no regrets - S.R

By lvrgirl47

27.7K 656 214

she made a dumbass mistake that turned into a love story More

christmas special ~ not apart of the storyline
being honest!


575 13 2
By lvrgirl47

3:25 a.m.
y/n randomly awoke. she looked around and realized everyone was gone. the lights were off and everyone had left then in the living room. she moved slightly and felt the grip on her waist tighten. she knew it was suna, she could smell his comforting scent.

"stop moving." he groaned.

"i have to pee, rin. so you gotta let go." she laughed.

"no. you can wait a second." he snuggled closer to her.

"i will pee right here." he immediately let go and pushed her, causing her to fall off the couch. "bitch." she mumbled.

she got up and walked to the bathroom. yawning, she finished peeing and wiped. she flushed, washed her hands, took off her jewelry and washed her face. she knew that she most likely wouldn't be able to fall back asleep until later.

it was weird how this worked. she'd be in a deep slumber and then randomly jolt awake. from there she wouldnt be able to sleep. she walked out of the bathroom and back to the couch only to see suna knocked out again. she smiled and kissed his head. she went into the kitchen and decided to make some tea.

"can't sleep?" she turned to see akaashi walking down the last three steps.

"can't fall back asleep, you?" y/n leaned against the kitchen island and gestured to the tea as akaashi walked over.

"couldnt fall asleep to begin when bokuto and nachimi have been giggling for like two hours. by giggling i mean laughing their ass off." akaashi groaned, pouring himself a cup of tea.

"they're probably making those voiceover videos again." y/n laughing, reminiscing on the time bokuto and nachimi did a voiceover of brats. it was fucking hilarious.

"eh, maybe. bokuto has been really flirty with her." akaashi shrugged.

y/n knew how bokuto could be when it comes to teasing akaashi, making akaashi jealous was sometimes funny. one time in their first and second year, this one girl akaashi had feelings for, liked bokuto. bokuto didnt truly know if akaashi's crush was real, but he had a hunch.

so he flirted with her once in front of him and they had a little argument over it. it wasnt too bad but akaashi didnt talk to him for like a week, just to be petty.

"bokuto can be a douche, but he means no harm."

"you dont think he actually likes her?"

"what?" y/n scoffed, raising her eyebrows.

"i think he really likes her. the last girl he acted like this around he was like in love with her." akaashi slightly pouted.

" 'kaashi, even if bokuto did, you still have feelings for her. you cant force yourself not to like her if you do." y/n took a glance over at suna.

she was scared. not of him, the thought of what was really happening. she couldn't tell the difference between platonic and romantic. what if suna was platonically trying support her and she was just assuming he liked her? what if he already liked someone and is just disgusted by her? is he pitying her? but what if it is romantic and she fucks it up?

"y/n, you're zoning out." akaashi pointed out.
"lemme take care of this. you go lay down with him instead of overthinking it." akaashi grabbed her mug and set it next to the sink before wiping up the split tea and taking care of the wrappers.

"what if im delusional?" y/n frowned.

"you are, just not with him." akaashi patted her head and nudged her towards the couch's direction.

"goodnight n/n, i love you." he blew her a cringey kiss causing her to laugh and shake her head. he definitely knew how to make her feel better, she was just stuck in her head.

she moved suna's arm so she could cuddled up to him again. he immediately pulled her down and snuggled into her.

"so akaashi likes nachimi?" he mumbled. his voice was deep and raspy.

"yeah, he has for a while, but she is weird about things so i dont even know how she feels."

"bokuto sure is an asshole." he chuckled.

"sometimes." y/n laughed. they talked and talked until eventually falling asleep.

1:25 p.m.
kita was the first one up. he was surprised he slept this long. today was the day they decided they were gonna head back to aran's. one, he didnt like lying to his grandma and two atsumu keeps whining about leaving his favorite hoodie at aran's.

akaashi was up not even two minutes after kita, unknowingly, they both made their ways to the kitchen.

"good afternoon, kita." akaashi began making coffee.

"mornin', how'd you sleep?" kita walked into the kitchen rubbing his eye slightly.

"fine and yourself?" he grabbed a mug from the cupboard and began pouring himself some coffee.

"good, we gotta head back to aran's today." kita grabbed a mug as akaashi motioned it towards him.

"oh shit. okay, i hope that's not too soon." akaashi sipped the refreshing liquid.

he had been in his head since he talked with
y/n. if bokuto was justing acting like that to piss him off, what if nachimi actually was catching feelings.

"i smell coffee." speak of the devil, bokuto came down the stairs. he had messy bed hair and he was just in his sweats. a few seconds later, nachimi came down in his shirt.

"my head hurts." nachimi groaned, leaning against bokuto as he was leaning against the kitchen counter.

"y'all are so loud." aran came up from the basement and immediately went to get himself a cup of coffee.

"y/n, get up. i have to pee." suna laughed, drawing attention to them.

"wowww, so you hate me? okay." y/n joked and got up.

"good morning lovebirds." nachimi smirked.

"bokuto's shirt?" y/n pointed.

"lost mine." nachimi shrugged. y/n and akaashi exchanged a look, nachimi caught on and laughed. "woah not like that, i showered and lost my shirt. his just happened to be in there."

bokuto snickered before talking, "well glad it was. it looks better on you." he shrugged his right shoulder, the one she was leaning against.

"im gonna go shower." akaashi chugged his coffee and walked past them.

"dont jerk off too hard, we have to go to that abandoned zoo today." nachimi joked.

akaashi flipped her off with a smirk and ran up the stairs.

"this is the earliest i've been up this summer, willingly." suna stretched walking up behind y/n and wrapping his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder.

"well we should start getting around. i want waffle house." y/n smiled as suna let go.

"ooo waffle house sounds amazing!" bokuto leaned over the counter.

"you got waffle house money, bitch?" nachimi glared at bokuto.

"no, but you love me so you'll pay." he innocently smiled.

"the fuck i will." nachimi sarcastically replied rolling her eyes.

"nachimi come upstairs with me." y/n grabbed the melanin girl's hand and tugged her.

"okie dokie, bae." nachimi booty bumped bokuto as she left with y/n.

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