Chapter Four: Side Effects

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The moons light fades, the girls fall to to the ground passed out. Maria and Kyle their parents stand there, tears coming to there eyes as they don't know if they girls are alright. Suddenly Nikole sits up, "is-is it over?" she says looking up at her parents. They are just standing there looking at her "i-its not you sweety" Maria says tears in her eyes. Nikole jumps up and runs to her mother tears in her eyes. A groan comes from behind. April is awake. Nikole runs over to her sister and kneels beside her. "W-what happened, I'm so-"

"It was you" Nikole says looking at her sister a smile on her face but a tear dripping down her cheek. "What, no,no i can't be , you, you have to please, please you deserve this, you" she says starting to cry, "no,no,no" her sister says holding her as she cries. The girls parents go over and hug them. "Everything's going to be ok girls,you'll be fine" there dad said as he hugs his family.

As they go back to the house April is still in Nikoles arms. They open the door and Sindy and Jules run down. "Is everything ok?" Jukes said, "is everything ok? Who changed" Sindy said eyes wide. They both stopped and looked at Nikole "Was it you? is April ok?" Sindy said, "no" Jules said looking at April with caring eyes. "Its April", April looked up, her eyes turned a glowing yellow.

" So you guys knew all along? about how only one of us where going to change?" Nikole said looking at her older sisters. "Yeah, pretty much" Sindy said, Jules and hers head down. April was sitting next to Nikole quiet and thinking of why it was her that was chosen.

"Well all of you guys could of at least told us so we knew what to expect for the long run, so we could know what was going to happen" Nikole said anger rising in her voice.

"We needed to make sure that you guys weren't going to get violent with each other" Her dad said.

"Why would we ever do that we get along fine" Nikole replied.

"Well we didn't want both of you wanting to be chosen and always fighting, saying they are the better child" Maria said

"Yeah, like John, dads brother who wanted to be chosen and wasn't know" Jules cut in,

"Well i wouldn't of anyway" Nikole screamed,

Everyone was screaming at the same time getting louder and louder every time. April was leaning against the side of the lounge holding her head in pain, her face screwed up, "ENOUGH" she roared, a loud rumble in her voice, " its over, its done we get it, trying to protect, wanted to know ra, ra,ra ok its done i was chosen and we can't go back ok so, just stop yelling" April stormed out side to escape the ruckus. "But we weren't even yelling" Jules said. "Its her head" Sindy said getting up to go talk to her sister.


"What do you want Sindy?" I say holding my head in my hands. " I just wanted to say that i know what your feeling at the moment, the exact feeling" she said care in her voice.

"Yeah, how would you?" I replied with annoyance in my voice

"Because i went through the same effects, of course not the same change but the same effects or my abilities changing, increasing" She said putting an arm around her sisters back. "I'm sorry to say but its gonna get worse, but it does go away" Sindy said. "Thats reassuring" I replied now grasping to my hands. My nails were tingling, the feeling of pulling and pressure on them.

"Come on lets go, would cake take your mind off of things?" Sindy said smiling.

"You know me all to well" I said and jumped up and ran back to the house. My legs were going fast. One second i was on a rock near the edge of the trees then next i was at the front door, Sindy was still over at the rock arms cross smiling at me.

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