Hiding The Inner Wolf

By Alpha_Ash_147

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(First book of a trilogy) April Silverwater is a 17 year old high school senior who just moved to Willamburra... More

Chapter One: New Territory
Chapter Two: Well That Was Rude
Chapter Three: Its Time
Chapter Four: Side Effects
Chapter Five: Tara, My Inner Wolf
Chapter Six: A Surprise Visit
Chapter Seven: Dzo
Chapter Eight: Venom
Chapter Nine:City Life
Chapter Ten: The Past Is In The Past
Chapter Eleven: Hard Times
Chapter Twelve: The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend
Chapter Thirteen: The Locals
Chapter Fourteen: This Is Where The Pain Begins

Chapter Fifteen: Red Dandelions

71 4 0
By Alpha_Ash_147


Blood was everywhere, i couldn't believe how much blood came from one vamp. "Well, one down, many to go" i grunt kicking a vamp charging at me. I kneel down pinning her and say "goodbye" as i ripper her head right off her body, the best way to kill a vamp and also rip its heart out. Those where the two main techniques we used for this fight. It was bloody and screams erupted from all over the place. I look per over to a few vamps standing in the back waiting for a opening. I narrow my eyes and my fangs and claws come out, i roared, They turned and started charging at me. They sped over and knocked me to the ground, one pinning me down as i struggle to get up, I bent my hands to get my claws to scratch his arms. He yelps but doesn't stop, i heard a sudden 'SNAP' and i screamed in pain as i felt hands snap my leg bone in half.

I start to try to sit up when they get there fists ready to go for the kill. Cory turns his head and spots them. His eyes widen and he roars charging over in wolf form, he rips one of the vamps head off and corners another, the vamp was scared and Cory didn't let it go, he jumped and ripped the vamps heart out with his jaws. He looked back at me popping my broken bone into place, it healed quickly and he helped me stand up.

I heard a yelp and looked to my right. Charlotte was being hurt. Two vamps where beating her, i saw one distracting her as the other readied a knife. "NO!" i scream running over with all my might. I slide through the gap between the vamps and charlotte on the ground, i lift my claws and slash their throats spirting hot blood all over my face. I jump around there backs and rip there heads off clean.

I felt a sharp stinging pain in my neck i scream slightly and look around, it was.... Monique. My eyes widened as she said "Hello April, did u miss me" she kicked me down. I looked up at her, she had blood all over her face, she had fed and was strong. I feel a burning sensation going through my body. "Wolfs bane, pure wolfs bane" she said laughing a smile spread wide across her face. I kept growling and screaming in pain. She was about to stab me when Cory and Charlotte jumped on her pinning her to the ground. Seeing cory being this brave and doing the right thing made the pain of the wolfs bane go away. They made her stand up and i got to do the honours. "Goodbye you little BITCH" i scream shoving my hand right into her chest, twisting and turning from her to get an incredible pain, i grabbed hold of her heart and i ripped it out of her chest. Her body fell to the ground tears rolling down her cheeks.

I look around to see only one more vamp, Nikole killed one, leaving the other alone. She looked it in the eyes and dug into its chest tearing out its heart and she dropped it to the ground. I smile and everyone gathers around.

I hug everyone. We all smile at each other in victory. Everyone was fine apart from the odd cuts, bruises, factors and broken bones here and there. I feel someones hand on my shoulder, i turn my head to see my dad. I hug him tightly and i laugh. He steps back and my family starts to go over to him, when a silver wolfs bane covered knife come through his chest.We all gasp and put our hands to our mouths, "i love yo-" he said, his body falling to the ground, "DAAAAAD" i scream kneeling down to him and holding his head in my hands. Demetres dad George appears form behind the knife in his hand. "Hold on dad , hold on" i cry. "He deserved what he got" George says proudly "and now, you're next" he said lunging forward to me. A dagger rips through his throat, gasping sounds erupting from him, he turned his head and he fell to the ground. "D-Demetre" i say softly Demetre stands there tall breathing heavily in anger. "He was a bad, cruel and controlling man, forcing my family to kill innocent people, i watched them die at his hands, and now he hurt someone dear to you, so i rid him from doing it ever again" he said strenght in his voice.

I felt my hand being squeezed slightly, my dads red eyes showed and disappeared for the last time as black vains popped up on his hand i was holding. I started to cry loudly and my family came and huddled around me and him. His body was limp and i couldn't help but shout and cry viciously. I saw my mum lean her head into his chest, she kissed his fore head and whispered something in his cold ear. "Mates, forever, even in illness, even in sadness,even in death" she said starting to cry. I felt a cold drop on my forehead, I touched it and saw clear liquid, storm clouds forming overhead, then the rain came heavily.

I tilted my head up and i felt my eyes change. Nikole looked up at me and her mouth dropped. She started to mumble and stutter something, her hand started to raise and point at me. Everyone was in shock all of them staring at me. "Y-y-your eyes, April th-there r-red" Nikole said. I thought they meant blood red as if i was bleeding. "What?" i say, i run over to a new formed puddle from the rain. My eyes where red, alpha red. " Wh- hows this possible?" i said really confused. My mum stood up and held my shoulders. "When the alpha of a born wolf family dies, the alpha inside of them splits between the family, normally the eyes of the alpha go to the oldest child, but in this case a very,very rare circumstance. Sometimes it goes to another child, a child who is kind, caring and selfless, like a true alpha but a true born, raised from there own will and determination"  she said kissing my head, she whispered in my ear " and you're a true born" she hugged me tightly and i started to cry once more.

All the dandelions where painted red from vampire blood.

*_-The next day-_*

If a born wolf dies, their family cremates them, and spreads their ashes over the glimmering ocean on a full moon. Sadly it was a full moon the day after the fight. Everyone wore black and had a ribbon of their eye colour around there waist. The twins where distraught when they heard about dad, they cried for a while, until they realised that they where now the only boys in the family and they thought they could take control.

That night i stood at the cliff, the cliff where my life changed, where my mother opened the jar of my fathers ashes. I wore a back dress with soft patterned flowers, a red ribbon tied around my waist. The twins had white as they where not yet wolfs or been through the changing. We stood in order of age. My mum opened the jar and started to say some words about our father. She opened the jar and grabbed a handful of his ashes, she faced the cliff and through them out, the wind changed direction and blew them out to the direction of the moon. The ashes just floated off her hand and it was clean. Then Sindy, Jules and Nikole and then finally me. I held the jar and started to say some words. I turned around and grabbed a handful of the ashes. I looked out and whispered "thank you, for everything" i chucked the ashes out and they drifted off my hand leaving it clear i felt like someone spoke back to me,as if to say "your welcome".

The twins did the same, but there words made us all giggle. As they grabbed a handful each they chucked the ashes out, a whistling noise came from in the distance out on the horizon. We all smiled and started to tear up. Ashes were still left in the jar, a reminder that he will always be here with us. We went back to the house and mum poured some ashes into a little bottle charm, it looked like a little bottle you would find washed up on the beach with a message in it, but this had my fathers ashes with a string around it, i kept it as a charm on a necklace.


The end of school, forever, well until university. Me, Cory, Nikole and Demetre passed with flying colours and we knew we would stick together afterwads, it was hard when i first got back but the past was in the past. I finished only a week after the fight.

Im the alpha of wolves, but my mum is the alpha of the family, yes she might not have the eyes, or the even higher heightened abilities like i do but she is still the leader and controller of my family and will be for a very long time. It felt like i was a beta cause a born wolf family im not in control of and I'm sister and daughter to them, but i do have the eyes and abilities like a true born alpha wolf.

I wonder how I'm going t be able to control this and what lies in my future ahead, will it be a good or bad time? Or will i live more of a stable life? I guess i'll just have to see and find out.


I walked back through the forest that night keeping my eye out for strays that may still lurk within the forest. I heard a rumbling sound behind me, i turned around quick to see a wolf, it was an adult male with browny grey fur, it had the same dark brown shape around its face like mine. I stand my ground and its starts trotting towards me, as it walked to me it started to change into a man. "Hello Cory" he said, i stumbled back "how do you know my name, iv never met you before?" i said scared. The man looked at me and tilted his head up form the ground.He looks up and said "Because Cory, im the one who bit you those years ago , my name is Mathew Samuels, and you're my son".


Hey guys, i hope you enjoyed reading Hiding the Inner Wolf, BTW i am going to make a second book IDK when it will be out but meanwhile i will be making other bits and pieces.

The second book will be called Dead Moon and its something to do with a lunar eclipse so go check it out, if its out and please follow me for more stories like this.

All questions will be answered, like Corys dad, how April does i life and what awaits her, whats happening to Charlotte, new relationships and more, so go check it out and thank you!!!


Coach: GREENBURG ( any1 understand, comment)

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