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(This takes place before Before Ever After and after the movie.)

Cass POV

I could not believe my ears. The princess wants to learn how to fight? The princess? Yep, that's about right.
My father clearly just announced it.

"W-what did you just say? Did you just say that-" I spluttered, my mouth full of food. "Yes, the princess wants to learn how to fight. Besides, its a good opportunity to show off your skills, and it can lessen the amount of guards protecting her. Whatever the princess wants, she gets."

"Don't you want to show everybody how good you are? This is your chance." He said impatiently.

My eyes lit up. "When?" Please say today. Please say today- "The queen said that you can only do it after you have finished your lady-in-waiting duties. Please don't shirk them like last time. This is a huge honour." Before he could say another word, I stood up and went out. How can I say no to this? The princess is finally interested in what I am in!

Damn. This is boring. I felt left out (gladly) as the others were gossiping and sewing dresses. I could be spending my time wisely outside training, but I'm stuck here doing chores instead. Welp, anything for that.

Eugene walked in. I cringed.

"What do you want?" I asked. He smirked, shaking his head. I could tell that he was itching to know something. "Let me ask you one question,' he said, leaning closer. I pulled back. 'So, about this whole.. um.. training Rapunzel thing.. are you looking forward to it?" I stared at him, confused. "No! No, don't take this the wrong way.. What I meant was, if you don't look forward to it, which I hope you don't, okay, scratch that, if you really don't like it, is there a slight chance you will let me do it instead?" I shot him a glare. "Okay, okay, just asking, bye now, seeing as you're... doing... stuff... " He said hastily before shutting the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes. What an annoyance. I don't even know why does Rapunzel love him.

"I'm done!" I said out loud to no one, relieved that I was able to do all of these by 3 in the afternoon. I felt excited - more excited than I had in years. I don't know why, but these days... I actually looked forward to my lady-in-waiting duties just so that I could spend time with Raps. Is there something wrong with me? I often wondered. I felt myself getting flustered easily, too. I shook my head, trying to steer clear of these thoughts.

After lunch I got ready for the training. I changed into the clothes I usually wore while training myself, and the old sword that my father had given me. It was time. I went out to the training field and saw Raps waving at me. She wore a chestplate from the guard and looked enthusiastic. Even though there was no one around, I felt embarrassed and had to look away.

First, I taught her how to hold a sword. I blushed several times while watching her do it.

She learnt fast. Wow. Never knew she had that in her.

Next. Told her how to unsheath, sheath and fight with it. Basic skills. She was quite skilled at this. Imagine her with her blonde hair back... She would be unstoppable.

I taught her some more, until we had all the basics covered. I felt pleased with myself. She had an interest in it!

Then, we tried to do a practice duel. It was friendly and gentle, of course. I mean, this was her first time, so whatever she did wrong, I will correct it.

"No, this is not how you hold it, look, first place your- are you right handed or left handed? Oh right, back to the point... place your right hand on the handle and other hand here..." I pointed out her mistake for the 10th time. She was having a hard time perfecting the proper way of handling the sword.

That was when it happened. My hand slipped, and landed on her wrist. I could feel my face turn red. Without thinking, I wrapped. Y hands around her and kissed her. Hard.

Her lips felt soft against mine. We held there for a few seconds, then I snapped back to reality, and ran away. I hid behind a wall, blushing profusely. I could almost see my ears red too.

Is this illegal?

Will she tell anybody?

What am I doing?

A thousand thoughts raced through my head. I felt exasperated. It was too much for me to handle. I just had to break my composure right there in public and kiss her, huh? Thank god there was no one around.

Ok so - I took inspiration from the cover because why not :D
(Also don't think that I hate Eugene no I do not)
In fact this is my first time writing such a story so I'm kind of flustered -

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