The Blue Blur and Art Girl (S...

Par LeslieHowell021

2.8K 65 6

After settling in Green Hills, Sonic is eager to prove that he has what it takes to be a true hero. His test... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Mid Chapters
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 4

205 5 0
Par LeslieHowell021

Back at the Wachowski house, Sonic, Paige, and Ozzy are watching TV on the couch as Sonic is eating a bowl of popcorn. Paige feeds a piece to Ozzy.

"Alright guys, its movie night at Casa del Sonic and it's Ozzy's turn to pick." Sonic announced.

Outside, a Ring portal forms, without them noticing.

"But I am not watching Snow Dogs again." Sonic said. "That movie is the 🎵worst!"

Suddenly, the lights shut off.

"Aw, man!" Paige complained.

"Ohoho!" Sonic smiled. "Blackout!"

He zooms away and returns, turning on a flashlight to reveal him in a blanket.

"Oooohhh... Oooozzzzyyy..." Sonic said in a spooky voice.

Ozzy whimpers and runs off.

"Ozzy!" Paige called out.

"Oh, sorry buddy." Sonic apologized. "Everything's okay."

Suddenly, the TV screen shows a static screen, startling Sonic and Paige. They both walk out of the room.

"Um, excuse me? We did not order a poltergeist..." Sonic said.

"If we did, it's gonna have a visit to the hospital." Paige assured, as she walked to the kitchen to grab her father's pistol.

"Whoa, hey! Tom said not to use the gun on people!" Sonic reminded. "He said use the stun gun."

Paige loads the gun with bullets.

"Well, they're in for a treat." Paige joked.

"Paige!" Sonic said.

"I'm kidding, I'm just going to use it to scare them off." Paige reassured.

Sonic and Paige walk together, lightning flashes to reveal a shadow. They make it to the door and Paige stays by the stairs as Sonic walks over.

"Um, if this is the pizza guy, this is really unprofessional." Sonic said.

He gently presses against the door and reaches for the nob, only for sparks to surround it, making Sonic back away to stand by Paige. Soon after, the doorknob falls off, and the door slowly opens up to reveal Robotnik across from Sonic and Paige with his pointed finger of his control glove glowing like a taser.

"Eggman?" Sonic questioned.

Robotnik blows out the taser like a candle and looks to the siblings.

"Well, if it isn't Lilo and Stitch." Dr. Robotnik said. "Did you miss me?"

"Not really." Paige replied before she aims her pistol at Robotnik.

"I don't know how you got back, but you made a big mistake coming here." Sonic warned.

"Oh contraire mon frere!" Dr. Robotnik corrected. "The mistake was thinking that you've won. But that was just a prelude, an d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an Amuse-bouche--."

"Dude, we get it!" Paige groaned, in annoyance.

Robotnik chuckles as he walks forward waving a finger.

"I don't think you do. But you both are about to." Dr. Robotnik threatened. "And so will that idiot sheriff and his wife."

Sonic makes a fist with chaos energy building up.

"And your little dog too!" Dr. Robotnik continued.

Sonic rushes up and time slows as Sonic prepares to punch Robotnik in the face. Robotnik then backs away to reveal Knuckles leaping right at a surprised Sonic. Time goes back to normal as Knuckles punches Sonic right through a wall, destroying the TV.

"Sonic!" Paige exclaimed.

She set her pistol on safety before she tucked it in her pocket and rushed to help her brother. Sonic lays on the couch dazed, as he looks through the wall to see Knuckles looking right at him.

"Pitiful." Knuckles scoffed, before he walks through the hallways as Sonic gets up.

"What? Who are you?" Sonic asked.

Robotnik sticks his head through the hole.

"Where... are my manners?" Dr. Robotnik said, before he walks through the hallway and stands right behind Knuckles. "Sonic, Miss Wachowski... meet Knuckles. My new BFFAE. Bestest friend forever and ever!"

"Paige, go hide!" Sonic warned. "Now!"

Paige nods and runs off to hide. Sonic gets on the floor and gets his bag of Rings as he wears it like a strapped backpack.

"Look, Robotnik, I don't care who you brought to help you." Sonic said. "You're never gonna get my power."

"Do I look like I need your power?" Knuckles questioned.

Knuckles raises his fist to reveal red chaos energy coursing through it. Sonic dashes at Knuckles, only for Knuckles to punch him straight through the wall, making him fall backwards. Paige gasped as she witnessed the attack. She finds her backpack and gathers helpful materials. Sonic regains consciousness and looks to Knuckles, standing across from him, pounding his fists together. Robotnik appears at the scene, eating Sonic's popcorn.

"So nice when diabolical evil lives up to the hype!" Dr. Robotnik commented.

Paige quickly opens her backpack and packs bullets, her pistol, pocket knife, sketchbook with pencils, money, a taser, and wears her blue quill necklace around her neck. Sonic gets up to face Knuckles, who stands his ground.

"Where is it?" Knuckles demanded.

"Oh you want it? Here it comes!" Sonic replied as he starts building up chaos energy.

"I was expecting more of you." Knuckles said. "You're unskilled..."

Sonic looks sternly at Knuckles.

"Untrained..." Knuckles continued.

Sonic gets on his hands and knees.

"And unworthy!" Knuckles continued.

Robotnik gobbles Sonic's popcorn with his mouth open.

"You forgot one." Sonic stated. "Unstoppable!"

He zooms right at Knuckles, resulting in an explosion of light. As it dims, it is revealed that Knuckles is holding Sonic in place in his spin attack form. Knuckles walks forward, raises a fist, and pummels Sonic into the ground, creating a massive explosion of chaos energy and a large crater. Paige takes cover from the impact while Robotnik drops his bowl in a comedic fashion in slow motion. Sonic is grabbed by the throat by Knuckles and is pinned against a tree. Paige gasped in fear and looks around for something to help her. She finds a baseball bat and a baseball under the table, that gave her an idea.

"It is my destiny to do what my ancestors could not." Knuckles said. "To restore the ultimate power to the home of my people."

Robotnik overhears with interest. Paige sneaks up from behind with a smoke bomb in her hand.

"Ultimate power?" Sonic questioned. "I don't know what you're talking about! You got the wrong guy!"

"Ultimate power?" Dr. Robotnik repeated, in interest. "Now you're speaking my language."

"Don't play dumb with me, apprentice of Longclaw!" Knuckles threatened to Sonic.

"You knew Longclaw?" Sonic asked.

"Longclaw and her people were the sworn enemy of my tribe, the echidna!" Knuckles explained.

Chaos energy builds up as Knuckles raises his fist. Paige launches the smoke bomb below Robotnik, that immediately distracts him.

"We fought and died at their hands, and now you will die by mine." Knuckles continued.

"Yo, Farquaad!" Paige shouted.

Paige throws the baseball directly at Knuckles in the face, that made him let go of Sonic and covered his eyes for a moment. Paige runs past Robotnik and used the bat to hit Knuckles, but he used his fist to shatter the bat in pieces. Paige quickly moved back to protect Sonic and stood up for a fist fight.

"Get away my brother!" Paige warned.

"Brother?" Knuckles repeated, in confusion.

Suddenly, a police car crashes through the fence, heading right toward Knuckles, who gets hit and sent into the green house with Robotnik startled by the ordeal. Tails reveals himself from the drivers seat.

"Come on! Get in!" Tails said. "I'm on your side!"

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Sonic asked, as Paige helped him up.

They both looks to a groaning Knuckles, who starts to regain consciousness.

"Ya know what? It doesn't matter." Sonic said.

"Let's take that ride." Paige agreed.

Sonic and Paige get into the car, only for Robotnik to leap at the windshield, making the trio scream in fear.

"Get us outta here!" Sonic exclaimed. "Go, go, go, go, go!"

Tails presses a button on his Miles Electric and small magnetic gadgets on the pedals make the car go in circles. Robotnik barks like a dog as he claws at Sonic's side of the windshield.

"Aahhh! He's gone rabid!" Sonic yelped.

Robotnik snarls at Tails and proceeds to lick the windshield.

"Gross! Is he licking it?!" Tails asked, in disgust.

"Get him off! Get him off!" Paige shouted.

Tails turns the car left.

"See ya!" Tails said.

Turning left, Tails tosses Robotnik into the bushes as he and Sonic drive off.

"Make sure to get your shots, Eggman!" Sonic commented.

Robotnik gets up and looks to the departing vehicle. Knuckles gets up growling, his eyes glowing red as he proceeds to give chase to the car at high speed. Sonic and Paige shout in fear as they looked to see Knuckles heading right toward them.

"Wow. Okay, let me just say, it is an honor to finally meet you, Sonic." Tails smiled. "Is it okay if I call you Sonic? Everyone calls me Tails. You're probably wondering why."

"Let me guess. Because of the extra tail?" Sonic guessed.

"That's right! I should've known you'd get that." Tails said, before he looked at Paige. "And who's this?"

"Oh, I'm Paige. Nice to meet you." Paige smiled. "You are about the cutest thing I've ever seen."

"Aw, shucks." Tails said, with a blush.

"Cool. Also, what is going on?!" Sonic exclaimed. "Robotnik's back? And who is Clifford the Big Red Rage Monster?!"

"That's Knuckles." Tails explained. "The last of the echidnas, and the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy. He's obsessed with finding the Master Emerald."

"The what?" Paige asked.

"Are you serious? The Master Emerald?" Sonic questioned. "That's just a bedtime story."

"Well, he believes its real, and he must think you're the key to finding it." Tails said.

"You couldn't have told me this before?!" Paige asked Sonic.

"Well, I'm sorry, but last time I checked, Eggman didn't befriend an echidna warrior to chase us!" Sonic replied, sarcastically.

"Actually, since you've been living with us for eight months, that story might have been a good time to share so we could get to know you better!" Paige argued.

Sonic looks and sees a red light on the road.

"Red light! Red light!" Sonic gasped, before he turned to Tails. "Give me the wheel!"

Sonic pushes Tails away as he takes the wheel.

"Hey! What are you--?" Tails asked.

"Move your foot!" Sonic said, before he drives right pass a Splash Hills water gallon truck and looks to see that Knuckles is no longer on their trail.

"I think we lost him." Sonic sighed.

Knuckles dashes right through the truck and leaps onto the roof of the car, ripping off the siren lights and punching right through the roof, making the trio scream.

"We did not lose him!" Sonic remarked. "We definitely did not lose him!"

Knuckles rips the car door off, just as they head for a cliff road. Tails looks down to see the dropping ground as they head for a turn in the road.

"I got an idea!" Tails stated. "Do you both trust me?"

"Of course not! Art Girl and I literally just met you!" Sonic replied.

"Whatever you're planning, sure." Paige said. "We need to go ASAP."

Tails pulls out a purple metal device from his backpack and gives it to Paige.

"Great!" Tails smiled before he handed the device to her. "Put this on your shoe, it's like a magnet."

"...Okay?" Paige replied slowly, as she puts the device on her shoe.

"Just let me--." Tails said to Sonic, as he takes the steering wheel and drives right towards the turn.

Soon after, they drive right off the edge as Tails proceeds to grab Sonic's hands and use his twin-tails to fly them out of the car. Paige jumps out as she screams.

"Quick, Paige! Push the button!" Tails shouted.

Paige looks at the device and pushes the green button, that made the device transform into a purple and silver hovercraft for her feet to attach to and she flies up to Tails' level.

"OMG!" Paige gasped.

Knuckles leaps out and slams the spikes on his gloves into the side of the cliff as the car explodes against the ground below.

Back with Sonic, he has his eyes closed, screaming, until he realizes that he is in the air, flying.

"W-we're flying." Sonic said, before he looked at Tails. "Um, did your butt just turn into a helicopter?"

"Hahaha, a butt-copter." Tails laughed. "Only Sonic the Hedgehog can come up with something like that."

"This is awesome!" Paige smiled as she got used to flying on her new hovercraft. "Come on, I know where we can go to hide and we'll need help from a friend of mine."

She flies away with Sonic and Tails following her as Robotnik arrives on a riding mower that he gets off and kicks indignantly as he watches the trio fly away.

"Hmhmhm. Foxy move..." Dr. Robotnik said, before he raises his control glove and starts tapping on it. "Want something done right, you'll have to hire someone you can push around. All-caps."


At the Mean Bean Coffee Café, Agent Stone prepares a latte. He then takes out a pair of latte art "pencils" and sketches something. He looks down to see the face of Robotnik that he has drawn on it.

"Doctor." Agent Stone said. "Who are you?"

A customer in the café stirs the cup with the Robotnik image in it.

"Weirdo." The customer muttered.

Stone is revealed to be at work in the Mean Bean Coffee Café. Stone then hears a ding. He looks at his watch to see a message reading, "PREPARE MY LATTE". Stone is shocked by this.

"Oh! Uh... I'm sorry folks, I-I have to close early." Agent Stone announced. "Everybody out!"

The customers proceed to leave, afterwards Stone flips the sign from open to closed, and removes the passing health inspector grade, revealing an F-. He runs up to one of the boilers, and the temperature gauge on it transforms into a retina scanner and scans Stone's eye. Afterwards, a red button appears on the spill guard of a drink machine which Stone presses.


In outer space above Earth, a white satellite starts lighting up.


Back at the Mean Bean Coffee Café, Stone stands at the register, beaming.

"He's back." Agent Stone said. "HE'S BAAAAAACK!!!"


Back at outer space above Earth, a large egg-shaped pod detaches from the satellite and heads for Earth. Soon after, it lands at the location of Robotnik, who puts his goggles on as a door on the pod opens up for him. The machine then opens panels on it to reveal a storage for his Badniks that include the standard egg-shaped drones and Buzz Bombers. Robotnik gets cleaned up inside the pod, which gives him new clothes while tiny Badniks clean out his nose hairs, fix his mustache, and squirt mouthwash into his mouth for him to rinse with. Robotnik emerges from the pod with his army of Badniks behind him.

"That's more like it... I've been..." Dr. Robotnik inhaled. "Re-hatched!"

Below the cliff, Knuckles, who is scaling the cliff, using his own fists to hoist himself upward before a laser blast stops him in his tracks. He turns to see a squad of Badniks surrounding him as Robotnik looks down to him.

"So, my... massively metacarpaled friend. You mentioned-- Uuuuuuuuuuuuuultimate power... back at the house?" Dr. Robotnik howled.

"The Master Emerald? It does not concern you!" Knuckles stated. "I got you off that planet and you brought me to the hedgehog. We have no more use for each other!"

"Well, I hate to be a contrarian but, I think we do." Dr. Robotnik said.

After Robotnik makes a few button presses on his control glove, the Badniks close in on Knuckles.

"You think these machines are a match for me? I will shatter them like the bones from a fallen--." Knuckles declared, before he looks down and sees they were making a staircase for him. "Oh. They are stairs."

Knuckles steps down from the cliff and walks up the Badnik staircase to Robotnik.

"You see... Earth, is my turf, G." Dr. Robotnik explained before he proceeds to do the floss. "If ya don't know how to floss, you'll be lost without me."

"I understood nothing of what you just said." Knuckles said.

"I help you get the Emerald, and you use it to..." Dr. Robotnik inhaled and swipes his hands rapidly. "...destroy the HEDGEHOOOOOOOOOOG!!!"

"You're suggesting an alliance?" Knuckles asked.

"Around here, we simply, grip each others hands tightly." Dr. Robotnik said.

Demonstrating, Robotnik lowers his hand for a handshake, making Knuckles grip his hand so tight that they hear bones cracking. Robotnik quickly gets his hand out and feels the pain.

"You truculent space bumpkin!" Dr. Robotnik whined. "You crushed my favorite hand!"

"Really? My hand is uninjured." Knuckles said. "But I am now convinced of your commitment."

"Oh goodie. He exclaimed, as he relocated two of his knuckles--." Dr. Robotnik narrated, before he relocates his knuckles as he hears his bones popping back into place. "Ayyyyy....'m delighted... to be... on the same... team."

With a few button presses on his control glove, Robotnik makes the Egg Mobile come out of the pod and lower itself down to the two of them.

"Road trip!" Dr. Robotnik smiled. "I'll let you stick your nose out the window."

Continuer la Lecture

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