Bad Intentions

By lisasinghh

1.7M 54.4K 16.6K

I shook my head at him. This is his game. But that doesn't mean I can't master it. I gave him a seductive smi... More

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17.2K 455 61
By lisasinghh


You know everyone says that when you are in a near death experience your life flashes before your eyes? All your memories from childhood all the way up to that current moment replay in an instant?

Oh trust me. That was true.

Everything from the memories of when I was a little girl playing in the living room with my toys to junk food days with Kayla to even the memory of me walk away from the beautiful burger place that made me end up in this situation!

And now I'm going to die on an empty stomach.

I wanted to scream. Every ounce of me wanted to let it out, but I couldn't with that hand that was locked down on my mouth.

My back hit the hard concrete wall once in the empty stairwell. The person towered over me with their hand still in place. I was completely covered by the person. Every part of me was about to fight back.

"What the hell are you doing here?" A deep voice said lowly.

That voice.

I looked up to be met with harden hazel eyes and a wave of relief washed through me.


He removed his hand and I took in a breath of air. My lungs were definitely grateful for that.

"I just ended up here." I whispered to him. That was the truth. I literally just ended up here thanks to my legs who had a mind of their own. I wasn't quite sure how I was going to explain this situation. But I was at least going to try.

He arched a brow not convinced. Honestly, neither was I.

I was just about explain when Jace grabbed my hand and pulled me down to the ground. He placed a finger on his lips to signal silence.

There was a presence by the door. I don't know who it was, but the aura was there. I knew I had to stay quite. They stood by the doorway for a few moments before departing footsteps were heard.

I let out a sigh I didn't know I had in. I looked over to Jace who signaled towards the stairs. I nodded as he took my hand and pull me down the steps. Careful not to make too much noise.

The end of the stairwell had an exit that led outside. He pushed back the door and held it open for me to exit.

Once outside, the wind had picked up shaking tree limbs and toss leaves across the street. Rain was well on its way in.

Jace looked around every corner to make sure we were alone. He removed his hand from mine and I was already missing the warmth.

He turned to face me. His arms crossed along his chest.

"Please explain why you're here." He demanded. I could see the aggravation etched onto his face.

"I came here for burgers." I answered simply. That was the truth.

Jace's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Now I know this is not a business that sells burgers. Try again."

I sighed in frustration. "No, I really came down here for burgers." I explained. "There's a new restaurant a crossed the street and I came to pick up some food."

"Okay." He said seeming slightly convinced. "That doesn't explain how you ended up in this building."

I blew out some air figuring out how I was going to explain this one. And it was simple.

"I followed them."

I swore I never thought I could see anger filled someone's features as fast as they settled on his.

"You did what?" He gritted out.

"I followed them." I repeated, but this time I wasn't as confident in my answer.

Listen, I know it was stupid.

"Why the hell would you do that?" He questioned anger still evident in his tone.

I looked down towards the ground I couldn't look him in the eyes. I felt like a kid getting scolded.

I kicked a few pebbles of gravel with my shoe. "I was curious." I muttered.

"Curious?" He said dryly. "You do know curiosity killed the cat, right?"

I nodded. I know it was stupid!

He placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head up. His eyes meeting my own. Only his were filled with anger and worry. So much worry.

"Leah." His deep voice was steady. "Don't ever ever do that again. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. You don't know how dangerous all this is. It may be too late to save myself from all of this, but I will never let you get anywhere near this. Do you understand?"

I nodded. It was the only thing I could do in the moment.

Then I remembered something.

"Jace, what is Dominic doing here?" I asked.

"Business." He said vaguely.

"No, serious answer." I demanded. "Why is he at this company?"

He arched a brow at my tone. "This is a company Dominic has acquired recently."

"When you say 'acquired' what do you mean?"

"I mean he now owns a good chunk of the company. On the board and has a say in every business decision they make. Why are you asking?" He inquired.

I ran my hands down my face in frustration. This can't be right?

"Why are you asking?" He repeated.

I bit my bottom lip in thought. Even if it's not true, it would be better to tell him.

"Because Nate's father is the one of the members operating this branch."

Jace looked absolutely taken back.

"You don't think he's had anything to do with Dominic, right?" I asked pleadingly.

Please tell me he doesn't.

He was silent for a moment. "Honestly, I don't know." He answered. There was a chance Nate's dad has no hand in this. Some hope. "But truthfully, if he is a major member of this company it's likely he is associated with Dominic."

All my hopes deflated. I felt my shoulders dropped in that moment.

It can't be. Not the man who was literally my second father. Who was there for all my major milestones even after my father passed.

Not my father's best friend.

Jace must have felt my disappointment because he pulled me into his arms. My head against his chest. It was comforting. It was safe.

"But I'm not saying he is." He whispered softly. His strong arms held onto me tightly.

I could stay like this for forever.

Then it hit me. He was probably still upset from last night. And even if he was he didn't show it in this moment.

I didn't even acknowledge that and I want too. To let him know I wasn't playing him. I wanted to acknowledge his feelings.

Just as I was about to say something, Jace pulled away leaving my body to be exposed to the cool air. I was already missing his presence.

"Go home. We'll figure this out. We'll figure out if Nate's father is a part of this." He said definitively.

"How? You can't keep putting yourself in the line of fire." It true. Every time Jace tries to uncover hidden information he is putting himself at risk of getting caught.

He gave me a charming smile. "Don't worry. I have ways."

"Charming your way out of this isn't gonna work this time." I said deadpanned.

"Oh, you think I'm charming?" He asked with a smirk playing on his lips.

I shook my head. Way to turn this around, Jace.

"Whatever." I waved him off dismissively. "I'm going to get burgers." And on queue my stomach growled.

A blush rose to my cheeks as I hear Jace chuckle. "Please do."

I rolled my eyes as I started to walk back to the direction of the restaurant. I turned back and Jace was still there making sure I made it.

"Go." He mouthed I knew he could still see the concern on my face. He motioned for me to go towards the restaurant.

I nodded and headed to the entrance. I turned back once more to see if he was still there, but he was long gone.

I couldn't help the aching I felt in my chest. He shouldn't be doing this himself. But I wasn't sure how to help.

I finally grabbed the food after ordering it and headed home. The rain started with a drizzle and by the time I got home it got heavier. I ran inside protecting the precious treasure.

"Finally!" Kayla exclaimed as I entered the house. She grabbed the bag out of my hands. "I thought my stomach was going to eat itself. Where were you?" She popped a fry into her mouth.

Wow, thanks Kay.

"The restaurant was busy." I lied.

She nodded and ate a few more fries. "Oh! I took the trash out and got the mail for you and this was in it." She handed me an envelope.

It was dark gray and had white cursive writing on the front. It was addressed to my mom and I. I opened the envelope and it was invitation.

You are cordially invited to the Annual Before the Holidays Fundraiser Event.

This was the event that Nate's parent throw every year. Right before the holidays to raise money for the community and it's resources. It was always a way to give back.

"Did you get one?" I asked Kayla as she took a bite of her burger.

"Yeah, mine came in the mail yesterday. I love this event! We always get to dress so fancy. I can't wait to go shopping. And this year it's being held at the Rylan's residence." She said before taking another bite.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I know how I can help Jace.

If Nate's dad was associated with Dominic he would have some documentation of it for the company and he could possibly be keeping it safe at his house. It's a long shot, but it's worth trying.

I just hope Jace was ready to play James Bond.

Hello loves!

Another chapter for you all! Did you enjoy this one??

I never asked (but some of you noticed ❤️) do you all like the new cover?

There is so much more to come. I hope you all are ready!

Don't forget to

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Lisa S.

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