[Wattys 2023] The Soul Within...

By FantasyWriter241

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[4th year anniversary book/second book to The Music Within] "I need to find it... The Soul Within" Months ha... More

Prologue - New Season, New Start
Chapter 2 - The Mysterious Phone Call
Chapter 3 - A New Friend, Takeru
Chapter 4 - The Holiday Season
🎅🎄Chapter 5 - Wishing You A Merry Christmas🎄🎅
🎉🎊Chapter 6 - Ringing In The New Year🎊🎉
❤️Chapter 7 - The Perfect Chocolates❤️
Chapter 8 - CiRCLE Thanks Party Part 1
Chapter 9 - CiRCLE Thanks Party Part 2
CiRCLE Thanks Party (Full Chapter)
Chapter 10 - Performing As A Team
Chapter 11 - Everyday Life of Five Idols
Chapter 12 - A Song From The Heart
Chapter 13 - The Sinister Plan
Chapter 14 - Revealing The Truth
Chapter 15 - Something That Can't Be Fixed
Chapter 16 - Farewell To An Old Enemy
Chapter 17 - Stuck Between Two Paths
Chapter 18 - Happy Happy Island
Chapter 19 - A Night with The Idols
Chapter 20 - Band Road Trip
Chapter 21 - A New Song Just For You
Chapter 22 - A Poppin' Good Time
Chapter 23 - A Trip To The Water Park
Chapter 24 - Little Time We Have Left
Chapter 25 - One Final Show
Epilogue - Until We Meet Again
Special Message

🎃👻Chapter 1 - Five Idols, One Haunted Hotel👻🎃

581 17 0
By FantasyWriter241

[Word count - 3,121]

A few days before Halloween...

Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N) Room

Your POV

Halloween is coming up soon, and I can't tell you how excited I was. Even though my parents are no longer around to celebrate it with me, I wasn't going to let that stop me from enjoying it. However, I do have this uneasy feeling that something bad was going to happen. This started with my phone going off.

"Ugh, it's too early for this..." I said as I began to wake up.

I took a look at my phone to see who was trying to get a hold of me. It was Aya from Pastel*Palettes. She sent me a text, and it looked important.

Aya's text: Hey my love. Can you come see us at the talent? We have some important news.

This made me curious on what the news could be. And I couldn't say no to them, so I replied to her right away.

Your text: Sure. How soon do you want me to be over there?

Aya's text: If you can come as soon as possible, that will be nice.

What? She wants me to come over ASAP? You think she could've at least waited a few hours to ask me this, but I guess it is too late for that.

Your text: Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Aya's text: Awesome! See you soon!

And so, I got out of bed, made myself some breakfast, got dressed and headed out the door.

Location - Talent Agency, Office

It was so cold when I left the house. But it was early in the morning, so I should've expected that. It was a good thing I made it to the talent agency just in time. Waiting for me in the office was the other members of Pastel*Palettes.

"Hi there, everyone." I said. "Sorry if I'm a little late."

"No need to apologize." Aya said with a smile.

"You're here and that's the important part." Maya added, smiling herself.

"Hi my dear." Chisato said as she came over to me and gave me a kiss. "Did you miss me?"

"Y-Yeah, I did. I miss all of you." I replied.

"Aww, that's very sweet of you to say." Eve said.

"Yep. I guess I should call you my little Boppin' for now on." Hina said. Little Boppin'? That's an... unusual nickname.

Moments later, the talent agency staff arrived.

"Good morning, everyone." She said. "Forgive me for being a little late."

"It's no problem. We just got here ourselves." Chisato said.

"That's a relief." She said and focused her attention towards me.

"And (Y/N)-kun, I haven't seen you in so long." She said. "Thank you for joining us today."

"My pleasure. It's an honor to be here." I said and we shook hands.

"The girls told me you're their boyfriend now, right? I hope I can count on you to take care of them."

"You can count on me." I smiled.

"So tell us! What's this big news you have for us?" Hina asked. "Is it something boppin'?"

"Hina-chan, give her a moment to speak." Chisato said.

"It's fine. I'll get straight to the point." She said.

"With Halloween right around the corner, we decided that you girls should take part in a Halloween special on TV."

"Another Halloween special?!" Aya exclaimed.

"That's so boppin'!" Hina said. "Is it like our last special where Maya-chan was the mastermind behind everything?"

"I hope not..." Maya said.

"No, we decided to do something completely different." She replied.

"Can our boyfriend be in this one?" Eve asked as she hugged my arm.

"Sorry, but no." The staff member said. "I'm going to need (Y/N)-kun to help us out from behind-the-scenes."

"You need my help?" I asked.

"Yes we do, if that's okay with you."

"Not at all." I replied. "Whatever you guys need, I'll make it happen."

"Awesome, I knew we could count on you."

"And as for you girls, this is the script you need for the special tonight."

She gave Pastel*Palettes their scripts.

"Make sure to go over them before tomorrow on your own time, and have a good day." She said and left the office, leaving the rest of us behind.

"So, what's the special going to be about?" I asked.

"It looks like it is about the five of us spending the night in a hotel that is haunted hotel." Chisato said while staring at the script.

"Wow! A haunted hotel? That sounds boppin'!" An excited Hina said.

"A haunted hotel, huh? I don't know how to feel about that..." Aya said.

"Me too. That does sound kind of scary." Eve added.

"Don't worry you two." Maya said. "We're probably not going to a real haunted hotel."

"She's right, and all the spooky moments are going to be edited." I said.

"Well, if you say so..." Aya said, but she still looked uneasy.

"Let's not worry about that right now." Chisato said. "We better get started with our rehearsals, and we have to make sure we go over to script as a group before tomorrow."

"Hey (Y/N)-kun, do you want to stick around and watch us practice?" Hina asked.

"Sorry, but I'm going to pass this time." I said.

"Aww, are you sure you can't stay?" Chisato asked with a sad face.

"I'm sure. I have to get to CiRCLE anyway." I told them.

"I guess that make sense..."

I know Chisato wanted me to stay, but if I am needed at CiRCLE, I can't do anything about it.

Halloween day...

It was finally Halloween and I was back at the talent agency with Pastel*Palettes. Today was the day of their Halloween special, and they want me to watch it with them. As someone who was watching it behind-the-scenes, there were some struggles, mainly on Aya's part. But I'm pleased to say that they were able to get it done with the short amount of time they had.

Since it was Halloween, we decided to dress up in our costumes while watching the film. Aya is a Jack-o'-lantern, Hina is the devil, Chisato is a witch, Maya is a cat and Eve is a vampire. As for me, I didn't have a good costume to wear, so I decided to wear this wolf mask I got at the store.

"Alright, everyone, shall I turn on the film?" Aya asked.

"Please hurry! I can't wait anymore!" Hina said.

"No need to act like that, Hina-chan." Chisato said.

"I am quite curious to see how the production turned out." Maya said.

"Me too. It should be quite entertaining." Eve said.

"I promise you guys are going to love it." I told them.

"I hope you're right, darling." Chisato said before giving me a kiss on the cheek, making me blush a little bit.

Aya turned off the lights and pressed play on the remote. And as soon as she took her seat, their Halloween special began to play. This is... The Phantom Hotel.

The Phantom Hotel


It was the beginning of October. The idol group, Pastel*Palettes, was scheduled to take part in event that was happening in another town. The place they were staying at was in this hotel, but they will soon discover that this isn't a normal hotel.

"This is the hotel we're staying at?" Aya asked.

"That's what the staff said about this hotel." Maya said.

"I wonder if this hotel is haunted." Hina said, getting that excited feeling inside of her.

"D-Did you say haunted?" Aya stuttered.

"This has to be a joke, right?" Eve asked, getting a little scared herself.

"It's not a joke." Hina replied. "There's a rumor going around that people go missing inside this hotel." 

"Go missing?!" Aya exclaimed.

"I don't want that to happen!" Eve added.

"Come on, you two." Chisato chimed in. "There's no such thing as ghosts."

"You don't know that, Chisato-chan." Hina said.

As the girls kept on talking, the blue sky above vanished completely. There were gray clouds and a sound of thunder could be heard.

"Maybe we should go inside now." Maya suggested.

The others agreed and did just that.

Location - The Lobby

As they walked inside the lobby, there was no one at the front desk. For that matter, there was no one hanging out the lobby.

"Are we really the only ones here?" Aya asked.

"It does feel a little weird." Chisato said.

"Do you think we showed up at a bad time?" Maya asked.

"I mean, it took us a while to find this hotel." Chisato pointed out. "So I wouldn't be surprised if they went home for the day."

"Or maybe..." Hina began. "The ghost of this hotel got a hold of them already."

Hearing Hina say all of that sent a shiver down everyone's spine.

"H-Hina-san, please stop scaring us like that." Eve pleaded.

"She's right, Hina-chan. That wasn't funny at all." Chisato replied with a serious glare towards the guitarist.

"Hehe, my bad."

"But what do we do now?" Maya asked. "If no one is here to help us, then we'll probably have to sleep somewhere else."

"That is true..." Chisato said. She didn't like the idea of sleeping outside when it was about to rain.

"Perhaps I can help you..."

The girls jumped by the unknown voice. It came from the desk clerk who was working at the front desk. He showed up out of nowhere, which startled them.

"You need a room for the night, right?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah, our agency staff made arrangements for us to sleep here tonight." Maya said to the clerk.

He began typing away on the computer.

"Ah yes, you're Pastel*Palettes, right?"

"Y-Yes, that would be us." Chisato said with a small stutter.

"What's this? Are you starting to get scared, Chisato-chan?" Hina asked with a smirk.

"Shut up."

The clerk gave them the keys to their room.

"10th floor, room 13." He told them.

"Right... thank you." Aya said as she nervously grabbed the key from him.

"Have a pleasant stay, and... don't let the ghosts get to you."

And with the flash of lightning in the background, he disappeared making the girls jump a bit.

"Where did he go?!" Aya exclaimed.

"He just disappeared like a ghost." Maya said.

Hina couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Haha, now this is getting exciting!" She said.

"Hina-chan! There's nothing exciting about this!" Aya said in a panicked.

"Aya-san is right." Eve added. "I don't know if I am comfortable staying in a place like this."

"I know you two are scared, but we don't have much of choice, now do we?" Chisato said.

"I guess you're right." Aya said as she tried to calm down.

"Besides, we have to get up early tomorrow, so let's go to our room, and get some sleep." Maya said.

"Good idea." Eve said.

"Yeah, maybe getting some sleep should do the trick."

And that... was a mistake.

15 minutes later...

Location - 10th Floor, Room 13

The Pastel*Palettes girls made it to their room and began to settle in for the night. They were sleeping happily, despite them hearing the rain and thunder. While sleeping, there was a loud knock from inside of their room. That night seem to wake Aya up.

"W-What was that?" She asked herself. She couldn't wake up the other girls, as they were fully asleep.

The knocking sound was heard again, making Aya even more nervous.

"Could it be coming from the bathroom?"

She got up to take a look. As she turned on the lights and saw a shadow figure in the shower. That startled her, but she did her best not to scream.

"H-Hello? Is anyone there?" She asked.

There was no response and that made Aya even more nervous. She carefully made her way over to the shower, and open the shower curtain, but what she saw was...


Aya's scream woke the other girls up.

"What was that?" Maya asked.

"That sounded like Aya-chan!" Hina said.

"Looks like it came from the bathroom!" Eve said.

"Let's go check it out." Chisato said.

The four girls headed into the bathroom to find their friend. But the moment they entered the bathroom, Aya was nowhere to be found. She disappeared like a ghost.

"What happened to Aya-san?" Eve asked.

"She's gone." Maya said, becoming nervous.

"I bet the ghost got a hold of her." Hina said.

"Now is not the time for your jokes, Hina-chan." Chisato scolded. "We need to find Aya-chan before our event in the morning."

"She could still be in the hotel." Maya thought.

"Let's go look for her."

They changed out of their pajamas and began to look around for the missing Aya.

Moments later...

"Aya-chan! Where are you?" Hina called out.

There was no response. Hina took a short break to let out a small sigh.

"It's no fair that something boppin' is happening to Aya-chan right now." She sighed.

Just then, Hina heard some footsteps in the distance. Assuming it was Aya, she went to go check it out.

"Aya-chan? Is that you?" She called out.

There was still no response, and Hina felt like the footsteps were getting louder and louder.


Just then, she saw something, and...


Moments later...

"Did you guys hear that?" Chisato asked.

"That was Hina-san!" Maya said.

"Do you think... she was taken by the ghost?" Eve asked, as her nerves were starting to get to her.

"Don't be silly." Chisato said. "There's no such thing as ghosts."

"Well, thinking about this isn't going to help us find Aya-san and Hina-san." Maya said.

Chisato let out a sigh.

"You're right, let's go find them." She said as they split up once again.

Moments later...

Maya was looking around on the 5th floor to find Aya and Hina. She checked every inch of the hallway, and as she was searching, she began to notice something.

"I haven't seen a single person since we got here..." She said.

"Could there be a reason for that..."

Then Maya heard a knock from the emergency staircase.

"Is someone there?" She said and slowly approached the door that leads to the staircase.

She opened the door, and then...


Meanwhile with Eve...

Eve was looking around the other floors nervously. She had her wooden sword on her in case she needed it.

"If any ghosts show up, I'll make sure to send them away with my bushido spirit."

It didn't take long for Eve to hear knock coming from someone on the floor. The knock made her jump a little.

"W-Who's there?" She stuttered.

The knocking was getting louder and louder.

"Aya-san... is that you?" She asked.

There was no response. Just knocking.

"Hina-san? Maya-san? Chisato-san?"

Again, still no response. She walked over to the door, and she opened it... it was too late.


Meanwhile with Chisato...

Chisato was now all alone in a hotel she didn't know about. All of her friends vanished into thin air, and she had no idea what happened to them.

"T-This has to be a joke." She said with a stutter. "Otherwise our staff wouldn't be stupid enough to put us in this hotel for the night."

Then a flash of lightning appeared and standing right by the window was a shadow figure. It looked too scary for Chisato to handle. She began to step back as it came closer.

"Umm... h-have you seen my friends?" She asked.

The shadow figure didn't answer her. Instead, it came closer to Chisato, and held up a knife. Was it going to kill her? Chisato didn't want to stick around to find out. She ran over to the elevator and headed to lobby as fast as she could.

Moments later...

Chisato made it to lobby and looked around, hoping for someone to help her. She spotted the same clerk from when they had to check in. She let out a sigh of relief and walked over to him.

"Excuse me, can you help me out?"  She asked.

"Yes, how can I help you?" He asked in an ominous tone.

"There is a killer in the hotel, and my friends have gone missing." She said.

"Is that so?"

"Yes! Please, can you call the cops?" She desperately asked.

"I'm afraid I can't do that..."

"W-Why can't you?"

"Didn't anyone tell you? This is the Phantom Hotel. Those who check in... don't check out."

The clerk turned around and had a scary look on his face. It was enough to scare Chisato.


The poor bassist of Pastel*Palettes fainted on the ground, and her body was taken away to who knows where. Probably to the same place where the other members of Pastel*Palettes are.

But that would mean that the legend of the Phantom Hotel is true, those who enter... never come out...

The end

Location - Talent Agency

Your POV

Watching that film left us speechless. We always thought that most horror film will have a nice happy ending to them, but this one didn't. Once the film was over, the Pastel*Palettes girls looked at each other, unsure what to think. I began to speak first.

"Well... what do you think?" I asked.

"Well, it was... something..." Chisato said.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm going to rest easy after this." Aya added.

"Me too..." Eve said.

"But I got to say, you and the staff did a good job on putting this together." Maya said.

"She's right! Everything looked so realistic and Boppin'!" Hina said as her eyes began to lit up.

"Well, that's good, I guess." I said. Probably the only good comment I'm gonna get tonight.

"Hey, I have an idea." Aya said. "How about we have a mini Halloween party?"

"A mini party? I like that idea." Eve said.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Hina said.

"I guess it couldn't hurt to have one. It is Halloween, after all." Maya said.

"(Y/N)-kun, will you be joining us?" Chisato asked.

"Yeah, I will."

"Awesome! Let's get the party started then!" Aya declared.

To be continued

A/N: Got one more Halloween project to show and will show it tomorrow.
Thank you so much for this chapter. I hope you guys liked it, and I will see in the next one. :)

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