HTTYD 2: Hiccup x Reader

By SuperNinjaDragon7

45.5K 865 145

Five years after Berk made peace with the dragons, a new threat rises and puts things to the test. Putting al... More

Dragon Racing
Where No One Goes
Dragon Trappers
The News
The Past
The Mysterious Dragon Rider
The Dragon Sanctuary
Flying With Mother
For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Attack on the Nest
Stoick's Ship
New Plan
Challenging the Alpha
A New Chief

Taking Control

1.7K 45 7
By SuperNinjaDragon7

Third Person P.O.V.

"No!" Valka gasps, reaching out to her fallen friend. Hiccup flips his mask up as he shakily exhales. (Y/N) flips up her mask too and looks at the fallen Alpha with sadness. "No!" Astrid leans forward, she and Eret watching in disbelief.

Drago's Alpha pants heavily as he snorts. He raises his head and let's out a thunderous roar. The new Alpha. The dragons's eyes become silted and quickly fly to his side and swarm above their new leader. Some land and bow down to their new leader. "We have won." Drago smirks in victory. "Now," He raises his staff, "Finish Her!" He shouts, pointing at Valka. "No!" Stoick says, looking at his wife.

Valka struggles to stay on Cloudjumper as he fights for control, roaring as he staggers and shakes his head. Drago's Alpha roars, Cloudjumper takes the opportunity to dive down to try and avoid his order. The Bewilderbeast spews ice at him in retaliation, freezing his tail and causing him to struggle to stay in the air.

"Hold on!" Stoick bellows, grabbing his helmet and puts it on and grabs his axe, hurrying to Skullcrusher and hopping on him. "Skullcrusher, go! Come on, Gobber!" Stoick says, Skullcrusher obeying his rider and taking flight. "Right behind you, Stoick!" Gobber replies, reattaching his mace on his hand and follows him on foot.

Dragons attack Cloudjumper, who try to get to Valka. She cries out as she loses her footing, dropping her staff, and almost falls off Cloudjumper. They fly near Drago's Alpha who roars as Valka loses her grip and slips off Cloudjumper, screaming as she falls. Stoick leaps off Skullcrusher and grabs her. His back slams into a wall of ice and as he secures Valka safely in his arm, he uses his axe to slow the fall. They land on an edge and stagger a bit before Stoick regains his footing and pulls Valka back and hide behind a piece of ice as Drago's Alpha searches for them.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

I couldn't stand this anymore. This needs to end. I look and see Drago. It's now or never. "STOP!" I bellow out, diving Toothless down at Drago. "Stop!" Toothless lands and I hear something land next to us. I look to see Twilight and (Y/N) then look back at Drago. I switch my prosthetic to walk and get off Toothless, removing my mask and toss it aside to look at the man face-to-face.

He snickers as he shakes his head, "You two are the great dragon masters?" He muses. I hear Twilight hiss and Toothless growl but I put a hand up to calm them. I look and see (Y/N), she's removed her mask and looks at Drago with a calculating gaze but remains calm for the most part. I look back at Drago and walk a few steps closer to him. "You, the son of Stoick the Vast?" He jerks his staff at me as he sneers, "What shame he must feel." He says.

I hear (Y/N) scoff but I focus on Drago. "All this loss, and for what?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him. "To become unstoppable? To rule the world?" I demand of him. He simply nods and looks back at the dragons. "Why?" I hear (Y/N) ask him. "Dragons are beings with feelings. They are intelligent and compassionate and have emotions. Controlling them, just to have power, will do no one anything. It will only bring pain. To all." She tells him, her voice filled with reason. I nod in agreement with her, "They-They are kind, amazing creatures that can bring people together." I add.

Drago rolls his eyes as he plants his staff in the ground. "Or tear them apart." He replies roughly. He moves his cloak and removes his armored arm to reveal that his left arm is gone.  I gasp softly at the sight and look at (Y/N) as she has a look of sympathy, rubbing her scarred left arm. "It appears," I look back at Drago as he latches his arm back on. "That one has already tried with you." He looks at (Y/N). "More like burnt. And I don't wish to dwell on the past." She defends. Twilight growls but I look to see (Y/N) calming her.

"Hmph. Of course." Drago scoffs. "You see, I know what it is like to live in fear." He says, approaching us. I back away a step but stop and stand my ground as Drago walks around me. "To see my village burned, my family.... Taken." He shakes his head as he continues, "But even as a boy left with nothing, I vowed to rise above the fear of dragons...." He walks past me with a scoff and back to his staff, grabbing it and looks up at his Bewilderbeast. ".... And liberate the people of the world."

"Then why a dragon army?" I question him, confused by his logic. "Well, you need dragons to conquer dragons." He replies as if it was obvious. "Or you need dragons to conquer people." (Y/N) speaks up, anger in her voice. I then remember Dad's story, "To control those who follow you... And to get rid of those who won't." I glare at him. Drago chuckles darkly and looks back at the dragons flying above us. "Clever."

"I know what it's like to feel like your world is burned away." (Y/N) starts. I look at her with a worried look but she gives me a small nod then looks at Drago. "I lost my parents in a fire and I broke. I was a child and I could have blamed the dragons but I didn't. And I'm glad because I have seen what they are capable of. Empathy. Pain, war, loss, it's all the same. This," She points at the grey Bewilderbeast, "Will not solve anything. No one wants war, both people and dragons. Power is fleeting, Drago. And it won't fulfill anything." She tells him, her voice stern but full of sympathy. I give her a sympathetic look then look at Drago.

"The world wants peace." I tell him. I push (Y/N) back lightly as Drago approaches us. I hear Toothless and Twilight lowly rumble and see them bare their teeth at Drago. I glance at (Y/N) and she nods as we both walk next to our respective dragons and set their prosthetic tail-fins so that they could fly by themselves. "And we have the answer back on Berk." I continue, gently petting Toothless to stop him. I lend my hand to Drago, "Just let me show you-"

"No!" He snaps, his voice low and dangerous. "Let me show you!" He starts shouting and swings his staff around. He faces his Bewilderbeast and I back up into Toothless and look at the girls to find Twilight in a defensive stance with (Y/N) drawing her sword.

Third Person P.O.V.

Drago's Alpha rumbles lowly as he swiftly turns  and makes his way down to his master. "What in....?" Stoick mumbles, hearing shouting and looks down to find Drago and two figures. "Hiccup! (Y/N)!" He takes off running, Valka right behind him as they pass Gobber. "Come on, Gobber!" Stoick says. "Okay, change of plan!" Gobber pants heavily, but turns around and rushes after the two.

Drago's Alpha snarls at the two riders, Hiccup looks between him and Drago while (Y/N) tightens her grip on her sword looking at the Bewilderbeast. "No dragon can resist the Alpha's command." Drago growls with a smirk, "So, he who controls the Alpha..." He points his staff at the Alpha then points at Twilight and Toothless who hiss at him threateningly. "... Controls them all." Drago finishes. (Y/N)'s eyes widen and feels her stomach drop.

"No." She breathes out, lowering her sword. The Alpha stares them down as a low rumble comes from him as he orders the Night Furies. The Fury siblings shake their heads, closing their eyes as they whimper and try to stay in control. "Toothless, you okay, bud? What's going on?" Hiccup calls out to his friend worriedly. "Twilight? It's okay." (Y/N) drops her sword as she tries to comfort her friend.

"Witness true strength." Drago smirks at the two dragons as Hiccup and (Y/N) look at him. "The strength of will over others." The two Furies stop struggling as they open their eyes, their pupils thin and silted as they slowly rise and face their riders. "In the face of it.... You two are nothing." Drago finishes. Toothless and Twilight slowly approach them and the two start backing away. "What did he just tell you?" Hiccup asks shakily, but the Night Fury siblings did not respond. (Y/N) grabs Hiccup's arm and raises her free one to the Furies, "Come on, you are stronger." She pleads with them. But they didn't listen as they continue to slowly advance on them.

Stoick pants heavily as he runs to Hiccup and (Y/N), adrenaline powering him as he rushes to them. "Toothless, Twilight, come on!" Hiccup raises his free hand as he tries to get through to them but they start to get corned by them. "What's the matter with you two?" (Y/N) looks between them as they snarl, she can feel her heart beat faster. "Please! You need to fight this!" She pleads to them again. "Stop! Snap out of it!" Hiccup tries again to get through them, but the controlled Night Furies' visions were cloudy and their friends' voices were distorted.

Stoick hurls his axe through the air and strikes a rope leading it to lower a large beam as he races across it and leaps off with a grunt. "Toothless, no!" Hiccup cries out. (Y/N) lets go of Hiccup as she raises both her arms and gets in front of him. "Please! Stop!" She desperately cries out. "(Y/N), get back!" Hiccup pushes her behind him as they get backed up into a wall of ice. Drago looks at them with a smirk then turns away as he stalks off. "Hiccup! (Y/N)!" Stoick bellows, making the Alpha snarl as he commands the Night Furies to go faster. 

"Stop!" Hiccup shouts as he looks at the Alpha, Toothless and Twilight prepare a plasma blast. "Please." (Y/N) stands next to Hiccup and raises her hand in one last ditch effort to get them to stop. "SON!" Stoick screams, getting closer and closer to the two. "Dad!" Hiccup looks at Stoick with wide eyes and (Y/N) does the same. Hiccup raises his hand to stop Stoick while also trying to protect (Y/N). "Stop!"

Stoick didn't stop and pushes Hiccup and (Y/N), right as Twilight and Toothless fire. The blast echoed and Valka staggers back, her throat tightening as tears form in her eyes. She  gasps for air and rushes over to them. Drago looks back and sees Stoick laying lifeless before he hums lightly, smirking as he walks away.

(Y/N) was panting as she opens her eyes slowly. She slowly lifts herself up onto her hands and knees and looks to find Hiccup coughing and crouching next to her. She then looks over to find Toothless and Twilight breathing heavily then looks to where they fired. But she feels her heart stop for a second as she sees Stoick.  Hiccup lays a hand on her back but when she doesn't react and he sees her shocked expression, he looks at the two Furies then at his father. "N-no..." He breathes out, staggering to his feet as he rushes to Stoick.

(Y/N) snaps back to her senses as she sees Hiccup push some ice off Stoick. She takes a breath and gets onto her feet and rushes next to Hiccup, sliding onto her knees next to him. "DAD!" Hiccup cries out as he struggles to turn his father over. Valka breathes heavily as she arrives. She slides to her knees next to Hiccup and leans her ear onto Stoick's chest. She tries to hear a heartbeat, only to hear nothing. She shuts her eyes as she slowly sits up and looks at Hiccup. "No..." His voice came out as a whisper, his eyes filling with tears. (Y/N) remains strong and wraps her arms around Hiccup. Not shedding a single tear for she had to be strong for Hiccup right now.

The Alpha recoils in guilt for having to do that and shakes his head as he turns around with a low growl, releasing Toothless and Twilight form his command. The two pant heavily and shake their heads as their eyes return to normal. Their ears perk up as they hear crying. "No, no, no." Hiccup sobs as he lays his head and arms on Stoick. (Y/N) cradles him as he sobs his heart out. Valka's breath shudders as she rubs Hiccup's back gently.

The other riders land around Twilight and Toothless, Astrid gasps as she sees Stoick. The others look at each other with wide eyes, their hearts heavy. Gobber removes his helmet as he looks down at his friend, he and Valka sharing a look of heartbreak. Twilight rumbles softly as she approaches them, seeing Hiccup grieving. (Y/N) jumps a little at her presence but calms down as she sees that she's no longer under the Alpha's control. She goes back to comforting Hiccup, carding her fingers through his hair as he continues to sob.

Toothless tilts his head in confusion as he rumbles and approaches Stoick. He sniffs his hand and nuzzles his nose into it to try and comfort him. "No!" Hiccup shouts, shoving Toothless away. He hears a coo and finds Twilight next to (Y/N), looking at him in concern. "No!" He shouts again as he shoves Twilight away too. The two yelp as they back away. "Get away from them!" "Hiccup." (Y/N) grabs his hand to try and calm him but he shakes it off as he stands and glares sharply at the Fury siblings. "Go on! Get out of here!" He yells in pain and sadness.

The two lower themselves to show they meant no harm. "Get away!" Hiccup shouts one last time, wanting them to go away. Twilight looks at Stoick's body and Toothless does the same, both feeling guilt and whimper softly as they rush away. "It's not their fault. You know that." Valka speaks softly as Hiccup slumps to the ground with a sob. "They tried to fight it." (Y/N) adds quietly, laying her hands on his shoulders.

The Alpha roars, making the rest of the dragons fly to his side and join him. "Good dragons.... Under the control of bad people.... Do bad things." Valka says. Fishlegs gasps as he turns around to see Meatlug start flying off, ignoring his call. The other dragons do the same, ignoring their riders as they shout for them.

Drago faces his Alpha with a triumphant nod and smirk, but pauses when he hears two roars. Twilight flies more easily but Toothless was stiff as he tries to fly. Twilight roars out to her brother and tries to fight off the Alpha's control but succumbs to it. Toothless lands roughly and tries to fly off, but Drago walks over to him and uses his staff and pulls the him to the ground as Toothless cries out in pain. Drago climbs onto his back as Toothless lets out a whimper, making the group look over as Drago yells, "Come on! Gather the men and meet me at Berk!" He commands.

"Toothless!" Hiccup yells as he runs towards Toothless, but grunts and struggles against Valka as she holds him back. "No, don't!" Valka speaks softly, holding him back as she watches Toothless and Twilight. The Alpha lets  out a low roar as Drago's men prepare the ships, Hiccup watches with tearful eyes and shakes his head.

He feels someone next to him and looks at (Y/N) as tears stream down his face. (Y/N) looks at him with empathy as she brings him into an embrace. Hiccup cries softly into her shoulder, but (Y/N) remains strong as she comforts Hiccup. He was there for her when she lost her parents, now it was her turn. She and the rest of the group mourn for the lost of Stoick the Vast.

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