Creepypasta Oneshots (Taking...


9.1K 105 245

x Reader oneshots are going to be gender neutral Please give me requests for what you want me to write ❗️not... More

3. Lucky (Hoodie x Reader) (Part 1)
4. Lucky (Hoodie x Reader) (Part 2)
5. Papers (EJ x Reader) (Part 1)
7. Heart (Ticci Toby x Reader)

1. Welcome Home (Creepypasta x Reader)

3.8K 28 34

- TW's -
Light gore, derealization/disassociation, panic attack, maybe some hallucinations
(If I missed any please let me know and I'll add it)

Maybe it was the way he yelled at you. Maybe it was the way you felt like you did nothing right. Maybe it was the way you wanted some control. Maybe it was something else. Whatever it was though, it ended up with him lying in a pool of his own blood, stab wounds all over his chest and his head smashed into a pile of gore by a book that now laid three feet away from the corpse (it was a very heavy book).

Now you were standing there, slightly panting, staring at the body in front of you. Your eyes would flicker between the knife in you hand and the body. The only sound that would break the deafening silence was the slow dripping of the blood onto the stained wooden floors.

You had taken control, and it felt amazing.


You knew it was just a matter of time before you lost it, though you didn't imagine you would go this far.


It was satisfying to hear his screams while you took away the one thing he could never get back.


You knew if you stayed here though, you would eventually attract unwanted attention. You had to go somewhere.


Breaking out of your trance, you stepped over the body, careful not to slip on the blood that surrounds it, and quietly walked to your room.

You were in your room holding a black backpack. It was soft lots of use and there were parts of it that were starting to slightly fray. You wondered when you picked up the bag. The knife wasn't in your hands anymore too. You looked the desk in the corner of your room. Oh that's where you put the knife. You tried to recall when you put it there but everything was blurry.

You were grabbing food from the cabinet. You had stuffed your bag mostly full and made your way into the kitchen. The world around you felt fake and your brain was cloudy. It was like you were swaying in and out of your body, riding in the backseat of a car you own, forced out of the drivers.

You were walking out the back door. No need to grab anything else. There was water, food, clothes, and a few other essentials in your bag, along with a journal in case you felt like writing down how you were feeling, though you didn't understand it yourself.

Your head felt full and blurry. You felt like your soul was weighing down your body though trying to desperately escape. You saw the world through a haze. Everything looked slightly foggy and a bit white. Your legs and face felt numb.

You felt as if your body was functioning without you. Feet wandering to the forest, as of being drawn there. It made sense, of course. The forest was thick and there were horror stories told about it that made most people stay away. Though they were just that. Stories.

You had never believed in the stories told at midnight during sleepovers, or on camping trips around a camp fire, or at school in a classroom where the lights had been turned off. There wasn't a faceless person who walked around, kidnapping children. There wasn't a guy with a smile who would sneak in through your window. There wasn't an eyeless cannibal who stole your organs.

You never bothered to really listen to them. None of it was true anyways. In fact, the place you lived had always been rather peaceful. There hadn't been a murder in your town since the 1960's. That is, until today.

You were at the edge of the forest. Apparently too lost in thought to have realized you were there. Your mind was still in a haze as you stared at the tall tree that reached into the sky. A flashlight beam found you though and you turned slightly and looked behind you.

A person with brown hair and pale skin was there. They wore a green, skin tight crop top and some high-waisted brown corduroy pants. A jean jacket was on their shoulders, keeping them warm from winters harsh bite. You were pretty certain that you had seen them around school before.

They screamed.

That broke you out of your trance.

You ran. Ran into the forest as fast as you could, quickly disappearing from sight. Your head, once so fuzzy, was now crystal clear and set into a state of panic.

You raced through the woods, letting extended branches scratch your face, some drawing blood. Occasionally you would trip, but you just got right back up and kept running. The trees reached out for you, trying to grab you, trying to catch you. You kept running.

The wind screamed your name, taunting you as you tried to escape the inevitable. The sky looked down at you, taunting you, letting you know you had no where to run, letting you know that all your attempts to be free would all be in vain. You would die in these woods. There was no escaping fate.

You ran, ignoring the screams of the world around you.

A tear slipped down your cheek. Then another. Then another. They kept falling until there was a steady flow of tears falling from your face. Voices that weren't there taunted you.

"How pathetic" they would say, "They know where you are. They're coming for you. They're going to get you. They see you. You aren't safe."

Disembodied voices around you started raising their voices, yelling at you, making fun of you, taunting you. You wanted to hurt them, to tell them to fuck off, but you couldn't. You just kept running faster.

Your breath picked up. Where were you running? Who were you running from? Why were you running? You were probably far enough away from where you lived, you were probably safe.

"You aren't safe here."

You kept running. Your breath was picking up, you were hyperventilating. There were sharp spike of pain in your chest and your head was clouded. You couldn't breath. You just kept running, gasping for air that felt like it was just out of your reach. Black and yellow dots started to cloud your vision. You felt lighter, but heavier at the same time. You felt numb. Your vision started to fade and the last thing you recall was tripping over a rock and falling.


You were falling.

And falling.

And falling.

And then you hit the ground.

You opened your eyes, expecting to see the forest, but it wasn't the forest that you were running through that you saw.

You were in a clearing with bright green grass. Trees surrounded you, letting light filter through their leaves and making the air appear with a golden tint. It was breathtaking.

And then you were falling again.

This time when you hit the ground though, you were on the beach. Waves crashed against the shore. Seagulls flew around somewhere in the distance, their calls carrying over to where you were sitting.

And then you were falling.

This time when you hit the ground though, you were back in your house. There were cookies on the counter with a note next to them.

'I'll be home at 5, take care hun'

And then you were falling.

And then you woke up.

"No no I think it's dead," A makes voice said.

"Don't refer to them as an it-" A different one replied.

"What if they use it/it's pronouns though?" The first voice interrupted.

"Well we don't know if they do yet, so how about you ask them when they wake up?" The second voice said.

"What if they don't- AH IT'S ALIVE!"


You opened your eyes and rolled onto your side, coughing.

Then you remember the voices.

You sat up quickly and turned to face them. One of them was leaning against a tree and the other was crouching next to you.

The one leaning against the tree had long black hair and almost white skin. He was also wearing a white hoodie and black jeans. The thing that caught your attention most though wasn't the slightly brown stains on the hoodie that looked an awful lot like blood, or even his 2000's scene kid haircut. It was the smile that had been carved into his face. It wasn't carved into his face well either. It looked like a toddler cut it.

The person who was crouching next to you was wearing black jeans and a black hoodie with the hood pulled up. They also had a blue mask on that covered his entire face. The mask had two big holes in it that were leaking some black substance. You couldn't see their eyes through the holes either. What you could see was the scalpel in their gloved hand.

"If I died then this is some shitty afterlife," you mumbled.

"HEY! That's rude you better take that back," The one with the bad hair said.

"Jeff, can you please keep your mouth shut for 30 seconds while I figure out what to do with them?" The blue masked person said with a sigh.

"Well why don't we just kill them? They're in his forest anyways," The black haired person, apparently Jeff, asked.

"Jeff," The other one warned.&

Jeff rolled his eyes and mumbled a quick, "Fine."

You stood up shakily and stumbled over to a nearby tree to lean on. A sharp pain shot up through you from your leg, but you refused to acknowledge it.

The blue masked person just stayed where they were and watched you move.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh, uh," You didn't know how to reply. What if you told them you killed him? Would they turn you in? Probably not if they were discussing killing you. There's still a chance they could though. Eh, fuck it, "Yeah I'm just here to, you know, avoid legal trouble?"

"What kind of legal trouble?"

This bitch-

"The kind where I did something against the law and don't want to go to jail for 30 years because of it?"

"Yeah okay but what did you do?"

You stared at him. You were the cleanest when you killed him. You knew you had blood on your clothes. Though you also did run through a forest for who knows how long and did get hurt a lot. They could just think the blood is yours.

"A little bit of light murder, nothing too important," You gave in.

"OH! Does that mean we can take them home then? To our home? They can stay with us, right Jackie?" Jeff asked. He seemed a lot more interested when murder was brought into the conversation.

The other person groaned. They probably rolled their eyes, though you couldn't tell because of the mask, "Don't call me Jackie, and we can talk to the boss about it, but you know we can't just go picking up every murderer that wanders into the forest."

"Woah woah woah. Hold up. You guys want to take me to some random place you live in, that is in the middle of the forest?" You asked, hoping they were joking.

"Yeah just about. Why?" Jeff said, apparently oblivious.

"Okay yeah what happened to 'stranger danger'? Do you really think I'm just going to go with you to some random ass place? I think I'll pass."

"In all honesty," The blue masked person, apparently not Jackie, stated, "You don't really have a choice. Well, I guess you do. Come with us and live or we can just kill you. Up to you though."

You took a moment to think about it. A free place to live or  just die in some random part of a forest by some guy who didn't even show his face and a joker wannabe?

You pretended to think about it for a moment longer before shrugging your shoulder, "I guess I'll go with you guys. I can't really walk right now though." You gestured down lazily at your left leg. It hurt too much to put weight on so you were standing on your right foot putting most of your weight against the tree.

"That's no problems really. Give your bag to Jeff and I'll just carry you," the blue guy said.

You tossed your bag to Jeff who surprisingly caught it while the other one stood up and approached you.

Even with the noticeable slouch the masked person had, he was still easily six inches taller than you.

He stopped a little bit in front of you and turned his back towards you and crouched down.

You, being smart and not having to ask what he was doing because you're so smart, carefully got on his back, being careful of your leg as you did so. He stood up and strolled over to where the emo kid was standing with your backpack.

"Ready to go, Jackie?" He asked, his already carved smile somehow getting bigger.

"I told you to call me Jack not Jackie dumbass," Jack replied.

You ended up falling asleep. It probably wasn't the best idea considering that you were on the back of a stranger who happened to also be a murderer, but you were tired (and maybe a bit stupid).

You could feel someone gently set you down onto a soft surface. You sunk into the material and curled up in a ball to get more comfortable.

"Hey, you gotta wake up. There are some people that want to meet you," a slightly familiar voice whispered in your ear. You opened your eyes slightly and saw you were in a completely unfamiliar room.

It looked like any other living room, except for the people sitting in it. You looked at the person who woke you up and jumped slightly. It was the same guy who carried you here but now lacking his blue mask. You also now realized that the reason you couldn't see his eye, was because he didn't have eyes.

You looked at the other people in the room. They faintly reminded you of the ghost stories people always told.

There was a girl with a clock for an eye, a short blond boy wearing green, another girl, but she was wearing a black dress and a porcelain mask, a man with a similar mask to the previous girl, a boy who would twitch every few seconds, a many more.

"Who are they?" You whispered to Jack, slightly intimidated by the large amount of people.

"Your new family," he replied back with a smile.

"Welcome Home."

Gender neutral x readers >>> breathing
Also please give me suggestions of what to write because I'm honestly struggling out here

drink water and I love you very much <3

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