The Devil's Love

By TryinmybesT01

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*Disclaimer: I know how some story elements might resemble the Netflix show: Lucifer starring: Tom Ellis and... More



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By TryinmybesT01

"Have you ever heard of the seven deadly sins and their demons?"

"They are 7 demons, each one represents a sin. Lucifer represents pride and is the ruler of hell and the most powerful.  Mammon represents greed. Leviathan, envy. Satan, wrath. Amadeus, Lust. Beelzebub, gluttony and Belphegor represent sloth."

"However, some people say there is another one. One that disappeared. It doesn't have any depictions, and also no fixed name. It is the loss of control, Insanity, and not having the will to do the right thing."

"It is unclear, and rarely mentioned. Anyhow, don't you think this is an interesting subject?"

"It is. But I am not superstitious, I don't know if I should believe it or not." Akuji replies to her superstitious best friend, Kylie.

"I know you aren't, but I also know you like the ideas of hell and heaven and gods and so on," Kylie replied unenthusiastically. "No. I would like to know more about how our universe functions, who runs it, the judgment system and basic philosophy."

"Are you saying philosophy like I know what it means?" Kylie sarcastically replies and places her hands on her hips.

"Yes, Kylie," Akuji replies and lays her head on her desk with an exhausted sigh. "Are you ok? You look exhausted." Kylie points out with a little boob to the side of Akuji's head. "Ji. Jii." Kylie mused with a grin, poking at Akuji's head.

"Wake up, little Ji. Your bestie Kylie is in town!" Kylie proudly shouts and places her hands on her hips again. "Answer me, Ji," Kylie demands.

"I just didn't get enough sleep. Only 2 hours of sleep. I spent all night studying them I watched some anime." Akuji whined, regretting her decision.

"Well, live with it. Also, have you heard of the new transfer student?" Kylie asks changing the subject in a matter of a second.

"How nice. Also. I don't give a fuck." Akuji curses, attracting the attention of her classmates.

"Are you guys talking about the new student?" Oscar spoke, and Akuji looked up at him. "I heard there is more than one."

"What do you mean more than one?" Kylie asks, intrigued. "There are 2 new students, and 2 more transferring to our class from other classes."

"The other 2 also requested to be transferred to this class. Also, rumours say they are quite devilishly handsome." Oscar continues.

"Hah. Like any of you are. It feels like this class is a magnet for ugly guys." Akuji retorts and stands up. "I am going for a walk li. See you later."

"Walk? We are in the middle of class you idiot come here." Kylie demands and crosses her arms. Ji places her hands in her pockets and shrugs. "No can do. I am just gonna leave. There's nothing useful to learn here anyway."

"We are in high school. You need a high school degree for college you dumb bitch." Some of the classmates crack up at that and Akuji shuts them up with a glare.

"Yes, I do. But guess what? All my grades are A+. And my attendance is still mostly intact, it can take my absence for one day." Akuji retorts and strides for the door.

Suddenly she bumps into a wall and falls backwards catching herself she looks up at the bastard she is ready to beat up.

"The fuck." She mutters and takes in the person in front of her. A 6'4 tall body stands in front of her. Blonde messy hair and sharps amber eyes, staring her down.

"Pardon." The person speaks,  his voice deep and with a bit of gravel, and a British accent. "May I help you?" He spoke again bending down to match Akuji's height and look her in the eyes.

"Back off." She snaps pushing him away, he barely budges and takes only two steps back.

"Who the hell are you?" She asks crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one leg. "Oh. I am a demon." The man speaks and another comes from behind him.

"What's the hold-up, bro?" A ginger-haired man comes from behind the 'demon'. Amythest's eyes examine the little woman standing in front of the demon.

"A demon?" Ji mocks, "What? Are you? What is this? The 7th season of Lucifer?" Ji mused with a smirk.

"No a real demon. That is my brother. We are actually looking for him. My name is Mason." The blonde guy speaks.

"The fuck." Ji rolls her eyes and pushes him. "Let me through." She says making her way outside. "Motherfucking delusions." She curses under her breath. A strong hand grips her arm and holds her in place.

"No need to use violence with this little cutie, Tanner." Another guy spoke and Ji felt like dying.

She glared at the person gripping her arm and gritting her teeth. Tanner has blonde hair and dark green eyes.

She then turned to the other person. Rose gold hair and amber eyes. "Can you let go?" She mutters and he does.

She scoffs and walks away. "We are sorry for her" Kylie explains, approaching the men.

"Oh. No problem. She seemed angry." The Auburn-haired man says, with a smile. "We are all brothers. I am Beel. This is Mason." He introduced the platinum hair man.

"Tanner." He points at the green-eyed man, and he gives an angry smile. "Asmo." He points at the rose gold hair man, he smiles and waves.

"Levi." He points at another guy hiding behind Mason. One nobody had seen yet. He came out from behind Mason and brushed away his dark brown hair.

"H-hello?" He said but it sound more like a question than a greeting. "There's also my twin brother Bel. He is not coming today, however." Beel spoke with a nervous rub to the back of his neck.

"I am Kylie. The little brat that just walked off is Akuji-" Kylie got cut off by Beel grabbing her collar and almost lifting her in the air. "Akuji?" He asks.

She gives a quick nod and he lets go. "I am sorry. The name just rang a bell." He apologizes and all the others still have surprised looks on their faces.

"Do all of you know Akuji? That's rare." Kylie shrugged still shivering from the forceful grip of Beel.

"Yea, an old relative of ours is named Akuji. It is a rare name." Beel explained.

"That's cool. Let me introduce you to the class." Kylie grinned and proceeded with doing as she said. All the class introduced themselves to the guys and even started small conversations with each.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you! I never knew humans can be so adorable! But of course not as adorable as me." Asmo exclaims some raised their eyebrows, and others smiled in confusion.

"Humans?" Kylie is the one to say a word.


This meat is expensive. How are people supposed to buy it with their small salaries? Lucifer thought, checking out the packaged meat. He shrugged and put it in his basket.

"Hey. Can you guide me to the milk?" Lucifer asks an employee. The young man eyes him with a bit of concern and nods with a forced smile. "There sir." He points in the direction of the milk. Lucifer nods and mumbles a quick thanks.

He sighs in exhaustion on his way. I know I don't look like my best but do I look that bad? He thought.

He wore nothing fancy. Just a black and red cat hoodie and dark grey sweatpants. His eyes were supporting huge black bags and his usually neatly done hair is a black mess.

He finished his shopping and decided to grab some bubblegum. He approached the little stand that has all types of bubble gum, but a young lady stood there.

He didn't feel like waiting for her to make up her mind and made up his mind to approach her. Until he saw her face. Soft-featured, plump rose lips and her lightly tanned complexion. She wore a black hoodie and dark skinny jeans with black boots.

He immediately rushed to hide behind some random man picking out some things from the shelves.

Fuck. Fucking Hell. Why?! Why are you doing this to me, father?! He thought in a panic and froze when the man walked away leaving him in plain sight.

Akuji, having a hard time deciding what flavour of bubble gum should she get with a dollar, stood with her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. She glanced sideways and noticed an old man pacing to stand behind another one grabbing things from the shelves.

A minute later she noticed the man left and the other one stood frozen for some reason like he was in a panic.

What the fuck is this guy doing? She thought to herself and shrugged. She decided to grab some strawberries, melon and mint bubble gum.

With her bubblegum, she happily strode to the cashier to pay for it.

Thank hell she left. Lucifer exhaled in relief. He was glad she left and did not notice him in his less tidy state.

He walked and picked up some mint gum and headed to the cashier. However, he realized she is probably also paying for her gum.

He decided to go to another cash register to pay for his groceries.

"The total is 132.67." The cashier spoke. Lucifer handed him his card and the young man swiped it.

"Have a good day, sir." The man smiled and handed Lucifer his bags. Lucifer walked out and strode until he reached his car.

He opened the trunk and placed the grocery bags, then proceeded to close it and get mentally ready to drive again.

He never liked driving. He only liked it when he was with somebody, but now since he isolated himself, there was no one to do anything with.

"Nice car." Ji cries out at the man wearing a red and black cat hoodie. He is the same man she saw hiding from her.

Lucifer froze hearing her familiar voice. He slowly and hesitantly turned around to face her.

Akuji saw his face, well most of it. He wore a black mask, but his black bags were still in clear view, golden piercings too.

His eyes were a sharp blue, they looked puzzled and tired. She didn't understand why he would be looking this exhausted.

She approached him and stood in front of his black Rolls Royce. "Too fancy to bring with you to the grocery store, don't you think? I like it though. It's really refreshing seeing cars like that in real life." She grins and sees his eyes widen.

His stare sends shivers down her spine, she looks away embarrassingly, waiting for him to say something. He keeps starting with his wide eyes and she gets uncomfortable.

Did she just compliment me? For real? The car? She is looking away and fidgeting with her hands. Do I intimidate her? I don't want to scare her. Not at all. Why am I such a mess today? Could have been more prepared for her seeing me for the first time in a good while. Lucifer's brain ran with thoughts and he only snapped out of it when she spoke up again.

"Are you ok, sir?" She asks, genuinely concerned for the guy. "Y-yes!" Lucifer shrieks nervously and covers his mouth whipping his head the other way.

What the fuck was that sound Lucifer?! Are you trying to make her think you are

weird?! Fuck. Fuck! What will she think of me now? Lucifer squatted getting out of Ji's sight and uncertain of his next course of action.

Until a hand had him backed up against his own car. Akuji held his collar tightly and had him press against his car, her gaze downward.

"I know who you are." She says in a frightening tone. "I saw you watching and following me and my siblings." She continues and makes eye contact.

"I don't want to see you anywhere close to me or my siblings again. Understood?" She finishes and gives him a frown. How fucking lucky am I to recognise the stalker who's been following me since I was a kid? Not that I needed much reason to be afraid. He has a big build but he doesn't hit me as the violent type of guy. Wait. Why was he following me in the first place? Ji thought momentarily spacing out of real life.

"Yes," Lucifer says in a hushed tone and looks down at his lap. Akuji turns to face him and smiles. "Good boy. Anyhow, why are you even stalking me?" She asks and he visibly flinches, unable to make up a logical answer.

"I am Lucifer!" He finally mutters out and she raises her eyebrow. Some hair strands beautifully fell and shaped her face, her light brown eyes shining with the sunlight. "You are beautiful," Lucifer adds and her face immediately turns red and she looks away.

He notices the top of her ears also turn red, which brings a huge smile to his lips. "Really beautiful. Perfect, even." He continues and she scoffs with a smile.

"What are you trying to do, pervert?" She asks gaining her composure back. "You could be a bit more subtle about it, Lucifer." She rolls her eyes.

"What is that name? Am I really living in the 7th season of Lucifer? Better question. Am I maize? Not that I am that cool." She mumbles mostly to herself.

"You mean the show Lucifer? About the devil and so on?" Lucifer asked trying to change the subject. "Yeah. That one. By any chance, are you the devil?" She asks. He gives her a nod.

"Fuck. For real?" She tries assuring herself, he nods again and she snarls. "Damn." She mumbles and stands up, offering Lucifer a hand.

"You won't torture me in hell, will you?" She jokingly asks. Lucifer is puzzled at her statement and quickly shakes his head. "Never. I would never." He says taking her hand and standing up.

"You are tall." She comments looking up at him. "Like at least a foot and a half taller than me." She looks at him with awe in her eyes.

He looks away and laughs. "Thank you. Umm- do you want to go out for coffee? Anytime you would like, I am free all the time, you name it." He hurriedly told her but regretted the way he sounded so desperate.

"Uh- are you ok? Like really ok? You say you are the devil but you sound and act nothing as I expect from him." She asks. Lucifer looks down and then up at her shining orbs.

"Can you hug me?" He asks, knowing how weird it is. Akuji is taken aback by the question. "S-sure. You look like you need it." She shrugged and opened her arms for him.

Lucifer took off his mask to show her how grateful he is. Ji blushed when she saw his whole face. He is devilishly handsome. She chuckled internally over her thoughts and grinned at him.

"Do you want it or not? My arms are starting to hurt." She complained and he scooped her up.

"How much I have missed you, rinah" Lucifer mumbled into Ji's skin as he held her up. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist.

Lucifer took the moment to breathe her scent in. She smells like roses and rainforests. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and grinned when her hair flew with some wind.

He was carrying her and she felt anxious about it. "Does this make it any better?" She asks, pulling her head away from his shoulder. He grins.

His eyes look like the fricking ocean! Why are they so fucking blue?! Akuji panicked internally. "Thank you." Lucifer thanked her and put her back on her feet.

"I feel so much better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." He continues and she laughs, giving him a light punch in the chest. "You're the devil. You don't have a heart, silly." She grins.

Silly? When the fuck did I start saying silly? Why am I grinning? Why the hell did I allow him to carry and hug me like that, he also buried his face in the crook of my neck?! What the fuck is going on here?!! Ji panicked and snapped out when Lucifer spoke in his deep, gravel voice.

"Maybe even the devil can grow a heart. With the help and support of the right person, anyone can grow a heart." He smiles. "Does wisdom come with the heart? Is it some type of packaged deal?" Ji asks sarcastically.

"No, beautiful lady," Lucifer answers with an internal facepalm. "Stop being sarcastic, please."

"Sure. Sure" Ji rolls her eyes. "About that coffee." She speaks suddenly and all of Lucifer's systems malfunction.

"Give me your phone. I will write you my number so we can meet. Also, prepare yourself. I will know everything bout your previous stalking." She continued with crossed arms and a pout.

Lucifer paused as he tried rebooting his system, when he heard a sigh, and felt a hand in his hoodie pocket.

Ji grabbed his phone from his pocket and then his hand to use his thumb to open it. Meanwhile, Lucifer stayed frozen as she did everything and saved a contact with her name. "It's Akuji. I suppose you already know that though."

Lucifer finally snapped out of it and nodded violently. "Wow, you are so eager to admit that." Ji comments.

"Anyway, here. I have some errands to run." Ji shrugs and hands him his phone. "Are you gonna take it or should I just keep it?" Ji says when he doesn't move. He grins and takes it.

Thanking her he goes in his car and drives away.

That weirdo needs therapy. God. Another Lucifer thing! Ji grins to herself and walks away.


Asmo, Mason, beel, Tanner, and Levi, all sat in a green garden in a park near the high school they all now attended.

"Belphie should be taking care of everything back home, right?" Levi asks, Tanner gives him a nod as he sits cross-legged and with his arms crossed.

"You look like a fricking anime character!" Levi exclaimed and started laughing.

Tanner rolled his eyes and Asmo started cracking up. "He does!"

"Also, did you see the abundance of cuties in class today?" Asmo intertwined his hands and his eyes rolled back.

"As hot as hell! But of course not as hot or adorable as yours truly." He continued pointing at himself. "Stop being horny, Asmo," Mason complained.

"Whatever. Don't forget we found her. Qarinah is reincarnated. That's a fact. What is not a fact, is if she could possibly remember her old lives." Tanner points out.

"We also know that Lucifer probably found her, if not stalked her," Mason says rolling his eyes. "If Lucifer has met her then that's a good thing right?"

"No, it isn't. If he found her he will probably want to stay on earth even more. She is human, he can't take her to hell with him. She will turn into a crisp and there are no guarantees she will be reincarnated again and into a demon mind you. Considering how young she is now, she probably still has a few decades to live, assuming Lucifer does not try to help and extend her life span." Tanner explains to his siblings and they all nod in understanding.

"What is the plan then?" Levi asks.

"What plan?" Kylie asks from behind them leaning over Levi's head. "I heard you guys say Qarinah. That's an old Egyptian evil spirit, right?"

"It is. How do you know?" Mason asks, angered she has been listening in on their conversation. "Oh. I like the idea of the supernatural and superstitions and so on." Kylie replied but was taken aback by Mason's tone.

"Kylie!" Ji calls out for her best friend, Kylie whips her head in Ji's direction and smiles.

"Hey Ji!" She waves her hands in the air and Ji starts walking toward her. All five men decide to stand up abruptly. That stuns Kylie a bit when Levi gives her a little nudge to be able to see Akuji.

"Hey, Akuji!" Beel shouts with a grin and strides forward for Ji. He stops when she does and only a few feet stand between them. "Uh. Excuse me?"

"Oh, yes! I still need to introduce myself and my brothers. Please, hear me out." Beel asked of her, hoping she wouldn't be rude like earlier.

"Um- Kylie, do you know these guys?" Ji asks, her eyes moving from one sibling to the other. "Yea. Stop acting like you never saw them." Kylie rolled her eyes with a grin.

"Yea. Tanner, Mason, Asmo, beel, Levi and Bel who is absent." Ji spoke with a smirk. The siblings' eyes widened, how in all hell did she know that when she wasn't there for anyone but tanner?!  They all thought.

"Wow. How did you know that? You weren't there." Kylie asks, voicing out the siblings' thoughts.

"I heard Beel introducing them and himself. He is obnoxiously loud, to be honest." She says with a shrug and gets a disbelief look from Kylie.

Kylie finally gets her jaw off the ground and clears her throat. "I heard them discussing Qarinah. The ancient Egyptian evil spirit I told you about before."

"Oh. What about her?" Akuji asks, intrigued. "Nothing special. We all just like supernatural stuff like Kylie." Tanner replies motioning to Kylie as he says her name. "Really!! Then we are gonna get along splendidly!" Kylie exclaimed with excitement and ran to grab Ji. She pushed her to the floor to sit down in the circle with the siblings.

"Ow. What was that for?!" Ji asks angrily when she gets shoved to the floor by Kylie. "What supernatural culture do you like best? Each one of you. I prefer Egyptian, greek and Norse. The most basic ones, I know. But they are the most developed and interesting to me!" Kylie inquiries happily, but goes on a bit of rambling.

"I like Japanese. They are fascinating to me. Probably, because of the animes, I watch." Ji tells when Kylie glares at her. "What about all of you?" Kylie excitedly asks.

"I love anime too!" Levi exclaims looking at Ji. Ji shrugs and sits cross-legged. "I like Egyptian culture too, Kylie." Beel grins. "Their foods are real good too." He explains rubbing his stomach.

"Oh. You are from Egypt? Are all of you from there?" Kylie asks. Beek quickly shakes his head with a nervous smile. "No. But we spent some time there in our younger years." He explains.

"Ooh! Akuji is from Egypt!" Kylie shouts out the information. Ji flinches and buries her face in her hands.

"Are you that embarrassed about it?" Tanner asks with a bit of concern. Ji shakes her head. "No, it's not that. It's just that the following question is 'why did you move here then?'"

"Why did you move here?" In London, so far away from Egypt." Levi asks. Ji sighs and looks up with a blank expression. "My parents got murdered. So I and my siblings moved here to stay with a relative of ours." She tells with a serious and calm tone.

"Oh." Levi is taken aback by her answer and looks down at his lap. "Stop being so serious, Ji. By the way, call her Ji instead of Akuji." Kylie says trying to change the subject but gets a side eye from Ji.

"Sure. If any of you are my friends, that is." She examines her nails without sparing a glance at the 5 guys that tower over her easily.

"I prefer calling you by your full name. Akuji is just better when it's said fully." Beel speaks. "Me too," Tanner replies. "Me three!" Asmo cheers. "Me four?" Levi asks more than says. "Not me." Mason shrugs.

"Ji is much easier. I don't have the time to waste pronouncing all of the syllables." He shrugs. That makes anger slowly simmer inside of Akuji but she contains it.

"Alright then, Mason. Sadly enough, I don't give a shit what you prefer it's Akuji for all of you." She says with disdain and stands up. "Now. I will be out. I will go meet Zack, Li." Ji says, and Kylie nods.

"Whos Zack?" Mason asks, Ji gives him a side look and faces him with her arms crossed over her chest. "My boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" He mocks and Ji unhinges her jaw, then hinges it again. "Yes. Boyfriend. My boyfriend. Now shut up, asshole." She retorts and starts angrily walking away.

"Bitch!" Mason mutters to himself before he starts standing up, however, Beel grabs his arms preventing him to move. Mason understands the gesture and sits back down.

"She wasn't always like that," Kylie says sadly. "She changed."

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