The Highest Place

By DarkMatter1234

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[GTS] Laufey Titanborn is a woman who has all throughout her life strived for greater power, to be the strong... More

Chapter 1: Titanborn
Chapter 2: Colosseum Showdown!
Chapter 3: The Eight that came!
Chapter 4: Enter Brenden Fawcett!
Chapter 5: The Warrior vs The Giantess!
Chapter 6: Somewhere else.
Chapter 7: His name is Duncan Chulainn!
Chapter 9: The Growing Giant!
Chapter 10: Through The Eyes Of Another!
Chapter 11: A Fathers Dream!
Chapter 12: The Giant With Titans Blood!
Chapter 13: A Battles End! I Will Find You!
Chapter 14: A Year Later, The Reckoning To Come!
Chapter 15: The Forest of Gehenna!
Chapter 16: The Forest of S-Class Monsters!
Chapter 17: The Halfling
Chapter 18: A Lifeless Battle!
Chapter 19: Reunited!
Chapter 20: Avoidance & Conditions!
Chapter 21 Lich Vs Giant

Chapter 8: Destruction and Transformation!

127 1 0
By DarkMatter1234

Laufey looked down at the little man that stood in the crater his own body made without even a little bit of harm. His body was sturdy and even though thin, seemed to be sturdy. This brought a smile to her face, maybe just maybe this would not be a waist of time.

She could feel power welling up inside her body, her very aura scorched the ground beneath her feet and turn the once cold air humid and hot. Her muscles began to bulge with unfathomable strength as she stood before the little man.

"Don't disappoint me insect." Laufey said with arrogance as she assumed a fighting stance, all the while the skinny little human continued to stand completely still with nothing but a bored look on his face. She didn't care, all warriors had their own way of doing battle.

"My name is Laufey Titanborn and I challenge you little man!" She yelled out, her voice echoing for miles.

The small man with sleepy eyes scratched his head. "My name is Duncan Chulainn and I guess I accept your challenge."

Laufey rushed forward, moving her body with great speed. She rose her foot high into the air, massive chunks of earth fell from her soles and yet the small man did nothing but stand and look up at her foot.

"BOOM!!!!" Laufey slammed her foot down with such force a huge wave of power rushed through the whole forest, uprooting trees and creating masssive cracks that swallowed up the land.

Laufey could feel him underneath her foot. She wiggled her toes as her foot rested deep inside a crater.

"Come now my little warrior. Duncan right? I thought that you would be more of a challenge." She taunted.

Laugey slowly lifted her foot up from off the ground. She saw him laying their in her foot shaped crater. He laid perfectly still, his body completely intact as his brown eyes stared up at her.

She watched as Duncan stood up from his feet and brushed the dirt from his clothes. She bent down on her knees and brought her face close to the little man.

"What do I have to do to get you to fight me?" She said irritated. Laufey looked back towards the city and it was then an idea came to mind. Laufey smiled down at the little champion. "Maybe I should destroy the city." She said her eyes glowing with power. "What do you think of that?" She asked standing to her full height.

Laufey saw the bored look in the little man's eyes turn hard and serious, it was then that Laufey knew that she had succeeded.

"Don't you dare." Duncan said threateningly as he looked up at her with sharp eyes.

Laufey giggles lightly as she stepped over the little man and began to walk towards the city.

"You want to stop me little man, then you'll have to fight me." Laufey said looking back.
The people of OverReach saw her from afar walking towards their city, her eyes shining with murderous intent. They knew who she was, for she had walked through the whole city with her booming footsteps shaking and destroying the buildings in her path.

She was taller Than the 500 foot walls that protected the city and a little bit taller than the walls of the Colosseum that stood in the middle of the town itself.

"Oh by the gods shes coming back."

"Everyone get out of the way."

"Why did the king allow such a monster into the city?!"

"That battle maniac!"

He citizens screamed out in outrage and fear as the giant came closer and soon she stood right in front of the gate which came only up to her chest.

The guards standing on the walls backed away as the giants chest enveloped them in its shadow.  They ran as they saw the giant bring back her foot, they knew that this time she would not wait for them to open up the gates that had protected the city for generations.


The whole city shook as the a loud explosion reverberated through the streets as the stone walls crumbled giving way to a giant leg that cleaved the massive wall in two like a sword.

The force blew people off of their feet, sending them flying for miles only to land on the stone covered ground only to die or be crippled for life.

"Oh my god! She's going to destroy the city!"


Laufey smiled as she saw the little people run from her feet. It was a sight that she had seen many times before and yet it still never became old or any less fun.

"Run you little insects! Run away and maybe just maybe you will be able to survive!" She yelled out her voice making the wind blow fiercely through the city.

Laufey for a brief moment took one more look behind her. She saw Duncan, she gazed down at the little man's face which for the first time seemed to be so filled with life that he stared at her in anger. Laufey loved that look, finally she was doing damage to the insect even though it wasn't physical.

Laufey turned her eyes back onto the city. "Stop me if you can little man."

The people ran through the streets as two massive feet descended from the sky. Buildings where crushed along with carriages, animals, and people by toes that dwarfed them in size.

Her very body casted a giant shadow over the residents, all they where left with in the end was a gigantic Titan filled with power and strength.

The people screamed as the Titan bent down lower and with her hand picked up a hand full with her fingers. She rose up to her full height and held them in her hands.

"What have we here?" The giant said as she brought the little humans up to her face. "Maybe a little snack?"

"Stop it." His voice seemed to echo and rise above the screams of the panicking people. All eyes where on a single man that rose above the cowering crowd.

"You have no right to do this!" He yelled out as he stood his ground in front of the giant face of the female titan. "We are just people trying to live our lives, what right do you have to take that from us?!"

It was quite as no one dared to make a sound. Soon this quietness was shattered from the giggling that turned into laughter, laughter so loud that it made everyone cover their ears.

"What right do I have you ask?" She said with a wide smile that revealed her building sized teeth. "I have every right you little speck of nothing, can't you see that?"

The little man watched with horror as two giant fingers descended towards him, grabbing ahold of his clothes and lifting him into the air. He hovered before her mouth, dangling in the wind.

"You humans are weak, all of you are small and feeble. It's a rule as old as the world itself." The giant brought her tongue and licked the little man. "The strong take from the weak." she whispered.

The people in her massive hand watched as the she opened up her mouth and without waisting anymore time tossed the little man in her awaiting Maw.

Laufey tossed the little man in her mouth, she savored his flavor as she looked down at the countless humans in her hands.

The man was so small that he wouldn't even be able to be an appetizer. She could barely fill the man on her tongue, that didn't stop her from letting out a loud "Gulp!"

Laufey looked down at the little people and smiled. "Whose next?"


Laufey turned and looked to the Far East of the city. She saw him from afar standing on a far off building staring back at her with deadly eyes.

"Duncan Chulainn." She said as she turned and faced her small opponent. "Have you finally come to face me?" She asked with excitement. "What a shame I was just getting started with this city."

Laufey gazed down At the little man. To her the small warrior seemed different as a red aura surrounded his body, an aura that continued to grow stronger.

"How dare you." Duncan said with an angry tone. "How dare you..." he repeated. "HOW DARE YOU!!!!"

Duncan with wide eyes yelled towards the heavens. Red veins appeared all over his body as his form began to change and grow bigger and wider. Duncan screamed out loud as his flesh was repeatedly torn apart and stitched back together. His muscles swelled up with power and strength, his clothes began to rip as he grew from 5 ft tall to 7 ft tall.

Laufey looked on from above. "What's happening?"
Author notes: Please support my work on Patreon for early access to new chapters.

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