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y/n woke up to her alarm blaring. "god damn, my fight or flight was triggered by that one." she mumbled as she stretched. nachimi was gonna be here at 7:30 a.m. and it was now 6:45 a.m.

yawning for what felt like the millionth time, she slowly sat up. she got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. she had her own bathroom, not technically. her brother was just never home.

"why the fuck is the seat up?" she glared at the toilet, thinking maybe her father used it, but that didn't make sense.

"miss me?" she heard behind her. she spun around, swinging at whatever was behind her.

"god fucking damn it, haru." she put her hand over her heart.

"okay, what the fuck." haru held his cheek where she hit him.

"you scared me, fucker. the fuck did you expect?" she turned back around and walked back into the bathroom.

"not to be punched." haru chuckled.

"well, i wasn't expecting a 6'1 doofus to be here either, so we're even." she began brushing her teeth.

"blah blah blah, im staying out here for a bit. i arrived a couple days ago, but looks like you aren't really here either." he leaned against the doorway with his hands in his sweatpants pockets.

"i was at nachimi's. i'm leaving again, though." she said after she spit the foamy toothpaste out.

"where to?"



"nachimi's going.. why are you asking so many questions?" y/n put her toothbrush and toothpaste in baggies and walked back to her room.

"just missed you, that's all." haru followed her to her room,but stayed in the doorway. knowing she doesnt like when people in there. "i missed you too and all, but i didn't know you were coming back." she responded, grabbing her bags, making sure once again she had everything.

"fair." they dat in silence for a second when haru went back to his room. "lemme know when you're leaving!" he yelled to her before he shut his door.

"i will!" she replied, shutting her door.

y/n's pov
after checking my bags for the billionth time, i grabbed my outfit for the day, since i planned it the night before. as i did my makeup, i heard footsteps coming upstairs. i listen closer, i identified them as my mom's. what is she doing upstairs?

"y/n, nachimi's here." she knocked as she spoke.

"ok." i put my shoes on and grabbed my changer, shoving it in my mini backpack.

third pov
y/n grabbed her suitcases, which was only two, one small one and one big one. she rushed to haru's door and knocked, "i'm leaving."

she heard ruffling and then the door opened. haru was changed and looked like he was ready for the day.

"why do you look like that?" they said at the same time. "i asked first... jinx." they glared at each other before it turned into laughing.

"i'll walk you out." he smiled.

"you are not asking to come."

"i won't." he smirked as he walked behind her down the stairs.

"mhm. you're fingers are probably crossed." his fingers were in fact crossed.

they walked out the front door after y/n bid their parents goodbye.

"y/n!!!" nachhini shouted out the passenger window, as she rolled it down.

"chimi!!" y/n kept that same energy.

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