Out Of Hours

由 Pric3e3

50.4K 1.5K 130

Allister is brand new to the world of work; fresh out of high school. His boss is nothing like he expects and... 更多

1. First day as the intern
2. Split drinks
3. Ride home
4. Notes
5. Real gold
6. Drink up
7. Semi responsive
8. Pass the time
9. Text me
10. Mixed signals
11. Just the intern
12. Find a way to entertain yourself
13. Screw it
14. Caught up
15. Carried away
16. Allister, Allister, Allister
17. Never had anything like it
18. Incomparable
19. Birthday gifts
20. Hole in the wall
21. Stains
22. Date?
23. Call things off
24. Now behave
25. Kiss me
26. Unexceptable
27. Don't get used to it
28. No stick
29. While I'm away
30. The physical
31. Late night calls
33. Second warning
34. Wild one
35. I will be careful
36. Take five minutes
37. New prized possession
38. Apologies

32. Playing

789 33 3
由 Pric3e3

**Nothing but smut**

My heart is racing as I answer his call knowing his finally alone and I prayed already back in his hotel room. It was just past ten here meaning he must have finished at six like last night then gotten a taxi straight back to his hotel, unless he was ringing from the taxi but I didn't think that was likely. I had gotten my hopes up that tonight we would take things a little further. He had promised me after all.

"Hey you!" He greets me cheekily his mood sounding great.

"How was work?" I ask hoping he'd had a better day than me. The office was boring without him made worse by me only having terrible tasks to do all day. They were the things I signed up for but was used to better because that's what Daniel had always given me.

"Good actually. Went over the proposals again and- never mind." He chuckles. "Let's forget work. Was your day okay?"

"Yeah. Guess so." I lie just to quickly change the subject. "You alone now?"

"Yes." He says with a sexy tone.

"I'm just eating though. You ever had a Wendy's?" He asks just as I hear paper bags crunching confirming what he was telling me.

"What is that?" I ask unsure.

"Like McDonald's. It's good. I have a burger and fries and a shake. It looks really good." He explains making me belly grumble, it sounded good the way he described it, better when he moaned at the taste. All I'd eaten for dinner tonight was chicken and chips with gravy... was good but not burger standard.

"Good?" I check already knowing the answer. He again just moans making my smile grow.

"What did you eat yesterday?" I try making light conversation with him not planning out though what we would talk about tonight my body just craving some attention as I'd purposely held back all evening. The knowledge and anticipation meaning I had a lingering semi it getting more than that when I let myself think too long about what would happen.

"A burger... again." He laughs through his food. "What else is there here?" He excuses himself.

I lay back onto my pillows only wearing my boxers the duvet piled near my feet. I looked down at my body tracing my finger tips over the outline of my ribs then over my bare stomach dipping over my belly button stopping with almost a sight at my boxers laying my hand flat.

"What?" He hears sounding concerned. I shake it off.

"No nothing." I rush to cover up only he pushes me to tell him most certainly worried. "It's nothing really. I'm just... you know." I already feel my cheeks turning red.

"Oh sorry. Have I been keeping you waiting?" He knows exactly what I mean somehow.

"A little." I mumble.

"Two more minutes while I clear this away and wash my hands." He orders.

"You've eaten already?" I ask looking to the tent forming in my underwear so tempted to palm it only not because I wanted to only please myself in the ways he told me to tonight.

"Yeah. No wasting time tonight." He laughs. I hear the tap running.

"Distract me before I do something bad." I whisper. He hums.

"You watching any TV?" He asks from the top of his head. I look up at my TV that was hung on the wall it playing repeats of Family guy.

"It's on but I'm not watching it." I say just as I hear him flop down onto his bed. I wondered what his room looked like... how big the bed is. What colour sheets he has on it. How many pillows.

"Ready?" He was really going to give me what I wanted. I was ready for sure. Scared and anxious filled with butterflies but also so horny and desperate for this.

"You're in bed yeah? What you wearing?" He starts so stereotypically. I'd had that question be asked before when doing this phone sex thing with Jordan. I didn't think this would be the same.

"My boxers. Grey Calvin Kleins." I tell him hoping he was just warming us up to something more.

"Good choice. Take them off. Lay naked for me then tell me when you're done." He demands. That's more like it.

I turn my phone to loud speaker, upping the sound of my TV then turning my phone volume down looking to make sure my door was locked as I removed my underwear tossing them aside then muttering the word done.

He hums. "Good job. Are you hard yet?"

"Yes." I blush more admitting it.

He likes the sound of it breathing out over the line.

"Tell me Allister how would you normally touch yourself?" He waits.

Could I really do this? Could I speak in detail about how I get myself off when alone? Could I let myself whine and cum over the phone with him? I was already embarrassed and hadn't even spoken yet or made a sound. I try my hardest to be brave because this is really what I wanted and had wanted since I realised he was into me too. Well not this exact thing but close enough.

"Just stroke it mostly." I admit.

"Touch it for me now. Gently take a hold of yourself and run your fingers from the base up then back down. Tease it nicely." He asks of me and as his giving me the instructions I'm doing it really trying to hold back noises that already wanted to leave my lips.

Especially from the first touch.

Did he want me to comment back or stay silent as he orders me around?

"That nice?" He questions already knowing of course it must be.

I breathlessly rasp out a yes.

"Do you ever put anything in your ass when playing?" I blush harder.

"Sometimes a finger or two." I am surprised I can say the words out loud. Probably because I didn't have to say anything rude just in a naughty context.

"You have lube?"

I nod before realising he can't see me breathing out a simple yes it making him murmur a good.

"What about toys? Do you have a butt plug?" He surprises me that his already asking that sort of stuff.

"No." I didn't even know where or how I would get on of them.

"I hope you're still rubbing your cock for me. Nice and softlt." He remind me not that I had forgotten. I was more than gently touching myself. Actually his words making me slow my pace again. "Anything dildo sized?"

"Like what?" I giggle past my embarrassment due to being so inexperienced. I bet his bedroom was full of toys and naughty underwear.

"A cucumber?" He suggests.

"A cucumber?" I almost gasp. How big did he want to stretch me? Are we talking the full thing? God no way would that fit even with plenty of lube and time. "I think we have a carrot?" I think of something more to my size comfort level. A carrot would for sure fit. I'd never done it before but it seemed like fun now even if still intimidating.

He laughs. "I want you to get used to having something a good size inside you so when we finally do cave and I put my cock in you I won't hurt you. No Allister a carrot won't do." He thinks this is funny. "Keep touching. Go to your tip and gently caress over it." I moan.

After a few seconds of since he speaks again.

"Go see what you have to use Allister. Stay on the phone with me and tell me what you find." He decides.

I whine. I wanted something inside of me but knew it would mean getting dressed to go downstairs. He says my name like it's a threat. With a complaint I get off the bed and put my boxers back on not caring how they tented massively as I put him off speaker tucking the phone under my ear then whispering to tell him to wait a second.

My dad was already in bed meaning he wouldn't see me being shamelessly slutty.

"Okay..." I open the fridge door.

"There isn't really anything." I see nothing with a sigh. "A banana?" I grab it out holding it up to observe it.

"Is it a big one?" He doesn't give me a yes or no. I stare at it just for a moment scruitsning it's size as well as trying to work out if I could really put it inside of me. I mean which end would I use?

What if there was spiders inside?

"Yeah?" I still sound unsure.

"How big? My size or bigger?" He sounded just as lost in thoughts and questions as me still figuring out what he wanted from me.

"Smaller." I answer honestly.

Quite a bit smaller. I wouldn't tell him how much smaller though scared he would suggested something scarier.

"Good." His decided for me. "I wouldn't want to disappoint by being smaller than what you making yourself accustomed to." I melt at his words. "Is it a straight one?" He keeps pushing for more details.

"Want a picture?" I somewhat toy with him whilst also asking in all seriousness. I wanted him to decide what was best for me at least that way I'd know it was right. What if this was bad? Could it be dangerous? I'm sure it could.

"Yes. Send it on snapchat." His thinking straighter than me to remember to use a platform where nobody could in future access our pictures we send each other to use against us. Although I'm pretty sure they would get the gist of what our relationship included just by seeing he was calling me at this time of a night and two nights in a row, yesterday being on the phone to me for over two hours. I don't think there would be an excuse good enough to explain that.

I hold my hand out flat with the banana laying across my palm to show its size and shape to him.

The fridge door is still open as I stand just in front of it finding the light that poured out of it perfectly hit my stomach muscles making me seem fitter than I am thanks to the shadows it created. I angled the camera to ensure he could see the shape in mu underwear, my dick not being as hard anymore meaning instead of there being just a lump there pushing my underwear up there was instead my of an outline.

I take the picture making sure it would send with the longest viewing time then I told him over the phone I'd sent it.

He moans over the line as he opens it, I watch as the sent icon turns to seen then it tell me he opens it again seconds later whilst his silent on the line again.

"You look fucking incredible." He grunts out. "Yes that will do. Take it back to your room." My belly turns with apprehension. I carry it like I was doing no different with it than eating it only I close and lock my bedroom door behind myself leaning back onto it as I whisper out I was back upstairs.

"You have a condom for it right?"

I pinch my eyebrows together. "A condom?" He laughs but I hear how he tries to stop himself as to not make me feel bad.

"Yes. It's better to have protection. You don't know where the banana has been or who else could have touched it before you." He jokes. I managed a laugh as I go to the bag of condoms the doctor had given me, still surprised my Dad had let me keep them. I guess when he found out I was sexually active he just wanted me to be safe. Little did he know I would be using one on a banana.

I put him back onto loud speaker as I sit on my bed holding the banana between my knees as I tear into the packet and take out the coiled rubber lining it up with the banana bottom tip then rolling it on.

"It's a bit loose." I tell him.

"It'll be fine. Just make sure you keep it help on." He directs me. "Get the lube Allister."

I take a deep steadying breath as I do as he asks. "Lay back down and take ypir boxers back off." I obey.

"Hold your cock again and do what I told you to before. Get yourself nice and hard."

I already was again at just his words. I waited a few quiet seconds though before admitting that I was.

"Already? Good. You really do want this don't you?" He purrs.

"Need it." I correct him making him moan again.

"Good. Keep tossing off for a little bit." He asks of me.

"Are you touching yourself?" I ask timidly but wanting his answer so I could picture exactly what he was doing.

"A little Allister. That picture really helped me out. Don't you worry about me though. Concentrate on yourself. How is it feeling?" His voice is so steady and in control.

"Really good but I want more." I whine as I pick up my pace without him telling me to, sure he would let me anyway. I hold myself tightly and shake my hand up and down on my length wanking as I imagined him doing the same it making my breathing heavier as I panted lightly to him.

"No. Allister stop. Hands off now." He demands. "I did not say to do that did I?" I groan my dissatisfaction to him as I do as he asks letting go of myself even as I was stood to his attention boldly.

"Please." I beg needing to feel something my body shaking with desperation.

"What do you want? What are you begging me for?" He pokes fun at my words and sounds it must being clear how ag his misery I am.

"Anything." I admit. "I need to cum please." I let out. The pressure in my cock too much already after knowing all day this would happen. It enough to already to make me want to blow this second. "Sir please." I beg further knowing it will get me my own way.

"No." He says sternly. "Why in such a hurry? We have only just started playing." I cry huffing.

"But it will feel so good." I complain.

"Imagine how much better after an hours waiting and teasing." He only makes me protest more. I couldn't wait that long.

"I can't-" I start but quickly stop to follow his next instructions his giving me.

"Put some lube on your fingers. Can you insert two?"

"Yes." I say proudly. That was something I could do. I was used to it.

"Go on then. Don't leave me waiting." He threatens me. I hurry to get the lube rubbed into my two fingers leaving some pooled on the tips then I angle my body so I can get to my ass better already knowing the best way for it.

I push one of my pillows down below my ass to higher it up then I swing my hand under my leg to get down to my awaiting hole swiping my fingers over the entrance before I slowly begin inserting myself. It's tight like always but slightly easier than normal as I wouldn't usually use lube just to play with my ass.

Normally I just spit on my fingers a lot.

"Now fuck your fingers. Don't move your hand just rock your hips on yourself." He directs me. I let a noise escape past my tightly pinched lips doing what he wanted me to. It felt good it making me already closer to cumming. "That's it." He praises me.

After a couple minutes of this I'm ready for more. "More." I pant.

"Ready now?" He checks. "Add another finger."

"No. More." I know I can take something else really wanting to try the banana now that had been lay on my thigh waiting this entire time.

"Just do as I say please. No back chat Mr Voss." He makes me melt as I sink back into the bed adding another finger into my ass just as he calls me by my name. It too much. I continue fucking my fingers, riding them as I pictured it being his inside of me only I knew just his fingers would stretch me more, hit deeper inside of me. I waggle my fingers to find the right spot only I stop as I do not wanting to disobey him and do something without his permission.

I'm glad too because his quickly telling me it was time.

"Put loads of lube on your new toy Allister. Make it really wet please." He sounds like his struggling to control himself now sounding impatient as only seconds after he tells me what to do his asking if it's done.

"Lay back and hold it to your ass. Don't put it in till I say so." He continues. I do as he says slightly nervous still not at the size now, I was excited for that but instead because I didn't know if it would hurt because of it being a fruit I was about to insert and not a real dick or toy.

"It's wrapped?" He double checks.

I mumble yes. "Lubed well?" Yes.

"I feel prepped enough?" Yes.

"Comfortable?" Yes.

"Ready?" Yes.

"Okay. Go ahead Allister. Push it in but slowly. Tell me as you do it."

He finally allows me what I'd been waiting impatiently for.

I gasp as the pressure on my hole lessons just as the banana tip is let inside of me it being sucked deeper as I gently guide it inside. I go slow still it making my mouth flow out with different noises as I go deeper. I feel stretched wide. I hadn't had anything in my ass this big in months. Not since me and my ex split since then only ever using two or three fingers. It felt really tight.

"It's in." I just about an capable of getting the words out.

He moans. "Go carefully hun. Slide it out just a little then in." He describes for me. I moan so he knows I'm doing it. I shut my eyes pretending it's his cock in me it hotter when he asks if he makes me feel good. I just moan louder as my reply before taking advantage of his question biting my lip as I slipped the words yes Sir.

"More." I ask and he doesn't disappoint telling me to go ahead.

I slip the thing halfway out then back in again picking my pace up too as I make it fuck me. I was being fucked by a condom wearing banana and it felt incredible. My eyes were rolling and cock twitching on my stomach as I got kost in the feeling of having something filling me again.

If only it really was him.
I moan louder than ever as I realise he would feel bigger than this. I mow wished I did have a cucumber. What was he turning me into? God I felt like a slut but it was too good to care about.

"Where's your language now huh? Lost for words?" He taunts me.

"Fuck you." I hiss with a smile it making him laugh.

"You will one day don't worry." He makes me moan again.

"More Allister. Harder and I want you to use your other hand to gently tug your cock. Don't rush anything." He tells me. I do just that gasping once again at the feelings.

"Shit that's so fucking good." I give him what he wanted to hear.

"That's it." He soothes. "Allister I would give anything to be watching you right now. To be able to touch myself how I am as I stare at you being fucked as you lay in utter bliss." He talks as my eyes roll more. "God you're too good." He growls as I lay in silence no longer able to even form noises. "Faster. Fuck it too. Meet the thrusts halfway." He orders now his tone a lot more demanding. I wail as I do just that it obvious I'm enjoying it.

"Sir-" I can hardly think let alone talk needing to pause. "Can I cum?" I just about verbalize.

He hums. "Give it one more minute."

I whine and find I'm begging him to let me.

"Would you swallow my load again?" He reminds me of when I had made him cum down my throat. The noises he made. How he taste. The feeling of his cum running down my throat.

"Yes Sir. Please. Please Mr D-" He suddenly interrupts telling me now. Cum now. His voice is rushed and urgent as he says it making me imagine just for half a second that he will be cumming now too before the picture and memories I had were too good and immediately I was shooting my load making my mind go blank.

My ears clouded as if suddenly there was cotton wool in them meaning I hardly heard Daniels sounds confirming he also had cum as he is grunting his releases then praises me not realising that my orgasm was stronger than his it lasting longer and totally taking over my entire body. I'm shaking as eventually I start coming down from the high, my thighs completely numb as I sink back into the bed previously lifted off of it from the pleasure it making me weightless.

I'm now utterly silent as he chuckles over the phone it all I could focus on for now.

The banana falls from my ass and I let it knowing I'd need to be changing my sheets after this anyway because cum had shot so far it had landed in my bed somewhere as well as coating my chest.

"I need help." He says out of no where. I groan not wanting to have any sort of conversation yet.

He laughs at me again. "You are really bad. I'm in major trouble with you I can sense it." He goes on as I try to get my breathing back under control just about managing a sound that resembled a laugh at his admittance.

I can feel words burning my tongue that I really shouldn't say. I didn't know if I even felt them to be true or just felt like I did the feel it in only this moment and didn't mean it fully but either way I knew I couldn't. He would run if I let them slide out.

I push them deeper back inside feeling stupid for them even making it to my mouth just thankful that I stopped them before I messed up and said them.

No I couldn't tell him I loved him.


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