A Flash of Silver

Par X3lNaga

3.5K 144 150

A man died and was reincarnated as Summer's twin... Hm, too bad for him -*cough* her, things doesn't go too w... Plus

Prologue - The Boy Who Died
(I) 1 - Broken Memories
(I) 2 - Unspoken Truth
(I) 4 - Lost Identity II
(I) 5 - Season of Change
(I) 6 - Missing Reason
(EX) 1 - Lyin (See You In-
(I) 7 - Standing Here
(I) 8 - Hold Your Blade
(I) 9 - Burned out in the Flame
(I) 10 - A Child's Eulogy
Hiatus Announcement
(I) 11 - Semblance of Normalcy

(I) 3 - Lost Identity

302 13 14
Par X3lNaga

A/N: Heya! Yeah, this is not discontinued, shocked? Probably, probably not, but anyways, like I said in the announcement, chapters will most likely have a lot of time on between each post now that school is underway

And I didn't mentioned this in the announcement because there's a chance this was changed (which it did, in a way), there was a rule thatphones are not allowed in school, well it now changed to phones should only be used in emergencies, essentially, you cannot use your phone unless you really need it... So yeah... Basically the same thing in my eyes

Also, one last thing, I added something in Chapter 1 since I forgot to do that before, it's just 'Arc 1 start' and the name of the arc, I will do that everytime a new arc starts or finishes


AFoS - Chapter 3
Lost Identity

February 18, 47 - Rose's Household

Arcene slowly opens her eyes as she slowly awakens

"Mmmhhmm..." Arcene groans, not really in the best mood right now

And then she realizes that someone -Summer, she remembers- is currently hugging from her back, but she was still too sleepy to try and pry the hand off of her, and besides, she actually kinda likes it for some reason

She decided to just lay in the bed as long as she felt like it, just as what she does almost everyday in her past life and a more of than not in her current life too, and besides, she could see from the window that the sun is not up yet, though there's already signs of it coming up

After an unknown amount of time has passed, she started to feel Summer stirring around slightly, though she still hasn't woken up just yet

After some unknown amount of time passes again, Summer finally woke up, she stretches her hand and stits up on the bed

"Huh?" Arcene heard Summer say as she looked around the room, probably seeing that she's on the wrong side of the room and not on her usual side before saying "Oh..."

"You're finally awake." Arcene said to the still slightly sleepy Summer who jumped at suddenly hearing her voice that seemingly came out of nowhere

"Ah!" Summer said while jumping back to the edge of the bed and would've also fallen off if not for the fact that Arcene quickly took a hold on her shirt

After that messy awakening, Summer said knowing full well that she would've done the exact same thing if the roles were reversed "Don't scare me like that..."

Arcene said nothing in return as she was amused by Summer's reaction, though she tried her best to not show it in her face, which was proving to be a bit difficult

Summer caught on to that apparently as she adopted a pouted look on her face while her eyes practically screams "I will get back at you."

Eventually, Arcene decided to just get out the room and Summer followed her

Arcene glances at Summer before entering the bathroom to wash her face, she was wary of her, knowing that Summer will take the chance to strike back when she least expects it, so she did not let her guard down for even a second

As she started pouring water to her face, she suddenly remembered something 'Didn't I wish for a power that allows me to know everything that happens around me? What happened to that? Was that just a scam...?'

But she doesn't want to jump to conclusions too fast before testing all the realistic possibilities (that she could do), and the first thing she thought of is probably the most easiest... And also probably the most cliché too...

'Alright...' Arcene thought to herself while she was brushing her teeth, she started imagining how her power would work and viola! to her surprise (and also at the same time, not), it actually worked and she started to feel all of her surroundings, such as Summer having a dipper (tabo, or something) full of water just above her head

But before Arcene could even react to this new revelation, she felt water pouring on to her head



Garnet was doing maintenance of something that looks like a large sword with a single sided blade -his weapon with another weapon on his side when he heard Arianell say from the kitchen "The kids are awake."

Knowing what that implies, he started packing up his and the other weapon and stood up, and then he walked up to a door and opened its locked

The door opens, revealing the room inside which has multiple tools hanged up, a few chairs on the side and a large table as Garnet walked up to said table

Garnet just puts his and the other weapon on top of the table and then left the room and locked it once again, continuing

But just as he he walks into the living room, he hears a short scream that came from Summer who was still upstairs apparently

But before Garnet could rush upstairs, he heard Arianell say "They're okay, it seems like Arcy scared Sum."

Garnet upon hearing this, was relieved, but he can't help but still be a bit worried for his two daughters, but he trusts Arianell's sensing abilities, so he calms himself

"Alright." Garnet said, more calm but decided to still check up on them

But as Garnet just reached the second floor of their house, he heard another short scream, and this time, it was from Arcene and it came from the bathroom and said scream was relatively less loud than Summer's, though for Arcene, that could be considered a scream as she is relatively quiet and reserved most of the time

Garnet opened the door the bathroom and saw a grinning Summer and a soaking wet Arcene

Arcene briefly glances at Garnet, probably wondering why he's here before looking back at Summer. Through Garnet can't her expression, he's quite sure she's annoyed and probably glaring at Summer intensely

"Are you all alright? Discounting the obvious..." Garnet asked worriedly

"Yeah... More or less..." Arcene answered while turning her head to him, Garnet now could see that she was annoyed, but is trying to lessen it by subtly sighing through her nose

Most normal people wouldn't have noticed it Garnet could give her that, but Huntsman is anything but normal, especially a seasoned one like him

"Yeah! I'm alright here!" Summer answered full of energy and with a grin on her face, Arcene's eyebrow slightly twitches upon hearing Summer's energy

"Alright, we're gonna eat soon, also, we have something to talk about." Garnet said

Upon hearing the last line he said, Arcene's eyes looks intense and her body stiffening ever so slightly while Summer looked more confused, though she did realized that whatever they're going to talk about is a serious matter, she doesn't really thinks that it's too serious

"Don't you two do anything that gets either of you hurt, okay?" Garnet asked the twins who both nodded in response

Garnet then closed the door to the bathroom, leaving his twin daughters to whatever they were doing before he arrived, he does hopes that nothing too bad happens to them

Garnet then goes back downstairs in which he sees Arianell still cooking

"How are they?" Arianell asked, deciding that she might as well ask since Garnet took the effort to check up on them

"Fine, though Arcy was soaking wet, probably because of Sum." Garnet answered in which Arianell nodded, it's not uncommon for either Summer or Arcene to get back at the other when one of them did something to other

Though, Arcene is usually the one that starts it, for someone usually quiet and reserved, she sure is quite a trickster and pranker, and worst (or the opposite, based on which side are you) of all, she does it so subtly and masterfully that Summer only thinks of most of it as accidents

Garnet doesn't really know what to exactly feel about it, he's proud, sure, but he's also a bit confused, like where the heck did she inherited that from? Neither him nor Arianell was that type of person after all, and Summer also started doing the same, though very much less subtly than Arcene, but she's probably doing that because she's copying Arcene from

Maybe this is just another quirk of hers, this wouldn't be the weirdest one that's for sure, in fact, this is actually relatively normal compared to the other quirks she has

Garnet then hears a footstep coming down the stairs, he looks to see both Arcene and Summer, Arcene was still a bit damp but looks mostly dry, she also looks much more stiffer than normal

Summer on the other hand, was grinning widely, most likely still happy for her recent payback at Arcene, which is quite rare actually, Summer is not really that subtle and add that to the fact that Arcene is more perceptive than normal is a recipe for failure

Garnet then urged them to come over at the table as Arianell is close at finishing the food she's cooking

Arcene apparently interpreted it as an urge to help out at preparing the table as she started taking out the plates

Garnet blinks at this before standing up and helped Arcene preparing the table for everyone so that she wouldn't be burdened much

"Huh?" Summer looked at Garnet and Arcene, and then at Arianell before she too also started helping out preparing the table

With all of them working, everything was finished faster than normal, and thankfully, no accidents happened during that time

All them then took a seat at the table and started eating

*Short Timeskip*

After all of them finished eating, the dishes was put into the sink

Summer was about to walk off but did not managed to go far as she was pulled back by Arcene

"Wah!? Arcy!?" Summer asked in shock as she pulled back a little roughly

Arcene just looked at her blankly, not saying anything in return, which was surprisingly (or not) usual for her to do, most of the time, the lack of response from her means 'figure it out yourself.'

Summer looked confused and annoyed for a moment before she remembered something "Ah..."

Summer then gone back to the table with sheepish grin on her face

Garnet and Arianell both saw the whole exchange and was slightly amused

After a moment, Arcene and Summer both looked at Garnet and Arianell expectedly

"Alright, so... Do either of you want to train to fight?" Garnet asked bluntly, Arianell just looks at him weirdly, even Arcene seems to cringe at what he said but the message was still conveyed

'Yeah... Maybe I could've worded that better... Or better yet, start the conversation that would eventually lead up to that... I guess I should've let Aria do the talking first like normal.' Garnet thought to himself as he also mentally cringed

"Huh?" Summer said before having a realization "Wait... Are we going to train to be a Huntress!?"

"Well... Yes and no..." Garnet said to both Arcene and Summer, but the former seems to be deep in thought after she heard what he said while the latter is confused

"You could use what you learn if you want to be a Huntress, but this is more as a means to defend yourself." Arianell said as she takes over, finally having enough of Garnet's attempts to explain

"Oh..." Summer said as she realizes it

Arianell doesn't really want either of her daughters to become Huntresses, or be involved anything related to danger for that matter, but if that's what either of them wants then she'll support them all the way through, and then there's also the matter of her but that's an entirely different can of worms that she doesn't want to open just yet, or even at all

"Remember Hai?" Arianell asked the twins

"Yes!" Summer answered while Arcene nodded and hummed in acknowledgement

"He will be your teacher for now." Arianell said and the twins both looked a bit confused in response to that

"You're not the ones who's gonna teach us?" Now it was Arcene who asked both of their confusion

"Well... No..." Arianell answered after a moment of thought

"Why?" Arcene asked once again, pushing the matter

"You see, we aren't really the best when it comes to teaching and Hai is not only a master in Martial Arts, but also a teacher himself." Garnet was the one who answered

"We aren't gonna use weapons?" Now both Arcene and Summer asked at the same time, the latter sounding a bit disappointed

Arcene blinked, probably out of surprise before putting her attention at both Garnet and Arianell once again

"No, for now no." Garnet answered with no explanations whatsoever, and then Arcene just started thinking deeply again

After a while,Summer was about to ask 'Why?' but she didn't even managed to finish the first syllable of it before she was cut off by Arcene "W-"

"When are we going to start?" Arcene asked

While both Garnet and Arianell noticed that Arcene just unknowingly cut off her own sister, they (or just one of them) decided to answer Arcene's question after a while as Summer continued whatever her question is

"Next week, every Sunday." Garnet answered

You know, maybe he should be more softer in his words since he's talking to a child after all, but he doesn't, it's Arcene after all, "normal" isn't one of the hundreds of things that could define her, and Garnet decided long ago that treating her as a normal kid would just start to annoy her, the signs were already there before after all

And apparently, that was more than enough for Garnet's skill at talking to children to start to deteriorate, badly

Arcene looked confused at this but did not say anything further

"Alright, that about sums everything up." Garnet said while standing up and everyone else follows suit

After that, everything went on in the day just as normal... Or well, as normal as they could be



Arcene was irritated, though not enough for her to be unable to mitigate it like every other times she was annoyed... Which was at least once every day

Arcene is currently walking down the stairs, footsteps as light as a feather while Summer is with her, making a lot of noises on the way

She saw Garnet in the kitchen, the kitchen, living and dining rooms aren't really separated, which is something she is quite familiar with even in her past life. They moved a total of 5 times and all of those that she could still remember have at least two of said rooms all just in one space... Wait no, now that she thinks about it, there was only ever one of the houses they moved in where one of the said rooms was ever separated

Arcene then saw Garnet urging both Summer and her to come to there

While Arcene is sure that he meant that gesture as simply go there and sit as Arianell is about to finish, it doesn't sit well to her

You could say that she was basically conditioned to just automatically help with the chores being the eldest among her (fromer) brothers, actually wait, I guess you could say that was conditioned

Though, it isn't something like an urge... More like... She subconsciously knows that if she doesn't do this automatically, there'll be consequences

Thankfully, that was in her past life and her current parents aren't really abusive in any of the three ways (i.e. Physically, Emotionally or Mentally)

Arcene is confident to say... or think that she definitely likes and prefers her current parents in her current life than her past life parents, definitely saves her the trouble of the annoyance that she calls stepfather

Frankly, he's so much of an annoyance that she thought of killing him while he's asleep so many times that she couldn't even count it, not like she counts it anyways especially with her poor memory

Actually wait, scratch that, killing him isn't on the top of the list, killing him as slowly and painfully as possible or what most people call 'torture' is, but that's beside the point

Arcene was too immerse in her thoughts that she only half the mind to realize that everything is already done and food had just been prepared

*Short Timeskip*

Just as Arcene was about to take her plate to the sink, she was beaten to it by Garnet as he has taken every single thing that isn't being used

'I still need to familiarize myself with English, while I'm quite sure that I am good at writing it, I don't really use it in real time since I'm more well-versed with Filipino, well considering that's my... What's the word for that? Mother language? Mother tongue? You get the point.' Arcene thought to herself

Now she has started thinking of her actions before, and you might be wondering 'Why the heck is Arcene's thought process so chaotic, jumping in the middle of one topic to another?', well, it's her mind, ask her, not me

'Wait a sec... How the heck did my past experiences in my past life got passed on to my current life?' Arcene asked herself in her mind as she remembers multiple things that she had done on impulse, like when Summer hugged her and she froze, she remembers that Summer hugs her hundreds of times before she had recovered her memories and she didn't flinched from it before

'Could it be something related to the soul? I mean, I don't know how the soul works, but if I were to assume my consciousness is in my soul, then multiple things related to li-' Arcene has a lot of things in her mind to say the least, but she was interrupted when she feels and then sees Summer standing up

Arcene then remembers something 'Ah right, something to talk about.'

She then took a hold of Summer's clothes and she pulled her back, though she "accidentally" put too much force in it in which Summer definitely noticed but did not give any outward reaction

'Ah... She's growing up so fast, I'm so proud.' Arcene thought to herself in amusement and with blank face

"Wah!? Arcy!?" Summer asked in shock

Arcene did not respond to her question and merely gave her a blank face, 'Figure it out yourself, idiot... I swear, her memory is much worse than mine...'

Arcene saw Summer think for a moment before realization hit her "Ah..."

Summer then sat back up with a sheepish grin in her face

Arcene then looked at both at her parents' eyes in which she regretted immediately 'Why must I torture myself this way...?'

"Alright, so... Do either of you want to train to fight?" Garnet asked bluntly, Arcene made sure that her ears were working because 'He did not just ask that to two 5 year old kids...'

While Arcene have read cringer things from Wattpad and other sites, this and that are two different things because of one thing: 'This is real life'

Arcene cringed as she gets hit hard by the effects by second-hand embarrassment

"Huh?" Summer in all her obliviousness said before having a realization "Wait... Are we going to train to be a Huntress!?"

"Well... Yes and no..." Garnet answered

'Basically "Well yes, but actually, no.", yehey, more memes.' Arcene thought to herself half-seriously 'And also, Come. On. Don't go and talk in a vague way like that to literal children, if it weren't for the fact that I just recovered my memories even I would take some time to discern what you just said...'

"You could use what you learn if you want to be a Huntress, but this is more as a means to defend yourself." Arianell said as she takes over

'Thank you Mom... Save us from Dad's lack of communication skills...' Arcene thought to herself as she mentally cheer on her mother

Arcene also heard some noise that came from Summer but she isn't really paying attention to her so even when she heard it, she didn't really understood it

"Remember Hai?" Arianell asked

"Yes!" Summer answered while Arcene nodded and hummed in acknowledgement

'Even with my poor memory, it would be hard not to remember the person who just took care of Summer and in addition, me for practically a whole day which was just yesterday.' Arcene thought to herself

"He will be your teacher for now." Arianell said and Arcene was confused at that

'Wait, what...?' Arcene thought to herself as she did not expected that

"You're not the ones who's gonna teach us?" Arcene asked with confusion

"Well... No..." Arianell answered after a moment of thought

"Why?" Arcene asked once again, pushing the matter

"You see, we aren't really the best when it comes to teaching and Hai is not only a master in Martial Arts, but also a teacher himself." Garnet was the one who answered

'I didn't ask you but okay... I guess that makes sense.' Arcene thought to herself as she shrugs off Garnet's intrusion, she just mentally nods as she sees the reasoning behind it

Arcene saw Hai's display of his Martial Arts and seeing someone that looks like it came right out of an anime is definitely... Well... She doesn't really know a word for this... Eh

Though all of this does beg one question

"We aren't gonna use weapons?" Arcene and surprisingly (or maybe not considering this is Ruby's [Future?] Mother) Summer asked at the same time as her

Arcene blinks at this, while this is definitely a bit weird, this isn't really something outrageous as there are times in her past life that she and her younger brother has done the same thing multiple times before too much to the surprise and amusement (and a few times, annoyance) of both of them

"No, for now no." Garnet answered with no explanations whatsoever

'Come on... Could you get more vague? Just stop talking already...' Arcene thought to herself as she mentally cringes at Garnet

'Though... This might be beneficial for me, I definitely do not want the off-chance of me being targeted by Salem just because I have Silver Eyes, I'm not dumb, I've watched The Grimm Hunter's fight against Tock and her crew and dialogues in it does not paint a good picture, and not mention, I've also read somewhere in the wiki that Maria thought that Silver Eyes were rare because somebody is actively hunting them down

Someone with half a brain could figure that out.' Arcene thought to herself 'Though I still will not stray from my plan to not to become a Huntsman and not be involve in the plot as much as possible anytime soon, avoiding the plot entirely is an impossible task but I will make my interference as little as possible, don't want any accidental butterfly effects to happen and things started going south because of me after all

Though, that does beg the question of schedule, might as well ask it to them.' Arcene thought to herself as she mentally gathers courage

"When are we going to start?" Arcene asked

Weirdly, it took a few moments before either one of them answers

"Next week, every Sunday." Garnet answered

'Huh, while I am not complaining, why only once a week? Is it because we're still kids...?' Arcene thought to herself as she realizes that

'Ah right, I forgot I'm still a five year old kid body-wise... Though now that I think about it, why would they train 5 year old kids? Different cultures? Probably, this is a world where humanity is just clinging on to life, training your children at least something to defend themselves when they're young is something that would definitely develop as a culture or tradition here.' Arcene thought to herself

'And if that is the case, I probably wouldn't attract any too many attention, though a problem is that this is merely an assumption and even if this is true, there's a chance that the tradition might have fallen out of fashion since Kingdoms serving as a protection to normal citizens now exists

I should be careful, attention is not something I need right now and would most likely bite me back in the ass if I gained too much attention, I already have too much attention that I am comfortable with because I was bumped up a grade... in... school...' Arcene's thoughts trailed off as she realizes one thing that she has forgotten

'... ... ... ... ... Damn you Xelnaga! you did this intentionally did you!?'


Fun Fact: You know how Arcene sometimes go on and monologue abot different things like her past life's family? That isn't just some way to reveal some background info about Arcene, I actually do that a lot of times myself, and not only that, but also simulating how interactions go based on what I know about those interacting

A/N: Things have been a bit busy here, also, to correct some information on the announcement, class starts at 7:30 but that makes little difference as I still go there at 6:30

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, good day/night to you

Date of Publish: August 29, 2022 (GMT+8)

Date of Edit: October 28, 2022 (GMT+8)

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