19 Days Till Heaven

By Shuldvran

1.6K 77 32

Follow the story of Good Folk Settlement through the point of view of Splint, a 19 year old militia fighter w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Day 1
Day 2

Chapter 2

226 7 3
By Shuldvran

Weiser 's POV

I began the ascent up the hill to Good Folk, along with the girl from the Pine settlement.

I looked next to me at the girl, noticing that she has gone through some absolute shit.

From the looks of it, she barley made it out of the settlement during the attack.

Feeling curious, I decided to start a conversation with her, but she beat me to it.

(Girl): "Thank you..." She said to me gloomily.

(Weiser): "No problem little lady. Say, what's your name anyhow?" I asked her, trying to change the mood.

(Weiser):  "Mine's Weiser." I stated.

(Girl): "My name's Jane, Jane Cassidy." She responded looking up at me.

(Jane): "You've got a unique name sir. What's the meaning behind it, if you don't mind me asking." She told me with a curious look on her face.

(Weiser): "Well, it's nothing special. It's more of a nickname." I told her.

(Weiser): "I got it cause it's the name of my favorite beer, Budweiser." I told her in a half chuckle.

(Jane): "Huh, I mean it's unique that's for sure." She stated in a joyful tone, obviously amused about how cool my nickname is.

We continued up the hill, occasionally helping her some rough terrain.

(Jane): "Those fucking animals..." She quietly stated, breaking a bit of silence we had.

(Weiser): "That they are." I agreed with her in a pissed off tone.

(Jane): "They just came in and destroyed everything and everyone with no reason." She bitterly stated.

(Jane): "They didn't even offer for us to surrender or anything, we weren't even a threat to them. Yet, they just...destroyed everything." She stated with hate in her heart.

(Weiser): "Don't worry Jane, once we get to Good Folk, we'll figure everything out." I told her with assurance.

(Jane): "Is Good Folk really as safe as they say?" She asked me, surprising me in some way.

(Weiser): "Who says that?" I ask her.

(Jane): "The people in Pine settlement, they said for me to just head south of Pine settlement and that I would find the safest place for me." She stated to me.

(Jane): "They said that Good Folk is the safest and most secured settlement near Pine settlement." She also stated to me, surprising me.

I knew we had some good security, but I didn't think we had the best security around.

(Weiser): "Huh, well they ain't wrong about how tight we are about security, you can thank Lee for that when you meet him." I told her with some pridefulness in my voice.

(Weiser): "He is like the head of command, so to speak. He manages our militia and keeps in touch with other settlements." I told her.

(Weiser): "He was actually a squad leader when he was still in the marines, so he has more experience with combat than any of us." I stated to her, catching her attention.

We reached the top of the hill, approaching the entrance of Good Folk.

Debby saw us from her porch, immediately getting up and coming over to us.

I told her of where Jane came from, causing Debby to immediately run to get Lee.

I took Jane over to our command center, which is like a bigger shack than the rest.

As we arrived to the front of the command building, Lee and a few others came out.

(Weiser): "Good mornin' sir, me and Splint spotted her from our look out position." I report to Lee.

(Lee): "Good work Weiser." He tells me before beginning to talk to Jane.

(Lee): "Here lets head inside."  He tells us as he begins to head inside the command center.

He goes over to what looks like small living room  with just a few chairs and a table in the middle.

He motions for us to sit before sitting down himself.

(Lee): Now then, what is your name miss."

(Jane): "My name is Jane Cassidy, sir" She answers back.

(Lee): "Nice to meet you Jane, we sure are glad we found you." He tells Jane in a tone of relief.

(Lee): "I was afraid there wouldn't be any survivors from Pine settlement. If you don't mind me asking, what happened there at Pine settlement?" He asked Jane in a serious tone.

Jane began to tell Lee what she told me, how they attacked with no mercy and destroyed everything.

Then she told Lee something she didn't tell me.

(Jane): "After they broke through, they started targeting everyone, breaking into each house, killing anyone in them. After they killed everyone that was in the militia, they started rounding up anyone they found hiding or escaping." She stated in a saddened tone.

Everyone in the room was listening with full attention.

(Jane): "I was trying to escape with nothing but a small bag of things, but they got to me before I could truly escape. After they rounded up everyone, they lined us up, slowly executing us one by one, but they stopped at me. What I think was their commander told them to leave me alive, that they needed a witness to tell of what happened to the Pine settlement."  She stated, on the brink of tears.

(Jane): "They didn't let me go just there...they hurt me real bad sir." She said with teary eyes and sorrow in her voice.

Lee assured her that she was safe here, and to continue when she was ready.

After about a min, Jane continued her accounts.

(Jane): "After they beat me, they gave me back my things and told me run out of there." She told us, catching Lee's attention.

(Jane): "I ran for I don't know how long, I didn't know if I could find any help at all, well until Weiser and his friend found me." She stated, with a look of thanks in her eyes.

Lee sighed after Jane finished her accounts of her escape from Pine settlement.

(Lee): "Those damn animals. Debby, show Jane here where the showers are, and get her some clean cloths and medical care." Lee ordered as he got up.

As we stood up, Lee asked to see Jane's bag.

She gave Lee her bag while Lee told her she would get it back after she gets cleaned up.

As Jane and Debby left the command center, Lee motioned for me to come over to him.

As I walked over to him, he began looking through the small bag.

(Weiser): "What are you doing there with her bag sir." I asked him.

(Lee): "Just checking something." He responded.

With that, he takes out what looked like a tiny black rectangle with a little bump on the top of it.

(Lee): "Knew it, they bugged her bag with a tracker." He told me in a low tone.

(Weiser): "Shit..."  I say in astonishment.

Lee then threw it down on the ground, pulling out his revolver, and shooting the tracking device on the ground.

This caused me to jump back a bit.

(Lee): "Head back down to the look out point and stay careful. I'll radio Splint to expect you." He orders me while pulling out his walky-talky.

(Weiser): "Yes sir." I respond back with a salute.

With that, I swiftly head out the door and begin heading back to Splint.


Splint's POV

I lied there on the ground, checking the surrounding area though my binoculars.

It's been about 15-20 min since Weiser left to take that girl up to Good Folk.

I wondered what was taking him so long, maybe he stopped to get breakfast?

That shit head, he probably really did stop to get some breakfast up there.

Damn it, it seems that food is first and his job is second.

As I lied there, I suddenly got a transmission from Lee on my radio.

(Lee radio): "Splint, report, how is it down there." He asked me.

(Splint): "No signs of flee bags sir." I report back to Lee.

(Lee radio): "Well, just be more careful out there. Apparently they bugged the girl's bag with a tracking device, so stay at alert. Weiser is heading to your position as we speak." He tells me.

(Splint): "Damn it...Alright, I'll keep a look out."  I respond back before ending the conversation.


They know where we are now, well an idea of where we are.

Weiser better hurry his ass up because I'm not holding off an army by myself if those UNAR fucks show up.

I continued my look out of the area with more carefulness.

After what felt like an eternity, Weiser finally showed up quietly.

(Splint): "God all mighty, what took you so long?"  I ask, clearly pissed off.

Weiser got down to my level, taking out his scoped rifle.

(Weiser): "Sorry man, got caught up in hearing what happened to Pine settlement."  He responded.

(Splint): "I heard about the tracking device, those pieces of shit." I state to Weiser in a pissed off tone.

(Weiser): "Yeah, Lee shot it right in front of me, almost shot my foot." He told me in a slight chuckle.

He began to explain what happened to the girl and Pine settlement.

He told me about the merciless killing and executions. 

He told me about Jane, the name of the girl we found.

He told me how they treated her.

All of this just fueled my hatred for those fucks.

(Splint): "I hope we meet a few of them, so I can fucking rip their tongues out." I say with pure hatred.

(Weiser): "I know, but it's best we don't see them or any of them like you said before man."  He tells me, causing me to calm down a bit.

It was true, It's best if they don't even come here. 

It's best if we stay hidden, we don't want to risk the lives of the people of Good Folk.

We then continued to do our job of looking out for any signs of UNAR forces in the area.

20 min later

It was coming close to the end of shift when we got a report from Lee, telling us that our shift is being extended for another hour.

Of course I was pissed off, not about the other hour added to our shift, but the fact I was starving when he called in the report to us.

(Splint): "Damn it man, I was hoping to get some breakfast after our shift, now I'm going to starve." I state to Weiser with a groan.

(Weiser): "Don't worry man, I grabbed some food on the way here earlier." He told me as he began to reach inside of his bag.

He then pulled out two apples and two granola bars.

Well, it's better than nothing.

He handed me an apple and granola bar.

(Splint): "Thanks man." I say as I take a bit into the apple.

(Weiser): "No problem." He responds with a smile.

As we both took a bit of our apples, we noticed something in the distance.

We both honed in on it.

It looked like 3 tall figures slowly walking through the bushes and rough.

They looked well equipped.

Me and Weiser knew immediately what they were.

A couple of flea bags, seemingly on a scouting mission.

They were probably looking for the girl's location.

(Splint): "Holy. Shit." I said in awe.

(Weiser): "Holy Shit is right."  He responded back.

Weiser then took out a black cylinder out of his bag, attaching it to the end of his rifle.

(Splint):"How the fuck did you get a silencer?" I question him while looking back to the three flea bags.

(Weiser): "I've had it for a bit, got it off a dead flea bag." He responded with a grin.

We both looked at the three UNAR from afar, getting more details of them.

It looked like 2 females and one male.

I couldn't tell if they were scared or just paranoid, but hey kept on looking around sporadically, like they were being watched. Which they were.

As they slowly walked through the trees, I gave Weiser the good to go, they were the only flea bags around.

(Splint): "Hold on, once we fire, they are going to report back that there is people here." I state.

(Weiser): "Right, but it's either they get too close, or we shoot now." He tells me while still aiming at the three scouts.

(Splint): "Here, I'll go around the side, sneak up, and then when I give the signal, you start shootn'. I'll make sure they don't report back that we're here." I tell Weiser.

(Weiser): " I don't know, that sounds pretty risky."  He states to me.

(Splint): "Trust me man, you know me, I can sneak up on them." I tell him, assuring him that I can do it.

(Weiser): "Fine, just give me a thumbs up as the signal." He tells me with a sigh.

With that, I began to slowly head towards the three flea bags.

I moved around the side of our post while staying low.

I began to move from tree to tree as cover, slowly making my way to their position.

As I got closer, I started hearing what they were saying without them ever know I was nearby.

(Male scout): "Fuck, I don't like how quiet it is out here." he says in a hushed voice.

(Female scout 1): "Stop being such a pussy David." She told him in a stern tone.

(Male scout): "I'm no pussy, it's just that  it's oddly too quiet out here."  He tells the female scout in an angered tone.

(Female Scout 2): " I'm with David, it's creepy how quiet it is." The other female said in a foreign accent, somewhat like an English accent.

I slowly got on my belly and began to crawl though the bush and rough that was on the ground around them.

(Female scout 1): "Oh for fucks sake, you two just shut the fuck up already, or I'll gladly make you shut the fuck  up." She sternly told them.

The other two flea bags frowned, obviously annoyed of their squad mate. 

I finally made it close enough to them in the bushes that the plan could start.

As they slowly walked past me, I gave out a whistle, getting their attention.

They all quickly turned around towards the sound, not seeing who made it.

(Female scout 1): "Who's there! Come on out and show yourself you human piece of shit!" She called out, having a slight tremble in her voice.

The were scared, damn straight.

I then threw up my thumbs up through the bushes, causing them to jump back a bit.

Suddenly, the first female scout's upper chest spewed out red mist as the sound of the bullet whizzed by.

As she fell the other two looked around confused until the male's lower abdomen spewed red just like his squad mate's shoulder.

He went down with a cry of pain, holding onto his abdomen.

I then got up from my position and raised my handgun to the other female scout.

Before she could raise her rifle, I fired my handgun once into her midsection.

With that, she fell back, dropping her rifle, giving out a cry of pain.

I then quickly ran to her and kicked the side of her head, rendering her unconscious.

I then went over to the male that was wallowing in his pain.

I bent over him, grabbing his face and turning it to mine.

He looked absolutely terrified.

(Male scout): "No please!" He mustered out.

I never felt so cool as I then smacked him with the butt of my handgun, knocking him out.

Finally, I went over to the first female, who was bleeding all over the ground on her face.

I pulled her head up to look at her face, only to meet dead eyes.

Oh well, at least we got two of them.

I then began to tie up the two living flea bags, taking their radio's and weapons.

I turned to Weiser up at the look out point, and gave him a thumbs up.

(Splint): "fucking a." I proudly said to myself.

I waited a bit for Weiser to reach me.

When he showed up, he had a look of complete pridefulness.

(Weiser): "That went great." He said as he then began to laugh.

(Splint): " Now he have some hostages, I guess I should make sure we have living hostages." I tell Weiser as I then went to one of them.

(Splint): "Here, get the other one. We need to move them back to the look out point." I tell Weiser as I began to drag the male by the legs to the look out point.

Weiser then got the other scout and began to drag her to the look out as well.

When we got there, we set them up against a tree and put some bags over their faces.

(Splint): "Damn, they are some heavy motherfuckers." I say while breathing heavily from exhaustion.

(Weiser): "You got that right, shit." He said as he stretched his back.

(Splint): "I'll check this one, you get the other one."  I say, annoyed that I need to actually keep hostages alive.

We then began to strip them of their equipment and began to asses their wounds. 

The male's wound was pretty bad, I had to use up a lot of gauze and bandages.

From what Weiser told me, the one I shot just had a bullet lodged in her upper abdomen, "easy fix" he told me.

After about 10 minutes, we had secured them and treated their wounds.

(Splint): "Ha, look at that, would never imagine we would have hostages." I tell Weiser while giving a slight chuckle.

(Weiser): "Yep. look at those fuckers, taken hostage by just some Virginian mountain folk." He exclaimed with proud face.

(Weiser): "Here, I'll go tell Lee about who we have. Keep an eye on them." He told me before heading back up to Good Folk, leaving me with the hostages.

I sat there observing the two flea bags.

The female looked like bobcat from what I could tell, and the male looked like an Australian Shepard.

It was a little strange yet funny how there were two flea bags under the mercy of me, Splint. 

(Splint): "I can't fucking wait till ya'll wake up." I say aloud to them even though they are unconscious. 

I don't know how this is going to play out. 

They are going to send people out to find them.

When they don't find them, they'll know where some humans are, where Good Folk is.

For now, I'll enjoy the small victory.

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