Restart of GOD Tempest


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It's been already 25 years since the great tenma war ended with the victory of The octagram and tempest over... More

Return of God Tempest
STORY ORDER (Table of contents)
CHAP7: [Ogre]
Intermission: [MILIM'S WARNING]
Concept Explanation.
Author-kun Message.
Intermission: [DL Biggest Fear]
To my readers...................
ENT: 3rd Round
Intermission : World Recognition


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In The Jura Forest.

The battle rages between the various opposing forces. On one side, the army of god. The paladins and their captain Hinata. And the other side. 3 powerful demons. For normal people, it looks like they were fighting equally but the situation was very far from reality.

"Carrera your last attack was very dangerous. Do you want to kill Rimuru's sama people?" Ultima asked her.

She was right, Carrera just unleash one of the most powerful attack in this world the [Gravity Collapse]. But Carrera was no more, the impulsive demon she was once. Now she used to think before she acts. That's why, she didn't harness the full power of gravity collapse. She just infuse a little bit of her magicules capacity inside it. But for the Paladins, it was just like a monster unleashed a Nuke on them. Half paladins, were slumped to the ground.

"Ohh they are too weak. I mean I don't put enough of power in this attack yet, they can't even stand.." Carrera said.

"Arghh you monster. I am going to destroy you all." Arnaud said while releasing all of his spiritual power. As a knight blessed by all the spirits, Arnaud was the second strongest behind Hinata. His aura was full of holy spirit and every weak monster who was closed to him will most likely be affected.

"Ahaha what a joke a human? Is going to kill me ? Ahaha" Carrera said while laughing. But in an instant, Carrera stop laughing and became deadly serious and she was releasing her aura. "You are seriously starting to piss me off human. One more false word and I'll have you spitting your entrails out of your mouth." Carrera said and instantly, Arnaud was freeze on the spot. But as the strongest one behind Hinata, he must defend his status. Despite the threat, he kept his cool. He knew well that the individuals in front of him were absurdly strong.

"Ara-Ara. I think all of this, started to become boring. We need to clean this before the return of our Lord." Testarossa said while crossing her whip with Hinata's blade.

"To be able to compete with me while talking. How powerful are you really."

"Shut up stupid human who dare attacked my Lord. Once I am done talking to the others, I will personally take care of you" Testarossa respond.

Hinata was really scared about the Human in front of her. Despite this beauty, she was cold and Hinata can feel that she was cruel too. She doesn't care about her at all, and until now, Hinata knew that she is alive only because Rimuru ordered them to not kill her.

"Do you have a plan testa? I developped a new poison and I am really excited to use it." Ultima said.

"I do. I am going to deal with their captain she is not strong. So I am just going to play with her. Ultima you can take the one named bacchus and Litus if you want so. And carrera can deal with Firtz, Arnaud and Reinard if she wants." Testa said.

"That's sounds cool. I agree". Carrera said.

"Arhhh Why Carrera have 3 opponents and I just 2?"

"Are you going to complain Lolit, I mean Ultima?

"I am going to..............

"Ultima, remember that our Lord will came back soon. Do you perhaps want to anger him?" Testa asked her.

"Humph. It's alright I am going to deal with them. They are just too weak. And this little girl over there almost lost her battlewill it's really annoying." Ultima said.

She was right. Litus has quiet knowledge about the demons. Their aura was quite different from the regular monsters and the humans. But these girls, their aura, she never felt something so oppressive before. Their mouvements and behaviour, suggest that they are all on the same level. But they are also they could also be the highest among all the demons.

"I agree with Testarossa for once. I will take those three".

"Great let's go" Testa said.

Ultima vs Bacchus and Litus.

"Ahaha I hope you are going to entertain me at least a little." Ultima said with a bright smile.

"Don't get cocky you little purple monster. If you think you are going to have fun, you are deeply going to regret it." Bacchus said.

"Haha you are really funny. But that's what I love the most. People have a bad habit of being arrogant when they don't know who they're up against. I really want to see your face when you fall into deep despair." Ultima said with a smile but was really serious.

"Enough of talking". Bacchus said.

Bacchus is usually a quiet man who act with the most rational ways. Today is probably he felt this feeling. Hate. Like the other paladins, he have the deepest respect for his captain. But now, some little and annoying monsters dared insult her. For him, all of them must suffer. He will personally ensure that each of them endures unbearable pain that will make them regret their word. Bacchus was a HolyKnights, blessed by the spirit of earth. And have a considerable amount of Holy energy inside him. He is really determined to avenge his captain.

On the other hand Litus was paralyzed just by looking at the purple hair girl in front of her. She knew that she is not a normal demon. She already lost her fighting spirit, but in front of the others, she must prove that she is worthy to be a part of this team.

They both release their holy energy and armor with their fighting equipements. They are a strong team able to take down even some archdemons. Unfortunately for them, the devil in front of them was the most cruel and sadistic among them all. They just didn't know yet.

"For humans you are quite funny. I mean actually, you surely think that you can do something against me. But I won't let you a single chance." Ultima said.

Just after finishing her statement, Ultima vanished from the battlefield. Bacchus and Litus were desperately looking for her. She suddenly appear in front bacchus her fist full of poison. Sensing the danger, Bacchus instinctively lowered his sword to his ribs as the ultima punch was heading for that spot on his body. Ultima fist and Bacchus sword collide, his sword started to shatter while Ultima fist was slowly going to perfore his ribs. He was struggling to keep like this but the energy of his opponent was to great for him. He couldn't contain it. His sword got destroyed and was sent flying away in the forest.

"Bacchus" Litus shouted his name

"What's up little girl are you perhaps afraid. For the "strongest human" you are just small fry" Ultima said while approaching her

"Don't come near me you silly demon" She said in fear

In an in a desperately attempt, she runs towards Ultima with her sword ready to slash her in two. Ultima was just standing there without a mouvement but with a grin on her face.

"Let me give you something you will definitely enjoy." Ultima said.

Ultima: [Poison Magic] - [Cursed Ray]

The [cursed ray] was nothing more than a simple spell developped by Ultima. It was a purple ray which go trough everybody who doesn't have a strong defense barrier. When the ray penetrate Litus, pink spots started to appear on her body. She was not able to move her body anymore. Only the white of her eyes remained. Just like if her spirit was taken away from her body. The cursed ray, is only effective on individual who doesn't have a strong defense and also to those who lost their fighting spirit if they faced Ultima.

Litus soul is actually tormented by some abominable creature in the darkness and deeply in the Abyss. The cursed ray, has the [Thought acceleration]. For us it was just like 10 seconds, but for Litus month has already passed.

Bacchus was slowly but hardly started to regain his self. He was hardly trying to stand on his leg. But as a knight and a paladin he also has his pride.

"Litus hear me. Let's kill this demon together." Bacchus shouted to Litus.

Ultima already desactivate the effect of her poison. But terrorized by what she just faced, Litus remained on the ground sweating hard. She then heared bacchus voice. With the remaining strength she had, She stood up and pointed her sword at Ultima.

"Let's go with this Combo. It's our only chance to destroy her and go back to help Lady Hinata. Those girls are too strong for us." Bacchus said.

"Yes your right".

Ultima was just standing there without a word looking at the two individuals in front of her. She then notice that their holy power started to grow and they fused it the sword of Litus since Bacchus sword was destroyed. Bacchus and Litus put their remaining power in this last attack of them.

Bacchus and Litus: [Combined attack] - [Spiritual break]

They then send an Holy attack at Ultima. The attack was a condensed ray of pure holy spirit. The main goal of the attack, is to purify monsters and demons magicules. For them, Ultima was just a demon who had not gained a physical body. So they thought that attacking her spiritual life form may at least damaged her core. They were wrong.

When the attack hit Ultima, she didn't even bother to dodge it. She has a body, she is blessed by a superior beings. Her power and defense was never be this high. And now it is her turn to make the enemies of her Lord suffer.

"That's a great attack by you. It was really amazing." Ultima said to them

"W-w-we failed?" Bacchus said with a low voice.

"Yes. No in fact since the begining you had no chance. And now the face I wanted to see is there. But it's not enough.I want to see more desperation from you." Ultima said.

Ultima: [Poison Magic] - [Faust Secret's]

A/N: In German mythology, Faust was a great scientist who signed a pact with a demon. In exchange for all the knowledge in the world, Faust would give his soul to the Devil, which he never did......

Carrera vs Fritz, Arnaud and Reiner.

"Tsk that stupid Lolita... But for once, she didn't destroyed everything." Carrera said.

"Those two were not strong enough that's why they lost. But listen to me. You should call her for help". Arnaud said

"He his right. You are not strong to fight us three." Arnaud said.

"Pfftt AHAHAHA... Are you two serious? AHhaha I am sorry but do you really think you can fight me and win?" Carrera asked them while laughing.

This attitude of her clearly shows that she is underestimated the Paladins. And for them it's something they can't accept. Reinard was the most angry among the three. In his esteem, a common monster was making fun of him and that, he could not tolerate. Reinard is the saint of the fire as his element, he is literally burning in rage.

He then teleport behind Carrera. He cover his spear, with a huge amount of holy energy. With a great power, he launch his spear with the intentions of piercing Carrera chest. He succeed. The spear was perfectly inside Carrera. She then fall on her knees and blood started to came out of her mouth.

"Pfft I wasn't even able to have fun with this monsters. Wait Arnaud is she really that weak? Aren't they, the DL executives." Reinard asked him.

"Of course they are. It seems like we overestimated them. At this rate, even Hinata-sama will be able to defeat this girl."

Reinard was still on Carrera who was on the ground. He was looking at the dead body of the girl who was underestimated them with proud.

"Alright let's go taking care of this purple one" Reinard.

But the moment when Reinard turn his back to the dead body, he felt a cold hand grab him by the neck and lifting him off the ground.

"You were proud. But do you really think you even scratch me?" Carrera said to him.

Reinard with difficulties, wanted to turn his head to face the one he just killed. But the body was no more on the ground.

"An afterimage?" Arnaud asked in confusion.

"This little moment when you despised me, was enough to make me ashamed. And now this is your retribution." Carrera said.

Carrera then, threw him in the air and when he wanted to crash, sent a punch in his stomach. This punch was sent with a great power of Carrera. Reinard was sent flying miles away from their battlefield.

"You two let's start too." Carrera said with a deadly face.

Arnaud and Fritz, then rushed at Carrera with a great speed. Both of them, release their holy Energy at max. Judging by how this monster in front of them easily beat one of them just put them in a huge state of warning. Arnaud then decided to unleash one of his powerful attack. Arnaud was powerful paladin. In fac he is the strongest after Hinata. Blessed by the five spirits, he was a force to be reckoned with.

Arnaud: [Spirit Magic] - [Life's Beheading]

This technique allow Arnaud to affine of fighting spirit. By cladding the weapon in the fighting spirit it can cut down anything. His sword sent a huge ray of Holy energy. In fact the ray took the form of his sword. It was just like it was an elongation of his sword.

"He want to kill me huh. This attack can't even scratch me. Guess I gotta go all out" Carrera said.

Carrera: [Nuclear Magic] - [Nuclear Fission]

The atoms. These infinitely small particles, that exist everywhere we find ourselves. They looks like they are harmless. They are. But when they find themselves controlled by one of the strongest being in the existence, they can literally be destruction particles. When an atomic nucleus splits into two, there is a Nuclear Fission phenomenon. The separation of the atomic nuclei,can generate temperatures that can reach 50M degrees. During her training, with Ashia Carrera was able to manipulate the atomic and sub atomic particles. She really became a walking chaos.

When the attack hit Arnaud, his attack and him were both blown away by the attack. In fact his attack was not that bad. But Carrera used to live more longer than him. She fought a lot of strong people. Now she is named. And she is no more a lightly opponent.

"Wha-what a monster don't come near me." Fritz said in fear.

Fritz was more like a subbordinate of Hinata than a fighter. He is able to fight and kill some high rank monster but the show which just appear in front of him, was enough for him to lost his battlewill. He knew that he couldn't beat this girl in front of him. He dropped his weapon and wanted to run away. But he was instantly caught by Carrera.

"You are not going anywhere. You are going to stay with me and watch your captain got her ass beaten by my friend.................." Carrera said with an evil smile.

Somewhere in a three, a mysterious man was watching the fight between the demons and the paladins. He was really happy. Everything was going smoothly as he planned. But now it's his time. Time for him to shine too.

"Kfufufu. As expected by my Lord. Me too I am going to prove that I am worthy to be under my Lord." He said.

To be Continued.........................

Next Chapter: [Tempest vs HolyKnights (Conclusion)].................

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