[𝘀𝘒𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘻𝘦𝘭 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴�...

By naturesmushat

4.2K 83 128

Idea overload Disclaimer: All characters belong to Disney. achievements: #2 in gothel #67 in tangled ART DOE... More

Until Next Time
Prom Night
ok sooo


510 17 22
By naturesmushat

Raps POV

(inspired by Are You Bored Yet? by Wallows and Clairo)

It was 7:30 when I saw her. Cass. Why was she up this early? She looked upset. I did not know why. Was she upset because of me? Because of what? Did something happen? Was it because of me? No matter what I did, I could not cheer her up. Cass looked gloomy and down all morning. I had a funny feeling that it had something to do because of me... right? That was when I thought I had the best idea ever. Sneaking up behind her, I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room. She let out a yelp, alarmed. I felt bad for doing this. I made a mental note to apologize for frightening her later. But I will focus on getting her out of this stuffy room first, then talk later.

Cass POV

I was frustrated from the moment I woke up till now. Still frustrated. Ugh, why can't this feeling just... go away? I thought. No matter what I did, it would not go away. I hoped no one saw me like this, especially Raps - she has the tendency to pry into other people's business when she sees them being negative. She would definitely try to make me feel better. I did not need her help.

Welp. Too bad. My prayers were not answered. Reverse that, she saw me. I grimaced, trying not to stare at her.

She even tried to raise my spirits by doing nonsensical things that she thought might please me, even if it was only a little. Nope. You cannot work your magic on me. Do it somewhere else.

I was too caught up in my own thoughts. Suddenly, I felt my arm being pulled abruptly and tried to resist. The strain was too much, and I yelped. Soon, I was not on my legs anymore - instead, I was being dragged by someone. It was Raps. Rolling my eyes, I allowed her to drag me out of the room, out of the castle, to the neighbouring forest. After all, she was an exception. (A/N: Won't tell why.) I was clueless why she would choose the forest, out of all places. I did not ask. Did not argue.

Raps POV

Finally! We reached the forest. Strangely enough, Cass did not protest. She did not even say a word. Usually she was not like this. Looks like her newfound weakness is... me??? I let go of her arm. She looked away, and murmured. "What is the purpose of bringing me here?" I got closer to her face. She backed away. "To charm you just by looking at me!" I grinned slyly. "Just joking. Don't take it too seriously." She calmed down. "Actually,' I said, scratching the back of my neck, 'the only purpose of taking you here was because I thought that this could cheer you up." She looked at me and sighed. "Look, Raps, I don't need your help. I can handle my own problems by myself." "Just come! You'll love it. Promise!" I protested. She gave in when I pleaded continously. Yes! I celebrated internally.

I dragged her whilst apologising profusely. "I am SO sorry for just now, I just wanted it to be a surprise..." I smiled sheepishly. Even though she did not smile, I could see her expression soften.

We ran through fields. The sheep were grazing on the grass and butterflies was everywhere. I held her hand while chasing them. We laughed joyously the entire time.

We did not stop there.

I took Cass to a flowing river leading a to waterfall. She was about to cross the river by herself when I spotted a log. I pointed to it excitedly, and gestured to her. We used the log to go down the waterfall. Cass shouted "THIS IS A BAD IDEA-" as we plummeted down the waterfall and nearly landed upside-down.

With difficulty, I stepped out of the water. My lower torso was soaking wet. Cass was the same.

I did not care. It felt free.

It was nearly evening when we hiked up a cliff, and the sun was setting. "Come onn, Cass, we are nearly there!" I called to her. She groaned. "What was this trip for again?" I ignored her comment. We have reached the top! I ran towards the edge, and sat down, legs dangling off it. Cass followed me and did the same.

We watched the sun set. It was peaceful. 2 birds flee across the sky, one on top and one below. I watched them in awe. Are they a couple? I could not help but wonder. I suddenly thought of a problem I have been having lately. (As if I am not trying to help other people with their problems) Man, even though we love each other and are married, and everyone says so, I feel like some thing's missing these days.. What was this feeling? A yearning to find... true love? But aren't I with Eugene already? Sweet, funny Eugene... I had a heated discussion in my head. "Hey, uh Raps, you there?' I heard Cass say. Her gentle voice startled me. (What?) " Y-yeah, I'm fine." I answered. She continued. "The sun has set already, it's already evening. Come on, let's go. " She offered me her hand to get up. "No, no wait! I still have many things to show you! Atleast until I'm done? Please?" I pleaded her for the second time that day. "Okay, okay fine. This is the last time I'm ever giving in to you again." She rolled her eyes and did not go back.

Cass POV

"Ugh, what are you going to do now?" I groaned. She had been running around the place for 10 minutes "straight" and I could not catch up to her.

She ignored me and continued running.

"Bingo!" I heard Raps say.

"Hey, take this log. Can you help me start up a fire?" I nodded my head, having no idea what she wanted to do. Did she want to start a ritual or something? I shook my head to clear these stupid thoughts. In fact, I did not feel better after all this time. My problem was not solved...

We sat down on the log. It was smoother than the one we nearly committed suicide on. By now, it was already night. The moon was bright.

Now I knew what was her intention of bringing me here.

A wishing star crossed the night sky. It almost felt... magical.

I did not know what I was doing.

Smiling, I leaned my head on her shoulder, admiring the stars in the starry sky.

I did not expect her to lean back. I felt my face grow hot and tried to hide it.

Raps POV

I felt Cass' head on my shoulder. For some reason, I did the same thing.

For the first time, I felt like my life was complete. What was this feeling? It was very much like the one I had whenever I tried to imagine what it was like with someone's true love.

This felt like pure bliss. It was wonderful, the night sky alive with the many lights of the hot glowing balls (please don't) called stars.

I looked at Cass' face. It was hidden, but I could still see it. Huh? Was she blushing? I let out a cough, looking the opposite way, and bit my lip. The silence was awkard. I tried to move away, then realized something.

Cass was asleep. I giggled. I resumed my position, and decided to stay there a little longer.

I placed my head on hers.

Going to edit this soon :D

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