
By Romanogersroyalty

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(warning: signs of suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, abuse, bullying and harassment) Natasha Romanoff is... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 21

383 22 25
By Romanogersroyalty

The sun shone brightly through the cream colored curtains as the birds outside chirped their songs happily, signaling the arrival of a new day.

Natasha stirred awake, opening her eyes slowly as the sun's rays beamed in her eyes. Stretching her arm out a frown crossed her lips as she realized that Steve was no longer in bed beside her.

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows as she sat up in the bed and looked at the now empty spot beside her. Just as she was about to get out of bed the bathroom door squeaked opened gaining the blondes attention.

Steve walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and another in his hands, drying off his hair. Natasha bit her bottom lip as she watched her husband, his muscles flexing as he dried off his hair with the towel.

Steve smiled at his wife before taking a seat at the edge of the bed. Natasha scooted towards the blond and took the towel out of his hands. Steve furrowed his eyebrows in question but it was soon answered when she began to run the towel through his still damp hair.

"So, what's on the itinerary for today?" Natasha asked after a moment, her eyes focused on the towel in her hands

Steve shrugged "haven't been downstairs to ask." He replied and Natasha nodded "you know I can do it by myself." He said after a moment 

"I know but I had nothing else to do." She replied

"thank you." He said as Natasha finished drying his hair and handed him the towel

Natasha smiled

Steve looked up at Natasha their eyes meeting. Natasha felt like she was about to drown in the ocean of his eyes while Steve got lost in the forest of hers. Their faces inched closer, their lips only mere inches away from one another, they could feel each other's breath on their faces.

Clearing her throat Natasha said "I'm going to go take a shower, I'll be down for breakfast in a moment."

Getting up from the bed Natasha walked over to her suitcase and took out a pair of black leggings, a crop top and converse. With her clothes in tow she walked into the bathroom to get changed.

Steve sighed in disappointment as he got up from the bed and walked over to his suitcase taking out a pair of black joggers and a white tee shirt along with a pair of converse, similar to the ones Natasha owned.


Walking down to the kitchen a smile crossed Steve's lips as he was greeted by the familiar sight of his mother cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"You know, I could've helped you with that." He said as he walked into the kitchen and took a mug out of the cupboard across from his mother

Sarah glanced over at her son before continuing to make the pancakes "I didn't want to bother you." She excused "does Natasha like pancakes?" She asked as she flipped a pancake and sat it on a plate

Steve smiled a little as he remembered their honeymoon, pancakes were practically the only thing he could get Natasha to eat, that and omelets. Natasha had complimented him numerous times, saying they were the best pancakes she'd ever had.

"How should he know?" Tony asked before Steve could answer

Sarah gave the brunette a pointed look before looking over at Steve with raised eyebrows.

"She loves them." He replied as he walked over to the coffee machine and made himself a cup of coffee

Sarah smiled "Good, because I made plenty."

"Good morning." Natasha smiled as she walked into the kitchen and walked over to the fridge taking out a bottle of water

"Good morning dear, how did you sleep?" Sarah asked

"Great, I think that's the most comfortable mattress I've ever slept on." She replied

Tony scoffed "then you mustn't have slept on many." He muttered earning him a slap on the arm from Sarah

Tony rubbed his arm and looked at Sarah with a glare that she ignored.

"I'm glad that you had a good night's rest." She said as she handed Natasha a plate of pancakes

Natasha smiled happily as she took the plate and walking over to the dining room table where Howard and Joseph were busy talking about buisness.

Sarah walked into the dining room, with both boys trailing behind her, and let out a sigh of annoyance as she watched the two men.

Sarah had specifically asked for the men to keep buisness at home, she didn't even know what they were working on in the first place considering that they are no longer CEO's.

"Didn't we agree that there would be no talk of work on this vacation?" She asked them as she put the plates on the table

The two men looked up at the blonde who had a frustrated look on her face.

"Yes we did honey, I'm sorry." Howard replied as he got up from his seat, pulling out the chair for Sarah and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek before she sat down

Natasha smiled at the older couple, they were the couple she had always seen in movies, the couple that no one thought could possibly be real. Their what Natasha can only hope her and Steve will be one day.


As the breakfast went on Sarah noticed one thing, her son couldn't keep his eyes off of his wife and at that she smiled. It seems that Joseph noticed as well because when Sarah glanced over at her ex-husband he had a smirk on his face that made her roll her eyes.

"So, I was thinking that we could just shop today, maybe get some clothes for the festival." Sarah suggested after a while, taking a bite of her pancakes

"Festival?" Natasha questioned

Sarah nodded

"Yeah, my cousin, Thor, he throws this festival where all the wine brewers can get together and sell." Steve explained with a shrug

Natasha hummed "that seems nice. When did you start doing that?"

"When Thor decided to buy his own bar instead of going into the family buisness." Sarah replied, taking a sip of her orange juice

"Do you think he'd need any help setting up?" Natasha offered

"That's very nice of you dear, I'm sure Jane can find something for you to do. After all I'm sure they could use all the help they can get." Sarah said and Natasha smiled brightly

It had to be the brightest smile any of them had ever seen on Natasha's face. Steve smiled as he looked at his wife and his hand took hers, under the table. Natasha glanced down at their intertwined fingers before giving him a smile and going back to eating.


As the breakfast came to a close, Sarah got up from her seat and quickly took the dishes to the sink.

Natasha had offered to help but Sarah simply said that she had it all under control and that they would leave in a few moments to go shopping.

"Hey, where are you going?" Steve asked as Natasha walked towards the front door

Natasha turned to her husband and shrugged "I was just going to go for a walk, want to join me?"

"Um, yeah, let me grab my jacket." He replied before running upstairs

A few moments later Steve came back downstairs with his jacket in his hands and together the couple left for a walk.

"Turn left, the scenery that way is beautiful." He instructed and Natasha followed

As they were walking Steve threw on his jacket and shoved his hands into it's pockets.

"You're not cold?" Steve questioned after a moment as he realized that all Natasha had on was a pair of leggings and a crop top

Natasha shook her head "no, I'm Russian, the cold doesn't really get to us." She shrugged and Steve chuckled as he shook his head

"You know, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night." He said after a moment, glancing at the blonde

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows "why would you think I was uncomfortable?" She questioned as she stopped in her tracks and turned to him

Steve shrugged "because we've only been married for a little under two months and before that I wasn't exactly the nicest person to you." He replied as they started walking again

Natasha huffed "I've told you once and I'll tell you again, I forgave you a long time ago."

"And Tony?"

"Tony's still an asshole." She replied bluntly making the two blondes chuckle

"That he is." Steve agreed

Natasha turned to Steve once again taking his face into her hands "you don't have to worry about making me uncomfortable, I know that you would never do anything to hurt me. Maybe in the past you would have but people change Steve, you've proven that to me." She said sincerely

Steve smiled as he leaned forward and pecked her lips softly


Meanwhile, Sarah and Joseph watched their son and daughter-in-law from a distance with smiles on their faces.

"Their getting along well." Sarah noted as she continued to watch the couple, her hands placed on the railing of the porch

"I told you so." Joseph chimed with his arms crossed over his chest and a proud look on his face as he didn't take his eyes off the couple

Sarah rolled her eyes "yeah, like you knew it was actually going to work out between the two of them." She said sarcastically as she pointed at the pair who were now laughing at something the other said

"I didn't, but I had a feeling." He admitted

Sarah cocked a eyebrow as she turned to the older blond "a feeling?" She questioned and Joseph nodded

"A feeling. We both saw how upset Steve was when Natasha left for Russia, he felt bad for all of the things him and Tony did to her. I also saw how Natasha looked at Steve at the gala that the Shostakov's threw a few years ago." He explained "I've been wrong about a lot of things over the years but, um, I'm not about them." He finished before turning and walking back inside

Sarah glanced over her shoulder as the front door opened and closed behind Joseph and looking back at the couple a smile crossed her lips.

'They're good for each other.' she thought


At 11 o'clock Natasha and Sarah set off to do some shopping, not only for pleasure but also for some more food, the boys really did know how to eat now.

As Sarah and Natasha were walking along the supermarket, looking at all the fresh produce, Sarah turned to her daughter-in-law with an inquisitive look on her face.

"You and Steve seem to be getting along well." She started

Natasha smiled "yeah, we're getting there. I think we're both just trying to make this work, seeing as we're stuck with each other."

"Stuck?" Sarah questioned with a cocked eyebrow

Natasha glanced over at the blonde before looking straight ahead again "well, it's not like Steve and I planned on getting married, that decision was made for us."

"Yes it was, but to be honest, I think it was the best decision for both of you." Sarah said

Natasha nodded "you know what Sarah, I think you're right. Over the last few months, despite all the things going on Steve's stayed by my side, even though he didn't have to."

Sarah hummed "he's changed for the better, I think you know that."

Natasha nodded

"I do have one question however, I know it's none of my business and you don't have to answer if you don't want to." Sarah blabbered

Natasha turned to the older woman looking at her curiously

"Have you and Steve talked about children?" She asked

Natasha chuckled nervously as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and bit her lower lip "um, no." She shook her head

"Not at all?"

Natasha shook her head again and Sarah hummed

"You should." Sarah said "don't get me wrong you both are still young but it would be good for you to know each other's opinion on the subject."

Natasha nodded "yeah." She agreed lowly

Kids weren't always an easy topic for Natasha given who her parents are it didn't set a really good example. But Natasha also knew that she would never do what her parents did to her to her future children.


The pair continued walking down the street when Sarah stopped in front of boutique. Exquisite dresses adorned the mannequins in the stores windows and in fancy white writing the sign read 'Armon Design's'.

"Oh, here we are, this is my favorite boutique." Sarah said

The pair walked into the small boutique, Sarah with a smile on her face and Natasha with a look of reluctance on hers.

It had been a long time since Natasha had been inside a boutique. She could vaguely remember her mother's belittling as she tried on the dresses and the disgusted look her mother had when she came out of the dressing room.

The words were still fresh in her mind 'you really need to lose weight Natalia, your getting fat.' her mother had said.

Shaking her head Natasha got out of the terrible memory and watched as Sarah walked up to the front desk where an older man wearing a fancy purple suit, his salt and pepper colored hair slicked back stood.

"Armon." Sarah greeted the older man with a bright smile as she walked up to the front desk

The man smiled at the woman as he walked around the counter and pulled her in for a quick hug "Sarah, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, how have you been?"

Sarah smiled "never better, I'm sure you've heard by now that my son got married?"

Armon nodded "Oh, yes, I heard about that." 

Sarah put a arm around Natasha's shoulders and pulled her to her side "well, this is my daughter-in-law, Natasha." She introduced

Armon smiled "So, you're the lucky girl who got Steve Rogers down on one knee?" He joked

"Uh, yeah." She replied with an awkward smile as her eyes darted around the boutique

Armon looked at the young woman, his eyebrows raised "I assume it has been awhile since you've stepped foot into a boutique?"

Natasha nodded as she smiled awkwardly "I'm afraid so."

Armon nodded "you don't like them much do you?" He asked

Natasha stayed silent

He waved it off with a tsk "it's okay, boutiques aren't for everyone."

Sarah cleared her throat "well Armon, I think it's time for us to go, I just stopped by to see my favorite designer." She said with a smile

"Oh stop it, you're making me blush." He joked as he waved her off with a smile

Sarah smiled before her and Natasha left the store.

"I'm sorry if being there made you uncomfortable Natasha. I thought you'd be okay with it because of you're profession." She said

Natasha waved it off "it's quite okay, it's just I haven't been in a boutique since I was thirteen." She explained shocking the older woman


Natasha nodded

"But I thought-" Sarah shook her head "how did you pick you're dress for the competition then?" She questioned

"My friend, Wanda, she studied design, her and Yelena both actually. So, they helped design my dress." She explained

Sarah nodded "that was very nice of them."

Natasha nodded in agreement "they know how uncomfortable I get in boutiques."

Sarah frowned as she turned to the blonde who looked straight ahead "why is that?" She asked and Natasha furrowed her eyebrows

"Why is what?"

"Why do you get uncomfortable in boutiques?" She asked and Natasha stiffened

"Personal reason." She muttered

Sarah didn't ask anymore questions after that, she had a feeling that Natasha had a good reason for not liking boutiques.

I feel terrible about not posting this chapter sooner. I know that I was supposed to post this Friday but between Thanksgiving and my birthday party, I didn't have time.

Again I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I will try to be more frequent in the future. I will also admit that I might not post this Friday because I have a wedding to go to. I hope you guys understand.

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