A journal I guess

Par Rosieposieboo2

777 88 4

A journal of my experiences, findings, and overall hell that I've created for myself. Plus

Something's Wrong
The Tree and the Path
Random ass dream + something I found
My old tablet
I want to survive
Children and the "experience" Community (?)
Servants and why they do what they do
What happened to me
Photos I don't remember taking
Common sense and when to apply it
The placebo effect and how it changes experiences
Take us with you, I beg
Discord server.
The Chapters and the Order.
Associated symbols and Organizations.
Red Mist demon bitch
The world of "Creepypasta"
Why my behavior has changed
I miss it.
Suffering awaits you.
Don't know what to do.
A fate.
The transformation of Them.
And then there was one.
What a sorry life.
A message of hope.
Mostly just an update.
The Sanctuary Magazine.
The situation at hand.
What now?
Parasites come in all shapes and sizes.
This is most concerning.
A small story.
What is being a servant really like?
It's the hard knock life for us.
It can never be the same.
On the topic of Revenants and the Loop.
I am not dead.
The comprehensible history of Servants (I).
Declassified Archives: P-series
The Three Sages.

Evolution of Them throughout the ages.

13 2 0
Par Rosieposieboo2

This chapter deals with heavy topics such as s*icide, g*re, and other things which may be triggering. You've been warned.

This is long overdue, I know. As an Archivist, I keep certain information to myself out of habit. But I realized this is both important and harmless enough to share. 

What does this chapter entail, exactly? It's meant to prove a point, whether it's to show the different versions of Them based on culture, or to show Their existence long before the internet. You're free to interpret this how you will, I'm only sharing the information contained in my archives solely to be informative. There will, of course, be sources, as all the chapters of this nature often have, to allow you some further reading. 

As the decades go by, the human mind develops and adapts. Our interpretation of monsters, too, change, and our view of what's frightening changes along with it. These fears and these monsters not only evolve along with us, they shape how we view the world around us. This can be seen in culture, religion, and urban legends. It explains why there's different versions of the same creatures; it all depends on the perspective of the person experiencing them. If you believe something is malicious, you will then interpret every action it takes as malicious. The human mind tends to exaggerate, depending on what it believes. It sharpens shadows, adds claws and teeth, hears growling when there is none, and pulls itself into the depths of paranoia and fear, because that's human instinct. 

That's why in certain cases, these creatures, these "Creepypastas" or "cryptids," whichever you want to call them, are called "Fears." Or "Tulpas." Many of these theories are correct in their own right, solely based on the fact that we as humans, never experience fear the same as others. It's a unique experience tailored to each individual. 

With this opening, I'll get to the different versions of these creatures, and why I believe they're the same creature. And no, this won't be the same creatures that are always mentioned in other journals. I'm not talking about Der Grobmann and H.P. Lovecraft. This is going to be a deep dive into connections between different urban legends and cultures, and of course, I'll try my best to be as respectful as possible when talking about cultures I may not be so informed about. If you're interested in links or sources to sightings, let me know and I'll give you some, although I do share a limited number of sightings in the sources. 

This is meant to be a summary of these creatures, and the sources are meant to serve as further reading for you, the reader. Since there's so much material to sort through, I can't do more than a quick summary of each creature. This isn't meant to be an opinion piece, nor do I vouch for the credibility of the legends discussed today. I'm not here to debunk them, only share them with you. I hope you can understand. 

Ps. I won't share all the creatures in this chapter. The next one will contain more. It's just a lot of content to digest, and I'd like to divide it into two or more parts. For your convenience, incomplete lists will be marked at the bottom.

1. Fleshgaits. 

These creatures, which have reported sightings since the early 2000s, are a variation of The Rake, and W*nd*g*s/Sk*nw*lk*rs. Generally described as tall, thin and pale humanoids with long limbs and claws, these creatures are able to shapeshift, and mimic the voice and appearance of humans. Some say this is done after the Fleshgait obtains a body and wears its skin. The individual being "possessed" for the lack of a better term, will begin to act strange or confused, as if observing the world around them for the first time. This can be described also as a complete lack of personality. These creatures are found deep in wooden areas, often areas that are abandoned or off limits, and attempt to lure people via mimicking human voices. 

Due to the appearance of The Rake and the Fleshgait being the same, I believe these two are the same creature under different names and guises. Fleshgaits also originated along with the 4chan image which circulated and later on became known as The Rake.





2. Crawlers. 

Described as tall, thin, and pale humanoids who sometimes walk on hind legs, Crawlers are famous for their sharp teeth, claws and aggressive behavior. These creatures are usually found in enclosed spaces like caves, and aren't known to attack humans, although they let out an ear-piercing screech when approached. 

This description matches both The Rake and the Fleshgaits, which again leads me to believe they are the same creature. 







This list is incomplete and will be continued.

Now, moving on to Slenderman. 

1. Walking Sam. 

Known in the Oglala Dakota Tribe as the suicide spirit, this notorious creature is believed to be the cause of over 100 teen suicides. He is known only to target younger people, presumably because they are more susceptible and easily influenced. Walking Sam is described as 7 feet tall and with no facial features except his eyes. It's said that he whispers to young people and makes them believe in their worthlessness, encouraging them to kill themselves. Many compare this entity to Slenderman, although this legend has existed among the tribe long before the internet. 

Since most people compare Walking Sam to Slenderman, I don't think you need an explanation as to why I think they're the same creature. 





2. The Hat Man/The Shadow Man. 

Usually a sleep paralysis monster, this tall entity, often seen with a hat upon his head, creeps in at night during sleep paralysis and scares the unsuspecting sleepers. The appearance of this entity differs on a case to case basis, some describing him as malicious and some harmless.  The most distinct characteristic of this entity is how it seems to only watch silently, unmoving, for most of the encounters. In individual cases, some even describe the Hat Man having a long black coat, cane, or pocket watch to complete his outfit. But, this creature doesn't only appear during sleep paralysis. Some witnesses recount seeing him while awake and active, usually after an extreme traumatic or emotional event.

From the description of Hat Man's behavior and appearance, we can conclude that Slenderman and Hat Man are the same creature. Slenderman and Hat Man are both said to stare silently at you, and are known to dress very proper.






3. Indrid Cold/Grinning Man.

Described as an over 6 feet tall humanoid man with a disproportionate grin,  this creature was first sighted in 1966. Although witness accounts again, differ, the strange grin is always apparent. Some have seen him with a hair and tan, and some say he's bald and has beady eyes, but no nose or ears. A long overcoat, or a shiny, reflective suit, always seems to appear in these witness accounts. Many have compared Indrid Cold with aliens, or extraterrestrials, since the appearance of this entity was close to an alleged UFO sighting. 

While Slenderman is faceless, some have reported Him as having a malicious grin or even eyes. And the two seem to only stare maliciously for most of the encounters, and never talk; their way of communication is both seen as telepathic, than verbal. That's why I believe these two are the same creature. 






4. Big Grey Man. 

While some compare the Grey Man to yetis, and claim he has fur and claws, others state he wears a top hat and has no noticeable features. First seen in 1925 on top of Ben Mac Dhui, a mountain in Scotland, this creature has sparked many speculations as to what it could be. Some say it's the climbers shadows, the oxygen deprivation, or more outlandish like the Grey Man being an alien, or a spirit of the mountain, protecting it. It's unclear what it exactly looks like, since witness accounts are vastly different from each other, but we can conclude that this creature always appears unusually tall and thin. 

Although it seems much more far-fetched, there's too many similarities to overlook between the Grey Man and Slenderman. Both are tall and thin, and seem to only stand silently.






5. The Kiwakwa/Chenoo.

This Native entity is known as a giant cannibal monster, who lurks in forests and seeks human prey. Similar to w*nd*g*s in nature, it's said the White Walkers are, as is in the name, pale giants as tall as trees, with hearts of ice, whose hunger are never satisfied. Some describe it as having fur, some say it has large, sharp fangs, but one thing is clear; it feeds on human flesh. Unlike Wends (my nickname for w*nd*g*s), these creatures are able to return to human form, as they are believe to have once been human. Only by melting the ice heart, will they be able to turn human again.

The only similarities are the thinness, tallness, and ties to forests, but I thought I should also mention this legend for the sake of archiving.





6. The Dark Man. 

A faery in Irish folklore who serves the Faery Queen, described as a tall and dark entity with no visible features, since the moment you try to look, you'll tear your eyes away. Always seen wearing black or dark clothes, which are a little out of date, this terrifying creature would bring humans requested by the Faery Queen to her. But oddly, he's said to have three brothers, named Fear Dearg, Fear Gorta, and Fear Liath Mor, a few of which we have covered in this chapter. 

It seems like a strange coincidence that one, both Slenderman and Dark Man are said to have three other "brothers," and two, have no visible facial features. Another note would be the strange belief that both are Fae, or of Fae origins. I believe the whole "Slenderman is a Fae" came from this Irish folktale. The old fashioned clothes also seem to fit, as suits can be considered old fashioned. That's why I believe they're the same. 





7. Black Man at the Crossroads. 

Believed to be the African version of the "Devil",  this entity is said to reside at the crossroads, tall and all black (not referring to skin color), granting wisdom and skills to those who seek him out in return for animal sacrifices or alcohol. Despite the comparison with the Christian "Devil", the Black Man isn't malevolent in any way. He's known to be a guide and a bringer of wisdom, who helps those that happen to cross his way. This demonization of African cultures is nothing new, and most definitely has racist roots. Ex. Hoodoo, voodoo, etc. 

A tall dark figure is familiar to all of us, as it's often associated with Slenderman. Slenderman is also known to make pacts, deals, or "guide" those who are lost, very much like the Black Man. 





8. Gurning Man of Glasgow. 

A dark, tall figure of a man, who is often seen making animalistic or disturbing sounds and twitching violently. First witnessed in the 1970s in Glasgow, Scotland, he earned the gurning man name because of his gurning, or twisted and hideous face. He's known to abduct children and creepily pursue people, or just stand there silently twitching and watching. He's also known to disappear in front of people's eyes, almost as if he was never there, and wears dark clothing. 

Although Slenderman is considered to not have a face, others believe him to have one that easily slips the mind, or one that's twisted and distorted beyond perception, which matches up with the Gurning Man. The two creatures are also tall and known to only creepily watch or follow people, adding to their similarities. Both also wear dark clothing. 





9. Nalusa Chito.

The Native version of a Shadow Man, this entity is said to feed on negativity. The Choctaws believe that this great black man will consume your soul the second you allow depression or evil/negative thoughts to enter your mind. It takes the form of a tall, dark figure, and many from the tribe are fearful of speaking its name, lest it be summoned that way. Since this myth is passed on by oral means only, there's not much record of it besides the sources I provided.

 Slenderman is notorious for causing and feeding on dark thoughts. He has also been compared to Shadow Men quite often, which means you can put the pieces together yourself very easily.





10. Fear Gorta. 

Another Irish folktale, of a tall and ragged faery who knocks at the doors of the people during famines and asks for food. If food is given, he blesses them so they will never starve, and if they don't, he curses them to starvation. Some describe his skin as having a greenish hue, and his nails long and unkempt. He's said to be one of Dark Man's "brothers." He has a haggard, thin, pale, and skeletal figure, making him seem like the walking dead. 

The thin and tall appearance and the fact that Dark Man and Fear Gorta are considered brothers, makes this creature very similar to Slenderman in nature.  






This list is incomplete and will be continued.

Next up is the infamous Zalgo.

1. Sorath. 

Sorath was considered the Sun Demon by Rudolf Steiner, who believed the creature to be mightier than Lucifer or Ahriman. Now, this cosmic entity isn't the kind of "Evil" we see in stories or fairytales, no. Some would even argue that he is not evil at all, and only seeks to evolve our world. What this entity is after, is immense and quick evolution of human technology and intellect, so much so that spirituality slips our minds. According to Steiner, we will become soulless, materialistic people, who will mock anything of spiritual nature. It's said that the Sun Demon manifests in mass killings, sexual violation, etc, and represents the color of a black, endless void. Sorath is often said to take the form of a Dragon, representing the fieriness of this Cosmic creature. There is prophecy of a war, when the Dragon falls back to earth, of which humans are the "prize." This fall is mentioned in the book of Revelations as "the rising of two beasts." One has seven heads and seven crowns, and the other two horns, who speaks like the Dragon. The lore of this is complex, and I encourage you to read into it with the sources I provided.

This entity sounds similar to Zalgo for two reasons; first, they are both associated with red and fiery energy, with Zalgo always depicted in red colors and Sorath being interpreted as a Dragon. Second, the two entities are always associated with prophecies of war and destruction, with similar or almost identical goals. 




"The Mystery of Sorath" A Lecture Given By Adriana Koulias 

2. Abaddon/Apollyon.

Known literally as "bringer of doom" or "Angel of the bottomless pit," this entity is believed to be many things, as it's left open for interpretation in the bible. Some say Abaddon is the Antichrist, while others believe he is Satan himself. What Abaddon really is, it's unclear, but we do know that he's the King of Locusts, strange creatures who do his bidding, and that he is meant to unleash them upon the Earth at some point in time. He is associated with reddish, warm colors, and seems to both be considered a demon and an angel, who is on no one's side. 

Abbaddon and Zalgo are most commonly associated with each other, and I think it's quite obvious why. Both are seemingly malevolent entities who seek to bring doom an destruction upon Earth. They are also both associated with warm and most commonly red colors, and are said to be fallen angels.





3. Apophis/Apep

The Egyptian demon of chaos and a rival to the sun god Re, Apophis often takes the slithering form of a serpent. Some say he stretched up to 16 yards in length, and had a head made of flint. This God was known to be a direct threat to all that was truth, light, and creation, and very few were able to defeat him. It's debated whether this creature is a fallen sun God himself, or simply something which was born of darkness from the very beginning. Despite being defeated over and over, he always came back to torment Re and stop his passage through the Nile river. It's said that Apophis was burned in scorching fire after first being dismembered and cut into tiny pieces, and that this was the only way to defeat him.

Zalgo is known to be the bringer of chaos and darkness, and so it's only natural to associate him with Apophis, who shares very similar traits. Fire and red seems to be a very common theme here as well. Apophis is also said to be the sun God's enemy, which makes sense with Zalgo wanting to destroy the world. Apophis also had the goal of destroying all creation, including light. 




4. Amatsu Mikaboshi

Also known as the August Star of Heaven, this Japanese primordial god is the force of chaos and excessive emotions. He is said to be the embodiment of the void, or the void itself. After the creation of the world, his power was broken, but not fully, and therefore his residue remains, causing an imbalance in the universe. He feeds off the excessive emotions this residue causes in humans, which eventually leads to the destruction of said people. He is entirely malevolent, as he's described to be very bitter, cold, and destructive, whose only goal is to bring absolute chaos to the world. His appearance is largely unknown, but most speculate that he often takes the form of black smoke, or a starry sky. 

Zalgo and Mikaboshi are both beings of complete and utter chaos, whose only goal is to destroy the world and its inhabitants. Although Mikaboshi isn't associated with warm colors, his behavior, goals, and abilities largely match with Zalgos'. 



This list is incomplete and will be continued.

The conclusion we can draw from this, is that these entities have existed in our nightmares long before they appeared on the internet. What other explanation is there? Our minds fear these creatures for a reason. Why does it see Them as dangerous, if They are merely fiction? It's an instinct which goes beyond logic and time. It's no coincidence. Why do these supposedly "fictional" figures have such influence over us, and why have They survived and evolved for so many years? It's because we have never stopped being afraid. There is good reason for our fear. Some part of us knows, some part of us remembers what They are capable of. In another decade, we'll have another evolved version of Them, and everyone will be scared, all over again. It's the way it's always been. But I don't think many have stopped to think about why it caused such mass hysteria, without fail, over and over again. That's why I think "fears" are a perfect term for Them. They are manifestations of our fear. They ARE fear. They do say, after all, the only thing you should fear, is fear itself. 

If you have trouble with the links, visit my quotev by the name of Rosieposieboo. They'll be clickable there.

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