Crossing The Line (BWWM)

By WritingQuartz

40.3K 989 151

Siena a black girl in high school, soon finds out that high school isn't what it's hyped up to be, and when s... More

Crossing The Line
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter eight
Chapter 9
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17
Chapter eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty

1.1K 38 7
By WritingQuartz

Hey guys! Sorry for taking like a month to update. :(

Please let me know what you think about Beck and more importantly Bently in this Chapter. Enjoy!


I woke up Monday morning feeling like crap. Today would be the first day of seeing Beck after breaking up with him and I felt... sick to my stomach. My head pounded and my stomach cramped, I was so not ready for this, I could always ask to stay home and take the day off; I would do anything as long as I didn't have to see Beck or Dakota again. My bare feet touched the cold wooden floor sending a shiver up my spine; my door creaked as it opened and I stepped out into the hallway. Nadia walked out of the bathroom she looked me up and down with blue contact eyes before frowning at me.

"Siena, why aren't you dressed?" Nadia asked. "It's already 7:30 you're going to be late to school."

I had spent so much time laying in bed staring at my white ceiling and trying to think of ways to get my parents to let me say home that my alarm went off six times. Each time I would hit the snooze button and crawl deeper into my covers; after the sixth time I decided I for sure was not going to school today.

"I don't feel good. I'm staying home."

"Uh no you're not." Nadia scofted ." Bently is sitting in the living room waiting for you, you should have called him if you weren't going to be going to school today."

My face scrunched up in surprise. Bently, Beck's brother was waiting in the living room, for me? I shuffled to the end of the hallway and peered into the living room, making sure to keep most of my body behind the wall. Sure enough Bently sat on the couch with my purple and blue mug in his hand reading a novel.

I ran back to Nadia's side. "Why is he here?" I hissed.

"I have to be at school early this week for dance team tryouts. I asked him on Saturday if he would take you to school so you wouldn't have to ride with Dad. He was glad to help."

"Nadia!" I groaned. "Why him? I could have called Terra, and dance team? Have you forgotten about the..."

"Siena I'm not stupid, of course I haven't forgotten but I'm not showing yet so I figured I should try out for dance team its something I've always wanted to do. Oh and as for Bently, you two seemed to hit it off on Saturday I thought you could use someone to clear your head after the whole Beck thing."

I slapped Nadia's arm. "I could use someone to clear my head?" I hissed.

"Yeah, I was trying to help." Nadia rubbed her bare arm while glaring at me.

"Beck's older brother is not going to help clear my head, they look so alike."

Nadia smirked, "excpet he's older and has way more sex appeal."

"Why don't you ask him to take you to school and I can drive the car?"I begged. I would do anything to not be alone with Bently after Saturday's dinner with him I needed to distance myself from anything Beck related.

"No can do sister, I have to pick up a few other girls." Nadia smiled at me. "Don't look at me like that, he practically jumped at the thought of spending time with you." She winked at me before walking towards the garage door.

I glared at her as she waved to Bently and told him I would be out in a few minutes. I sighed as I sauntered into the bathroom to take a shower. What was my life turning into?

* * * *

"Siena you never told me you had a twin sister!" Bently exclaimed as his grey eyes looked between Nadia and me. He looked so cute when he was shocked.

"Bently this is Nadia, Nadia Bently, Beck's older brother." I introduced the two.

Nadia almost melted when Bently shook her hand, she had that love- sick look in her eyes. Either Bently didn't notice my sister was practically drooling over him or he was so used to that kind of thing it didn't faze him. I decided it was the latter, Nadia was making it all too obvious that she found him attractive.

My mom walked out of the kitchen balancing a heavy bowl of mac and cheese in her arms. "Oh Ms. Johnson let me help you with that." Bently walked over to my mom and took the bowl out of her hands. I was so amazed by how much of a gentleman this guy was.

Nadia nudged me. "You storm over to Beck's house and come back with a total hottie!"

I looked over to Bently who was helping my mom carry out the rest of the food. His muscles bulged under his tight black long sleeve shirt. As if he could tell I was staring, Bently turned and winked at me; my cheeks heated up in embarressment he had totally just caught me oogling him.

"Yeah, he's hot so what. Did you know Beck never told me he had an older brother?"

"Really?" Nadia asked. Her eyes were glued to the scene behind me. She wasn't paying any attention to a word I was saying.

I snapped my hands in her face bringing her back to reality. "Nadia your acting like you've never seen a guy before stop oogling him."

Nadia waved me away. "I'm not nearly as bad as you, you were totally checking him out a minute ago."

"I was not," I growled, mostly to myself. Yeah so Beck had an older brother he never told me about and his brother just happens to be this tall, muscular, hot guy but that did not mean I felt anything towards this guy. I had just broken up with Beck after all, I was still in emotional trauma.

"Girls time to eat," my father called.

At the table Bently sat down next to me, Nadia sat opposite him and my mom and dad sat at opposite ends of the table. Dinner converstation started out slow at first, my parents asked Bently a few questions which he was really vague about; I still had no clue where he had been this whole year while I was with Beck and why Beck failed to mention him. Bently kept smiling over at me the whole dinner and I couldn't help but smile back his smile was so cute and contagious.

After dinner Nadia and I started to clear the table when my dad busted out the old school music. It blast through the house causing the walls to vibrate, my dad grabbed my mom and started to dance with her. Nadia and I looked at each other knowingly, our parents couldn't keep from embarrassing us for one night.

Bently grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the living room where my parents were dancing.

"No," I shook my head and tried to walk back toward the kitchen but Bently succeeded in pulling me into the living room.

"Come on, dance." Bently whispered in my ear. His warm breath on my neck made me to shiver involuntarily.

Bently started to dance around me, he was actually a pretty good dancer. As the song changed, he put his hands on my waist and started to move me back and forth. My body started to heat up as his at his touch; we were so close I could smell his musky cologne.

"Just let go," Bently whispered into my ear.

I looked up at him, meeting his grey eyes. He smiled down at me and at that moment I felt at ease with him. I began to move my hips to the music and dance against him; at the same time keeping my eyes on his. His grey eyes were so enticing, they had hints of gold in them. As the music changed to a faster song Bently spun me around so I was dancing against his hard chest. I was cutely aware that his hands were slowly moving from my waist to my butt. I looked over to my parents who were dancing and laughing in their own little world, they didn't seem to notice how close Bently and I had gotten.

"Damn girl you can dance," Bently whispered in my ear.

One of his hands was now on my butt, the memory of Beck and I dancing just like this at his last party triggered the tears.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I called over the music and ran to my room.

I callapsed onto my un-made bed and let the tears stream down my face. The weight of what I had done really hit me, there was no more Beck and I. There would be no more of his parties, of hanging out with him. I would never feel his soft pink lips against mine or feel his arms around my waist. With Bently I could pretend I was with Beck but when he put his hands on my butt suddenly everything became real. I picked up my phone, which was flashing from a the text messages and voicemails Beck had left me. I felt disgusted by myself, having fake feelings for Bently when really the only person I wanted was Beck. Why had I been so stupid? Screaming into my pillow, I flopped around like a toddler having a temper tantrum. For once I wished someone had been there to shut me up before I said those two stupid words, we're done.

When I finally walked back into the living room the music was off and everyone was sitting down on the couches, while my dad put in a movie. My mom and dad sat next to each other on the love seat and Nadia sat in the reclining chair, the only seat left was on the love seat next to Bently. I sighed as I walked over and sat down next to him. During the movie I could feel his eyes on me but I refused to meet his gaze.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded, keeping my eyes on the movie as some actor dressed as a cop ran down the streets of New York City.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Bently asked.

I did really need to talk to someone about the break up, but this wasn't the right time. Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes forcing me to get up and walk to the kitchen before anyone could see the tear slide down my cheek. All the crying in my room had made me thirsty, I took out a cup and filled it with water. Moments later Bently walked into the kitchen, he stopped and stared at me his grey eyes looking at my disheveled appareance.

"Siena, I didn't want to bring it up earlier because you seemed so distraught. But I can see you are struggling with the break up."

I turned my back towards Bently. "I really don't want to talk about it right now," I cried.

"I know you're mad at him, for not telling you about me. But my brother is a good guy, I hadn't even been home for a day and all he could talk about was this great girl he had met. I know there was something great between you guys, you shouldn't let the fear of him hurting you control the fate of your relationship."

The tears flowed freely now, streaming down my face as Bently talked about Beck. He was right I was letting fear control me, I didn't want Beck to hurt me yet I was always looking for some reason to claim he had hurt me.

"Siena I know my brother and I know Dakota, they have been friends for a long time. Dakota has always loved Beck, but he doesn't feel the same. He told her that and she knows her boundries, she is only acting like she's all over Beck because he has never had a serious girlfriend before and she's worried she's going to lose him."

The sound of Bently shoes coming closer sent me into a hysteria of tears. His strong arms wrapped around me, he spun me around so I faced his chest and pulled me close in a hug. I planted my head on his chest and let the tears fall as he craddled me in his arms. When I was done crying Bently let go, I looked into his peircing grey eyes as he smiled down at me. In that moment all I wanted to do was smash his pink full lips against mine, Bently must of felt it too he moved his lips down closer to mine until they were only inches apart.

"I want this too but I know you'll regret it. Promise me you'll call my brother."

I pulled my lips away from Bently's and instead crashed my head onto his chest. His arms curled around me, I sighed enjoying this hug. Bently was right I needed to talk to Beck, but there is no denying there is some sexual tension between Bently and I. I was glad he stopped the kiss this time, and I made a promise to myself I would not mess things up with Beck again, which meant not kissing his incredibly hot brother.

* * * *

"Hey," Bently said, looking up from the novel he was reading. He had reading glasses on making him look smarter and sexier. I gulped and weakly smiled back at him.

"Hey. So you're taking me to school this whole week?"

Bently took his glasses off and closed his book. "Yeah, taking you and picking you up thats my new job."

My smile turned into a frown, Nadia said nothing about him having to take me home. I stood in front of Bently and stared angrily at the couch, I was going to have to talk to Nadia about this.

"Um," Bently cleared his throat. "Are you ready to go?"

I shook my head bringing myself out of the angry trance. "Yeah."

Bently led me outside to his car and once again he opened the door for me like a gentleman. The inside of his car smelled just like his musky cologne and the smell calmed me.

"Did you eat already? Do you want to stop somewhere?" Bently asked.

I clutched my stomach at the mention of food, I hadn't eaten because I had gotten up so late and had to rush but the thought of stopping somewhere and eating with Bently scared me. "Um, no I'm good thanks."

I sighed, hoping I didn't come off sounding too harsh. Just get to school, I kept telling myself. Just get to school and you will have made it without kissing Beck's brother.

"Siena you're so quiet. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine just consumed in thought," I replied nonchalantly.

Bently chuckled, reminding me of how much I loved Beck's laugh. "Did you call Beck?"

"Uh, no."

I had meant to call him but every time I picked up the phone I some how convinced myself Beck wasn't missing me, that he was better without me. I was acting like a little scaredy cat but I just couldn't do it, I couldn't be the one to make the first move.

"Well, have a good day." Bently said as he pulled to a stop in front of the school.

"Thanks," I smiled at him before jumping out of the car.

I sighed. Step one complete, I got to school and didn't kiss Beck's brother. Step two, survive school. I was late so I quickly ran to the office to get a late pass then ran to class. The morning hours went by so slowly, the minute I walked into my first hour class, Spanish I could tell something was different. Everyone stared at me, some senior who sat next to me slipped me a piece of paper. On it in big letters she wrote, "are you and Beck really broken up?"

My cheeks heated up as I read the note over and over, not paying any attention to anything the teacher was teaching. How did she know? How did anyone know? I had only told Nadia and Terra, Beck must've told everyone.

"How do they all know?" I asked Terra at lunch. It felt like everyone was staring at me with pity in their eyes.

Terra shrugged. "I don't know."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Tell me Terra, please I need to know."

Terra sighed. "Your not going to like this. But Beck hasn't been doing so well since your break up. Apparently he went to some kids party and got super drunk and started smashing things, they had to call the police."

I looked over to Beck's table where he sat with his two guy friends and Dakota. He looked a little tired, but he seemed normal.

"So he threw a temper tantrum, thats normal."

"That's not all Siena. He got into a fight this morning with some guy who said he was happy you two weren't together anymore. One more fight and Beck's expelled and well then theres that..."

I turned and looked to where Terra was pointing. Two girls now sat so close to Beck they were practically in his lap, they were smiling up in his face.

"Who are they?" I asked, feeling the jealousy spread threw my body.

"Ever since girls heard you broke up they've been lining up to get Beck's attention."

"You mean he is letting some sluts rub up against him, telling him there sorry and what not when all they really want is to get with him?"

Terra nodded at me. The same pitying look in her eyes as everybody else. I knew Beck was hurting, heck I was hurting too at least I didn't let guys rub up on me, then I thought of Bently's hands on my butt. I sighed, I guess what Beck was doing wasn't any worse than what I had done with his brother.

"I'm sick of watching this," I exclaimed as some girl nearly shoved her tongue down Beck's throat. He stopped her, but it was still sickening to see. "I'll be outside for the rest of lunch."

When the bell rang signalling sixth hour I walked as slowly as I could to class. This would be the closest I have been to Beck all day. Class went on normally and the whole time Beck acted as if I wasn't there. When he walked in he didn't even glance my way and when I went to the front of the class to present my report he stared down at his notebook. I couldn't blame him for hating me, yet I thought he would at least recognize my existance.

By the time the final bell rang, I was so happy to get out of there, I nearly ran to my locker grabbed my stuff and ran out the door. Bently was parked right in front, he leaned against the side of his car, his brown messy hair blowing in the wind. He smiled when he saw me, he opened the door and closed it behind me before walking to the other side of the car and sliding into his seat.

"Hey, how was school?" He asked me, while pulling out of the parking lot.

I slumped into the back of the seat and sighed. "It was horrible."

"Do you wanna talk..."

"No!" I yelled, cutting him off. I didn't want to talk about how I had ruined everything with the perfect guy. I just wanted to go home and cry my brains out.

Bently turned on some slow jazz, the music combined with the moving car put me to sleep.

The slamming of a car door startled me awake. Bently opened my door and unbuckled my seatbelt, his hand brushing over my thigh.

"Oh good your awake."

I blinked, confused as to why he was taking me out of the car.

"Where are we?" I asked.

The sounds of kids screaming in delight met my ears, I looked around noticing the huge carnival rides. I remembered seeing something about the carnival being in town for a week.

"Why are we here?" I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You said you had a bad day, I thought some cotton candy, a few rides and a stuft animal would cheer you up."

I stepped out of the car, the idea was really sweet and for the first time that day I actually smiled.

"Your going to win me a teddy bear?" I asked.

I had always dreamed of winning a teddy bear at a carnival but could never win any of the games. I had heard they were rigged anyways.

"You bet, if that's what you want."

He held out his hand and I took it as he lead me to the ticket window. He paid for our tickets and once we were inside the excitement of being at the carnival started to kick in.

"Let's go win me a teddy bear!" I yelled while pulling him towards the nearest game.

"Whoa, don't you want to go on a few rides first?" Bently chuckled. "Come on the line for the ferris wheel is short."

I scrunched up my nose. "The ferris wheel?"

I had always thought of the ferris wheel as some super romantic thing you go on. Going on the ferris wheel with Bently made this outing feel more like a date.

"What? Don't you like the ferris wheel?" Bently asked. We were already the second couple in line.

"Yeah, sure the ferris wheel is great."

Bently studied me with his peircing grey eyes. "Oh my gosh, you are afraid of the ferris wheel."

"I'm not afraid, it's just creepy Nadia and I almost got stuck on one once. So I'm not a huge fan."

Bently grabbed my hand and helped me into the seat. The ride manager strapped us in, pushed a button and we were off.

"Don't worry if we get stuck I'll carry you down over my shoulder." Bently winked.

As our seat on the ferris wheel got higher and higher, the view of the city became nicer and the tighter I clutched onto the metal bar which kept us locked in.

Bently laughed. "Siena your cute when your scared, but calm down."

"I'm not a fan of heights either okay." I growled.

The ferris wheel jerked to a stop and our seat had to be at the highest point in the air.

"Oh my gosh, why'd it stop?"

Bently peered over the edge nearly giving me a heart attack. "Looks like some people are getting off."

"Oh my gosh, how long does it take for people to get off and get on?" I took a deep breath in and exhaled.

I did not like heights one bit and the fact that our cart was swaying in the wind did not help.

Bently scooted closer to me and wrapped one of his arms around his shoulder. "Hold my hand."

"Uh, I'm okay with this bar but thanks," I breathed.

Bently chuckled. "Hold my hand Siena it will help."

I slowly moved my hands from the metal bar to Bently's hands. Feeling his strong arms pull me closer helped take a bit of the fear away.

"Better?" Bently asked in my ear.

I nodded and sighed in relief as the ferris wheel resumed motion. Once we got off I jumped up and down like a little kid. "Thank you Lord for the ground."

Bently smirked at me his grey eyes sparking, he bought me some cotton candy to eat while I watched him try to win me a teddy bear. He decided to go with the basketball shooting game, and he easily shot three baskets in a row.

"Pick out your teddy bear."

I pointed to a purple bear with a heart on its chest and the guy managing the game gave it to me.

"So did I succeed in cheering you up?" Bently asked.

I nodded happily while hugging my stuft bear.

"Hey, hey you guys want to remember this night? I'll take a picture of the happy couple." A person at a photo booth asked.

I looked up at Bently. "Um were actually not a..."

"Sure," Bently interrupted me.

He scooted closer to me, putting his arm around my waist. I held up my purple bear and smiled for the camera. Bently bought two copies of the picture. It came out great, we both looked so happy I could see why the camera man mistook us for a couple.

Bently pulled into my driveway and cut off the car. We both sat in the dark, silence for awhile taking in the day.

"Well, thanks again for everything I had fun."

"Yeah, no problem."

Bently reached across me to pick up the stuft bear he had won me. His hands brushed across my thigh sending shivers down my spine. I turned towards Bently and we both just looked into each others eyes. He gently caressed my cheek, making my heart race inside my chest. Bently moved closer until our faces were only inches apart, he put his hand on my thigh and leaned even closer. Tonight had been so romantic, it felt like the right moment to lean in and kiss him, my body wanted me to but then I looked into his grey eyes, I saw Beck. I realized this whole night I had been wishing it was Beck holding me in the ferris wheel, it was Beck who I wanted to win me a teddy bear. I knew I wanted Beck and that meant ignoring my body and using my head. I turned my head and quickly kissed Bently on the cheek.

"Thanks for tonight, it was fun." I said, before climbing out of the car and walking inside the house.


Hey guys once again sorry for taking so long to update. Life is busy.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who voted and especially everyone who commented. I really enjoyed and appreciated hearing your thoughts about Siena, Beck and Bently.

As a heads up this book is coming to an end, I'm think there will probably be two maybe three more chapters so make sure to tell me how you think it should end. Whether or not you think Beck and Siena should be together.

Thanks again for being pacient

-Writing Quartz

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