bodysuit accentuating her hourglass shape beneath the racing team's red jacket. Hair slicked back and parted down the middle, neatly tucked behind her ears.

"Everything is dangerous," River countered. The woman beside her exhaled loudly once more. "What's wrong?" she asked, now fully turned to face Jade. Worry caused Jade's eyebrows to furrow, and her eyes seemed glossed over. The perfect face of makeup highlighted her stunning cheekbones, the fullness of her lips painted crimson.

"Nothing is wrong," she replied as the look on her face remained detached. What Jade said refused to match her facial expression, and it worried River. When her eyes finally met River's awaiting brown pair, the biggest sigh yet pushed her chest to move. "I'm pregnant."

River gasped. The phone in her right hand nearly toppled to the floor.

"We're finally getting a baby Hamilton in the family!" she cheered and tugged Jade closer, hugging the air out of the poor woman. River only pushed her away enough to look her in the eye, then she embraced her again. Jade's faint laughter filled her ear as they swayed from side to side, and she eventually put her arms around River, too. "Alden doesn't know yet, does he?"

"No," Jade shook her head once they stepped apart. "If he wins today, I'll tell him."

"And if he doesn't?" River smirked.

"He always wins," Jade shrugged. "I got these little baby slippers and I want to put them in the trophy before they give it to him. With all the excitement, he won't think to look into it until they took his picture so I'm hoping it'll all be captured."

The groan, the slouch of her shoulders, hopefully presented how River's heart broke in the best way possible. "That's so fucking adorable."

"I'm positively terrified," she admitted and turned back to sit on one of the fold-out chairs. Not wanting to chance staining her bright-white trousers, River remained on her feet and in the way of the sun that desperately tried to fan across Jade's features. "We weren't trying for a baby. I didn't want a baby before we got married, and now..."

Unable to come up with an appropriate response, River squeezed Jade's shoulder as if to show support.

"I thought we could rush the wedding but it wouldn't feel right after two years of engagement," she continued to vent and River felt more than thankful. She'd never been the greatest at having something to say. Nothing that would've helped the woman sitting before her. "We've been planning, sure, but—do you think he'll be happy?"

That's when River chose to lower to her knees, both of them popping, her entire body weight balanced on her tip toes. Her hands on Jade's knees, she smiled up at the woman from behind her dark sunglasses. The wind blew on the low bun she curled her hair into, and the little strands by her face now blew all into her mouth. Gently, she peeled them back and brushed them behind her ears.

"My brother loves you. He can be a dick, yes, but he is loyal. I also don't think I've ever seen him happier than when he is with you, and it honestly kind of makes me sick," her words earned her a light chuckle, and it felt good to hear. Something she said hit the right spot. Good one, River. "When he finds out, he will be more than happy, okay? And if he won't be—which I don't even think should be listed as an option—I will run him over with his own damn Ferrari. How's that?"

"I hope that won't be necessary."

Laughing, River squeezed Jade's knees then stood up. Both of her legs began to tingle and she shook them out.

"I'd say let's go get a drink to celebrate but I suppose you're not going to be having any liquid fun for a while."

"Maybe it's time I get accustomed to non-alcoholic drinks, right?" she smiled while she got up from the chair, and offered her bent arm to River. Without much hesitation, River hooked her left arm through Jade's, and they made their way to the upstairs lounge.

Said lounge was packed as usual. Sponsors. VIP. Unsurprisingly, the Hamilton parents were nowhere to be seen. Dorian and Kaia, however, were seated on the leather couch with their lips locked. River rolled her eyes at them and cleared her throat when she was close enough.

Her brother and sister-in-law flew apart, the latter blushing tomato red. No matter how long Kaia had been a part of the family, she seemed to remain ever the gentle soul River met the first time.

Just as she moved to sit down, River's phone rang in her hand. She groaned as she wiggled her thumb ring downwards with her index finger, and accepted the phone call.

"Yes?" she spoke into the phone right away, now standing near the entrance of the lounge. She walked out, then down the hall so she could find some quiet.

"I think Alfie is going to propose at dinner."

Oh, come on. Is everyone living the life River Hamilton wanted?

"He gave you the signs?" she questioned.

"I'm in Paris. That's all I need to know," came the excited response. Even through the phone call, River could hear the smile—the grin that must've captivated her best friend's face.

A proposal in Paris was everything Mila Forbes ever talked about. To learn this dream of hers might come to life in a matter of hours, caused River to smile as her chest swarmed with warmth.

"Your nails are perfect, right?"

"Please. I got them done the second he told me he's taking me on a trip," both of them laughed at that. "Sorry I couldn't be at the race with you today."

"Nonsense!" River claimed—almost shouted down the phone. "You go and get that diamond, baby. We'll have plenty more races to go to in the future."

Mila sighed, a sign of relief on her end. They chatted some more about what Mila will be wearing, and how she should have her hair. Theories on whether or not Alfie arranged for the moment to be captured, or if Mila would have no photographic evidence of it happening, save for the pictures she was going to take after.

While on the phone, River walked up and down the hallway. No matter what she did, she couldn't help it. As she said her goodbyes, and made promises to be the first one Mila tells about the success of her engagement, she sighed and locked her phone.

Happiness surrounded her everyday of her life like a bubble made of roses and glitter, and yet she felt miserable. Did that make her selfish? To want some of it? While she was nothing short of happy for her family and friends, she'd never felt quite so excluded. Perhaps she should've gone with her younger brother and travelled the world.

Leaving her life behind seemed like a splendid plan. Start new. Pretend to be someone else. Freedom.

River didn't think on it much longer. She trailed her way back to the lounge, where she lifted her pass to open the door, then found herself in-between a sea of people. Just how long was she on the phone for?

Conversations swallowed her up with people she didn't know very well. Words that felt rehearsed entertained their ears and curled their laughter in her way, making River force a smile on her face. Despite her usual willingness to socialise, the one thing on her mind in that moment revolved around her family soon to be expanding.

Alden becoming a father meant a lot of things. Mostly babysitting time for River, and she found herself most excited. If there was one thing, she enjoyed more than wine-night with the girls, sushi on a Friday evening, or a weekend on the yacht she got for her twenty-third birthday, currently docked in Italy, it had to be all the time she spent at the Hamilton Golf Clubhouse, teaching younglings to play. To now know she would have a nephew or niece soon made her want to jump out of her skin in excitement.

In the midst of a conversation, River caught Kaia's eye. Her sister-in-law smiled, and whether it was an invitation or not, River excused herself with a gentle hand to the woman's arm and a sweet smile on her lips.

"I see you were found again," Kaia chuckled while she wiped her hands on a napkin. River hummed in response. Sometimes, it felt like her sole purpose was to chat people's ears off and keep up the family image. Then again, she supposed, someone had to do it, right? "Anything interesting?"

River's chest expanded with a long breath. She looked around, and ever so discreetly, she said, "Genevieve Carlton got an STD two weeks ago."

Kaia gasped. Out loud. The men behind her turned with their eyebrows raised. Ever the charmer, River smiled at the gentlemen until they returned the gesture, and the two women were excused.

"Didn't her husband just come back from Brazil?"

River nodded as a knowing look overtook her face. "I don't think there's anything quite like giving your wife an STD that screams of infidelity."

"This is not even the first time," Kaia shook her head as if in disbelief. Out of the two of them, Kaia always seemed to be the most shocked by these sorts of news. In all honesty, her precious reactions made it all the more exciting for River to go after the gossip and share it with her afterwards.

"Certainly won't be the last," Hamilton responded, then shrugged. "Genevieve will never leave him, and he will never file for divorce, either."

"Of course, he won't," Kaia scoffed, and raised her glass half-way to her mouth, speaking just above the glass, "No other woman will ever tolerate his cheating ass like Genevieve does."

"Makes you think, though, doesn't it?" River asked as she averted her gaze from Kaia while she took a sip. "Is it because of his money, or because she also has someone on the side?"

Kaia's eyes sparkled at the new theory proposed. Appearing deep in thought, she said, "Completely changes everything. Maybe they do deserve each other."

They shared a laugh, then continued to raid the refreshments table.

Dorian interrupted them a few minutes later as he informed both women of his urgent phone call. Apparently, he was needed at the hospital right away. His wife wasted no time ridding herself of her plate and glass of champagne to join him, but Dorian simply smiled and kissed her forehead, telling her to stay and enjoy the race. It wasn't like Kaia could do anything other than go home to an empty house.

After their conversation treaded to waters quite uncomfortable for River, she excused herself. Jade disappeared somewhere, most likely downstairs to watch the match from the side-lines. It gave River a moment to catch herself, and immerse in the action before her.

The race cars went in circles for what felt like forever. Sometimes, she honestly wondered how the hell her brother managed to do it. And win every time. Perhaps it ran in the family—literally. Their uncle was one of the best, it came as no surprise that Alden followed in his footsteps. The funniest part of it had to be the fact that they only ever beat each other.

And even that only ever came down to a matter of moments.

The thought made her smile. As much as she took the piss out of Alden all the time, she felt proud of him. There was no reason for her not to, not that she would've ever gone out of her way to tell him.

Oh, no. That would've led to his ego inflating and his already massive head growing even larger. No one needed that—especially not the kid he had on the way.

Once more, River grinned. At the same time, she caught the red car passing in front of her and she stood straighter, stretching her neck to catch the very last of Alden before he left for one of the last ten or so rounds.

Beside her, she felt a presence. One she didn't think she'd ever see after the weekend she spent at the Hamilton Golf Clubhouse with her brothers and sisters.

"Oh, I'll have a Diet Coke with lemon and a straw, please," she said without averting her gaze from the racecourse.

"I'm sure if you go up to the bar, they can serve you," Harry told her as he remained next to her. It was in that moment that, whatever perfume he wore, blew over her on the swift wind, enclosing itself in her nose, filling her lungs.

Brows furrowed, she asked, "You're here to... do what, then?"

Harry laughed dryly. "The same as you, I suppose."

"My brother invited you?" she asked, her eyebrows raised in surprise. There was no other way for him to be up at the lounge.

"This, and many other times, yes," he shared like he knew it would pull a reaction from her.

River pushed the feeling in her chest away, swallowed the scoff that itched up her throat.

"I have never seen you at any of his races," she shared, her eyes on the cars. "And I've been to every single one."

"Yeah," Harry responded, his voice like sandpaper the same time it was almost teasing. "You can't see much from up here, can you?"

"I don't think I like whatever it is that you are insinuating."

"What is it that I'm insinuating?" he asked back. All throughout this conversation, which seemed all too friendly from an outsider's point of view, the both of them kept their eyes on the cars below. The large window, slightly tilted, provided the perfect overview of the entire course.

Even though she knew what he was doing by making her say it, River couldn't help but play into his hands. "That I only come for the glory of it, to show off."

A little sound came from the back of his throat, a mix of a hum and a scoff. He followed with, "Your words, not mine."

"You obviously know me well, don't you?" she asked him, and sighed. River no longer held the upper hand in this conversation but she could play like she did. Hamiltons always took what they wanted, did what they wanted, and won in the end.

"I wouldn't say I do," Harry replied. "I know people like you."

"Well, well, Harry," she chuckled, something deep and inhumane filling her inside. The simple thought of him indicating anything less than positive about her family had her in fight mode. Who else would he have known other than Alden? They were fast friends, according to the man racing down below them. "I wouldn't have taken you for a gold digger."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Why else would you hang around my brother but talk this way behind his back?"

Harry laughed like she said the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. For some strange reason, it burned River's cheeks as embarrassment filled all the cracks inside of her. Rarely did she feel uncomfortable in social situations, especially when people had unkind things to say—or insinuate—so this... it made her skin crawl, her stomach squeezing as if needing to empty its contents.

"Do you know the meaning of gold digger?" he asked, and it felt like yet another slap. He dared question her intelligence in a way that created pure amusement for him and it bothered River more than she could explain, or even understand.

Had it been anyone else in this room, River would've played dumb. The fact that it was Harry, the urge to correct him, the urge to snap back at him in a way that left him stunned, began to overwhelm her and it made. no. sense.

"Alden and I have known each other for years. The last thing I would ever want from him is money," he said when he realised, he struck River speechless. This didn't happen often. Not when she didn't know how to keep her mouth shut, always talking, always socialising.

"I have never seen you around in my life."

The comment was a failed attempt at trying to make him feel small. Why did she want to make him feel small? A defence mechanism, perhaps?

Strike where you can to gain what you need. A quote, more or less, often echoed by her father.

"The parties and gatherings are not my forte so you'll have to excuse our lack of introduction," he spoke with such class it almost wiped away the way he made River feel. Almost. "This," he nodded his head towards the window. "This is the only thing I feel is somewhat within my comfort zone to attend."

"You make such great sacrifices for your dear friend," she mocked him, and it shocked her. Who was this hateful person? Where did this side of River come from?

Those damned emotions. That urge she couldn't blow out. It egged her on. It pushed her to stomp on the man to her left because he was... he had something on her. A chokehold of sorts that captured her wings and she couldn't fly. It kept her there, down, and unable. Stuck. Confined. The lounge now all too small as he resized, what felt like, the entire world into a nook where just the two of them fit. Barely.

Whatever tension built between them was snuffed out by Kaia. The gentle reminder of the race coming to an end gave plenty of room for River to breathe, step away from the window, and follow her sister-in-law out of there. Whether Harry followed, or remained there, didn't interest River. The farther she got from him, the more she could breathe, the steadier she felt.

The journey downstairs felt like forever with Kaia's continuous stolen glances. Curiosity shone behind those warm brown eyes. Words hidden behind them that she didn't dare voice. Not when River's muscles were pulled in tight, her posture radiating something like anger and frustration meshed together. Once more, it made no sense.

Outside, although the screams were louder than River's boiling thoughts, she found herself unaffected. Faintly, in the back of her mind, she heard the narrator announce Alden as the winner, adding to his many wins.

Knocked into the real world by the crew pit engulfing her, she drew a smile on her face. Genuine, as her brother ran into the group and embraced anyone and everyone. The cheering turned into chants and eventually, he was teared from their group as they hassled Alden to the podium. Between the music, the crowd, and everything else, emotions ran high and crazy.

Alden won. Yet again. Perhaps the greatest news to come of today—along with him becoming a father very soon.

"Are you serious right now?" he asked. Shouted. Otherwise, no one would've heard him. Not with how Jade pulled him aside and whispered in his ear as if the world wasn't watching their soon-to-be-season-champion. Jade must've responded because he yelled again, the sound of a 'woho-hooo' leaving his chest as he jumped in the air, then cradled his woman up in his arms, twirling around together.

"What the hell has gotten into him?" Kaia laughed as they stood by and watched. Something about River being the only other person aware of the news about to hit the media made her feel special, and loved in a sense that would've made others laugh at her.

"I suppose you'll know soon," River smiled and hip-nudged Kaia. It was all the sister needed in order to look at River closely then was about to ask something when—

"I'm going to be a dad!" Alden shouted for everyone to hear. The news was bound to be out there in less than five minutes. A five-times-over champion now a new father? Reporters were going to make more money than they knew what to do with.

Alden wasted no time in grabbing the humongous bottle of champagne and necking it like he hadn't had a sip of water in weeks. Seeing him nearly choke on the alcohol, River and Kaia shared a laugh while Jade continuously patted his back like it would help him his ease his coughing fit.

"You idiot!" she scolded him but the words were made of love and concern.

"No, I'm a dad," he grinned, his eyes red from so much coughing, chin soaked in champagne, his race suit in a similar state. Those very eyes found River's, and he aimed for her with open arms. Someone from the side threw a towel at Alden and it pressed between their bodies as he grabbed his sister and embraced her. "I'm going to be a dad, Riv," he said in her ear, his arms tight around her body. The gesture more for him to keep it together and make sense of the reality than it was for her to congratulate him.

"You're going to be a dad!" she squeezed him once then let him go. When she saw his face, the tears that smeared on his cheeks, she pouted and wiped them away. Alden sniffled then rubbed his cheeks in each of his shoulders, laughing amidst the action.

"We're going all out for dinner tonight," he announced as he brought Jade between his arms and kissed the side of her head. Alden's eyes shifted slightly and he grinned, one arm already in the air. Jade remained by his side, and River stayed facing her brother.

Perhaps that's why it took her off guard when the familiar wave of wind travelled towards her, filling her nose to suffocation.

"Congrats on the win, mate," the voice said. The voice that belonged to Harry. "And, I suppose, on your big news, too. It's great—I'm happy for you both."

While River still smiled, something in her gut wrenched at the sight of Harry hugging her family. All of them felt so close but her. River stood there as though she was nothing more than an outsider.

"You have to come to dinner, Harry," Jade said, excited. The invitation caused River's body to still in motion. "We have much to celebrate tonight."

"Of course, he is coming," Alden laughed. No one spared to look in River's direction. For they had done, they would've noted the silent beg of help. Her refusal to invite the man.

She didn't want to turn to face him but something pulled her towards him. So much so that she forgot to home in her facial expressions, and Harry was welcomed to the pure terror painted there.

At that point, as Harry's lips stretched into a smile, one that meant to convince everyone of his jolly mood but was in place to spite River, she knew what his next words would be.

And still, she couldn't help but shrivel up on the inside when he said, "I wouldn't miss it for the world." 

+ + +

Hello, and Happy Friday! 

I wanted to thank you all for the incredible comments and votes and reads on the previous chapter. It's always great to see the involvement from your sides, and I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, too. :)

Just a little glimpse into the Hamilton weekend, along with Harry, who obviously likes to make his presence known, just to infuriate River. Who, by the way, is absolutely livid that he is everywhere lol poor woman has no idea, does she? 

The next chapter should be fun - just Harry out of his comfort zone AGAIN. I'm afraid his anxiety will be through the roof this entire story, and I cannot wait to step into his brain soon enough. 

Until then, I hope you have an amazing weekend, and a great week :)

Love, B xx

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