Life In Smallville & Metropol...

By HeavensTree01

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Three weeks later, Liana is back in Metropolis but has no memory of where she was from. Liana finds out that... More

Character Description
Chapter 1: Savior
Chapter 2: Metallo
Chapter 3: Rabid
Chapter 4: Echo
Chapter 5: Roulette
Chapter 6: Crossfire
Chapter 7: Kandor
Chapter 8: Idol
Chapter 9: Pandora
Chapter 10: Disciple
Chapter 11: Absolute Justice, Society, and Legends
Chapter 12: Warrior
Chapter 13: Persuasion
Chapter 14: Conspiracy
Chapter 16: Checkmate
Chapter 17: Upgrade
Chapter 18: Charade
Chapter 19: Sacrifice
Chapter 20: Hostage
Chapter 21: Salvation

Chapter 15: Escape

68 2 0
By HeavensTree01

Liana's at the Daily Planet just finishing up some work before she goes on her romantic getaway with Clark. Clark walks in and Liana says, "Ah, perfect timing. Articles are in, phone calls have been returned and I am officially ready for our magical mystery weekend." Clark smiles and says, "That's great, so let's escape before Randall sends you on an assignment. Where's your bag?" Liana gets up from her desk and pulls out her duffle and says, "Right here." Clark grabs her bag, and she says, "So where are we going?" Clark says, "It's kind of Scottish. Some place called the McDougal Inn." Later, they arrive at the Inn and Liana says, "I know it's called a bed and breakfast, but missing dinner is a definite bust, I'm starving. And I already ate the granola bars that I packed for the road." Clark puts the bags on the ground and says, "Liana, we wouldn't have been late if we hadn't driven 40 miles out of our way to see the world's largest ball of yarn." Liana smiles at Clark and she says, "You'll thank me later." Clark taps the bell, and a woman comes down the stairs and says, "Yes, can I help you?" Liana smiles and says, "Hey." Clark says, "Sorry about that. Uh, we're late. The reservation's under Kent." The woman, whose name is Maggie says, "Oh, I apologize, but thanks to the storm the room you reserved sprang a leak. I tried to call, but the line wouldn't connect. Cell reception is horrible around here." Clark says, "Well, that's f-fine. We'll, um, take any room that you have available." Maggie says, "Uh, there... isn't one. Before I realized the pipe had burst, I gave the last room away." Clark says, "Uh, what-what room is it, exactly? Maybe I can fix the pipe." Maggie says, "Um, if you'd like to try it's the last room on the left." Clark then leaves and Liana grabs the bags and as she does, she accidently rips a painting and she says, "Oops." Liana looks at Maggie and she says, "Sorry." The woman says, "If you ask me, Great-Great-Great Uncle Bevan had it coming." Liana says, "So, what did he do to deserve getting his face scratched off?" Maggie says, "Um, usurped his sister Siobhan's birthright took her crown and castle, and then killed her." Liana says, "Well, for a country that prides itself on men wearing skirts you'd think they'd be a little more progressive than that." Maggie says, "According to legend, Siobhan felt so robbed of her life on earth, she wanted to return from the underworld and live again. She was granted her wish... at a price. Since she was betrayed by a man, she was cursed to kill men... any that crossed her path." Liana says, "Oh, murder, misogyny, and mayhem. I can see why you left that out of the brochure." Maggie says, "How about a cup of tea while you wait for your boyfriend?" Liana softly says, "I'd like that." The woman nods and goes to get Liana a cup of tea. Liana looks back at the painting and shakes her head at what he did to his sister. Maggie comes back and brings Liana a cup of tea and she sips the tea. Later, Liana goes to check on Clark and walks to the room where Clark is, and she sees the room looking nice. Liana says, "Wow. This place looks... amazing." Clark says, "Turns out the leak wasn't as bad as she said it was. I fixed the pipe." Liana smiles and says, "With tools or heat vision?" Clark smiles and looks down and Liana has her answer.

Later, Liana's getting ready for bed, and she walks out of the changing room, and she softly says, "Too much?" Clark gulps and says, "You're perfect." Liana gently bites her lip and walks over to stand in front of Clark. Liana grabs Clark's hand and brings it to her hip. Liana looks at Clark and says, "I know it's been a while since we you know... but if you're not ready. I'll understand." Clark softly smiles and leans down to kiss Liana. Liana kisses back and Clark lifts Liana in his arms and lays her on the bed without crushing her. Liana weaves her hands through Clark's hair. Clark slides his hand up Liana's dress and feels the lace of her underwear and as he's about to pull it down, the couple hear a scary shriek and they pull away from each other. Liana says, "What the hell was that?" The couple get out of bed and Liana puts her cardigan on and ties and walks outside the room to see the other couples are outside as well. Maggie says, "It's nothing to worry about, everyone." Clark says, "What could have made that noise?" Maggie says, "There are wolves in the forest. Maybe it was one of them. Go back to bed. Everything's okay." As Liana and Clark are on their way back to their room, they run into an unexpected couple that they didn't even know were a couple. It's Chloe and Oliver. Oliver says, "Oh." Liana says, "This is a... twist."

The next day, Liana and Clark are sitting at a table for breakfast and Liana says, "I would have never thought that Chloe and Oliver would end up together. Did you know they were dating?" Clark says, " No. That was a surprise for me too." Liana says, "I don't know why, but I feel like this is gonna be awkward." Clark nods and says, "Yeah." Then Chloe and Oliver walk over, and Chloe says, "Do you mind if we sit with you?" Liana softly smiles and says, "Sure." Liana and Clark both grab a chair and put it next to them. Clark says, "Quiet weekend at home, huh?" Chloe says, "Trust me. We had no idea the two of you would be here." Liana says, "And we had no idea there was even a "you two" which I think is great. I think fate has brought us together." Oliver says, "Well, it's, uh... It was a little less fate, actually." Chloe says, "More fame." Oliver says, "I like fame." Chloe says, "This Inn is so far off the beaten path that even the society pages couldn't find Star City's most eligible bachelor here. How did you guys manage to find the road less traveled?" Clark says, "Well, I found the brochure for the Inn at Watchtower. I figured Liana wanted to come here." Liana says, "What brochure?" Chloe says, "That wasn't Liana's brochure, Clark. That was mine." Clark says, "How was I supposed to know that Oliver was--" Chloe cuts Clark off and says, "You weren't. That's the point." Clark looks over at Oliver and he says, "Well, don't look at me, I learned... a long time ago not to assume what belongs to who at Watchtower. You got to use context clues." Chloe looks at Liana and says, "Can I speak with you?" Liana nods and says, "Sure." Chloe says, "Great." Liana and Chloe go speak outside and Chloe says, "Okay, look, Liana, I know what you're gonna say that with Ollie's less than perfect track record I should really just cut my losses and--" Liana cuts Chloe off and says, "Or I could say that this is one for the "win" column. I think it's great that you and Oliver are together." Chloe's surprised and says, "You do?" Liana says, "Yeah. Why I wouldn't be?" Chloe says, "Because you and Oliver used date." Liana says, "That relationship ended a long time ago, besides I'm happily in a relationship with Clark. You deserve to be happy Chloe, even if it's with Oliver." Chloe sighs and says, "Oliver and I are not a couple." Liana says, "Really?" Chloe says, "Yeah. We're just having fun. And we're not complicating things by using labels and definitions." Liana says, "I see the way you two look at each other. That doesn't sound like two people who want to just have fun." Chloe sighs and says, "Look, we're not all cut out for coupledom. And with Ollie, I don't have to worry about that, okay? We're no flowers, we're no presents no pressure... no strings." Liana nods and says, "Okay." Later, Liana pushes Clark out the room and she says, "Just give me ten minutes. Then you'll get a surprise." Clark says, "Something tells me you'll never stop surprising me, Liana." Liana smiles and kisses Clark and then she pulls away and closes the door. Liana leans against the door with a smile because of her surprise for Clark.

Later, Liana's puts on a sexy school her outfit because she wanted to add a little fun to her and Clark's relationship. As Liana grabs a bottle of soap, she walks into the bathroom to find both Clark and Chloe in a towel wrapped up together. Liana can't believe what she's seeing, and Clark looks Liana up and down with a spark of lust in his eyes and he says, "Liana." Liana says, "Oh, my God." Clark says, "I can explain this, sort of. Chloe--" Liana cuts Clark off and says, "Yeah, you do that. Here." Liana gives Chloe the soap and says, "I think you're need this more than me." Clark says, "Liana." Then the Silver Banshee possessing Chloe goes inside Liana and she smirks, while closing the door. The Silver Banshee then walks out the bathroom and grabs Liana's coat to cover herself.

The Silver Banshee then bumps into Oliver, and he says, "Hey. Have you seen Chloe? She took a walk a while ago. She hasn't returned, and I'm getting a little worried about her." The Silver Banshee pretends to be Liana and says, "I was just with her, actually." Oliver says, "You were? Okay. Oh, right. Yeah, okay. So, just lay it on me." The Silver Banshee says, "Why don't I take you to see Chloe instead? You will never win a woman's heart by waiting for her to come to you." Oliver nods and says, "Okay. You lead the way." Later, The Silver Banshee and Oliver are in the woods and Oliver says, "Who told Chloe to go walk in the woods, anyway? Was it Hansel and Gretel, do you suppose?" The Silver Banshee says, "It's no much farther." Oliver says, "Well, I hope she left a trail of breadcrumbs 'cause if she didn't, we might never find our way out of here." The Silver Banshee says, "Oh, I'll be leaving these woods." The Silver Banshee then grabs Oliver and throws him against a tree, and she continues to say, "But you won't!" The Silver Banshee then tosses Oliver to the ground, and he groans and sees that Liana's faces flashes and he knows that that's not the real Liana. The Silver Banshee lifts Oliver up and tosses him back on the ground. The Silver Banshee screams and transforms into her true self and she says, "I was denied vengeance just as I was denied power. But now I shall have both." Oliver says, "I'm all about the girl power, really but I have to be honest with you I don't see you breaking through any glass... ceilings with that hair." The Silver Banshee screams at Oliver, and he covers his ears and hears a voice say, "Siobhan!" The Silver Banshee looks over at Clark and says, "You know who I am." Clark says, "And I know your story. But killing men won't make up for what was done to you." The Silver Banshee says, "Maybe not. But it does make me feel better." The Silver Banshee screams at Clark, and he speeds through using his heat vision, but gets thrown away. Clark looks up to see The Silver Banshee scream at him and then he watches her burn up in flames.

The next night, Liana and Clark arrive at her apartment, and they walk through the door and Liana flips the lights on and says, "Well, as incredible as that R-and-R attempt was I think we should skip the old B-and-B's for a while." Clark closes the door and says, "Liana, for our first weekend away together in a long time it could have been worse." Liana says, "I was possessed by a 300-year-old Scottish Banshee, and I almost killed you, Clark." Clark says, "But we did get to see the world's largest ball of yarn. That made the whole trip worthwhile." Liana says says, "All thanks to my stellar sense of direction. Let's face it, Clark, without me, you'd still be lost." Clark looks at Liana lovingly and she softly says, "What?" Clark lifts Liana up on the counter and says, "You know we never got to finish we started back at the Inn." Liana smiles and Clark leans in to kiss Liana and she wraps her arms around his neck and deepens the kiss. As Clark kisses Liana's neck and slips his hand under Liana's shirt her phone rings and Liana says, "Ignore it." Clark stops kissing Liana's neck and grabs her phone and says, "Why don't you answer it, Liana? What if it's important?" Liana sighs and grabs it, and Liana says, "Can I answer this call without no super hearing?" Clark nods and Liana jumps off the counter and walks away to answer the phone and says, "Liana Lane, at your service." The voice says, "Hello, Liana." Liana furrows her eyebrows and says, "Who is this?" The voice says, "Someone who needs your help." Liana says, "But I don't even know who you are." The voice says, "If you don't do as I say, I'll tell the world that Clark Kent is The Blur." Liana widens her eyes and says, "Um... okay. I'll do it." The voice says, "Good. I need you to get information on Tess Mercer." Liana says, "Okay." The voice says, "But you can't tell anyone, especially Clark Kent. Promise me you won't." Liana looks over at Clark to see him looking through a magazine and she softly says, "I promise." The voice says, "I wouldn't ask, Liana, if it weren't a matter of life or death."

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