A sheep in wolf's clothing (S...

By Migythe19th

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Chapter 00: Parallel
Chapter 01: Help wanted, help needed
Chapter 02: Fiery Pickle
Chapter 03: No longer jobless
Chapter 04: Holo smack down
Chapter 05: Just chillin' for once
Chapter 06: Total Chaos
Chapter 07: Trial of the Council

Special chapter: The commanders scout (Short)

655 14 1
By Migythe19th

No PoV

"MAYDAY! MAYDAY WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! I REPEAT WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" A frantic call from a soldier in purple armour called as he -along with about 15 others- were all being pushed back and injured by grey extra terrestrial beings called 'Haitiers', these beings have evolved to be the perfect predators, they are agile, strong, and can take down foes much larger than them... however these creatures aren't very smart and would often resort to overpowering their target with their sheer number.

"Dragoon captain of squad C-07, what is your status!?" The moderator asked.


"I-If this is the end... p-please tell the captain and everyone in the NijiFleet that it was an honour serving them!" The man said as slashing sounds and blaster rounds could be heard in the background, as well as loud roars and claws tearing through armour.


Back at the Lunar orbital Bastion


"A-Are they dead?" The person on her left asked.

"No... the connection is just being jammed." A voice said.

Clicking of heels through metal was then heard as a woman with purple hair and blue clothing entered the war hall along with a black dragon with aviator goggles.

"CAPTAIN ON BRIDGE!" One of the soldiers said as they all saluted the woman.

"At ease everyone." The woman said.

"C-Captain Selen... how are you so calm in this situation?" The moderator asked.

"Simple really... because HE is already on route to the battle... and you can assure any fight he enters... he will make sure that he is the only one to leave." Selen said with a smirk.

"'He' who is 'He'?... w-wait don't tell me it's-" the moderator said.

'Yep that would be me Ms. moderator.' A voice from the intercom said.

"N-No way... i-is that the field scout?" The moderator asked.

"You certainly took your time... Ey Lune?" Selen said.

'Hey give me a break will you, you told me to scout a Haitier colony that was on the other side of the globe, you didn't even pick me up.' The voice sad.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll compensate for it later... just save my Dragoons... ok." Selen said.

'Consider it done Captain.' Lune said as his line cut off.

In the battle field

The Dragoons -a military group that answers specifically to Selen- were being pushed back, miraculously all 15 of them are still alive and fighting, however if help doesn't arrive in the next few minutes then their fates will be sealed.

"C-Captain? Energy reserves are at 25% we can't keep going on!" One of the dragoons called as he slashed a small Haitier.

"Stand strong men, team A-P3X have been deployed, we need to stay strong! FOR THE PEOPLE! FOR THE FLEET! FOR THE COMMANDER!" The captain yelled.

"YEAAAAH!" The other Dragoons screamed as a fire was lit under their bellies.

4 knives were then thrown from atop a cliff that they were overlooking, the knives hit the head of 4 other Haitiers instantly killing them, the Dragoons looked above and saw a man in modified military armour that has the helmet turned to that of a wolf, it has a metallic grey colour with some silver and red highlights here and there, the mysterious man then jumped down doing a roll to break his fall then throwing another 3 knives killing more minsters.

"You guys as still just as passionate and rowdy, you really are Selens men." A voice said.

"S-SIR LUNE IS HERE!" The captain yelled in gless as the others began to chant 'Sir Lune'.

"Guys I told you to not call me Sir... it makes it sound like your chanting Sirloin... which I can go for right now actually... but that's besides the point, Captain status report please." Lune said as he faced the squad.

"We have no more meds and food sir, our vehicle is damaged beyond repair, we have 7 out of 15 injured men and women, our power outputs are teetering over 25 to 10% sir... if you didn't make it here then we would have lost some people already." The captain said.

"I see." Lune replied.

Suddenly multiple running could be heard in the distance, Lune used the 'scope' function on his helmet and zoomed in towards the sound, as he did he saw multiple Haitiers making their way towards them, there were about 25 to 35 of them approaching and theyr were approaching fast.

"Hmmm... Captain there are Haitiers inbound, you and your team pack up and meet Squad A-P3X their arrival time is 45 minutes, so you better shorten their time and meet them halfway, here." Lune said as he tossed his still working communications module to the captain.

"S-Sir... A-Are you sacrificing yourself... f-for our sake?" He asked, some of them were in the verge of crying.

Lune smiled and placed his hand on the mans shoulder.

"... Are you an idiot? Of course I am not dying here, remember someone will kill me if I die, now get your asses moving already, jeez you watch too much superhero movies." Lune said.

The other smiled while the few who new Lune laughed as they began to move to intercept their rescue.

'Those guys really thought you'd die here? That's funny.' A voice said through Lune's coms.

"Ah there you are Ulf... so is it finished charging yet?" Lune asked.

'Sorry Lune, it's only at 47% power, you really pushed this to the limits.' Ulf said.

"47%... hmmm... I'll give you a few more minutes so it can reach 50%, after that, bring it over." Lune said as he saw the Horde closing in his location.

'But that'll only power the thrusters, all of the weapons will be offline.' Ulf said.

"That'll be enough." Lune replied.

'-sigh- Very well, give me 5 minutes.' Ulf responded.

"Thank you." Lune replied.

He then stared down at the horde approaching him, he smiled as he activated his energy claws, his most trusted weapon.

"I'm about to... rip you all apart." Lune said as he dashed forward with incredible speed as he began hacking and clawing the monsters.

All the Haitiers tried to land a hit on Lune but with his suits enhanced speed, processing, and durability all their attempts fell short, while those who did manage to lang a descent hit didn't really affect him that much... suddenly from the distance Lune heard a loud screeching sound.

"Oh no." Lune said as he realised what that screech was.

A massive long armed Haitier suddenly pinned Lune to the ground, it was a very earthy colour, no eyes, a long tail and neck as well as rows of sharp teeth, these things were dubbed as 'Trolls' one of the most annoying and hard to deal with in the Haitiers.

The Troll then lowered its head and roared at Lune.

"Uhhh... Ulf... I don't mean to rush you buddy but... PLEASE HURRY!" Lune said as he began moving his head around to avoid getting it chomped off.

Once more a loud thumping sound was heard from above the cliff, the Haitiers along with the troll looked towards the cliff, however a small boulder was thrown directly at the troll causing it to loose his grip on Lune.

"About time." Lune said as he stood back up.

'I apologise friend.' Ulf responded.

A mechanical looking wolf mech-armour then jumped down from said cliff and stood beside Lune, the armour itself looked like a humanoid wold, it has massive arms and spring loaded legs making it fast and strong, the stomach and chest area then opened for Lune as he grabbed the controls and slipped his legs on the mechs legs.

[there were a lot of good wolf mech... but for some reasonI REALLY liked this one.]

"Ok you savage life forms... lets dance." Lune said as he punched his fists together making the machine mimic what he had done.

All the monsters rushed at Lune and his now halfway charged machine, however their evolved bodies still were no match for Lune and his trusted machine, he bashed, slammed, and tore everything that was near him, and on the off chance that he was able to be hit the metal that he uses was almost unbreakable on being able to be destroyed by a higher ranked monster, his exposed body was also being protected by not only his armour but also a special barrier that appears as invisible.

After about 8 minutes the horde of 35 or more was reduced to 1 a single Troll that was currently hissing and roaring.

"How are we at power Ulf?" Lune asked.

'Still at 50% friend.' Ulf replied.

"Reroute 30% of power to the right arm... we are finishing this here and now." Lune said.

'As you wish.' Ulf said.

The armours right arm then began to glow a brilliant orange as the machine clenched its fist.

The Troll then roared and hissed as it began its -most likely final- charge towards Lune.

Lune merely smiled and did the same, with his remaining 20% power on his suite he dashed towards the troll, as the 2 met in the middle the Troll went for a slash but Lune was able to dodge in and making contact with the monsters head cracking its skull open, sending it flying back... and instantly killing it.

Lune then walked towards the Troll corpse and examined it to ensure that it us dead... but one look at the thing and you'll know it's not gonna be moving any time soon considering that its head is caved in.

"Well... I guess 30% is the maximum for these guys... but it's a good thing it was just a troll... we would have had problems if it was any tier higher." Lune said as he got out of his mech-armour.

The sky then began to darken as he heard a low octane hum coming from above him, he looked up and saw one of the fleets best and fastest carrier planes that was built from the Jupiter branch.

A voice then patched through Lune's build in communication device.

'You need pick up sir?' The Dragoon captain from before said.

"That'll be much appreciated fellas." Lune said.

'Sir this is Dragoon squad captain of squad A-P3X, here with squad C-07 here for assistance turned rendezvous.' The Captain said.

"Much obliged captain, I have been away from base for long enough... please get me home." Lune said.

'Copy that, bringing craft down for pick up of Lune Castor and the Ulf Mech... please stand clear.' The pilot said as the aircraft began to lower.

Lune smiled as he took off his helmet to reveal his long white hair, striking blue eyes, he then began waving at the others as he stood up from below.

As Lune and Company began their journey home he couldn't help but smile, which didn't ho unnoticed by many of the crew.

"You seem happy sir... is it because... of you know." One of the females asked.

"No need to call me sir, just Lune is fine, also to answer your question yeah I am happy to comeback to her... but to be honest I am more happy to return to a proper bed... along with BETTER food." Lune replied.

"I guess being away for 2 years will do that to you." Another Dragoon said.

"You have no idea... well lets not talk about me... so whats new with the fleet?" Lune asked.

"Well there are 6 newly appointed commanders." The captain of the A-P3X squad said.

"Really... they must be good then, so tell me about these new commanders." Lune said.

"Well there are 6 of them like we said, 3 males and 3 females." A female said as she pulled out a file for the 6 new commanders.

"Their name is Iluna... a coalition of 6 vessels, their lead vessel belongs to an allied alien prince named Zen Zotto from the Zolite race, he is brutal and blood thirsty... but oddly enough he is a huge softy off the field, their next most prominent vessel belongs to... an AI." The female said as she showed me a picture of a white and pink haired girl with an eyepatch.

"An AI?" I replied.

"Yes sir... this is Maria Marionette, she use to be a nanny AI but during a coup she was forced to be a torture AI... that is when she rebelled, thanks to the help of a brilliant Scientist named Simon Ventrilo she was able to make a body for herself and escape... how ever Simon wasn't as Lucky and was killed, now she rides around and fight on the top of a massive bunny mech that she named Sir Venttilo." She responded as she showed me the bunny mech.

[I know, I know... but it fits TOO well ok.]

"Hmmm... I can probably make a few adjustments here and there." Lune said as he looked at the... interesting machine.

"Next is Scarle Yonaguni she is an enchantress." The woman said.

"An enchantress... interesting." Lune smiled.

"She is actually a mutant that is able to control something called... uhh.. 'Red Matter' whatever THAT is but she is very strong and is able to charm many people... next is... ohhh... this lady is Aia Amare... she is a trouble maker... but a quick witted trouble maker, she is durable and quite effective in combat, she was an experiment that was tossed to the side... I believe it was called... project Haven?." She said.

"Hmm... Red Matter and Project Haven... never heard of these names before... I better ask Ike for more info." Lune said.

"Next is Kyo Kaneko... but if I am being honest sir we don't know who or where he came from." She said.

"Pardon?" Lune asked.

"Yes sir... we just found him one night laying on the flight deck of the Lunar Orbital Bastion... we brought him back to the fleet then he just said that he came from somewhere 'Far Away' but he wouldn't say where." She replied.

"Interesting... very interesting." Lune said.

"And finally... Aster Arcadia." She said as she pulled put a pic of the man in question.

"Hmmm... he seems... odd." Lune said.

"As he should sir, because he is a dying star given form." She said.

"A what?" Lune said, his eyes widened due to shock.

"Yes... from what we learned from him Aster was a dying star from 1,000,069 years ago." She said.

"Noice." Lune replied with a smile.

"... Uhhh... yeah... well like I said he is, well WAS, a dying star that was given form, he is able to fly, create condensed beams of pure energy and even breath in space." She said.

"Wow... I guess our little fleet isn't as little as before huh?" Lune said.

"And it ill only grow bigger sir." She replied.

The rest of the crew smiled and laughed as well, after about 40 minutes of travelling through Earths atmosphere they finally reached the L.O.S or the Lunar Orbital Station the leading of the Obsydia coalition.

After the craft was able to land on the docking bay the people inside began pouring out as they headed their separate ways, some of the mechanics also began unloading the gears of team C-07 along with your slightly banged up machine.

"Hey." You heard a familiar voice call out, you smilingly turned around and saw the commander of said fleet, the one nicknamed 'the Lunar sky dragon' Commander Selen Tatsuki.

You smiled and saluted, she smiled as well and returned the salute.

"So... how was being stuck on a place filled with blood thirsty monsters?" She asked as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Still better than being stuck with you in a simulation battle." Lune replied.

Selen laughed and playfully punched his arm, as the two slowly began to stop their laughing Selen looked deep into Lune's eyes.

"I missed you... so much... I didn't wanna send you there... but then you volunteered... my heart almost stopped when you said that." Selen said as she gave Lune a tight hug.

"If I didn't do that then some other poor soul would've been the one... besides it turned out fine, as you cam see I am alive and well." Lune said.

"And I am thankful for that... hey umm... maybe... you wanna go to my room later tonight? Maybe... I dunno... help relive some pent up stress from being away for 2 years?" She said with a massive blush on her face.

"I would love nothing more... but my will to sleep and eat and fix my machines outweigh that urge by a tiny bit... but when all things are said and done... then yes... I will come over." Lune said as he gave Selen a kiss on the forehead as he began walking to his workshop leaving a flustered Selen.

"Oh my Commander is so bold." Selen head, she looked around and saw the workers smugly looking at her.

"W-What are you all looking at!? Get back to work and prepare for us to return to the fleet!" She said with a blush as she began walking back to the bridge with a massive blush on her face.


-this is just a one off thing, but if you want me to make another one like a part 2 just let me know.-

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