The Dokutah is a Operator!? (...

By Ghuzt_D_Bloodedge

74.2K 1.7K 579

None More

Basic Info
Arise from Slumber
True Power
New Purpose
Married Blade
The Girl and the Key
Escort Mission
Separated Hearts
Operator Info (Update)
Iron-Blooded Orphans
Death and "Rebirth"
Temporary Respite
Raid & Rescue
Arrival of the Yeti Princess
Necessary Solution

Stinging Shock

2.7K 87 1
By Ghuzt_D_Bloodedge

3rd Person P.O.V

After regrouping, Amiya and the doctor learns that Misha has been kidnapped by W. Amiya presses Ch'en for the truth, and the latter finally reveals Misha's secret.

Ch'en: Looks like you had a rough time as well.

(Y/N): Now you care?

You said with a snarky tone making Ch'en glare at you.

Amiya: Madam Ch'en, what happened here?.

Ch'en: We were ambushed by Reunion.We were caught in a withering assault with no reinforcements. They easily routed our forces.

(Y/N): And Misha...?

Ch'en: She was taken away by a woman dressed in red. I really should have...

Amiya/(Y/N): Huh...?

Ch'en: Nevermind.

Amiya: Madam Ch'en, why is Misha so special?If you keep hiding things from us, it's only going to be harder and harder for us to continue working together.

(Y/N): Yeah, I agree with Amiya here.

Ch'en: I have no obligation to tell you both.

Amiya: But Rhodes Island has an obligation to understand the objectives and prepare our strategies accordingly. Naturally, we'll continue to follow the L.G.D.'s instructions during our operations... However, when it comes to using the Infected to fight other Infected, we need all the information we can get. While you may have that information, you don't have the means of using it effectively to reduce your losses. On the other hand, we have the ability to stop Reunion, but we don't know what they're after.

Ch'en: You sounded a bit like that doctor just now.

(Y/N): You do know, that I'm here right?

Amiya: Is, is that so... I think...
This is something that is equally important to both of us.

Ch'en: I see.

Amiya: If it's because you need to ask for permission from Chief Wei...

Ch'en: When we investigated Misha, the most prominent bit of information was that her father was one of Chernobog's most influential people.

Amiya: Misha's father?

Ch'en: Naturally, we don't know how much Misha knows about Chernobog.
She could know nothing, or she could know everything. Nobody knows...
...except her. We also have no idea what kind of information she might have. Since you predicted that Lungmen would be Reunion's next target... It's obvious that we have to prevent Reunion from using Chernobog. That's why we can't allow them to have Misha. We were aware of the fact that someone who fit her descriptions had taken refuge in Lungmen... But until you actually found her, we weren't able to verify if that intel was accurate.

(Y/N): So that's why reunion wanted her so badly, huh?

Amiya: If that's the case, we can't waste any more time. We have to stop Reunion and rescue Misha before they're able to take her back to Chernobog! Rhodes Island, prepare to move out!

Ch'en: It was L.G.D.'s responsibility to track her down.... and letting Reunion capture her was a dereliction of our duties. Rather than launching a joint operation, we'll need Rhodes Island to eliminate other threats from Reunion.
This is an order.

Amiya: ...Understood.

Ch'en: Don't let me down.

(Y/N): Aww... Who knows, you can be this sweet, Miss Ch'en.

You said with a teasingly tone making her blush before punching you on the stomach while covering her fury with a smile on her face.

Ch'en: Mind Repeating that, Doctor~?

(Y/N): *grunt* N-Nothing...

This time, the L.G.D. decides to join forces with Rhodes Island.

Rhodes Island leads the charge, Penguin Logistics backs them up, and the L.G.D. make up the main force. The battle lines are drawn, and the operation officially begins.


Reunion's infiltration into Lungmen is unpredictable and unpreventable, but everyone is clear that the primary objective is to bring Misha back.

RM: N-no! D-don't beat me...

Ch'en: You should've thought twice before entering Lungmen!

RM: Aaaagh!

Ch'en: Lock them all up! They're not with this group of Infected. Curses...
Not with this group either... Damn it all...

L.G.D. Agent : They... retreated way too quickly...

Ch'en: It seems that Reunion also has its own hierarchy. They just left the riffraff behind to buy them more time. To think that a single person could delay our reinforcements...
Just who are they...

L.G.D. Agent : Madam! We found some Reunion stragglers over there!

Ch'en: Follow me!

L.G.D. Agent: Be careful, Madam Ch'en! It's an ambush!

RM: G-go to hell!

Ch'en: Don't get in my way--!

L.G.D. Agent : Madam Ch'en, we're still on Lungmen soil! The nearby facilities can still be used, so please try not to cause too much damage!

Ch'en: Shut up already!

L.G.D. Agent: At least, don't cut these buildings to pieces!

The guards pleaded with her as Ch'en continue to attacks the Reunion soldiers mercilessly.

RM: Th-this woman... She's so hard to deal with!

Ch'en: Hard to deal with? Foolish Infected...Did you think we'd allow you filth to treat Lungmen like your personal latrine?! L.G.D., attack!

Small Timeskips:

Aftering dealing with Reunion forces that managed to infiltrate Lungmen R.I alongside with it's allies regroup with the L.G.D forces.

When they arrived they witnessed Reunion forces that we're captured and being interrogate by L.G.D force lead by Ch'en.

L.G.D. Agent: Nothing. They won't say a word. Or perhaps... they just don't know anything. Like the other Reunion members we defeated, they're probably nothing more than obedient puppets.

Ch'en: Make them speak. Use any methods necessary. I want to know about their squads, their leadership, their strategies, where they're from, and what they plan to do... Get everything out of them that you can.
I want everything I can get. Report back to me right away, no matter how insignificant it might seem.

L.G.D. Agent : Roger!

Amiya: Has the L.G.D. ever arrested Reunion members before?

Ch'en: We can't say for sure. In the end, it's just speculation. Get me in touch with Hoshiguma! How's the Special Operations Division faring?Are they still being overwhelmed by a single Infected?

L.G.D. Agent : Reunion seems to have pulled back on their end as well. Inspector Hoshiguma is worried about a possible trap and is trying to rule out all risks...

Ch'en: Hmph... Just a single person...
Who the hell do they think they are, coming and going like that?! You should already know what your next mission is going to be, Amiya.

Amiya: We're going to get Misha back?

Ch'en: Correct. This will be the joint operation. The L.G.D. will take the lead, while Rhodes Island will be in charge of recon and the assault. Your mission is complete as long as you can stall Reunion's retreat.

(Y/N): Just another day in the office.

Amiya: Understood.

After Reunion's capture of Misha, the joint forces of Rhodes Island and the Lungmen Guard Department pursue the retreating fighters through the wilderness bordering Ursus and Yan. Their only goal is to slow down the retreat and arrest them in one shot.

Hoshiguma from the Special Ops Team of the L.G.D. joins up with the party. The chivalrous Hoshiguma offered candid praise for Rhodes Island before charging into battle.

Ch'en: It's about time you showed up, Hoshiguma.

Hoshiguma: Apologies. We were delayed for a long time.

Ch'en: Any injuries?

Hoshiguma: No. However, we were shocked by how strong that Infected was. The Special Ops Division had already committed a lot of members to reinforcing Lungmen's defense. I had to take the rest of the available members with me.

Ch'en: Was your entire squad really held up by a single enemy?

Hoshiguma: I didn't believe it either until I saw her with my own eyes.
That person... truly was that strong.
On top of that, she seemed a bit... absent-minded? Anyway, about these people standing next to you... Are they Rhodes Island?

Amiya: Madam Ch'en, is she...

Ch'en: Hoshiguma, an elite from the Special Operations Division.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you Miss Hoshiguma.

Then Hoshi walks towards to you and Amiya while Amiya seems a bit overwhelmed by her when she leans close to both of you two.

Hoshiguma: So you're the Rhodes Island I've been hearing so much about? Hmm, such a young kid. Are you also with Rhodes Island?

Ch'en: She's one of their in command  and the man beside her is their leader.

Hoshiguma: Wait... Isn't he the man you fought in the control room?

(Y/N): Yep that was me, my name is (Y/N) (L/N).

Then Hoshi leans closer to you making you a lot uncomfortable at situation as you can feel Ch'en is glaring behind your back and like trying to dig a hole behind your head.

(Y/N): .......

Hoshiguma: Um.... Doctor? Are you okay?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

Hoshiguma: Okay... If you say so.

Amiya: Dokutah and Miss Hoshi...

Hoshiguma: Hm? Yeah what's the matter.

Amiya: Two of our special agents have located the kidnappers' location.
They're tracking Reunion as we speak, and can provide us with directions.

Hoshiguma: Not bad. Ch'en, I can see why they've earned your praise.These people take their work seriously.

(Y/N): Ch'en... praised us?

Ch'en: Hmph. Hoshiguma, gather all our squads. It's time to move out.
Lead the way, Rhodes Island.

Amiya: Understood. As expected, Reunion left behind some scattered forces. They'll be lying in ambush on our route...

Hoshiguma: Not a problem.

Then Hoshi looks at you once more and smile.

Hoshiguma: Look forward to seeing you in battle doctor especially with those twin swords of ours.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah thanks, Miss Hoshiguma.

Hoshiguma: *giggles* Just call me Hoshi for short.

(Y/N): R-Right...

Hoshiguma: All right! Let me see how well you fight, Rhodes Island!

Meanwhile Misha and Skullshatterer finally meet again, but nothing is as it used to be. Unlike before Skullshatterer's hateful accusations leave Misha feeling a sense of unfamiliarity towards the person she once knew, but she can't help but to feel a thread of empathy.

RM: So, you must be Misha?

Misha : ...

RM: Hello. I've heard a lot about you from Skullshatterer. Now, I finally get to meet you.

Misha : Are you also... Infected...?

RM: Yes, I am.

Misha : Why did you... join Reunion?

RM: Why?... My wife, my child... they were all killed by the Chernobogians. Under Ursus, the Infected were treated worse than livestock. The destruction of Chernobog...? No, no. That is far too light of a punishment...
Do you know how much blood is on their hands?! Misha... We've been feared, exploited, humiliated, and persecuted... Just because of the fact that we're Infected. Not for any other reason.

Misha couldn't but be shock and surprised by the reunion soldier outburst.

RM: S-sorry, I got a bit heated. Forget what I said.

Then finally Skullshatterer arrived as this gets Misha attention.

Skullshatterer: Ivan, come help tend to the injured.

RM: Coming.

Skullshatterer: We're only using this abandoned mine as a temporary base until we can reorganize and regroup.
Once the time is right, we'll make our way back to Chernobog.

Misha: ... ...Al--

Skullshatterer: No... I threw away that name long ago.

Misha: Why...?

Skullshatterer: That person already died. Just call me Skullshatterer. Are you... afraid?

Misha: Skull...shatterer? ...Why?

Skullshatterer: Ah... You'll soon understand. After we learned that you ended up as a refugee in Lungmen, everyone volunteered to go rescue you. We've also accepted many new members there.

Misha : But... you're hurting people.
I don't want to... do that... Why are the Infected fighting each other...

Skullshatterer: An eye for an eye, as things should be. There is a saying in Ursus. "Welcome your kin as you would welcome the warm spring..."
"But welcome your enemies..."

Misha : What's wrong?

Skullshatterer: Do you know?
No... No, you don't.

Meanwhile outside of a reunion camp we can currently see Exusiai and Texas currently spying on them.

Exusiai: Ooh, I found 'em--! Looks like they sustained some pretty serious losses. Luckily, I didn't head back to the company headquarters... Otherwise, I would've needed to make a long detour for this mission...

Texas: Try to predict their escape routes. Send all likely routes along with their bearings to Amiya.

Exusiai: I'll be done in a sec!

Texas: Hmph.We can't give Reunion time to regroup.

Exusiai: Hmmm, let's see... over here... like this... and that should do it!

Texas: Are you done, Exusiai?

Exusiai: What do you need? How are we going to do this?

Texas: Let's have a little warm-up first. Start with their sentries.

To be continued:

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