Our Little Family

By Ezra_Ann_

90.9K 4.2K 162

Eden James is 23-years-old young man who is gay, able to become pregnant, and is currently six months pregnan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22


4K 156 29
By Ezra_Ann_

2 years later -

Ean is 3-years-old, Gage and I are 28-years-old, Gage and Karter are 30-years-old, Ben is 31-years-old, and Mrs. McCoy is 53-years-old. Alexis and Karter are living together, and have been for a year and a half now, and they are getting married in a month. Alexis is four months pregnant, and I am so freaking excited for her and Karter!

Gage and I are still together, and he moved into the townhouse with Ean and I a year ago. We had discussed this for about a month before he moved in, and he sold his home around the time he moved into the townhouse. I am also six months pregnant, and we can possibly find out the gender of the baby at an appointment today as long as the baby cooperates.

"Are you ready, baby?" Gage asks, stepping into our bedroom with Ean on his left hip after he helped Ean get dressed for the day.

I was getting dressed while Gage was getting Ean dressed, and I smile at them as I struggle to get my socks on, and I give Gage a pout; "Almost. I am having trouble getting my socks on. Will you help me, please?"

I stop trying to pull my emerald green sock on my left foot, and Gage smiles at me; "Of course, baby."

He and Ean come over to me with Gage placing Ean on his feet before Gage kneels down onto his right knee in between my feet. He smiles reassuringly up at me as he takes my socks from my hands to slip my socks on gently over my swollen feet.

"Ean, can you grab papa's white Van from the closet, please?" Gage requests of our son, knowing how much he loves to help us.

"Yeah!" Ean quickly agrees, skipping over to our closet, opening the door, stepping inside to grab my shoes, and skips back over to us, and hands the shoes to Gage.

"Thank you, E, you are such a wonderful helper!" Gage praises with a bright smile.

"You are welcome, daddy," Ean chirps with his own bright smile before climbing onto the bed beside me, snuggling into my side, and rubs my pregnant belly.

Ean started calling Gage 'daddy' when he was a year and a half old, and I cried as did Gage when this happened. We are going to tell Ean about his biological dad when he is older, and can fully understand, but that Gage is his dad, and that he was adopted by Gage on Ean's second birthday.

When Gage finishes, he stands to give me a sweet kiss on the lips after I thank him for his help. Holding my hands out for him to help me stand since standing from the bed is a struggle for me nowadays.

"Baby 'ppoin'en'!" Ean cheers as Gage helps me to my feet, and then Gage picks him up since I cannot carry Ean.

We leave the house once we have our shoes and spring jackets on since it is the middle of March, and the baby's due date is June 26th. Eden's birthday is December 10th, mine is December 6th, and Gage's is May 15th.

Arriving at the doctor's office, Gage parks, turns off the engine, and helps Ean unbuckle himself from his car seat as I climb out. We head inside with Ean walking in between Gage and I, holding both of our hands, and once inside the building, I register myself at the front desk as Gage and Ean head to the waiting area. Ean is at the kid table in the corner playing with the toys as Gage is in a chair watching him as I approach them.

"What is your guess?" Gage asks softly as we sit next to each other, and we link our fingers together.

Humming at him as I think for a second before answering; "Um, I think the baby is a boy, but I would be just as happy with a girl. As long as the baby is healthy, I will be happy. What is your guess?"

Gage grins at me; "I think the baby is a girl, but I would be happy with either as long as the baby is healthy, too."

The office door opens, and the nurse calls my name, and Gage stands to help me stand, and I call Ean over to us which he does. The nurse has me stand on the scale to measure my weight, and I have gained five pounds since my last appointment last month. She leads us to a room where she takes my vitals, documents them, and then promises that the doctor will be in shortly as she leaves.

"We are having everyone over for dinner to announce the baby's gender, right?" Gage asks as we wait for Dr. Adams' arrival.

"Yeah, even if we can't find out the gender, we should still have everyone over since it has been a while," I answer with a smile while rubbing my belly where the baby is kicking me.

Gage hums, adjusting Ean on his lap as there is a knock on the door before it opens with Dr. Adams entering. They smile at us with a verbal greeting.

"How are you boys this morning?" they ask as they prepare to do the ultrasound.

"We are doing good, Dr. Adams, excited to see if the baby will cooperate today," I answer for the three of us with a hopeful smile.

They grin at us as they grab the gel to squirt on my belly; "Okay, lift your shirt, please, and remember this will be a little cold."

Lifting my shirt to my chest, and folding the maternity pants down, Dr. Adams squirts the gel on my belly making me shiver slightly. They take the wand to move around the gel for a moment as they look for the gender off the screen before stopping when they find it. They press a couple of buttons on the keyboard as they leave the wand in place, and turn the monitor toward us with a grin.

"See right there, that shows your baby's gender, and it is a girl!" they say, pointing at the screen with a huge grin. "Congrats!"

Sniffling at the monitor as several tears fall as I turn to see Gage and Ean's reactions, and Gage is crying, too. Ean is looking at the screen in confusion.

"Ean, what is your question, baby?" I ask him, wiping away the tears from my eyes and face with a grin.

"How baby get in screen?" he cutely asks with a tilt of his head to the right with his eyes still glued to the screen.

Giggling, I let Dr. Adams explain this to Ean because I do not think I can explain this so he can understand. They explain this to Ean, and he giggles loudly at their answer. Dr. Adams then prints off three pictures for us before asking if we have any questions which we do not. We then leave, making another appointment for four weeks from now.

Arriving home, I waddle into the kitchen to bake cupcakes with pink filling to reveal the gender of the baby to everyone after dinner tonight. Everyone, Alexis, Karter, Ben, and Mrs. McCoy, will be here at 6 p.m. for dinner. Gage is going to make his homemade pizzas for dinner, and I am baking dessert with Ean's help.

I still am extremely leery of Mrs. McCoy, and I have not opened up to her at all over the last three years. I have tried to move past the hurt that I felt that day when she bombarded me about being with her son romantically, but I can't. Perhaps one day.

Things might have taken a while to start between Gage and I, but I am glad that I gave him a chance to be a part of our little family.

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