Lobotomy and monster girls

By Natemasta57

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Earth, it's a world that many people call home including the agents that work for lobotomy corporation, an or... More

Chapter 2: The convergence
Chapter 3: First contact
Chapter 4: Hearts and minds
Chapter 5: Fantasy world
Chapter 6: A trip to the forest
Fake Chapter

Chapter 1: The beginning

733 14 36
By Natemasta57

(A/n): Alright so one day I was bored and started thinking about what kind of crossover story would be a good idea, I don't remember how I got to this point but eventually, I came up with the idea of mixing lobotomy corporation...with monster girls.

So yeah, here it is...and here's to hoping this story doesn't get taken down in the first 10 chapters, assuming anyone reads this thing and I have the motivation to go that far.

Nathan's POV

Hello there, my name is Nathan Richardson, I'm 16 years old and enrolled in Greenwood high school, my hobbies consist of playing video games, reading, checking out the occasional anime...and staying alive.

Nathan: Shit! (I yelled as I dove onto the ground avoiding a car that flew right over me)

Yeah, you are probably wondering what's going on right now, aren't you? Well sit back and I'll give you a simple run down.

In this world, there are these things called abnormalities, bizarre monsters, and strange objects that if not managed properly can cause severe damage and a lot of deaths, and that's why lobotomy corporation exists, they're a company that is tasked with keeping these abnormalities under confinement so that they can't cause any harm or potentially be misused by someone.

Of course that's not all that lobotomy corporation does, you see lobotomy corporation discovered that it was possible to harvest energy from these abnormalities via some sort of special method (Don't ask me how because I don't know) and a little more than half of the world is powered by this extracted energy, so yeah containing these abnormalities is a really important job not just to protect the world but also to power all the things that people use in their daily lives.

Unfortunately, no defense is perfect and given how we're trying to contain entities many of which break the laws of physics or have some sort of otherworldly abilities they tend to break out several times, fortunate Lobotomy corporation's Agents are trained and equipped to suppress these abnormalities and prevent them from escaping.

There have been cases however where the abnormalities manage to break out of the actual facility and begin to wreak havoc on the outside world, fortunately, lobotomy corporation has a separate branch of agents that operate outside of the main facility and monitor the outside world so that should an abnormality escape there will be an agent on standby to suppress them.

So back to that part where I said I was trying to stay alive...thing is I'm actually a part of lobotomy corporations outside suppression branch even though I'm still a teenager, the reason why is a story that sadly I don't have time to retell at the moment.

Nathan: Motherfucker! (I yelled as I dodged another car that was thrown at me)

I picked myself up off the groin and dusted my cloak off before staring down the abnormality that I was fighting.

This was the abnormality Ppodae, a Teth rank abnormality that normally resembles a small puppy with white fur that 80% of people practically fall in love with when they see how cute it is...personally it creeps me the hell out.

And when it escapes it transforms from the cute lovable puppy that everyone thinks into this giant monstrosity, it still keeps its cute face but it just looks disturbing on the rest of its body, I mean seriously what dog has a six-pack?

Ppodae suddenly lunged at me and tried to strike me with its paws but I managed to jump out of the way and while its back was turned I clubbed it in the side of the head with my mace.

And yes I said Mace, you see the thing about abnormalities is that conventional weapons and firearms aren't really effective against them which is why all Lobotomy corporation agents are equipped with something called E.G.O gear, special weapons, and armor made with the exact same energy extracted from the abnormalities thus making them the only kind of equipment that's capable of either harming or protecting someone against an abnormality.

This right here is my E.G.O weapon, a mace which is part of a set called 'Red eyes' The mace's head resembles a cocoon of sorts with large red eyeballs on it that seem to stare at everything around them, this is a Teth rank E.G.O weapon so it's the same rank as the abnormality I'm fighting.

Speaking of which, Ppodae swung their paw at me but I held my mace out in front of me to try and block the hit, they pushed me back a bit but didn't cause me any real harm, I quickly lunged forward and smashed Ppodae in the face before bringing my mace back and swinging it into the side of their head with a loud crack as blood splattered onto my mace and the ground.

Ppodae stumbled back in a face for a bit but quickly recovered and swung their paws at me and this time I couldn't block them in time, Ppodae hit me square in the chest and pushed me right into a car with enough force to cause a major dent in it, normally if this happened to anyone else their back would be completely broken but thankfully this is why Agents also have armor made from Abnormalities energy.

This black cloak and suit that I'm wearing right now is a part of the same set of E.G.O gear as the weapon that I'm wielding, and you might have noticed the fact that both my E.G.O weapon and suit have a similar appearance with tiny red eyes all over them.

That's because when E.G.O gear is made it takes on a form and shape similar to the abnormality that it came from, but enough talking about lobotomy corporation and my E.G.O gear, time to take this thing down already so I can get to school.

I swung my mace at Ppodae and struck their face before leaning out of their way when they swung at me again, I then hit them right in their shoulder which knocked them off balance, I then jumped up while swinging my mace down and smashed their head into the ground.

I began to beat them repeatedly, bits of blood flew at me but I ignored it, I've gotten pretty used to the sight by now considering how many times I've fought with these abnormalities.

Ppodae staggered to their feet and slashed their paw against me, their claws weren't that long but they still managed to poke through and cut my skin.

I clutched my arm where the abnormality had cut me and though I was bleeding a bit however it wasn't anything life-threatening, I retaliated against Ppodae with a swift strike at its jaw, the abnormality swiftly backed up a bit and prepared to pounce, I brought my mace back as if it were a Bat like I was preparing to strike them.

Ppodae lunged at me and...I jumped backward just out of their reach so that they swung at air excepting to pin me down, and while I had a clear view of their head I swung my mace down with all my might, and a loud cracking noise was heard as my mace made contact with Ppodaes skull.

The abnormality face planted straight into the ground and cracked the asphalt of the street and they didn't get back up, you're probably thinking that they're dead, aren't you?

Well little fun fact about abnormalities, they can't die, the most that you can do is simply knock them out for a few hours as any injuries that you deal to them simply heal over time, it can be annoying but at least it means we don't have to worry about accidentally killing our worlds main source of energy.

As soon as I was certain Ppodae was suppressed I brought out my Codec which was a large futuristic watch-looking thing that Lobotomy corporation agents can use to communicate with each other, receive orders, etc.

I contacted Lobotomy Corporation and told them that Ppodae was suppressed and they could come and pick them up, I was informed to keep an eye on the abnormality to make sure they didn't get up and leave or someone else tried to come and take the abnormality and do god knows what with it.

After about ten minutes the large black van with the lobotomy corporation logo arrived and several clerks came out, after injecting a bunch of sedatives into Ppodae just to make sure they didn't wake up during the car ride back to Lobotomy they loaded them into the Van and drove off.

I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly unslung my backpack, I opened it up and brought out the metal case where I kept my E.G.O suit and weapon, after putting them away I was left I just my school uniform which thankfully because I was wearing my E.G.O suit over it wasn't stained or dirtied...except for a slight rip on one of the sleeves.

Nathan: Dammit Dad just bought me this thing, and why'd Ppodae have to break out so early in the morning? I'm gonna be late for school now because of it.

Yeah, even though I work possibly the most dangerous job in the world I still have to attend school, not exactly perfect but hey what can you do?

My life became pretty crazy after I joined Lobotomy Corporation, but you know what it's this same experience that's helped me mature as a person and gore more confident, hell I even managed to work up the courage to confess to my crush Sarah and we've been dating for several weeks now.

So yeah, I'm pretty happy with where I am in life and I wouldn't want anything else to change.

Nathan: I mean hey this world is already pretty crazy with all these bizarre abnormalities that run around, how could anything possibly get any crazier? (I asked as I began to make my way to school)

Meanwhile in another world

3rd persons POV

Separate from the world that we all know as Earth, is another world that the people know as Terra, a land of magic, Kingdoms, and monsters ...but not the kind that you'd first picture when you hear the name.

The monsters of this world take on many different forms and names, they live within many different regions from forests, deserts, and even the ocean, they are all female with many of them even resembling human women to some degree whereas others look more beastly or such which has caused many people to refer to them as monster girls rather than simply monsters, but then regardless of their appearance there is one thing that they all have in common, and that is lust.

For as long as anyone can remember monsters have always gone after humans specifically the males for one of several reasons, either to take them as a mate to show children with, or for food because for just about all monsters semen is essentially just another source of food for them like fruits or vegetables yet semen is their preference, or they might to after a male simply because their horny, whatever their reason the result is always the same when they get a hold of a male they will usually rape them mercilessly until they pass out or die from exhaustion.

And even if you do manage to survive, once they have you in their hands, claws, tentacles whatever they have they don't ever let you go...stories of husbands, boyfriends, or sons disappearing around areas infested with monsters never to be seen again is quite common.

But enough talk about monsters, let's talk about the humans that inhabit this world.

Currently, within the kingdom known as Andeventia, there was a gathering taking place among the nobility and members of the senate.

The room was giant and designed to be capable of hosting more than a hundred people even though there were nowhere near that many members who could possibly take up all the seats.

At the very center of the room were a man and a woman both sitting at a large wooden round table, the man was wearing a long red robe over a silk cyan shirt, and on their head was a crown made of pure gold with a large red gem in the middle of it, the man had a light skin tone and a well-trimmed beard, they're eyes were dark brown in color and had a sort of weariness in them like what you'd see from someone who hasn't slept well in the past month, his hair was a faded blonde and cut rather short yet was still allowed to grow out halfway down his neck.

This man is King Robert Friehart the Third, and the woman beside him was his wife Queen Alaina Friehart, Alaina was a rather petite woman with a thin frame yet was gifted with beautiful pale skin that almost resembled moonlight and long silver-white hair that flowed back like a river reflecting moonlight, her eyes were sharp blue eyes like the sky.

Aside from her natural beauty, she was also dressed in a long Snow White silk dress that became transparent halfway down her legs, the lower part of the dress was covered in designs resembling golden leaves, she also wore a necklace that had a gem resembling an Amethyst wrapped around her neck, the Queen also wore a crown that was similar in shape to the one the king wore except the gem inside of it also appeared to be another Amethyst.

Queen Alaina also had some rather gifted 'assets' such as large C-cup breasts that were being squeezed back by her dress which caused them to pop out a bit from the top but not by much, she also had a decent-sized ass that wasn't too large and quite firm, to put it bluntly, she wasn't just beautiful she was flat out sexy.

Of course, nobody would dare to say any of that out loud, less the king or someone else overheard, and well...let's just say the last person who talked about the Queen in a sexual matter won't ever be having kids of their own...ever.

(A/n): Wait didn't I technically just say all of that.....' Loads shotgun with religious intent' while I fear for my life let's continue the story.

Needless to say, Alaina was the envy of almost every woman in Andeventia, anyway aside from the king and Queen there were several other people sitting at the table with them such as the king's advisors and the archmage, the faint whispering among the nobles and senate members ceased once the king began to speak.

Robert: I have called this meeting today to address the growing issue of monster attacks.

The king then turned towards a knight who was standing away from the endless directly in front of the king who made a gesture for the knight to begin speaking.

Knight: Over the past 2 months monsters have become far more active and violent and have been attacking several small villages and towns near our borders, monster attacks on towns have always been an occurrence, especially from orcs and hellhounds, yet they've never happened this frequently before and it seems to only be getting worse,

Knight: As of right now several towns in the edge of our borders have fallen to monster attacks, and it appears that soon they will begin to make their way closer and closer towards the capital until finally, they attempt to take it.

Robert: (Grumble)....What to do.

Suddenly one of the nobles in the gallery began to speak up.

Noble 1: We must take action against the demon lands, we can't allow these attacks to go unpunished.

Noble 2: And what's your suggestion then? We charge in blindly to the demon lands with what remains of our troops.

Noble 3: we barely have enough soldiers to protect our remaining territory as it is and most of them are conscripts, trying to attack the demon lands will only leave us completely vulnerable, we need to focus on defending our remaining territories and take back the land we've lost.

Noble 2: And how well has that worked for us so far!? we've already made attempts at taking back-

Robert: Enough! (The king shouted silencing all of the nobles who were arguing)

Knight: Your orders sire? How should we address this issue?

The king scratched his chin with his eyes closed trying to think of a solution, there was no sugarcoating it, things were bad.

They'd already lost most of their military in attempting to take back the towns they had lost, the monsters that had taken the towns were clearly not willing to give up the land they had taken, not to mention several of the villages that were lost happened to include farms that were responsible for providing much of the food that the kingdom relied on so that was another issue to deal with.

But just when it seemed like nothing could be done to turn the tide, one person spoke up.

???: Ahem, if I may make a suggestion.

Everyone turned toward the source of the voice, a woman who was sitting at the same table as the king and Queen right between two advisors.

The woman looked to be quite young, somewhere in their mid to late 20s, she had a light skin tone and jet black hair, she wore an elegant dark blue dress and a necklace with a pale gem in the middle of it, in her hands was a large staff with a large crystal at the end of it that glowed with a faint blue light.

This woman was the archmage of Andeventia, Emira Rainsford.

Robert: You have a solution to this problem Emira?

Emira: I have been doing some study in some ancient texts searching for a way to help us turn the tide in this conflict and I believe I've found an answer, though I cannot guarantee that it will actually work.

Noble 1: If it might not work then why are we wasting time discussing it?

Robert: Well seeing as how nobody else has been able to come up with any other course of action I don't see why we shouting at least hear out what the solution is, go ahead Emira.

Emira: Thank you sire, as I was saying I've been doing much research and I've found a spell that is capable of creating a doorway between our own world and another's, I believe that we may be able to make contact with the people of another world and convince them to help us in our time of need.

This suggestion caused an uproar within the crowd.

Noble 1: Such a thing can't possibly exist!

Noble 4: Yeah Gateways to other worlds!? Do you even hear yourself!?

Noble 2: And suppose it is possible, what happens if they aren't willing to help us? Can we truly fight two separate wars?

Noble 4: I second that, what if we open this 'Gateway' and whatever's on the other side ends up joining forces with the monsters? We'd be in an even worse position.

Noble 5: And I suppose any of you've got a better idea?

Noble 6: But still, if we were to open a doorway to another world why would they help a kingdom that's slowly losing a war, what if all we succeed in doing is adding more fuel to the fire.

Emira: Should the worse come to pass we can simply close the door, but if the monsters continue to take over our kingdom and deplete our numbers then that's the end of us and our way of life.

The king carefully considered this plan, the risks were quite high though given their present situation they weren't exactly in a position to try and bargain a better hand than what fate has dealt them.

Not to mention none of the other kingdoms were willing to step in and help them despite the risk the monsters posed of going after them next, as it stood they have no allies and no other hope of pushing back the monsters.

So after carefully considering their options the king spoke up.

Robert: Emira, make the necessary preparations to perform this spell, you may have access to anything you require to ensure the spell is a success.

Emira: Of course my liege.

After that, everyone was dismissed and although some nobles were still apprehensive about opening a doorway to some other world they kept it to themselves, as the King and Queen walked away they began to talk with one another.

Alaina: Do you really think this is the right choice, will the people of this other world if it even exists truly be willing to help us in our time of need?

Robert: For our kingdom's sake...I hope so, because as it stands we have no other Allie's who can come to our aid, this may very well be our only choice.

Alaina: There's a good chance that even if the people of this other world...assuming it exists won't be willing to help us without some form of reward.

Robert: I am certain we have some sort of treasure or resource that we can offer to them, and if that isn't enough then perhaps a political marriage could work in our favor, all of our children are still unwed after all.

Alaina: Well we'll know what to do when the time comes, In the meantime we should begin preparing for our new guest's arrival.

Meanwhile in lobotomy corporation several hours later

Currently, within one of Lobotomy corporations offices we see a woman sitting behind a desk, they had light blue hair and wore a clean white lab coat.

This woman is known as Angela, the director of Lobotomy corporation who is in charge of just about everything that goes on in Lobotomy corporation, every major decision that affects the corporation is ultimately decided by her though she does collaborate with the other Sephira in many of these circumstances.

Currently, she was busy going over some reports on a computer when a knock on her door caught her attention.

Angela: Come in.

As soon as she said that the door was opened and two scientists stepped into the room, one of them was holding a tablet with what appeared to be collected data of some kind.

Scientist: Greetings Ms. Angela, we're here to bring an important matter to your attention.

Angela: If it's related to that issue involving a piece of melting love that hid in the Disciplinary department's bathroom then that's already been dealt with-

Scientist 2: No Ms Angela this concerns a different matter.

The two scientists approached Angela's desk before flipping the tablet around so that she could see the contents on it.

Scientist: For the past few hours we've been detecting some strange energy signature near the middle of the town square, we're not sure what it is but it doesn't match any known energy signatures including the ones from the abnormalities we have in containment.

Angela looked at the data that was shown on the tablet very carefully, after a few minutes she looked up at the two scientists.

Angela: Contact every agent within the vicinity and tell them to monitor the area in case anything happens, chances are we may have an abnormality we've never seen before about to make an appearance.

Scientist: Of course Ms Angela, we'll have the message sent out as soon as possible.

As the two scientists left the office Angela began to think to herself about the situation that she has just been handled to deal with.

Angela: (A new abnormality, that hasn't happened in a while but if it's one we can extract energy from them it'll help us with the growing concern of not being able to meet the energy demands of the growing population)

Whatever the case may be, they'll need to be ready because given the nature of abnormalities literally anything could happen with this new instance.

Nathan's POV

As I walked out from Greenwood high school I stretched my arms and felt my back pop a bit.

Nathan: Damn, I hate sitting in a classroom for hours, almost makes me wish an abnormality would break out so I have an excuse to leave for a bit.

I turned around and saw my Girlfriend Sarah Willingson approaching me.

Sarah: But then you'd have to fight whatever abnormality breaks out, and I don't want you to get hurt.

Nathan: I know my limits, Sarah, you know I'm careful with my work especially when it comes to dealing with the higher-ranked abnormalities.

Sarah: Says the guy who fought Nothing there with Zayin ranked gear.

Nathan: Hey I was still new to the job, and besides it was to keep you and everyone else safe.

Sarah: I know.

And then she walked up to me and pulled me closer before kissing me, we stood there for a few moments before pulling away for breath.

Sarah: And that's just one of the things I like about you, how your so brave and willing to protect everyone.

Nathan: Really? And what are the other things?

Sarah then moved right up to my face and placed one of her fingers on my chin, I began to blush as she trailed her finger down my chin towards my chest and then 'lower' before saying.

Sarah: I especially like how big you are.

Nathan: S- Sarah, we're in public.

Sarah: Then let's go somewhere more private, say your house?

Before I could respond I heard a beeping noise coming from my Codec, Sarah backed up from me so that I could move my arm to take a look at what was going on, at first I though that another abnormality had broken loose but what I saw was a message from Angela that said the following.

Attention Agents, we have reason to believe that a potentially disastrous event is going to take place soon within Greenwoods town plaza, this is a general order that all agents within the vicinity drop what you are currently doing and head to this location and monitor it, contact me the moment something happens.

Nathan: Well damn.

Sarah: What is it?

Nathan: Apparently Angela thinks that something big is gonna happen at the town plaza so she wants every agent within the vicinity to head there and keep an eye on things...which includes me, sorry Sarah but duty calls, looks like we won't get to 'head back to my place' (I said with a tone that emphasised my disappointment)

The look of disappointment was evident on her face but she quickly changed her expression and said.

Sarah: Ok, well I'll see you tomorrow.

Nathan: Sure, take care, Sarah.

And then we both went our separate ways, Sarah began to walk back to her home while I began to make my way towards the town plaza, and as I did one single thought kept running through my mind.

Nathan: (Just what the hell is going to happen down there anyway?

(A/n): Alright so...just by looking at the cover of this book you can tell what this crossover is gonna be, while the majority of it is going to be from monster girl encyclopedia there are going to be some characters from other series that I'm not going to name right now.

But yeah this was an idea that I've had jumping around in my head for a while but college (As well as writer's block) prevented me from being able to just sit down and work on it but now that the first chapter is done I'm gonna wait and see whether or not this story gets any real attention.

Anyway, I hope you all have a good day and as a certain anime character would say.

Hasta la vista

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