Knight - Power Rangers Dino F...

De AlexNeko_990

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Knight (Ongoing)⏳ -First Book of the Honor Duology- --- When an army of powerful alien beings are unleashed o... Mais

Meet Gavin Shaw
Chapter One: Destination Dinohenge
Chapter Three: Lost Signal
Meet Tristan Mercer
Chapter Four: New Recruits
Chapter Five: Winning Attitude
Chapter Six: Superstition Strikes
Chapter Seven: Stego Search
Chapter Eight: Unexpected Guest
Chapter Nine: Cut Off

Chapter Two: Sporix Unleashed

749 22 6
De AlexNeko_990

Gavin POV

Zayto, Ollie, Amelia and I were outside of the base, as we trained with Zayto. Because I already have the necessary training before, I had to make sure I don't make it obvious.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Zayto shouted, but ducked, as Amelia almost hits him. I stood next to Amelia.

"Sorry, I keep doing that." Amelia said.

"Let's go again, we need to get the Morphin' Sequence right." Zayto said. "We can't afford mistakes."

"It's Morphin Time!" Zayto shouted, as we pressed on our Morphers. We got our our Dino Fury Keys. "Dino Fury Key!" He shouted, but Ollie accidentally drops his, and Zayto caught it.

"I was just testing your reflexes." Ollie said.

Zayto nodded and hummed, as he gave Ollie his key back. "Again." He said.

"Dino Fury Key!" Zayto shouted, as we got it right. "Activate!" He shouted, and we place our Keys into our Morphers.

"Link to the Morphin' Grid!" We shouted, as we spun our Key, and Morphed.

"Dino Fury Power!"

"Nice work, especially you Gavin. No mistakes at all." Zayto said.

"Thanks." I said.

"So, Eight Statues, only four of us?" Ollie questioned.

"Do you have the other Dino Fury Keys?" Amelia asked.

"Can we recruit more Rangers?" I asked.

"Can we?" Ollie asked.

"The other Keys were lost, with the original Rangers." Zayto said. "So, it's just us. Let's move on to Boost Keys." He said, as he got out a key. "We have many, each one gives us a special ability." He said, as we look at the Key.

"Sounds cool." Amelia said.

"They're kinda like power-ups in a video game." Ollie said.

"They can definitely help us in battles." I said.

"Love it." Amelia said.

Zayto's Morpher beeped. "Go ahead, Solon." He said.

"There's something you need to see." Solon said.

"We're on our way." Zayto said.

We de-morphed.

"Remember to teleport, you turn the ring then push the button." Zayto said, and he teleports.

We did the same thing, and teleport to the base.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

We appeared in the base.

"Gotta get used to that." Amelia said. "Making you weak in the knees too?" She asked.

"No, just really nauseous." Ollie said.

"You'll get use to it." I said, remembering all that time, I had to teleport when I was Avatar Gavin.

"I just got our systems back online." Solon said. "No one can get into the base, but us." She said. "And I put the T-Rex Champion Zord on standby."

"T-Rex Champion?" Amelia asked. "That sounds awesome! Who names these Zords?" She asked.

"Anyway..." Solon said. "AS I was cleaning up, I found this." She said, as she held up Void Knight's Scanner.

"Hey, that's Void Knight's Scanner." Ollie said.

"No doubt." I said, as I recognized it. "He must've dropped it."

"He use it to find Sporix." Amelia said. "Do you think he'll come back for it?" She asked.

"Void Knight will have to wait, right now the Sporix are loose and we need to warn people." Zayto said.

"I agree." Solon said.

"We'll notify the police, and spread the words over the Social Media." I said.

"And I'll contact BuzzBlast and- Ollie!" Amelia called. "Hello? Earth to Ollie?" She called.

"If we find all the Sporix, there won't be any danger." Ollie said. "My mom's drone does Aerial scanning, and this thing detects Sporix Energy, if we combine this with the drone, we can scan the city and find all of them before they hatch."

"An interesting idea, but combining a strange alien device with human technology could be dangerous." Solon said.

"I agree, we shouldn't be messing with technology we don't understand. It could be a huge threat." I said. 'We don't want another Evox/Vendrix incident.'

"I think you worry too much." Ollie said. "Trust me, I'm sure mom and I coudl figure it out, if we have a little time."

"Time is what we don't have." Zayto said. "Our priority is to warn the town." He said.

"Zayto and Gavin's right Ollie, we can't risk anyone getting hurt." Amelia said.

"Yeah, fine, we'll alert the city." Ollie said.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

We teleported in the city.

"I'm getting the hang of this." Amelia said.

"Me too." Ollie said, but he held his stomach. "Wait, spoke too soon." He said.

"Take it one step at a time." I said.

"Wow." Zayto said, as he looks around. "Earth sure has changed, in sixty-five million years. Where are the dinosaurs? I'd love to see some."

"Well, they're mostly in the movies." Amelia said.

"Oh my God, I love Owen Grady." I said. Zayto look at Amelia and I questioningly.
A/N: For some reason I wanna add a bit of Real Life into this

"We'll explain later, but right now you need to blend in." Amelia said.

"What do you mean?" Zayto asked.

"Well for a start, your antenna kinda make you... stand out." Ollie said.

"Good point." Zayto said, and he hides it.

"Wow." We said.

"Retractable antennae." Amelia said. "That's cool and freaky."

"We'll just get used to it." I said.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

All of us are now at the park.

"So, this is the Park's HQ?" Zayto asked.

"Uh-huh." Amelia said.

Ollie, Amelia and I stopped Zayto, as a biker went pass us. "Watch out, dude!" He said.

"Maybe let us, handle this." Ollie said.

"Okay, but remember no one can know that you're Rangers." Zayto said.

"Totally. It'll be fine." Amelia said. "Man, I can get a ton of likes, if I can post about those."

We went towards Dr. Akana and Warden Garcia.

"Hey mom, everything okay?" Ollie asked.

"Yes, um, Warden Garcia has explained all the Park Regulations to me, and banned us from going near Dinohenge again." Dr. Akana said. "But, uh, how are you doing?"

"Well, we actually wanted to speak to the Warden about something." Ollie said. "About a big threat in the woods."

"Okay, well, give me the details." Warden Garcia said, as he got out his notebook.

Ollie, Amelia and I went on to explain about the Sporix to Warden Garcia. As expected, he didn't believe us.

"No problem, we can try talking to Jane at BuzzBlast next." Amelia said.

"Um, Sporix Ollie? Are you okay?" Dr. Akana asked.

"I just need a word with my mom." Ollie said. "I'll see you guys later, okay?" He asked, and we nodded.

We left towards BuzzBlast.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

The three of us got to BuzzBlast, as Jane was revealing something.

"And we wouldn't be able to do such brilliant work here at BuzzBlast without everyone of you." Jane said. "But as the boss, I have to think about the future, that's why, I've decided to train a new assistant. So, that eventually they can take my place."

"Meet my new android, J-Borg." Jane said, as she opens the box revealing an android. "J-Borg has advanced capabilities, and-" She was about to say.

"Jane!" Someone called. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Lin needs these papers signed right away." He said.

"Actually, I have an idea." Jane said, as she activates J-Borg, and Tells J-Borg to sign the paper, which she did with speed, and also picked up the fallen papers quickly. Everyone in the room clapped, and Jane walks down.

"Jane, we have something urgent, and we really need to talk to you." Amelia said.

"Hey, guys! You have to check out this video, from one of our followers!" A person said, as they turn on the screen.

The screen shows someone poking a Sporix, and a monster came out of it.

"What is that creature?" Jane said. "I want more info, now!"

"On it!" The person said, and the left.

"That's a Sporix Beast-" Zayto said.

We shushed him.

"We need to figure out, where that video came from." Zayto said.

"We will, follow me." Amelia said, and we left.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

We grouped up with Ollie, and we appeared at the Water Dam.

"Come back and face me! I am the mighty Mucus!" Mucus said.

"Mucus?" Amelia questioned.

"What is up with these names?" I questioned.

"For real?" Ollie questioned. "That's a Sporix Beast?"

"Yes! Who's gonna stop me from tearing the city apart?" Mucus questioned.

"Oh, we are the-" Amelia said.

"The Power Rangers!" Ollie said.

"Come on, I was gonna say that!" Amelia said.

"Not the time, guys!" I said.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Zayto shouted, as we summoned our Morphers.

"Dino Fury Key!" We shouted, as we got out our Keys.

Zayto look at us. "Smooth." He said.

"Activate!" We shouted, as we place our Keys into our Morphers. "Link to the Morphin' Grid!" We shouted, as we spun our Keys, and Morphed.

"T-Rex Fury, Red Ranger!"

"Tricera Fury, Blue Ranger!"

"Kentro Fury, Yellow Ranger!"

"Ankylo Fury, Pink Ranger!"

Explosion of our colors, appeared behind us.

"Dino Fury Power!"

"Well done everyone!" Mucus said. "I love the colors! Now here comes the pain!" She shouted, as she ran towards us.

Zayto attacks her, and she turns into mucus.

"Huh? I had no idea it'll be that easy." Zayto said.

We look behind, and saw another Sporix.

"Another one?" Zayto questioned.

"I'm the best one!" Shockhorn said.

All of us begin fighting.

Shockhorn dodged our attacks. "I warned you! I am the best!" He shouted.

"Tipped your own horns much?" Ollie said.

Shockhorn pushed both Ollie and Amelia. I stood next to Zayto.

"Rangers! Remember those Boost Keys I mentioned?" Zayto asked, as he got out a Boost Key.

"Uh yeah?" Ollie said.

"Stink Dino Key! Ready!" Zayto shouted, as he place the Stink Dino Key into his Saber. "Watch this!" He said.

"Kay!" Amelia said.

Zayto activates it, and a power-up appeared on his right arm. "Stink Boost!" He shouted.

"Is he saying stink?" Amelia asked.

"Stink out!" Zayto shouted, as he threw it, and a horrible smell came out.

"He definitely said stink!" Ollie said.

"That didn't go well at all!" I said.

"It burned my nose!" Shockhorn exclaimed, as he was on the ground.

"It worked! He's down!" Zayto said, and went towards him.

"Hengemen!" Shockhorn shouted, as they appeared, and Zayto got pushed back.

"The indestructible Mucus is back!" Mucus said, as she came back.

"Attack!" Shockhorn shouted, as all of us begin fighting.

We saw the two Sporix fighting, then they teleported away.

We defeated the Hengemen.

"They're gone." Zayto said. "Let's get to base." He said, and we teleported.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

We appeared back at the base, and de-morphed.

"How did it go?" Solon asked.

"It stank." Ollie said. "In more ways then one."

"The other Sporix Beast got away." Amelia said. "But that Stink Attack was awesome."

"I do not recommend using it near us." I said.

"I wanna use a Boost Key." Amelia said. "Can I be taller, stronger, faster?" She asked.

"Can you stop believing in ghosts?" Ollie asked.

"You'll find out, but right now we need to warn people, especially if the Sporix Beasts are teaming up." Zayto said.

Amelia got out her phone. "Whoa, those Sporix videos has thousands of views." She said. "And now there's a city-wide alert for people to watch out for them."

"We can retrieve any Sporix they find, but it may take a while." Zayto said.

"I may have a faster way to find them." Ollie said. "My mom's at the Dinohenge Statues connecting Void Knight's scanner to the drone, if it work-"

"Hold on, that was not the plan." Zayto said.

"But, come on guys, we're fighting monster here, I have to try." Ollie said.

"Someone said, combining Aliens and Human Techs can be dangerous." Amelia said.

"What? You don't think my mom's smart enough to do it safely?" Ollie said.

"Even if she can combine them, Void Knight may come back for his scanner." Zayto said. "And your mom has it, we need to check on her, now."

"You just put your mom in danger." I said.

"Don't panic, my mom can take care of herself." Ollie said, as Zayto teleported us to the Statues.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

We appeared outside.

"I'm sure she's fine." Ollie said. "Hey, tell me before you do that." He said.

"You sure, she's fine?" Amelia questioned, as we saw Dr. Akana surrounded by the Sporix and Void Knight.

"Start the scan, Doctor!" Shockhorn said.

"Find me the Sporix!" Void Knight said.

"See what I mean?" I said.

"Oh no." Ollie said.

Dr. Akana starts the drone.

"Mom!" Ollie called, and we ran towards them.

"Link to the Morphin' Grid!" We shouted, as we Morphed.

"What?" Void Knight said, as he saw us.

"You get away from her!" Ollie said.

"Shockhorn! With me!" Void Knight said.

All of us begin fighting.

"Look out!" Dr. Akana shouted, as her droid drops onto Shockhorn, and explodes.

"Boss! Are you okay?" Mucus asked, as she went towards Void Knight.

"She destroyed my scanner!" Void Knight said. "She'll pay!'

"Stop right there!" Ollie said, as we stopped them.

"I won't forget this! Let's go!" Void Knight said, as they teleported away.

"Hey mo- ur, ma'am." Ollie said, as he went towards her. "Are you okay?"

"Well I'm fine, thanks to you." Dr. Akana said. "You sound familiar. Have we met?"

Ollie denies. "He may come back, so please get to safety." He said.

"Yes, of course, thank you." Dr. Akana said, as she went away.

"Wow, real smooth." Amelia said.

"That was close." I said.

"Shockhorn will grow giant any minute, you'll need to find him, and stop him from hurting anyone, while I activate my Zord." Zayto said.

"So we might finally see a Zord?" Amelia asked.

"Let's go!" Ollie said.

"Let's hurry!" I said.

We teleported away.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

We appeared where giant Shockhorn was.

"There he is, yikes!" Amelia exclaimed.

"He's huge!" I exclaimed.

"So, when Zayto said giant, what he meant was ginormous!" Ollie exclaimed.

"Let's try our Boost Keys!" Amelia said.

"Got it! I'll attack from above!" Ollie said.

Amelia uses the Gravity Key, and slow Shockhorn down a bit.

"Hyper Boost!" Ollie and I shouted, as we use the Hyper Boost Key, we jumped off the roof, and attack Shockhorn, but got hit and send towards where Amelia was.

"Gavin! Ollie!" Amelia called. The effect of the Gravity Key wears off, and Amelia fell.

Shockhorn was about to attack them, but Zayto and his T-Rex Champion Zord appeared.

"Oh man! Finally a Zord!" Amelia said.

"Cool!" I said.

"Now it's time to finish this beast!" Zayto said. "T-Rex Champion Zord! Battle Mode!" He shouted, as he got out a Key. He threw it towards his T-Rex Champion Zord, and it attacked Shockhorn.

We cheered. Son the Key and Zord, formed the T-Rex Champion Battle Mode.

"Let us show you what we can do!" Zayto said. "Stay here!" He said, and he teleported into his Zord.

Zayto begins attacking Shockhorn, and destroyed him.

A blob drops from the sky, as Zayto got back onto the ground.

"What is that?" Ollie asked.

Zayto said defeating the Sporix doesn't destroy it, but they'll turn back into a Sporix with more power.

"We have to get it." Zayto said, and we jumped, and went towards it.

Void Knight appeared, and grabs it.

"Void Knight." Zayto said.

"Just what I need, thank you, Rangers." Void Knight said, and he teleported away.

"No! That- That Sporix is many time powerful then an ordinary one." Zayto said.

"Why does he want them so badly?" Amelia asked.

"There's gotta be a reason." I said.

"Whatever the reason, it can't be good." Zayto said.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

We teleported back to the base, and de-morphed.

"Welcome back, team." Son greeted. "How did they do, Zayto?"

"They both fought very well today." Zayto said.

"Maybe, but I still messed up, and put my mom in danger." Ollie said. "I should've stick with the plan, we agreed on as a team. I'm sorry."

"Water under the bridge." Amelia said.

"Just don't make another one, for me to say 'I told you so'." I said.

"I'm just glad, to have three good teammates at my side." Zayto said. "I think it's time the Rangers put a message out to the city." He said.

A/N: Fun fact on how Gavin's name came to be.

I was just like Gavin Reed, and boom! Gavin Shaw happened!

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